A Father’s Struggle 33 – Preparation (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

After Reagan had finished cleaning up her mess I had escorted her out of my room and basically headed out to go get what I need to now *punish* Reagan for wanting her undies back.

I thought of all the places I could go to to get for what I needed for Reagan’s special day with me and what items I wanted to get.

Now I *could* go to just about any adult store here in our fine city but most of them, like most adult stores, usually buy cheap items and resell for as much as they can. Which is fine, a lot of businesses do that. But if I want **good** items there was only one real place to go…..Lilith’s Arcade. A place I had frequented often enough.


I get lonely and there are times when a *live* show is better than watching a video. My favorite is this girl named Georgina who does monthly private BDSM shows though she has done a group show every so often. I usually don’t participate as I sit in a private booth while I watch the show the only thing separating me was a wall and glass.

Granted I think I missed the last performance when Lola and Maxine tried to drain me and saw attending the date was more important than watching a girl get whipped.

No, the *arcade* was where I needed to go.

On my car ride I decided to call George and was surprised he actually answered after the first ring.

George, “Hey Max, how is my brother Deke doing? Is my system doing well for you?”

I spoke while I drove, “Yeah it’s fine though I think I need some training on the damn thing.”

George, “Oh?”

I spoke, “Yeah I keep entering in information and the system keeps updating and taking forever updating certain parameters I’m entering.”

George laughed, “That’s what it’s supposed to do Max. The more you input the more it starts sifting through its current data to fulfill each parameter. The longer your system is in place the more it has to sift through.”



I spoke, “Any way to speed it up?”

George was quiet for a moment before he answered, “Probably but it won’t be much of a difference.”


I thought about what it had done to my ‘*Rules*’ and now it was doing adult content, “Yeah well one of the rules I created asked for more information now it’s sifting through the videos and has labelled certain video’s as *adult content*.”

George sighed, “And you want it to stop?”

I chuckled, “NO I want it to label which adult act my girl’s are performing.”

I heard George’s obvious confusion as I didn’t want the system to stop watching my girl’s especially when they’re alone but I wanted to know *which* act they were doing.

He spoke, “I’m sorry. Say that again.”

I spoke clearly, “I **want** the system to tell **which** act my daughter’s are performing.”

George spoke carefully, “So….”

I spoke, “So I know when a boy is home for example.”

It was an obvious lie but it would hide the fact of WHY I bought the system.

I added, “Or you know when a certain friend of theirs comes over and might masturbate while my daughter is asleep.”

That got George laughing as he spoke, “Perv.”

I spoke flatly, “Like you wouldn’t?”

That made him laugh more, “Touché.”

He continued laughing, “Well if you want I can have my tech sign in and input all that for you.”

I quickly spoke, “I’d rather **I** do it. Just send me a file with **ALL** the acts in the file and how to upload it. I’ll do the rest.”

George was silent for a moment before he spoke, “I think we can do that.”

I spoke, “And George.”

George spoke, “Yeah?”

I spoke clearly, “I **WANT** ***EVERY*** act as detailed as possible. I don’t care if it’s freaky, taboo. Dildos vibrators. I don’t care if it’s as mundane as not wearing underwear under their skirt, actually I want to know that especially if they’re ‘*leaking*’. I want the file as detailed as possible so the system knows which act is being performed so the system accurately flags it correctly.”

George spoke, “I think I got you. But it’ll take some time.”

I lied, “Yeah well the last thing I entered is telling me it’ll take over nine hours to update so I’m currently not in a rush.”

George spoke, “Well I’m sure we can have a detailed list of all acts and give the system examples of what to look for so it can flag items like you’re asking before that nine hours is up.”



I spoke, “Examples?”

George spoke, “Yeah the system will naturally log any act as *ADULT* but without a list and examples of each act it won’t know how to label it. After some time it’ll start picking up acts.”

I spoke, “So do I have to upload porn to it?”

George laughed and laughed hard, so hard I had to wait until he was able to control himself before he spoke, “Sort of but not REAL porn more like pre-generated clips with reference points so the system knows what to look for. But I’m telling you now the file won’t be small, it’ll take time to download and even longer for the system to update to so much information.”

I spoke, “I don’t care. Remember I want it detailed. I don’t care if it’s so detailed that the system logs that my girl’s are leaking some guy’s cum and how long ago it happened. I want it to recognize it and flag it.”

I added, “Now whether I watch the videos is different. I just want the system to flag it so I’m aware if I decide to look.”

George spoke, “Right. I’ll let you know when it’s ready and have my tech email instructions on how to upload the file when it’s ready.”

I smiled, “Thanks George. Now if you shall excuse me I have a thing I need to take care of.”

George spoke, “No worries. Let me know if you run into any issues.”

I smiled and hung up on George and went back to focusing on the road as I drove to Lilith’s.

About thirty minutes later I found myself standing in Lilith’s Arcade simply looking at all the ‘*toys*’ and devices a deviant could ever want.

Mind you I’m not a *deviant*….ok I’m not a confessed deviant.

Just a guy with a healthy sexual appetite.

Just your plain *vanilla* sexual person with a propensity of watching like minded deviants but never *doing* anything like what I’ve watched.

Now I was about to do something that put me on the path of what I’ve watched.

I knew what I wanted to do but now I had to commit to my idea for Reagan.

I grabbed a basket knowing I’ll be grabbing a lot of items.

I made my way over to the aisle where bondage gear was and found a suitable four cuff system as it was meant to be installed *under* the bed.

Perfect. In the basket it went.

This little item will hold Reagan in place.

What else do I need?


I would imagine Reagan *might* be loud with her being tied down and what not.

Should I *let* it happen? Or should I be nice and *help* her remain quiet?

Only question to *help* Reagan remain quiet was should I use **tape** or a **gag**?

I went with a ball gag as I tossed it into the basket.

I was about to exit the aisle when a roll of bondage tape called my name so I grabbed a roll and threw it in the basket.

So now I have *noise* handled.

I moved onto something that would **ensure** that Reagan will be moaning.

I exited the bondage aisle and moved over to the *toys* section.

Let’s see here an internal *device* will be a nice start.

With all the devices I went with the wireless bullet vibrator.

In the basket it went.

So now I have **internal** taken care of.

Now I need **external**.

Only problem was should I go with the clit rabbit or the wand?


I did promise I wouldn’t *force* myself on Reagan but I said nothing about *assisting* holding items.

Maybe I’ll do the wand now and get a rabbit another time when I have a use for it.

I tossed the wand into the basket and put the rabbit back on the shelf.

Only problem is I don’t have something to hold the wand in place and was about to find something to bind the device but then remembered the tape so I should be covered.

If the bondage tape doesn’t hold I think I have some duct tape that should hold the device.

Ok so I have my **external** device taken care of.

I went through my checklist in my head.


Noise damping….check.

Noise creation….check.

Was I missing anything?

I looked around and my eyes landed on the **supplements** section.

I suddenly remembered Lola and her *laced* pussy balls and supplements I took.

If Lola had me take supplements to help last longer maybe there was something to help Reagan be sensitive to the sensations she will be filling.


*Excuse me for being *out* of the game for so long.*

It’s not **my** fault that I have been ignorant of all the advances in sexual exploration.

Ok it was but still.

I looked and smiled when my eyes landed on just the item I was looking for.

Ooooo….this one looks promising as well.

And this one as well.

I grabbed a selection of bottles.

I was about to turn and leave when a particular item caught my eye…..

*Lilith’s Elixir*


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t51rwi/a_fathers_struggle_33_preparation_fiction_family


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