Jennifer, The Big Bush Nudist – ( F em Exhib/Softcore/Lewd/Situational) – Pt. 1/10

**Chapter 1: Nothing New, Jennifer’s Nude…**

“Jenny! Please put some towels down before you masturbate and squirt all over this rental van!” Jennifer’s mom scolds to her daughter, looking back through the rearview mirror. Jennifer Scott sits with her leg’s spread wide, twisting her locks of pubic tufts into dreadlocks… rolling her eyes at her mother as she sprawls out in the back row of seats.

“It’s all good, it’s her birthday- cut her some slack!” Jen’s dad says to lighten the mood, and to also get back to the radio as his wife had interrupted the song he was

“I’m just playing with my pubes, mom!” Besides, I’m trying to be ready for when we get to Uncle Joe and Aunt Cindy’s!” says Jennifer as she continues to twist and style her wild hair below.

It was a long out of hand situation with their daughter… The now nineteen-year-old Jennifer Scott choose to be completely naked when she was at home, or anywhere she could- the moment she could. This was a behavior that started since she could remember- so long now that no-one was even sure when or how. She would completely protest wearing anything unless she had no choice or had to leave the house. Even then she’d try to put up a fight; trying to rationalize her going to a public store or place in the nude as if it were no big deal at all. She wanted to be naked no matter what. Each time she made it quite clear she was ready to argue with them to the end. The more they fought, the more she seemed to obsess over “being a nudist” and “nude culture.” Unknowingly to Jen, none of that existed outside the internet. Out of her entire family, none of which had ever even been to a nudist resort; Jennifer was the nudist.

Soon, it reached the point where Jen wouldn’t even dress or wear a thread unless her parents specifically asked, and by ask; it was more of a firm demand. Constantly fighting with their daughter had gotten exhausting over the years, and her parents began to give up, or “let her win” in most circumstances. She was a 19 year old adult now, so she was by now used to being naked.. When Jen would ride in the car with either or both her parents, she would just hop right in naked and barefoot without a thought or worry. She’d sit in the passenger or backseat, bare buttocks on seat and slumped back in comfort; lost in her phone or the music she was listening to on her headphones. Of course, she would have to wait in the car while her parents would go inside. Half the time, Jen didn’t care or think to ask where they were going even- she just went along and acted as if her nudity wasn’t anything to gawk at. It was as if the concept didn’t even exist in her mind- aside from the annoyance when her parents demanded and begged she wear something when required. If they said nothing, she wouldn’t say a word or take any initiative to dress.

Most of her life she was a sheltered child, and generally a homebody. She was quiet around people she did not know and preferred to spend her free time around the house either reading, drawing, or playing games on her computer in her room. She had a different upbringing than most normal teens. She attended an online homeschool program instead of the traditional public-school experience. They lived in a quiet, wooded and rural area; thus, it was easier to do homeschool for her. Unfortunately, she did not have many friends her own age growing up there. Her parents both had jobs that required travel, for up to weeks at a time. It was very standard for them to be not home for days.

They knew she was still very isolated, and they always encouraged her to take part in whatever activities they could think of to get her some socialization, to no avail. They just let her be a “free spirit” as they knew she would be happier left alone and that she was for the most part a loner. They could not blame her due to them living so far away from the suburbs.

Jen was finally finished with school and had completed the required online curriculum to get her diploma. She struggled with some of her classes throughout the years, while she was a very smart girl, she simply had a low attention span. It wasn’t uncommon for teens to have issues focusing, she was no exception. She just barely passed a few subjects with a C-, but her parents were glad she finished high school completely given her struggles with homeschooling. They were not really sure what to do now though. They felt it was time they needed to nudge their daughter out of the house more and give her a fair shot at being a self-sustaining adult in the world. Where to start? That was the question…

It was a difficult question since Jennifer was quite different. Jen wasn’t the “girly girl” type. She was not at all into wearing make-up or painting her nails. The cosmetic kits her mothers had tried to get her throughout the previous years were untouched, and mostly unopened. She wore the same ponytail she wore most of her life – assuming she even bothered to style her hair at all.

She would spend days- even weeks without wearing even sandals. She did her chores, even the yard work, always in the nude. It wasn’t a surprise that she chose not to bother shaving, or even trimming her pubic hair. She had an extremely thick and unkempt bush, with long tufts of black hair that could easily been seen sticking out from the side at any angle. She certainly did not have plans to stop it from growing all naturally. Most women would faint in embarrassment to be seen not only naked, but with a big bush of pubic hair; Jen didn’t mind one bit, however. She would go around sometimes with crude pigtails in her pubic hair. Of course, since she never once trimmed; her giant bush was also part of the norm and people were pretty much used to it. She “styled” it even and seemed to enjoy it. She was ALWAYS twisting her pubes when she had nothing to do with her hands, typically while talking.

Even when they had company, the thought never crossed Jennifer’s mind about wearing clothes. Friends of her parents didn’t mind either, and they were used to it. Family members, or anyone else who visited were used to Jenny’s nudity and it was normal to most people in her life. She didn’t care if it was her aunt or uncle, or one of her parents friends from work; she didn’t dress. For the most part, no one ever brought it up and they simply acted totally indifferent to the fact she was unclothed. Jennifer seemed to lack the normal embarrassment most would have about being naked in front of everyone as a result. While she was shy, it was the same type of social anxiety most teen’s had when meeting and talking to people. It wasn’t because of the nudity. Virtually every interaction Jen had in the past meeting a new person, or friend coming over to visit her parents was no different than any other teenager. She was almost conditioned to believe that this was normal for everyone, nothing out of the ordinary about going naked…

The made a deal with her. “If you can pull your grades up, and pass this year with no fails, maybe we can think about letting you go naked, and register.” She was set on it… and they knew she was going to either register on her own, or do so with their support. With little choice, they agreed to support their daughter’s decision for Permanent Nudity, and registration… despite their worries, they wanted to believe their daughter Jennifer when she said she wanted to be a nudist more than anything in the world. She certainly lived up to the standard.

**Chapter 2: “The Nudist Hello”**

Around the time she turned 18, the situation had taken an even more bizarre turn. Jennifer had sat her parents down one night and spent hours of careful explaining about her logic: As she was a nudist, and comfortable with her body- she felt masturbating wasn’t always a sexual action; at least for her, but rather just a way she expresses herself. She then immediately followed with “See, like- maybe I’m saying hello to someone, watch” while she moves her hand away for a few seconds and squirts standing right in front of her parents. At first, they tried to stop it- but Jennifer just didn’t seem to understand. She’d continue to play jokes on her parents, often hiding around a corner; standing spread to squirt as soon as the victim came around. Jennifer was already a very “silly and comfortable person” as they would tell themselves… they just hoped it was some phase to pass. Something maybe she’d cringe back on later… hopefully… but open masturbation slowly but surely became a more normal thing for Jennifer around her house. She found it amusing how at first her father especially was not comfortable when she splattered all over the place on the back patio.

It got to the point, in which her parents were not proud of; but they hadn’t confronted Jennifer regarding masturbation… in fact, Jennifer openly talked about how much she enjoyed playing with her vagina right in front of her parents- they had fallen into a hole with this topic… since they never addressed it, it had come to the point where they just gave up. She had made her own rule which was now the norm, “squirting” as she called it- was OK if she was outside on the back porch. They had hoped she would learn on her own that typically standing in front of and squirting as hard as you can in front of your mom and dad just wasn’t common, but Jennifer was very different. Another thing they just let slide. Jennifer called it her “nudist hello,” greeting someone and then squirting while standing in front of them.

She had an extremely thick and unkempt bush, with long tufts that could easily been seen from the side at any angle. Jen wanted to keep it that way, despite any efforts from either of her parents to try and at least get her to consider trimming “down there” at least once in a while. Jen would usually decline any suggestions about her pubic hair with “That’s OK! I actually like the hair! See? Look at my pig tails!” or “No, I don’t ever want to mess with my bush, Im just going to let it keep going!”

She would run around sometimes with crude pig-tails in her pubic hair. Of course, since she never once trimmed; her giant bush was also part of the norm and people were pretty much used to it. She “styled” it even and seemed to enjoy it. She was ALWAYS twisting her pubes when she had nothing to do with her hands, typically while talking to anyone else.

Everyone who knew Jen and her situation knew that she was a bit… unique; to say the least. They had talked about therapy but decided against it long ago. She was a nice girl still and everyone just overlooked the nudity, and more recently the masturbating. She was certainly different, but far from a “bad kid” in all respects. Nudity wasn’t popular by any means, and so far the “Permanent Nudist” status was basically only true on paper.

**Chapter 3: Moving On Anyway**

They had talked about Jennifer going to school, and her family was determined to get her a college education- even if their daughter wanted to be naked her whole life. They’d come to an agreement with their young adult daughter: they would let her register Permanently Naked… they would even help her get through the hoops and sign her papers. All they asked of Jennifer in return, was that she enroll for community college in the city and continue with her education. Jennifer wanted to be herself, so be it they thought. Jennifer was sworn, even obsessed with making sure she could be naked. She would attend St. Peters University, a small community college in Brightwater. The school didn’t offer online, however, which would be a first for their daughter. She agreed with excitement when they had the long, and serious conversation with her about this.

Jennifer also wouldn’t be able to keep living where she did, since it was simply way to far from her future school campus. However, the family had worked out arrangements for Jen to stay with her aunt and uncle; Cindy and Joe. They were close relatives of the family who often visited every holiday. They were aware of Jennifer’s dedication to nudity, and customs… so it would be a good place for Jennifer to start adapting to the world… and a place where she was within the family’s reach anytime in an emergency. Cindy, was a recent addition when Jen’s uncle re-married a few years back. She’d met Jennifer, and Jennifer also liked her and basically knew her as a full family member. She’d not yet met her son, Chris however. Uncle Joe’s stepson… who was roughly Jennifer’s age. He would also be sharing the house with Jennifer, yet Uncle Joe and his mother were glad as he was a reclusive, awkward type, with no friends to speak of. Jennifer would be a good friend for Chris to hopefully build some confidence, and “leave the house now and again.”

After Jennifer finished and was finished with the registration process, she would ride with her mom and dad as they loaded the van up with her room furniture.. They had a spare room for Jennifer in the house, so it would be a convenient and safe set-up for their daughter. She would be encouraged by her aunt and uncle, along with their son- to find a job and stay busy. The plan was basically to move Jennifer in with her Aunt and uncle, as soon as she was 19 and “official” as she had kept calling it; officially registered as a “PN.”

**Chapter 4: The Benefits of a Life Sentence**

It wasn’t common knowledge that citizens could actually register to not wear clothes anywhere in public, legally. Under certain circumstances and after an approval process, you could register with the state as “Permanently Naked.” Technically, while it mostly only existed on paper; a person could register for “Permanent Nudity” for designated periods of time. The “sentence” could be anywhere from a year to life with certain stipulations depending on the duration. You definitely wouldn’t expect to hear about someone actually going through with it.

Since the 2020’s, after a pandemic, the world had changed to accommodate a more “digital” lifestyle. Tt wasn’t uncommon for most services to be available if not exclusively; online. This went for minor court cases, city services like taxes or motor vehicle registration, and other state and federal appointments could mostly be done remotely, often by webcam. Jennifer would be able to completely sign up and have her Permanent Nudity status processed online; with a follow up appointment from a city officer within 48 hours. After the online portion was done, the officer would meet with the applicant to ensure all requirements were met… and all clothing was confiscated. In addition, the officer had several forms and ultimately would be having Jennifer sign her agreement stating that all clothing had been surrendered. The last part would be the microchip.

Jennifer navigated through and completed the online submission forms, uploaded her information and documents, with her mother’s help and supervision. After a few hours, everything was submitted. The final step was to select one of the available appointment times for the officer to make the visit. Every 2 hour time slot was completely available, and Jennifer, to her mother’s gripe; selected the first and earliest time at 9AM the next day. The state website described it as “like a Probation Officer, except you’re not on probation, or in trouble- just is there to support you and make sure you’re following the sentence. “For your support, and guidance” is what the site claimed. Overall, the officer seemed to be just the main point of contact to direct questions any questions about the status.

She’s also the one who will meet with Jennifer every so often to help her update and support her legal nudity. The actual legal ID could be adjusted; here and there- notes could be added, or if Jen wanted to update her Federal ID picture. This was all done through her “officer” as she decided it easiest to call.

Jen couldn’t wait to be official, and then be a real legal nudist- she just needed to wait on her ID Bracelet to be finished, which she was getting tomorrow. This was her lifeline- and anywhere could identify, authenticate, and accept Jennifer’s status with the official implant” as she called it. She was up extra early that morning to get ready. She wanted to look extra nice for the officer, so she tied her pubes into two thick but long tufts that resembled pig tails and tied them with little pink ribbons. She wore her usual hairstyle, a short-cut bob, nothing special or different since she was young. However, she was very proud of her public ties. The pink ribbons stuck out perfectly against the black pubic jungle around them. She even used a small bit of spray to help the twist hold longer. She combed the other pubic areas to show the length, but also put slightly more focus on the pig tails.

She get’s a call that morning- and to no surprise, it’s the officer she’s to meet. Jennifer’s mother grabs the phone from her; which Jennifer isn’t happy about- she’s also embarrassed as her mother seems to completely take over the call. Her mother merely ignores her protest and holds her hand up to silence her daughter, as she takes the phone into the office and shuts the door. Her mother is on the phone with the city official for over an hour…

“Mom! What the hell are you doing?!” Jennifer says furious to see her mother has even ended the phone call without Jen what-so-ever.

“Oh, hun- please, trust me, OK? I am just trying to help you…” her mother says unashamed.

“What did you talk about with her for so long?!”

“Don’t worry, Jennifer- please; I am so exhausted… you know I still have to finish my Business Review for tomorrow, I’ve spent all day with this!”

“I could’ve handled that, mom!”

I know, I know- will you just do this: everything in your closet, dresser, and anything you have up there- bag it up in a garbage bag please? And leave it by the front door.”

“Don’t I need something for the visit, though?”

“Nope- she said you can come naked to the office. See? I told you, I’m helping you, hun.”

Jennifer yelps in excitement and runs up stairs to bag her clothes. Not two minutes later, she’s down again- with a bag she drops dramatically by the door. “There they all are” Jen says with her hands on her hips.

. She was up early that morning, and was fully ready, dressed, and waiting for her mother (as minimally as possible) for the first time in quite a while. Jennifer’s mother finally emerges from the hallway and quickly prepares a coffee before she drags herself to the driver seat of the car behind Jen.

“I’m going to drop you off, OK? I have to get ready for work. I’ll call you at lunch if I don’t hear from you first! Love you!” Jen’s mom say’s as she pulls up to the curb of the courthouse. Jennifer wasn’t expecting to be dropped off, and while she didn’t mind- she felt a bit anxious suddenly.

The building isn’t very big, there was a small parking lot. Her mother drops her off as she has to get to work for the day- she give’s Jennifer some money for a ride home on the bus or a cab. Jennifer wait in a nearly empty lobby. After nearly 45 minutes, a woman enters the room calling “Jennifer Scott?” She scans the room for a moment before locking eyes with Jen. She smiles and greets her, telling Jen to follow. Before the agreement would be offered and approved, they required an interview, and Jennifer- under oat, was instructed to answer truthfully, no matter what. The officer, who’s introduced herself as a Gloria Gonzalez explains that it’s to best make sure everything is set up for the applicant and there’s nothing missed. Gloria was actually very polite, and very frridnly. She was an older woman who previous worked as a probation officer but was over the demands of it all- and working part time, the city found the perfect role for her- “Public Administration” was her official job title. She handled the cases that were non-criminal, which until Jennifer was virtually nothing at all. It was ultimately up to Gloria if they decided to deny the Nudity registration for any reason, any registration took a judge to sign off; however things were going well and Jennifer

Gloria is well dressed, as you would expect a public servant as her to be- she also had a case that seemed to hold a laptop, and several files, a rolling suitcase for when she made visits to citizens. Gloria seems completely unbothered by Jennifer’s nudity, or strange pubic situation as we

“Well, let me explain why we’re here, I am basically finalizing your National status which is for your ID. So, just paperwork, boring stuff! I think we can get through this quick, if you can bear with me!”

“Oh- sure. I think I may have already done that, but I’m not sure…”

“Well, you did the basic and main part- but you also have a few options per your sentence, and you can change and add if you like, any visible footnotes. I guess, anything you would want when people scan you’re ID, in addition to being a legal nudist. Like, let’s say you have a certain trait you’d want to recognize or have known. I have to check off some kind of odd questions too, just to kind of make sure. They want to run through this with anyone who signs this.”

“Ok, I have a few funny questions to ask. All I need you to do, is just speak openly and honestly.

Gloria ask a few heath-related background questions, and a few mental health related questions. All of which, Jen said “No” because they just didn’t apply to her. She even laughed a bit with Gloria as they made fun of a few strange questions.

“Ok, would you say, or have any feeling that you are a chronic masturbator? You may indicate if you chose, we do not require documentation as it’s still relatively uncommon.. but”

“Oh, heh- well, I’m just… curious but, what?” Jen laughs and then continues “I mean, like, hah… what would that mean?” She asked with intrigue.

“Well, it would just say so on your main ID page, so in addition to being a legally permitted nudist, it would also indicate you have a right to openly masturbate as long as it’s…. let’s see… ah, 10 ft away. It’s actually part of your contract, since you did your full life without reverse.”

“Ohhh…” well, I actually LOVE to masturbate! I like to express myself by squirting, it’s just fun!

“Now, can you tell me a little bit about why you’re registering for Permanently Unclolthed license?”

“Of course. I would say 1, I’ve always choosen and will choose to be naked- I don’t like wearing clothes of course.”

“And you’ve always gone like this?”

“Yeah, ever since my mom told me if I didn’t like it, I could be naked… and I was like “Ahhh”

“Anything else that maybe is why you choose to be naked?”

“For me I like being naked because I can express myself, I am a Nudist Masturbationist- or at least that’s what I call it, I guess that’s my swag really! So for me like I openly masturbate and squirt but to have fun or say hello, not like- sexual.”

“Thank you for the information. Do you greet your family even that way sometimes?”

“Oh all the time!”

“I also want to keep my pubies, sorry- I mean, my bush- AH, pubic hair**, and let it grow. So I think I have to be naked now it’s so long down here.

“Well, it’s very possible to have an accommodation to masturbate, and some other “no hinder” conditions that actually come with the Life Sentence. You could also customize your “Title,” so like- say you wanted to be known as like; a “Nudist Enthusiast” or “Lifetime Nudist,” I don’t know- those are just examples. But you can actually identify pretty much how you like if you sign up to go naked for your whole life. Oh, they even let you pose however you like- for your ID, they do require a new picture showing your full unclothed body; but you can pose however you like! You could stick your tongue out, or I mean whatever you wanted.”

“I would like to sign up for the full life sentence, please!”

“Uh-huh. Gotcha, yeah- I talked to your mom for a while yesterday, so just like she said! Sounds good.”

After some more questions, Gloria advises Jennifer that she is eligible for a non-contact self stimulation accommodation” and the Permanent Nudist could even have it mentioned on their ID.”

“… Yes, that would be best… thanks. Could it maybe say, “Nudist Masturbationist…?”

“Sure! For the notes anyway. I mean, you’re always going to be “Permanently Naked” but this is like a personal identifier, so if you wanted we could certainly add that.” They go through some more questions, and Jenny is nervous, but Gloria seems to be very very good at not reacting to Jennifer, or her answers. She decided to have “Nudist Masturbationist” for the ___ “Title” line on her official, government driver’s license.

“We are almost done, and you’ll be all set!” Gloria says. Jennifer was excited to hear that her ID card was literally going to say “Permanent Nudist Masturbationist” Jennifer also was happy she was going to be able to re-take her ID photo… she knew exactly how she wanted her ID photo; standing and squirting- she had practiced for years. Gloria was remarkably helpful, a true professional and a demonstration of how the world of Jen’s time was an especially tolerant one.

“Ok, time for the picture!”

“I’m ready! Cheeeese!” Jennifer says as she spreads and quickly rubs her clitoris to a spurting rain vaginal fluid.

“Oh my! That was, really good timing!”

“Ok, kiddo… “ Gloria says clearing her throat “Jennifer Scott, per your request, the law now recognizes you as legally exempt from clothing. Per this agreement, you must honor your claim and, in any cases, where you are found to be clothed unjustifiably you will then be found in contempt to the court and subject to fines or further action. The State now requires that you begin, and adhere to this sentence immediately.”

“Do you accept these conditions?”s he ask as a final chance for her to speak or change her mind.

“Yes mam!” she says with as much confidence as she can muster.

“Here we go. Nice and quick!” she says with a smile handing Jen the ID.t.

“Thank you, I’ve been dreaming of this photo, I’m so glad I got it right! YES! This is my dream ID picture!”

“You are actually the first person to register for Permanent Nudity in our county, by the way. It looks like the state too! Congratulations, Jennifer!” Gloria

Chapter 5: Progressive Parents

“Mom, Dad!” She yells “Guess what?”

“What’s up honey?”

“My counselor set up my new, official, legal and public ID- …and you’re never going to believe it! Are you ready?!”

“Meet you’re official, Permanent Nudist Masturbating daughter!” Jen says proudly standing before her parents with her legs apart, she leans back as she bends her knees as her hand rubs her hairy vagina- she lets out a few thick gushes almost seconds later that splatter on the sidewalk. She the shows them her new official Nudist ID, which reads “Nudist Masturbationist” atop the picture of Jennifer in her standing squirt pose.

“Masturbation! I can masturbate anywhere I want! Check it out!”

Most families wouldn’t even consider such a topic… well, even this wasn’t a surprise for Jennifer’s parents. She’d been obsessed with masturbating, not in a sexual or deviant way- but rather a playful, innocent, silly way. She’d stand in front of them and often didn’t even realize she was meddling with her hairy muff. She was 19, but for the last year especially she was always goofing around by showing her parents her “long distance squirts.” At this point, her parents had reached the “sure… why not at this point” mentality on Celia’s desire to present herself.

“Aw! Hunny! I wish you’d asked us before you finalized it!” her mother says.

“It’s not permanent right?” ask her mother.

“Well… I mean, yeah- mom, it’s kinda for life yeah.” Jen replies.

Her parents look at each other and they sort of shrug in defeat. “As long as you’re happy, Jenny… as long as you are happy.”

“Oh, I am daddy, momma-, I so AM! I’m sorry- but anyway… you know I’m totally different when it comes to bating and squirting!”

“Please don’t squirt on the furniture, same for your uncles house…”

“Oh my God, dad! I won’t.”

“I love you guys! SO… SO MUCH!” Jen cries and squeezes them tightly. “I just- was so afraid you guys wouldn’t agree or would be disappointed. I have thought about it, and I know that it’s going to make things SO much better for me! I guess I knew deep down you guys would understand!”

She told them all about the officer Gloria and how she was so nice. She also told them about all the “perks” that she read in her court order, for example one about her new status: immunity to nudity restrictions on social media. Due to her being now by law required to be naked- social media sites must approve her pictures even if they contain full frontal nudity. So long as there was no one other than her visibly naked in her pictures. There were dozens of exact actions listed under “approved/tolerable” such as: the right to equal citizenship without discrimination (employers for example couldn’t list her nudity as a reason not to hire her). Several others protecting and outlining her rights.

This was all in the past, and now Jennifer; with or without their approval- had “Nudist Masturbationist” on her ID. By now it wasn’t anything that her parents uncomfortable, because she always seemed to stand or sit in whatever position displayed her hairy vagina the most. She was always playing with her pubes while seemingly trying to push out her waist as if she wanted all the attention on it. When her parents weren’t around, she furiously masturbated. She seemed to be very proud of her bush, She loved how it bulged out when she turned sideways.

“YAY!” Jen squealed as her father before she knew it- she was in the zone. She danced and hopped around after hugging her mom and dad. She sang a silly song “Mom and Dad are the coolest parents in worllddddd! Uh-Uh-Uh-huh”” and danced around the kitchen. Her moves emphasized her vagina as she thrust it about. She leaned back, legs apart, intentionally bring all the attention . After an impressively quick few seconds of intense rubbing- she grinned as she released her squirting orgasm and it splattered the kitchen floor. The first few gushes shoot several feet outward, and several more spurts followed. It ran from her bush, and she danced as the thick streams of juice plopped to the floor. She laughed and continued to dance and sing, her vagina still spurting juice where she stood in powerful gushes.

“I’ll clean it up, of course- can that be sort of the “acceptable” rule with house squirting?”



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