A Wet Dream on Elm Street, Pt. 1 [M/F, Cunnilingus/Oral, Dream Sex]

**The Prologue**

Springwood was a typical, middle-America college town: blooming to life in the fall, before resting quietly each summer as the students disbursed back home again. It was a place with four firm seasons, cleanly delineated across the year. So, as school began in September, autumn began to take hold. It was around this time that whispers could be heard—swirling around the campus —about local legends.

Springwood was richly-steeped in folklore. It was an early settlement, and it carried the weight of time in its tales of strangeness and witchcraft. But Norman Price’s tale was decidedly modern. It was an urban legend that was uniquely wed to Springwood College. He was said to have been a campus employee, his occupation often changing to match whatever gaggle of students did the telling.

Sometimes he was a mechanic, who worked on the school’s old boilers and furnaces. Other times, a gardener, who landscaped the vast grounds. This year, he assumed the position of custodian, primarily working after hours. It was said that he was something of a voyeur, a pervert. He would skulk around the women’s locker rooms—in the gym, near the pool, after volleyball practice—and catch every glimpse he could of the fine, young bodies that washed through. According to the tale, he even drilled a hole in the tile wall of the showers, giving him a prime avenue for spying from a space that ran between the walls.

Inevitably, as these things must go, he met an untimely end. How? That varied too. A fire, set in some chem lab by a careless student. Norman cleaning with his headphones in, unaware that the building was turning to brimstone around him. Sometimes, his death was more violent. A jilted boyfriend who found out about his perversion sought him out, attacked him, pushed him over the tight spiral staircase that ran up the library.

Regardless of how he died, his ghost pressed on, still perverse, empowered by its incorporeal form. And so, the legend was born, like Candyman or Bloody Mary but for sexed up young adults:

On the night of a full moon, leave your window open.

Place your body on top of your covers.

Let your fingers slip beneath your panties.

Do not finish. Fall asleep while masturbating. Hips squirming. Moans stifled against the wind blowing in

You will meet Norman in your wet dream. He will make sure you finish before you wake.

While the parameters sometimes changed, the directions remained largely the same: fall asleep while masturbating. It was said that doing so on the night of a full moon in autumn, when all of the coeds are returning to class, would bring Norman into your life. Into a wet dream. One that you would never forget.



When Maya returned home from her classes, she was in the mood for some *fun*. Unfortunately, her boyfriend, Barrett, was too exhausted from his strangling pursuit of a PhD in literature. He was already out like a light, wearing nothing more than a simple pair of boxers, when she climbed into bed next to him.

Norman Price, on the other hand, never tired. His pursuits were simple and never-changing: the pleasures of the flesh. He went through his own dry spells, though his presence was most often felt at the start of the school year, in the grips of autumn, when students indulged in their spooky tales. There were always some that sought him out on purpose and others who encountered him by accident. For Maya, it would be the latter. But, it made no difference to him, his hunger was always the same.

And so, when Maya drifted to sleep in a sexually frustrated state—her wetness clear but unresolved—he sprang up inside her dream. It was a simple one, that was how they often started—those first visits. He found himself roaming school halls that seemed to stretch forever. He recognized the telltale blue and white tiles of the humanities building, where he had spent long hours before his demise. He smiled to himself, aware of what was about to come. He was in a dark denim jacket, black v-neck beneath. He wore black jeans. It was his usual outfit—simple and unassuming.

He roamed around, his boots clicking against the floor, searching for tonight’s dreamer. On and on the halls went, white and blue walls punctuated occasionally by wooden doors with windows looking in on empty classrooms. Finally, he found her sitting alone in a classroom. He pressed his face against the window to examine her small body, her ruffled black hair stood out like a beacon in the otherwise piercing white room. She appeared to be in just a small pair of panties and a tank top—perhaps having that typical dream of arriving in class underdressed or nude.

He tapped his long fingers against the thick glass, hoping to draw her attention, and wondered how she would react. In some dreams, his “victims” reacted at first as though they were being stalked through a nightmare. Other times—likely owing to their already aroused state—they reacted invitingly, very quickly spreading their legs or descending to their knees. He tapped again, she seemed to be distracted, gazing at something on the whiteboard.

Though Maya fell asleep, she did so with her small fingers still pressed inside her panties, finding purchase around her throbbing clit. In the classroom, she was doing something similar, masturbating while fixated on the whiteboard. The words were simple but direct, “Rub, rub, rub.” Barrett stirred a bit next to Maya, her body was shifting under the sheets, pulling at them greedily. But he was deep in his own dreams and only briefly disturbed. He turned over and fell hard in REM.

Norman watched the walls collapse around him. Funnily enough, the door was still there. He stepped around it, walking towards Maya, who was leaned back in her chair, legs spread, thighs wet. He gazed over her, admiring her bare legs and the way the tank top clung tightly against her chest. He had only one thing on his mind and she seemed to share it.

She looked up at him and then stood, but didn’t remove her hand from her panties. “Looking for some fun?”

He circled around her, letting his breath hang heavily against her neck as he examined her from the rear. He grabbed her ass, squeezing like it was his. Then, he pressed two fingers between her thighs, letting them run along her panties.

He pressed his body against hers, letting his own obvious arousal press between her cheeks. He opened his mouth, letting his tongue wander along her neck. It seemed a little long, and was only growing longer. It wrapped around her, tasting the saltiness of her skin and then retracted, flicking against her earlobe as it did so.

He was pressing his fingers flatly against her now, pressing her panties against the wet warmth of her pussy. “Dreaming about getting fucked in your class, hm?”

She grinded her rear against him, moving it up and down along the length of his shaft. “Of course I am,” she purred.

“Open sesame,” Norman whispered into Maya’s ear while his tongue slithered back into place.

And she did exactly that, obviously eager to partake in Norman’s supernatural gifts. As she pressed her tight body against his, her greedy hand searching out his stiff cock, he let his hand fall down her stomach before diving inside her black panties. “It looks like I found the moat,” he growled, letting his fingers press along her wet, warm slit. He had a thing for cheesy pickup lines and groan-inducing puns. Luckily, Maya did too and a silly smile spread across her face.

He felt her entire length, tight, soft, warm, wet, and then focused on her clit. It was already swollen, and engorged further by his touch. The room shuddered around them now, spinning for a brief moment before reassembling into what appeared to be a locker room. “You’re just full of naughty fantasies, aren’t you? It looks like I’m going to fuck you in the locker room instead.”

He moved both of his hands to her hips, grasping the hem of her panties. He pushed slowly, letting them roll slowly along her soft skin, just below her dripping pussy. He left them there, holding her thighs tightly together, and reached for his own pants, the clattering of the buckle echoed through the tiled room. “Wait until you see what I have in store for you baby…”

The lights flickered around them, perhaps reacting to Maya’s own thought process. For a brief moment, each fluorescent tube blinked out and then blinked back on again, running in a series above them. Of course, Norman liked the light, he liked to see every detail of the girl he was fucking. He loved watching them squirm and moan and buck against him, unaware that their pussy or mouth was reacting in the real world.

Norman stepped back from Maya, who spun around to blow him a flirtatious kiss. Her eyes followed his hands. “Show me what you’ve got,” her voice came out like a whine.

He was rubbing himself against his boxers now, but couldn’t contain himself for long. He pushed apart the fly and let his massive, cut cock fall out. It was obviously weighty, as it bounced up and down and then swayed back and forth in a teasing manner.

“Come get it,” he teased, grasping his fully-erect member between his fingers and waving it in front of her, “Come show me what that little mouth can do.”

Back in bed, Barrett stirred again. He thought he heard Maya say something, “Huh, babe? Did you say something?” He noticed that she was squirming, but obviously sleeping. “Hm, talking in your sleep I guess.” He wrapped his arm around her and fell back into a deep sleep of his own.

Norman looked down at Maya, she was shaking her ass teasingly while she played with his cock. “Wet pussy and a wet mouth, hm?” He smiled down at her, watching her stoke his cock and lick at the tip. He was completely swollen, a thin veneer of precum was smeared across the head. “That’s right baby, taste it. Suck it deep.”

He ran his hands through her dark hair and pushed her a little deeper, encouraging her to take it further, to swallow a generous portion of his thick cock. His other hand reached behind her to grab her bubbly ass. He gripped it tight and then gave it a playful smack. “Eager to fuck, eager to suck.”

There was a noise in the background now of murmuring voices, as if students were passing by the locker room. Shoes clicked down against the tiles in the distance. “Louder honey, I want them to hear you sucking me off.”

Norman leaned back, pressing his hips forward, diving deeper into Maya’s welcoming throat. “You know a thing or two about sucking cock, don’t you baby?” His hand continued to roam around her ass, eventually finding its way to her dripping slit. He pressed his long index finger inside her, holding her in place now, with his finger in one hole and his cock in the other.

His other hand kept her head bobbing, assisting her as she continued to sloppily slurp his bulging member. The voices continued murmuring around them, but no other bodies appeared. It was as though a crowd were watching, cheering Maya on, but they were invisible.
He wrapped his hand in Maya’s hair and pulled her back, resting his soaking cock against her chin. “Against the lockers now, I want to fuck you.” He tapped his cock teasingly against her chin and lips as he spoke, eager to enter her pink pussy.

She popped up to her feet, wiping the back of her hand across her spit-covered lips. She got a trail of precum on her index finger and sucked it deeply, teasing Norman. Then, with a slight pout, she leaned forward, “I suck, then you suck. *Then* we can fuck.”

Norman pressed his body against Maya, letting her grind against him. He ran his hands along her bare ass, gripping and spreading it. There were hoots and hollers from the invisible crowd. “You want my tongue inside you, eh, baby? I can do that.” As he spoke, his tongue stretched again and draped itself over Maya’s ear, twirling along her lobe as his words dripped out like honey.

He gripped her hips tightly, holding her against the lockers as he knelt down. He pressed his face between her milky thighs and began lapping greedily at her oozing pussy. “Tastes like my kind of girl,” he said between licks. His tongue began growing again and started to work its way inside her tight opening. It stretched longer and longer, pushing further inside. He started flicking it, pumping it in and out, he was literally fucking her with his tongue now, it had grown nearly as large as his cock and it shot in and out of her with inhuman rapidity.

He kept this up for a while, holding her thighs tightly, her small body pressing against his head. Then, he retracted his tongue and began swirling it around her clit. “You’re fucking soaked, honey, I can’t wait to open you up with my cock.”

Barrett was stirring again, noticing Maya’s tight ass massaging his dick. He was getting a bit hard from it and was half-awake, though rather groggy. “Huh, baby?” He reached over Maya and mumbled, “wet dream or something…?” He pulled her closer, ensuring that her ass would grind directly against his thickening member.

While he held her close, Maya muttered in her sleep, “…do you like the way I taste, baby?”

Norman didn’t answer Maya’s question. He didn’t even hear it. He was too consumed by her pussy, his tongue was slithering along every inch, pressing deeply inside, reaching towards her cervix. Of course he loved it. He would let his tongue go slack, wiggling around, and then stiffen it like a cock, nearly filling her contracting pussy.

He pulled away for a moment to take a breath. He noticed that her outfit had changed–well, what was left of it. She was wearing a striped top, like a soccer jersey, and a pair of small latex shorts sat nearby. He stood to his feet and pressed her more tightly against the cool metal of the lockers. He grasped his thick member between this thumb and index finger and directed it towards her now absurdly wet hole. “Time for your soccer *drills*, baby.”

The walls of the locker room shifted, falling away to blurred whiteness just beyond. The lockers stayed and the bench too, but now it was like they were fucking in a strange void, roleplaying some bizarre soccer fantasy that was only slightly realized. Perhaps the cheering was coming from some distant crowd. There was a chant echoing among the tiled room–“Put. It. In. Put. It. In.”

Norman eagerly complied, pressing the bulging head harder against Maya’s dripping pussy. She slowly spread for him as he continued pressing, harder and harder. Finally, the bulbous head made it inside, followed quickly by the rest of this throbbing shaft.

He kept one hand on her hips, steadying himself as he slowly thrust his full length inside her. His other hand ran along her taut abdomen and then up her barely-there referee top. He grasped one of her tits, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Now we’re entering overtime baby.”

She let out a loud moan as his thick organ penetrated her. Her hips moved against him, trying to both slow and invite his advance. She leaned in, whispering into his ear, “Suck me.”

“Of course I want to suck on your tits, baby,” Norman whispered back. He pulled out for a moment, letting his slick cock rub between her thighs, which were already feeling rather sticky. He grasped her tits with both hands and pressed himself back inside her pink pussy. He bent forward and began to suck one of her perky nipples, letting his tongue twist around it, squeeze it, and then flick at it in an aggressively teasing manner. “You taste so fucking good, baby.”

The slick sound of his pulsing member pushing in and out of Maya filled the tiled room. There was a distant cheering again, the crowd egging them both on, anticipating some kind of explosion eventually. Norman lowered one of his hands and began rubbing Maya’s clit while he fucked her, letting his tongue continue to wrap around her erect nipple.

Norman sped up, his cock was pounding against Maya’s shallow cervix and she was aggressively grinding into him. Her wetness was smearing across his own thighs. Their breathing was becoming labored. Maya gripped him hard, all of her nails digging into his back and her teeth biting against his forearm.

She came hard, her small body shaking against him, but still moving rapidly, trying to work out his orgasm too. But she was already waking up. The vague locker room vanished and her eyes blinked open. She was in her apartment, her clit still throbbing.

“Ouch, babe! You just bit me!” Barrett started awake, first responding to what sounded like an almost mewling moan from Maya and then the sharp bite as her teeth dug into this arm. Now, he was fully aware of his surroundings. He let his eyes adjust to the dark room and checked his phone–4 AM.

“Damn, still early. Are you okay? I was kinda half-woken up by you a few times. To be honest, it kind of seemed like you were getting fucked or something. Wet dream?” He laughed as he rubbed the sore spot on his arm. “Hopefully it was me, eh?” He wrapped his arms around Maya and planted a kiss on her neck.

“Sorry that I was too tired last night. Maya that’s why, you went to bed sexually frustrated? Anyway, I have to get up early, so I’m going to try to get back to sleep.” Barrett spooned Maya again, and quickly fell back into a deep slumber.

Maya just stared blankly, trying to make sense of what just happened. *That was an insanely hot dream*, she thought, *and so vivid*. She could even feel an emptiness between her legs, as though something had just been inside her. But she shook away the thought–it was ridiculous.

Still, she hoped that her dream man would visit again soon…


To be continued? Maybe.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t4cfx0/a_wet_dream_on_elm_street_pt_1_mf_cunnilingusoral