Got drunk and let my friends take turns on me for New Years! [FM]

Went to a New Year’s Eve Party at my friends house and drank a bit too much.

I live with three other guys and one offered to drive us there. We’re all close friends and I love them to death and they joked that we were going to a party and not a festival when they saw my outfit. To be fair the outfit was kind of skimpy but I didn’t care and gave them all a slap when I got in the car. They know when I actually get hurt by something though and apologised and said my boots looked pretty so there’s that

Anyway, got to the party, standard party procedure drinking with the girls and socialising. When I walked in the kitchen I caught a couple guys at the opposite side look over and stare me up and down which was kinda hot, knowing you have eyes on you

As girls do when we are drunk we just kind of naturally steered towards chatting about sex and other silly stuff. We were chatting about the boys there and the sluttiest things we ever did and somehow got into the territory of threesomes etc among other things and it turns out that it’s a popular kink between us all

There were a few of them repulsed by it but the majority of us agreed that if we could go into a room with two or three fit men we wouldn’t say no. So as a joke we started watching for boys who we thought were fit and picked our top 5. Was funny seeing everyone’s tastes. I picked my room mates and two from the crowd and one of my friends agreed. We all gave our reasoning and mine was that they were good looking and nice to me so I may as well let them fuck. Plus I know them

When I was in the car going back with them it was like something changed. I kept thinking about the conversations I had with the girls about sex and I got this insatiably horny feeling in the back seat listening to them talk, and they all smelled nice

Something came over me while it got quiet and I said “Say if you met a girl on a night out and she asked you all for like a gangbang, what would you do?”. They all agreed they’d probably do it depending on the situation and then I bit the bullet and straight up said “well what if it was me asking” and pulled my boobs out of my top. The one beside me said “Jesus Alicia” and I jokingly asked if they were scared of a pair of boobs. I said I was being genuinely serious and lifted his hand and put it on my chest. The whole thing just felt surreal but I loved it

I asked again being deadly serous if they all wanted to have sex and said I can just as easily call up my fling if not. Either way I was having sex

I feel like my teasing worked though because a couple mins later I was kissing them and naked in the back seat with just my boots on letting them touch and finger me. We pulled up at the side of the house and they didn’t even wait to get inside to have sex. They put me up against the car and started videoing me and I don’t even know how to describe the feeling. I just craved it

Then they carried me inside and into the living room and made me give them a lap dance, so I tried my best lol

I gave them all head and got really sloppy, then they took turns fucking me on the sofa and floor. One finished in my mouth but I let the other two come in me.

Honestly was a mind blowing experience and was hot af being the centre of attention between the three of them for the night. I wasn’t even nervous and surprisingly it’s not even awkward between us now

My dildos all soaked now writing this out

Edit: pls chill with the dms lol I can only sort so much


1 comment

  1. My wife and I have are swingers. My friends come over every Friday to drink and hangout since the pandemic started. They’re is only 3 of them.

    I’ve given them the green light if my wife wants too. She will often pick which guy or let them come to her one by one. I’m always last. Usually she just gives them head but sometimes they have sex depending how horny she is

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