One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 4! The story unfolds.

…… continued from part 3.

We walked out from the library. I needed a piss so i went to the bathroom whilst she waited. i rearranged my precum soaked underwear wash my hands and left back to Fiona.

“Are we going into town again?”

“Yeah can do”

We jump in my car and on the way she asked.

“Was you really about to cum?”

By this point my embarrassment and shame with her had long gone. I was in her pocket, with a desire for her attention so strong, if she told me to sit and beg id of probably done so.

“Yeah i was”

“Why so quickly?? I barely touched you”

“Im not sure Fiona. Over excitement i suppose”

“Do you always cum quickly?”

I didn’t feel a need to lie to her.

“I do sometimes yeah, depends how focused i am”


I wasn’t too sure where she was heading with the conversation but now id parked my car. We got to a small café a grabbed our dinner inside. She continued..

“So.. are you sexually experienced?”


“Have you had sex?”

“Jesus Christ Fiona! Of course i have!”


“A fair amount yes!”


Back in my car entering college grounds,

“Am i parking over there again?”

“You’re a right little horny boy aren’t you!”

“Uh- no I didn’t mean for that!…And you said you didn’t like smoking near the doors!!”

“Go on then…”

I did the usual. Roll, light, pass. I could see the cogs Turning in her head,

“So you know when your about to cum, and you don’t. What does it feel like?”

“Id assume the same as it would for you, irritating”

“Are you angry you didn’t’?”

“No… I stopped you, I didn’t want to do it all over myself… in a library!”

She laughed. Took a big puff and passed me the joint.

“Would you cum as fast now?”

Music to my ears! I knew where this was about to lead. She wanted to experiment and i was happy to be her test subject.

“Ive no idea….”

I waited for her response. She said nothing. I passed her back the joint still waiting in anticipation. I watched her finish and throw the joint out window STILL waiting for her to say something. She clicked the window up.

“Get him out.”

Oh my fucking god yes! Zero hesitation I slouched back and yanked down my pants as she turned and edged her way over, she tied back her remaining curls into her bun and brought her head mere inches away from my boy making me instantly rock hard again.

She stopped, just looking she said,

“I really like him you know”

I was absolutely flattered by her compliment, i loved how she referred to my cock as ‘him’ I was about to reply with thanks but before i could draw the words she took me in her mouth completely suppressing my voice.

Her soft lips wrapped around me, i could feel her tongue rolling over my urethra making my cock involuntary spasm before slowly working her way down, I tried to grab ahold of her breast and straight away she moved my hand pushing it down into my seat. She sucked me skilfully working me into euphoric pleasure. Using her hand to milk the cum from inside me i blurted out

“Oooooookay Fi- Fu-fuck!”

The irrepressible tingle building up in my legs, this was it. Finally i was about to feel relief! I grabbed a hold of my seat bolsters,


“Fiona im-“

She stopped.

“Don’t stop!!”

She sat back up right looking at me relishing in desperation and frustrations , she was the master and I was stringed puppet. I knew she wasn’t going to finish me off, an unimaginable force of anger came over me, i yanked my pants up over my throbbing cock.

“I swear to god! You’re fucking pissing me off doing this shit Fiona!!“

“Why do you keep building me up to let me down!!”

“Its not funny!!”

She remained silent. As angry as i was, i was now feeling like a twat for shouting at her for not sucking my cock! What the fuck was she doing to me!

“Come on. I’m done.”

I got back to class in the foulest mood, i didn’t even want to talk to her. My anger clearly showing in my face.

3 o’clock we’re dismissed.

“Bye hun”


Nathan caught up with me outside.

“Whats happened??”

“Get in I’ll tell you”

I told him everything down to the last detail.

“She just teasing you mate, and she’s enjoying, just ignore her!”

“How the fuck can i ignore her Nathan she sits next to me every week! She fucking messages me asking if miss her! shes playing on my mind!”

“Mate. Next week just swap seats with someone. Shes not worth it”

I made my way home, thinking he’s right. Shes not, as unbelievably fit as she is, shes just not worth it.

I got home for 4 pm. Had something to eat and went for a shower. I had the intention to masturbate my now bursting for relief dick when… my phone pings.


“Come to me”

Not even 10 seconds past before i replied.


She sent me her address. I threw my cloths on and practically dived into my car.

“Ill be there in 20”

As i sped towards her house i was in a total trance, my radio turned to almost mute I hadn’t even second thought what i was doing.

I arrived at hers, a well presented end terrace with stone driveway to the side, i park my car. My heart thumping in my throat, i had no idea what i was going to walk into, i messaged,

“Im outside”

Her reply was fast.

“Come in.”

I leave my car and walk to her door pausing in hesitation to pull the handle. A deep breath i went in.

I was met with warmth and the scent of her perfume, stood in the hallway I look up to the top of the stairs to where she was standing. her long curly hair down, she looked as though she’d just showered. She was wearing a pair of purple silk pj’s with a buttoned front.

“Come up”

I kick my shoes off and hang my coat making my way up, I was nervous to whoelse was in the house and asked,

“Is this your own place?”

“Yeah hun”

A sigh of relief. In wasn’t about to walk in to a beating. I followed her to her dimly lit bedroom with just the bedside table lamp glowing, at the end of the bed was a set of drawers with a cushioned top.

“Sit down”

She stood towering in-front of me, the room wasn’t cold but I couldn’t stop shaking with nerves.

She began to unbutton her top slowly revealing her big pale breasts letting her top drop to the floor. Up to this point I hadn’t seen a single part of her skin other than her arms and a small portion of her thigh,

“Oh my god fio-“

“Shhh shut up” she whispered

She placed her thumbs in the top of her elasticated pant waist pulling them slowly over the hump of her narrow curved hips, dropping to the floor she stepped over them and come towards me completely nude.

My eyes completely fixated on her body she reached out her arms around the back of my neck pulling me towards her breasts. I could smell her. I could feel the heat from her body. Face to face with her nipple i went for a lick, my tongue rolled over her making her body twitch as she giggled

“They’re sensitive”

I went in for another, taking her whole nipple in my mouth, my eyes closed in pure intoxication as she tightened her grip around my neck, letting out the most erotic soft moans my ears have been blessed with, feeling her nipple harden in my mouth. She pushed me back, walking over to her bed she lay down as my eyes followed awaiting further instruction.

“Take your clothes off”

I pulled my jumper over my head, my t shirt along with it, rolled down my pants kicking them out from beneath me just leaving my underwear in place.

“Those too”

I pulled them over my already hard cock awaiting my command.

“Come here”

Can i interest anyone to part 5?



  1. Damn, you’re as nasty a tease as Fiona 🤣🤣🤣


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