It was Bound to happen [M/F][Mdom] Part I

Dirty thoughts had been running through my head all night long. We had spent the better part of the last four hours socializing with friends and coworkers at the annual company Winter Gala event. A raucous band blared in the background as the crowd wandered between the expansive dancefloor, the sea of tables and the crowded bar over in the corner. Strands of twinkling white lights stretched over their heads, casting a warm glow down over the entire affair.

Ending a casual conversation with the spouse of a co-worker, I turned and saw Hanna talking with Derek, from the IT department. She was wearing a skintight blue dress that hugged her hips and sported a slit that rode dangerously high up her hip. From this angle, he could see the plump swell of her breasts peaking out from the deep cut of her dress. Her cleavage practically spilled out of her dress. The way she was standing allowed the dress to fall to either side of one of her legs, exposing her thigh. Matching stilettos accentuated the roundness of her ass and the hourglass shape of her form. She was absolutely ravishing, easily the sexiest thing in the room.

I watched from a distance as she clutched a small purse to her chest with one hand, the other playfully twirled strands of her already lusciously curled hair. Her heavily tattooed arms had been attracting hungry looks from all the other guys in attendance. She had applied more makeup than usual, choosing a sultry red for her lips and a smoky shadow for her eyes. I could only admire her amazing physique and sex appeal. She held herself with an easy confidence that sucked people into her orbit, lost in her gravity.

As my eyes traveled up and down her sexy frame, I watched as she laughed lightly at something Derek had said. He was quite clearly flirting with her, and she was obviously enjoying the attention. I couldn’t take my eyes off her tits as they bounced subtly as she shifted her weight back and forth. My mouth practically fell open as her arms seems to press them together, straining the narrow strips of tape that kept them hidden behind the thin layer of fabric of her dress. My eyes lingered on her bosom as they traveled up her frame, lingering on her delicate neck. She was nibbling on her lip as I glanced up to her face, I saw that she was staring right at me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I smiled and gave her a wink. She turned her attention back to Derek who still seemed to be invested in shooting his shot. Maybe its time I go break up this little love party before Derek gets his heart broken. As I began to take a step toward them, I found my path blocked as Beatriz stepped in front of me. I was pretty sure Beatriz had a crush on me because despite working over in the marketing department, it always seemed like she had an excuse to stop by my office to ask a simple question that could have been easily handled via email.

“Hey Michael,” she said excitedly. “I saw you from over by the bar and wanted to make sure I came over to say hello. I missed you last couple weeks in the office and hadn’t had a chance to wish you a merry Christmas.”

“Hi Beatriz, good to see you” I replied. “Hanna and I took some time to visit family and do a little traveling. Work has been hectic lately so I figured I would use a little PTO to extend the holiday break.”

“Wow, that sounds so nice.” She gripped a champagne flute with both hands, holding it in front of her chest. Even with aggressive heels, she was still short. She wore a little black dress that cinched at her hips, showing off a tight little butt. It looked like it had a built-in corset as it put her tits on prominent display. “I wish I had someone to go vacationing with, but its just so hard to find a good guy, ya know?

Glancing over Beatriz’s shoulder, I could see that Hanna had noticed our little interaction and I figured this could be a good opportunity to tease her from afar. It might be a little mean to get Beatriz all worked up and hopeful, but she did continually present herself to me. The looks that lingered a moment too long at the office. A few times, I had caught her staring at the crotch of my pants, probably imagining herself with the cock that lay hidden beneath. I was quite sure that if I expressed any interest, she would take the opportunity in a heartbeat.

“Well maybe you should expand your search to include some of the…bad boys, too.” Pausing briefly, I looked down and stared into Beatriz’s big brown eyes and watched as she processed what I had just said. I could see her eyes widen a little as she picked up on the innuendo.

“I have dabbled with some bad boys in my time,” she said with a giggle, “but they always seem to be flaky and inattentive to my needs.” Her hands lowered the champagne flute, offering an unobstructed view of her cleavage. She didn’t have the biggest tits, but they were perky, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t snuck a glance from time to time.

This time, however, I let my eyes wander obviously from her face down to her chest and then back up again. Her nipples must have been fully erect because they were clearly visible, struggling against the tight fabric of her dress. I gave my head a slight shake and lifted an eyebrow, sending signals I knew she wouldn’t miss.

“I think I might know what the problem is.”

Looking over her shoulder again, I saw that Hanna must have dismissed Derek and was beginning to make her way through the crowd toward where Beatriz and I stood.

I leaned in, as if to tell Bea a secret, putting an arm around her waist to draw her close.

“Sounds like you’re in need of a man and not a boy.”

I let the words tumble out of my mouth, drawn from the depths of my chest with all the warmth and lustful desire I could muster. Standing this close, with my mouth next to her ear, I exhaled an exaggerated breath of hot air down onto her neck. I heard her own breath escape her lips in a ragged rush. She twisted ever so slightly and pressed herself against me, smooshing her tits against my side. I could feel her grinding her hips against my legs and was sure that she was getting immeasurable pleasure from the closeness of our embrace.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” said Hanna, smiling as she walked up. Beatriz stepped back quickly as if snapped back to reality by Hanna’s arrival.

“Not at all,” I replied. “I was just regaling Bea with some tales from our most recent adventures.” I made lingering eye contact with Beatriz before shifting my attention back to Hanna. She sidled up to me, wrapping her hands around my waist as my arm extended around her shoulder, drawing her in tight.

“Ah, yes. We certainly had a good time didn’t we.” Smiling sweetly, Hanna’s eyes were locked on mine. She had barely even acknowledged Beatriz’s presence. “We most definitely got our monies worth. Hopefully you didn’t share all of our adventure.” Her added emphasis hinted clearly at the sexual odyssey that had accompanied our travels. We had fucked two to three times a day for the past two weeks. We had done it in half a dozen hotel rooms, several times outside amidst nature’s backdrop, the rental car twice and even a quickie in the bathroom of a fancy Italian restaurant. Like a naughty Hansel & Gretel, we had left a trail of cum and sex in our wake, marking our adventures.

“Oh, I didn’t share everything,” I replied, looking down into Hanna’s bright blue eyes. “I wouldn’t have wanted to make Bea too jealous.” I squeezed her tight against me with one arm as I felt her legs straddle the side of my hip. Her hands moved to my shoulder as she leaned her full weight against me. She reached up to grab my face as a leg emerged from the slit of her dress to rub seductively against the front of my pants. She planted a sloppy kiss on my lips, biting at my bottom lip as we separated.

Beatriz stood awkwardly in front of our amorous display. She shifted her weight uncomfortably as she clearly was unsure of how she might make her escape. I felt a pang of sympathy for her and decided it was time to end her suffering.

“You’re going to have to excuse us, Bea. I think all the dancing and excitement have gotten the best of us. We are going to have to take our leave.” I reached out, taking her hand with my free hand. Making solid eye contact, I continued, “We will have to continue our conversation another time.”

A small smile crossed Beatriz’s face before Hanna flipped her hair. “Bye Bea, I hope you have as pleasurable of a night as we are.” Steering me away from the flabbergasted Beatriz, Hanna directed us toward the door. Making a few quick goodbyes, we made our way to the parking lot and found our car.

“She sure seems nice,” said Hanna, looking up at me expectantly with a raised eyebrow.

“Quite.” I replied, jokingly. “She’s the one I’ve told you about, my office crush. She’s about as thirsty for my cock as a camel in the desert.” I grinned at her as we both opened the doors and climbed into my cute little CRV.

“Is that right? Laughed Hanna. “Well, I’m not sure if you noticed, but Derek seemed like such a nice guy. He was so respectful and considerate.”

“Yeah, I thought he looked to be so very entertaining. I’m sure he was enraptured by your presence and will surely be rubbing one out in the bathroom in no time.” I replied.

“Is that jealousy I detect?” Hanna asked, mockingly.

“Oh, not at all, I felt more pity for Derek than anything else. Despite his best attempts, it’ll be my cock buried inside you tonight and not his.”

“Pity, huh? What about poor Bea?” her emphasis on the name was an obvious jab. “That girl was practically fawning all over you. You had told me that she had a crush on you, but I didn’t realize she was in that deep. You could practically see her soak herself when you leaned in to whisper in her ear.”

A small laugh came to my lips. “You may be right. But, your exaggerated laughs at what must have been Derek’s best attempt at humor were not that convincing.

“His jokes were even funnier than yours.”

My hand slapped against my chest in feigned agony. “You wound me with your words. Surely you don’t mean that.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I was being bad, maybe even a little naughty.” Sitting in the seat next to him, with the seatbelt stretched down between her tits, the look in her eye was defiantly devious.

I picked up on her not-so-subtle hints and could feel the blood flowing into my groin. If she was in the mood and looking to be controlled, I could most definitely oblige.

“Now that you mention it, you have been a naughty tonight haven’t you. That outfit seems to have brought out your slutty side. I think it’s time you remembered who was in charge,” I said, imbuing my voice with a tone of raw authority.

“Oh, is that righ-,” began Hanna, leaning forward in her seat. Before she could finish, my hand leapt out, reaching across the center console, and grasped her by the face, fingers pressing into her cheeks.

“For the rest of the evening, you are going to do exactly as I say. If you don’t, I will be forced to punish you. Do you understand?”

She nodded silently, my hand still gripping her face tightly. “From here on out, you are going to reply to me with ‘yes, sir’ or ‘no, sir’. I am going to take you home, tie you up, and edge you until you beg me let you cum. Then, I am going to tease you even more. It will continue for as long as I like. You are not allowed to cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

A small whimper escaped her lips as she nodded again. “Yes, sir,” she said quietly. “I want you to use me however you want.”

“Oh, I will. Now, take off that dress.”

Obediently, she slipped the straps from her shoulders, allowing her tits to spill out, and then shimmied the dress down her waist. Lifting her hips, she slid the dress completely off, tossing it in the backseat. She leaned forward to begin unclasping the delicate straps of her heels, and I grasped her by the hair, yanking back her head.

“I didn’t hear you.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied through gasping breaths. Her mouth had fallen open and her ruby lips quivered in anticipation.

“Leave the heels, ditch the panties.”

“Yes, sir.”

Without pause, she lifted her hips and slid her lacy black panties down past her ankles. They joined her dress in a crumpled pile in the backseat. I had yet to start the car, so we were still shrouded in darkness. Still in the parking lot surrounded by the vehicles of my co-workers. there was a slight but steady trickle of people meandering about looking for their cars.

“Lean your seat back and spread your legs. I want to see how wet you are.”

Hanna reached over and ratcheted the seat back, reclining to a comfortable angle. As she repositioned herself, I could make out the lithe form of her sexy figure. Her tits sat prominently on her chest as she wiggled her hips forward and then lifted her feet onto the dash in front of her. I watched, with my own desire growing between my legs, as her hands massaged her body as they worked their way down her waist, heading for her well-trimmed mound.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” I asked, in a stern voice. I reached out and grabbed her wrist, lifting it above her head. “Put your hands behind the headrest and don’t move them.”

She complied instantly, arching her back making her tits sway. I reached over with one hand and rubbed a finger along her slit. She was already soaked. Guiding my glistening finger to her face, I said, “Look at how fucking wet you are. I am going to treat you like the little slut that you are. Now, taste yourself.”

Her head surged forward, eager to clean my fingers. She would have sucked hungrily at them for as long as I allowed, but I had other ideas. Turning slightly in my seat, my hand moved down her face to grip her throat. I slid the other back down between her legs, feeling her warmth. I cupped her sex with my hand and parted her lips with my fingers, exploring her folds. I could hear soft moans of pleasure coming from her, so I tightened the grip on her throat. Her sounds of pleasure were suddenly cut off as I cut off her access to air. I watched as her face went red and she pressed herself back into the seat, rolling her shoulders back forcing her tits to the sky. Releasing the pressure on her throat, she gasped for air, her eyes pleading with mine for me.

She was practically dripping by this point, so my finger slid in effortlessly. As she groaned in pleasure, I returned the pressure to her throat, silencing her. I began to fuck her with my fingers, pressing against her walls, making her squirm in her seat. When I released my suffocating grip, again she gasped. Swallowing air hungrily, her chest heaved. I removed my fingers and began to massage her now swollen clit.

“Do you like that?” I asked.

“Yes, sir. Please don’t stop.”

“If you like it, I wanna hear it.”

Loud moans of obvious pleasure erupted from her lips in response. She writhed in her seat, hips bucking and pressing against my hand. Still enveloped in the darkness of my car, I could tell that she was getting close. No one had walked close enough to see, but there were certainly people close enough to hear.

I squeezed her throat once more, cutting her off mid-moan. I slipped two fingers deep inside of her tight little pussy, using my palm to massage her clit. Working my hand in a methodical and circular pattern, I drove her closer and closer to the edge.

“I don’t care how good it feels. You are not allowed to cum until I give you permission.”

Releasing my constraining grip on her throat, she whimpered quietly as her body began to twitch and her legs began to quiver.

“P-please, sir” she said, through panting breath, “I am so close…”

Before she could finish, my grip returned to her throat.

“Not yet, I told you I wanted to hear you. And I don’t think you’ve been loud enough yet. I haven’t heard you scream.”

All the while, my hand had continued its work. Her legs now shook betraying the arrival of her orgasm. Her hands threatened to rip the headrest from the seat as her eyes scrunched up in concentration as she struggled to maintain control. The sounds of my fingers fucking her wet cunt filled the car.

“If you’re ready, I want to hear you.”

Releasing my grip on her throat, she took one big gulp of air and then screamed out in pleasure, begging for release.

“Oh, fuck! Please, please, please,” she cried out.

Glancing around, I could tell that her sounds of ecstasy had filter outside the car and caught the attention of others headed to their cars. I could see them scanning the dark lot, still full of cars, searching out the source of the sex sounds.

“Good girl,” I said, in a deep, husky voice. I reached up with the hand that had been choking her and clicked on the light. The interior of the car was now illuminated, glowing like a beacon in the darkness. “Now, you can cum.”

I instantly felt a pressure pushing against my fingers, as screams of ecstasy erupted from her lips. As I removed my fingers, a gush sprayed out from between her legs. I massaged her clit vigorously as she squirted all over the dash. Her body convulsed and shook with the power of the orgasm. Her hands, releasing their death grip on the headrest, traveled to her tits, massaging their soft flesh and pinching her hard little nipples. The soft glow of the light lit up the action as she sucked in greedy breaths and rode out the orgasmic shockwaves.

Smiling, she opened her eyes and looked over at me, “Thank you, sir. Can I have another?”

“Let’s take this back to the house. You’re next one isn’t going to come so quickly. You are going to have to earn it.”

“Whatever you say, daddy.”

I turned the key in the ignition and fired up the engine and turned off the light. Looking around, I could tell that however few people were in the lot had definitely noticed. Too far away to see too many details, they had still witnessed the climax of the first chapter of our erotic evening. The sounds had drawn them in and then the light had gifted them a quick glimpse of Hanna’s powerful orgasm. I whipped out of the parking lot and began the short drive back home.
