26 [F] I’ve started having a recurring dream again that I used to have in school

So recently I’ve started having this dream that I use to have all the time when I was in school/Uni. Basically the dream involves me accidentally walking in to a changing room full of a guys sports team, like hockey or football. Usually I’m already wearing something like my underwear or a towel. From there these fit attractive young guys take advantage of me. Teasing me, calling me names, spanking, groping, tying me up and having their way with me.

Whenever I wake up I’m always super horny. I haven’t had this dream in years and don’t really know why I’m having it now.

I used to be pretty nerdy/Tom boy-esque and it wasn’t until I started going to parties and drinking until I started hanging out with guys I’d consider “jocks”. I also played volleyball and soccer so I’m also used to the locker room setting. I think because of that and some other experiences led to me having this dream/fantasy.

Anyways, kind of a strange thing to talk about with a friend out 9f the blue so I figured I’d post here. It’s also making me want to go to a frat/house party…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/t4laxi/26_f_ive_started_having_a_recurring_dream_again


  1. Do girls have wet dreams cause that sounds like a wet dream. Are you going through a dry spell?

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