Hypno-Sis Ch. 11-13 [M/F][Incest][Mind Control][Big Cock][Corruption][Harem]

**Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of unrealistic and unattainable body standards. It is not my intention to offend or shame anyone for their body. This is merely a work of fiction. If you struggle with a positive self image, you may not find this story to your liking.**

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite description, demeanor, or appearance.*


Hello! If you’ve enjoyed the story thus far, I’d appreciate your support! Any amount helps me produce these for your entertainment! I appreciate anyone who decides to do so! Love you xoxo

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I’m currently up to chapter 21 of “Hypno-Sis” and I have tons of other content!


Written By: RebHillBabe

**Chapter 14: Reaping What You Sow**

Thomas booted up Castle Age, the mmo rpg he played, and got on a call with Peter and Claire. The three began playing together, questing and chatting, as he waited for his sister to wake up. It was taking longer than he expected, but he wanted her to wake up naturally so he waited. On screen, Peter, the orc, was charging into a group of high level monsters while Thomas and Claire picked them off from a distance.

“So how’d your project thing go with that girl?” Peter asked.

“Oh… you know, nothing much to say.” Thomas responded.

“Suuureeee,” Claire said, “I saw the way you looked at her at school!”

“What?” Thomas said, “I don’t like her if that’s what you think.”

“I don’t knowww….” Peter said, “Seemed like you kinda liked her… Hey Claire can I get some heals?”

Claire shot a healing spell at Peter as they continued to fight the beasts.

“I don’t like her guys, trust me.” Thomas said convincingly.

“Okay okay…” Claire said, “So what’s the project on?”

“What’s with all the questions?” Thomas asked.

“What’s with all the suspicious activity?” Peter retorted.

“Whatever, you guys are probably just mad because I couldn’t help with the Mountain Whale quest last week.” Thomas said, “I bet it was pretty hard without your dedicated dps.”

“You think you’re dps?” Peter said.

“Obviously,” Thomas said nonchalantly.

“There’s no way you deal more damage than me.” Peter laughed.

“We’ve had this discussion before,” Thomas explained, “We all know I do more damage, it says so at the end of every raid.”

“Who deals more damage, Claire?” Peter asked.

Claire was quiet for a moment, clearly stuck between who to choose. She knew Thomas was the right answer, but she didn’t want to embarrass Peter, especially since they had been becoming more of a couple behind Thomas’ back.

“I’d say… P-Peter…” Claire said finally.

“Oh whatever,” Thomas laughed, “You guys both know I’m dps, Peter’s the tank, and Claire’s the healer, but that’s fine.”

“Nope! It’s two on one, man, you lose. But nice try buddy.” Peter said victoriously.

Thomas didn’t like the patronizing tone of Peter’s voice. Up until the end, the conversation had been very light hearted; just a few friends having playful jabs at each other. But then Peter seemed so cocky all of a sudden, as if he felt like he had truly reigned supreme over Thomas somehow. He also disliked how the two had ganged up on him, as if their friendship dynamic was at stake due to Claire and Peter’s newly forming relationship. He was divided on how to feel, torn between being supportive of their bond, or being more inclined to maintain their three way friendship.

Nonetheless, Thomas stayed quiet, wanting not to look like he had taken things too personally. The three continued their gaming, as the conversation became much more normal and relaxed. A few minutes later, while the group was farming xp on some low level monsters, Thomas heard a knock at his door. Normally, Thomas didn’t have much to hide, in his painfully average, boring life, so he had gotten into the habit of leaving his mic on whenever someone came into his room.

“Come in!” Thomas called as he continued to play.

He heard the door open, and some shuffling behind him, until he was startled by a surprise attack from Maya.

“Boo!” Maya said with a giggle, “Scared ya!”

“You sure got me,” Thomas admitted.

After getting into the game for a few hours, Thomas had all but forgotten about his sister, but now that she was right behind him, his excitement became reignited, and he was eager to see if his hypnotic suggestions had held over time. He took his headset off and laid it on his desk, forgetting to mute himself, then turned to his sister by swiveling in his desk chair.

“How do you feel?” Thomas asked, genuinely curious.

“I-I…. I feel really great…” His sister admitted, almost nervously as if she was embarrassed about it, “L-like…. Really really good, I’ve…. I’ve never felt this good ever…. I don’t think…. So…. Thanks, a lot…. I really appreciate it. I also just…. Wanna say… Sorry… for always being so mean to you…. I’ll try to be nicer from now on….”

Thomas’ heartbeat was off the charts as he anticipated the kiss. He was sure it would happen. He could see Maya, nervously bending forward ever so slightly, but rather reluctantly. It seemed as though she was whole heartedly conflicted about how to act, and was fighting her urge to obey his suggestion. She inched closer and closer, her face growing redder and redder until her face was mere inches away from his. Finally she pulled away, to Thomas’ disappointment.

“S-sorry!” She said quickly, “I… I don’t… Thanks Again! I have to go!”

With that she was out of the room in a flash, leaving Thomas sitting in his chair with a sorrowful attitude of defeat. His suggestion had almost worked, but hadn’t quite been enough. Hopefully she hadn’t broken free from his suggestions altogether so he would be able to enforce it later on. He swiveled back to his game and put his headset back on.

“Sorry guys, what did I miss,” Thomas asked.

“What was that about?” Claire asked.

“Yeah, why was Maya so… Nice to you?” Peter asked, having interacted with her on several occasions and having enjoyed none of them.

Thomas felt his heart skip as he realized they had heard everything. Luckily she hadn’t said anything more revealing, but he would have to be much more careful in the future.

“Oh, it’s nothing, I just helped her out with some school stuff, that’s all…” Thomas lied.

Fortunately, the group seemed to buy it, at least enough to get the attention off of him. The three returned to their game for a few more hours before signing off. Thomas noticed as he left, that Claire and Peter remained in the call. Again, Thomas was conflicted on how to feel, as their repeated exclusion of him was hurtful, but he also understood their desire for privacy with their evolving relationship. Ultimately, Thomas was left feeling a little sour, but he tried not to think about it much as he turned off his computer.

He stood from his chair, and decided to pay his sister a visit, hoping that perhaps if given a second shot, she would obey his commands. He knocked on her door, and waited for a response.

“Who is it?” Maya called out after a suspicious silence.

“It’s me.” Thomas called back.

There was another suspicious pause before she responded.

“I-I’m busy right now… C-can it wait?” Maya asked.

Thomas took a deep breath and turned the knob, pushing his way into the room without permission. He wasn’t sure how the action would be received, but he was confident he wouldn’t have gotten inside without doing it.

“T-Thomas!?” Maya called out with offense.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas explained, “I was just worried, earlier in my room, you seemed… worried or something.”

Thomas moved into the room, closing the door behind him and making his way to her bed. Maya was a bit taken aback at his blatant disregard for her privacy, but ultimately felt that he had good intentions for doing so. Thomas sat down at the edge of the bed, and gazed into his sister’s eyes.

“If something’s wrong, you can tell me,” He said, “I’d love to help.”

“Thanks Thomas, but I’m fine, really,” Maya said, hoping to usher him out quickly.

Thomas had been hoping for more, but didn’t want to push things more than he already had by barging in.

“Okay, just making sure,” He said as he stood up and began walking away, “Love you Maya,” He added just to stir the pot a bit.

As his hand touched the doorknob he felt a small delicate hand on his back, that seemed to freeze him in place. He turned, trembling with anticipation, and looked down at his sister who had stopped him from leaving. She looked up at him with big eyes, and a blushing face before quickly stepping up on her tip toes and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Fireworks seemed to burst in his mind as he felt a cacophony of emotions. He felt pride from having successfully hypnotized his sister, joy from experiencing his first kiss, and extreme hopefulness at the seemingly unlimited potential of their new arrangement. His first kiss, with his sister no less. Though a peck it had been, he accepted it with open arms. He looked down at Maya with a tender, loving smile. He never would have thought that he’d feel so lovingly towards his bimbo sister, but it was hard to resist her when she was actually being cute and nice for once.

“S-sorry!” Maya said softly, clearly embarrassed with herself, “I, uh… J… Just forget that happened…”

“Sorry for what?” Thomas said, hoping this would cement his suggestion in her mind, “You’re just showing your appreciation for me, I understand.”

Thomas leaned down and returned her kiss with his own, lingering much longer than she had. To his delight, she accepted and returned the kiss, before finally pushing him away gently.

“S-stop…” She said, gasping for air as if there wasn’t enough in the room, “W-we…. We shouldn’t…. This… This is wrong…”

Maya pushed against Thomas’ chest with trembling hands, and he could tell she was severely conflicted. Her breathing was rapid, and he assumed her heart rate was also, the kind of reaction one might expect from a first time crush.

“What’s wrong about it?” Thomas said, trying to make it seem as normal as possible.

“I… It….” Maya stuttered, searching the depths of her brain for a reason, but coming up empty handed.

Maya didn’t know what to say. Something deep within her seemed to know that it was wrong, but another greater, fresher part of her mind urged her on. The joy she felt from kissing her brother; the joy of showing her love for him, was almost intoxicating, and she struggled to think of why it was something they shouldn’t explore. The longer she thought about it, the closer she felt she was getting to the answer, until suddenly.

“You’re my sister,” Thomas said, “I love you.”

Again, all progress inside Maya’s mind was lost, and a thick fog seemed to settle over her thoughts. The moment he said that, she felt it was true. It made sense. Loved ones kiss to show their love. It wasn’t a romantic love, like the kind she had for briceson, but rather a familial love. She looked up at Thomas and once again stepped up and gave him a kiss on the lips.

“Y-you’re right… Sorry… I don’t know why I was being so weird about it…” Maya said.

“That’s okay, you’ve had a rough day, I’m sure you’re a little scrambled.” Thomas said deviously.

“Yeah…. Thanks for understanding….” She responded.

She gave him one final kiss before allowing him to leave the room. She felt good, great even, ready to tackle her fears and make the most of the day. It was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time, if ever at all. Thomas left the room feeling similarly for an entirely different reason. She had kissed him more than he had been anticipating, which was a welcome surprise. He was more eager than ever to continue evolving their new relationship, and reaping the rewards of the suggestions he was sowing.

**Chapter 15: Whoopsie**

Thomas felt like the king of the world as he stepped out of his sister’s bedroom, or perhaps more like a superhero first learning they have powers. He had been able to successfully convert his bitch of a sister into a caring individual who was already beginning to think little of lewd acts of incest. He was quite happy with himself, but was completely unprepared for what the end of the night had in store.

About an hour after leaving his sister’s room for the last time, Thomas’ mother called for dinner, and he and Maya collided in the halls as they simultaneously made their way to the dining room. Maya clung to her brother as they bumped, nuzzling her face into his arm. It was still so foreign to Thomas to have Maya be so kind and gentle with him, but it was an extraordinary welcome change of pace. The two rounded the corner of the hall and greeted their mother with a happy smile.

“I must be dreaming! Who are you and what did you do with my children?” Anna said as she eyed the two up. Never before had they acted so kindly with each other.

“Don’t be silly mom!” Maya said, detaching from her brother and running up to her mother to smother her in a big hug.

“We’re trying harder to get along now.” Thomas said, hoping it would be enough of an explanation.

Admittedly their fighting had slowed significantly over the past week, as they bonded over fake similar interests. But it was quite a jump to see Maya literally clinging to Thomas, so Thomas just hoped it wouldn’t arouse too much suspicion.

“Well I’m very proud of you two!” Anna said, not caring much about the discrepancy, “Now if only it’ll last, then I’ll be happy! I love you two so much.”

Suddenly, something happened that made Thomas’ heart sink. Maya looked up and gave her mother a big, tender kiss right on the lips. Anna was so caught off guard that she didn’t even process what had happened until a few seconds later. Her face took on an expression of complete surprise and disbelief, and she blushed hard as she looked down at her young daughter.

“I love you too, mom!” Maya said, hugging her close again.

Thomas became frantic, unsure of what to do. Luckily it seemed as though Maya was oblivious to her mother’s reaction, otherwise she could be reminded of the strangeness of her actions and subsequently ‘wake up’ from her hypnotic suggestions. Anna hugged Maya back much less tenderly and more awkwardly, as though she wanted it to end sooner rather than later.

“Y-yes, well,” Anna cleared her throat, “Ev-everyone grab a plate and dish up.”

It was then that Thomas realized he would need to be very careful about his hypnotic suggestions. It seemed as though he had been to liberal in his usage of terms like love, and his kissing suggestion had extended to other family members as well. He could only hope and pray that an opportunity for her to kiss their father wouldn’t present itself, as that would be far more likely to go bad. While definitely odd, it was more excusable for Maya to kiss their mother on the lips than their father, and himself even less so than that.

From that moment forward, the evening became a hostage situation, where at any moment, Maya could become overwhelmed with emotion and randomly kiss any three of her family members in full view of the others. To make matters worse, Maya opted to sit beside Thomas rather than across from him like she normally did, which meant he would need to be extra vigilant. By the end of the dinner, he felt exhausted from paying close attention to all the small details of the conversation and the effect they could have on his sister.

There were several close calls, where Maya leaned, closing her eyes and puckering her lips towards Thomas, beckoning for a kiss, but Thomas did his best to push her away without making her feel too badly about it. He was certain each rejection only worsened his hold on her mind, but he had no real choice in the matter, as the only other option was to practically make out with his sister, right in front of his parents. By the time dinner was nearly over, Maya was becoming quite pouty, growing tired and feeling neglected by Thomas’ refusals.

In the end, while certainly suspicious, his parents were thankfully witness to none of Thomas’ mischievous endeavors regarding his sister. After a short dinner cleanup, and a prompt ushering of Maya away from the others, the two were back in Maya’s room alone.

“Do you hate me?” Maya sniffled on the brink of tears as they sat on her bed.

Thomas didn’t respond, opting instead to quickly snuff out her concern with a loving kiss. Instantly Maya responded, returning the kiss while grabbing onto his face. She seemed incredibly needy, as her kiss became much less loving and much more sexual. It was only a few seconds before her tongue slithered out and probed his lips for an opening. Thomas was still incredibly new to all of this, having never so much as touched a girl before. Nonetheless, he felt comfortable with his sister, and considered the opportunity a good chance to learn and experiment.

He opened his mouth, accepting her tongue while offering his own. Maya giggled as he fumbled his way through his first french kiss, but seemed to enjoy it all the same. After about half a minute, the two pulled apart, a few strings of saliva connecting their mouths as they separated. Maya had a wide smile across her face, which filled Thomas with optimism. Meanwhile, Maya was in heaven, as Thomas’ suggestion had inadvertently made her feel immense joy and satisfaction from kissing loved ones.

“Thanks Thomas!” Maya chirped, “I feel so mu-”

“Sleepy doggie,” Thomas said, cutting her off.

Thomas reached out as Maya fell unconscious, guiding her into a lying position as he prepared to fix his mistakes. He spent the next couple hours bringing Maya out of trance before sending her back in, each time gaining a stronger hold on her mind and thoughts. By the end of the long session he felt confident he had worked out the issues from earlier, and was hopeful that now the kissing only applied to brothers, and only when they were alone.

It was a stretch for sure, but after the grueling hypnosis session, Maya’s mind seemed so scrambled that she’d believe just about anything, making up her own justifications in her mind without much need for one externally. Thomas left her asleep as he went to bed himself, having suggested that she’d wake up more refreshed than ever, like he had previously. She’d seemed to like it so it was a bit of a win win as it seemed to help solidify his hypnosis, while also having mental benefits for her.

**Chapter 16: Scurry to the Basement**

A few days had gone by without another kissing incident which gave Thomas hope that his long hypnotic session had been successful. He had been enjoying the company of his sister’s kisses in their privacy, and acting like normal siblings in the company of others. He was thankful that he had fixed it before school the next day, as it could have been catastrophic had she been around so many others that she likely had underlying feelings of love towards.

On Wednesday, just like on Monday, Thomas awoke with a massive, swollen ball sack, and an uncomfortable pain between his legs. He was curious to see how his mother would handle this one, as they had nearly gotten caught by Maya on monday. He texted her and sat back as he awaited her response. Perhaps she would just give up and allow him to handle it himself, though he was a little hopeful he’d be able to get another few handjobs from her.

Within a surprisingly short amount of time, his mother had responded, telling him to meet her in the basement. Thomas got up and out of bed, and waddled his way to the door after putting on some underwear. He scooted slowly down the hall, trying hard to generate as little movement in his balls as possible.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Maya said from behind him.

She hugged him from behind and squeezed him close, kissing his neck as she embraced him. Thomas winced in pain as she contored his body in a way that was uncomfortable given his circumstance.

“You wouldn’t try to get out of our morning kiss, right?” Maya sniffled, mournful at the thought.

“Of c-course not!” Thomas replied quickly.

He turned slowly and leaned in for a kiss. Maya swiftly met his lips with her own, and the two stood in the hall for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Maya asked as she pulled away from the kiss. She could tell something was off.

“I’m okay, just kinda groggy this morning I guess…” Thomas lied.

“Nothing another kiss can’t fix I bet!” Maya said.

She pulled him in for another kiss, and Thomas did his best to bring his normal level of enthusiasm to the table. Thankfully it was sufficient, as Maya pulled away the second time content with her ability to have a positive impact on her brother’s mood.

“All better!” She cooed happily.

Thomas gave her a smile and let her go get ready for school as he made his way to the basement. She had gone back to wearing makeup after the bad day she had had on Monday. A slow descent down the stairs later and Thomas was in the small, cramped, unfinished basement of the modest Reynold’s home.

“What took you so long?” Anna asked as he entered.

“S-sorry, it’s kinda hard to move…” Thomas half lied.

Truthfully it was a mix of that and Maya, but his mother didn’t need to know about their shenanigans.

“W-well just try to be quicker next time, okay?” Anna said, “I don’t want your father knowing what we’re up to.”

Anna did her best to ignore the contradiction she was creating. If what she was doing was both normal and righteous, then obviously there would be no problem with others knowing about it. She pushed those thoughts aside as her motherly instinct to protect her child’s purity rose to the forefront. There was perhaps a not so small part of her brain that also just enjoyed seeing his massive 16 inch cock, but she’d never admit it.

“Okay, so um… I figured we could use this, for you to finish in…” Anna said, holding up a dirty gardening bucket.

The bucket was one of those plastic five gallon buckets you could get from the hardware store. It was filled with dirt particles and residue, but it would do the job decently enough. Thomas nodded in understanding, and promptly lowered his briefs to the floor. Anna couldn’t believe how small his cock started out, compared to how big it could get. It appeared no bigger than his father’s average cock while soft, a mere 4-5 inches, but was so much greater when hard.

The sight of his massive swollen balls propping up his tiny limp cock was almost comedic, as the sheer size difference was a sight so foriegn, She’d have trouble understanding it without seeing it. She knelt in front of him, using a towel to pad her knees against the unfinished concrete floors. Like last time, she faced away from him, jerked him until his cock could rest over her shoulder, and aimed him at the bucket.

Thomas enjoyed watching her as her hands became lubed with his oozing precum. Her silver ring always threatening to come off seemed almost like a sign rather than just a byproduct of their actions. Her frail fingers squeezed his cock tightly, as he began to pump into her twisting hands. Anna loved the feeling of his long, hard, yet flexible cock. It was so warm, rigid and yet squishy all at the same time. It was truly the perfect instrument, just unfortunately far too large to ever fit inside a girl. Anna worried that perhaps the day would never come for Thomas that he’d get to enjoy sex, as it was extremely unlikely that any woman could accept his size into their body.

“Honey, don’t move like that…” Anna said, referring to his pelvic thrusts into her grasp.

“Y-you said we need t-to go f-fast, right?” He argued.

Anna sighed in defeat, silently agreeing that the sooner they were out of the basement, the better. She allowed him to pump against her hands, despite the fact that it blurred the lines between sex, self pleasure, and her motherly duty. By the time Thomas was getting close, he had nearly filled the dirty bucket with his precum, and Anna was growing more and more worried that his load wouldn’t fit in the leftover space.

“I think I need to get another bucket, honey…” Anna said.

“We can’t s-stop now, I’m s-so close…” Thomas uttered.

“You’ll make a mess!” Anna argued.

“If we s-stop, It’ll take m-me a long time to g-get close again…” Thomas explained, continuing to hump against her hands.

Thomas was now doing most of the work, as Anna’s arms had started growing tired from the long movements his cock required. Anna bit her lip, thinking of a solution. Why was it that she was always so ill prepared for these moments? She let go of his cock, and swiveled on her feet. While crouched on her feet now, she took the folded towel from the floor and held it in front of his cock. With her free hand, she jerked just the glans, hoping their hyper sensitivity would carry him to orgasm.

Unknown to her, in her squatted stance, Thomas was given a perfect view down the length of her tight skirt, and could see the curve of her pussy lips from under the fabric of her panties. This was more than enough for Thomas and as he shivered through his powerful orgasm, cum soaked into and through the numerous folded layers of the thick towel. He fully saturated it in his seed faster than a shower could have, and soon the thick slime was oozing past Anna’s fingers and into the remaining space in the bucket. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched the waterfall of slime pour out from within and around the dense towel.

Within a few seconds, the bucket had filled to the brim and the excess that continued to pour down from the towel overflowed from around the lip. A thick puddle a couple feet in diameter formed around the bucket by the time Thomas’ ejaculation had ended. He panted as he came down from his high, his feet submerged in his seed. Anna was continually surprised by the size of his loads, and out of curiosity, wrang out the towel in her grasp, secretly enjoying the view of extra sperm flowing out from within.

“Thanks so much mom, love you!” Thomas said, feeling reenergized.

“You’re welcome sweetie…” Anna sighed, unsure of whether she should condone such behavior.

She didn’t really have much of a choice however, as the only alternative was masturbation which was firmly off the list of options.

“I can clean this up.” Thomas offered, hoping his mature mindset would impress his mother.

“That’s okay, I can do it.” Anna said, standing and reaching down for the bucket.

The handle was slippery with his slime, but more importantly was weighed down significantly by his load. She hadn’t expected it to be so heavy, and it would have been a chore for her to move it on her own.

“Okay, if you want to help, why don’t you pour this out down the drain over there.” She offered.

Thomas complied, picking up the heavy bucket and carrying it to the floor drain in the basement. In case of flooding the basement was equipped with a small drain in the center of the small concrete floor, that would redirect any unwanted fluids. The drain was covered by a small circular grate, much like a standing shower drain. Thomas began to pour his cum down the drain, but quickly found that the grate was halting his progress significantly.

His thick spunk was too viscous to get through the grate efficiently so he’d need to remove it. He fetched a screwdriver and unscrewed the grate before continuing to pour. The uninterrupted flow worked much better and he was able to dispose of his massive load in about a minute. He placed the empty but still coated bucket next to his mother, unsure of what she wanted to do with it, now that it was covered in his cum.

“Thanks again mom, I really appreciate it.” Thomas said as his mother cleaned his load from the floor.

“Sure thing, honey…” She said, waiving him away.

As soon as he left, her curiosity could hold on no more. She brought her hand to her mouth and licked her finger tentatively. The taste that graced her tongue was one she had not anticipated, but thoroughly disliked. She spat, disappointed in her inability to resist the temptation but perhaps more disappointed that his taste was rather bitter. What a bummer, to have so much potentially delicious cum, but for it to taste so bad.

**Chapter 17: Another Day**

Tuesday morning, one day before chapter 16…

Thomas arose from his bed, a bit tired from staying up late the night before, hypnotizing his sister into oblivion. But, hopefully his hard work would pay off and he would have a sister who would kiss him and only him when they were in private. He got out of bed and quickly made his way to his sister’s door to test his progress. He was a little nervous that the suggestions wouldn’t stick overnight, but there was only one way to find out.

He knocked on his sister’s door, his heart beating in his chest as he prepared for what might come. A short wait later, and the door swung open, presenting Thomas with a clearly happy and refreshed Maya.

“Good morning!” Thomas said, “You seem happy.”

“I am happy!” Maya said, leaning forward and embracing Thomas with a passionate kiss, “Thanks for last night, I feel great. I might need you to do that every night…” She giggled.

“I’m happy to help, just let me know.” Thomas said.

Thomas felt like he was floating on a cloud, so intoxicated by his success. And to his absolute disbelief and joy, his sister was so oblivious to his mischief that she was practically begging him to continue. He had a feeling things would get a whole lot better over time, and his mind raced with the possibilities. Still, he had to be careful not to push things too hard too fast, as he had gotten to where he was now with careful planning and patience. If he wanted to continue succeeding he would need to stick closely to his functional formula.

The two split ways, and Thomas hopped in the shower. He dreamed of having Maya clean him like an obedient, submissive little toy. It filled him with such a powerful arousal that it was hard to resist the urge to stroke his massive cock, but he did. His mother still watched over the monitors like a hawk, especially in the morning when he was showering, and fapping in the shower made too distinct of a noise to get away with.

After his shower, a tasty breakfast, and a short ride to the school, Thomas was sitting in his first period class, learning pointless things about space and science. He was not a particularly big fan of school, but science least of all. At least the other subjects had a chance of helping him later on in life, but he failed to see how understanding the rotation of the moon would assist his career unless he planned to be an astrophysicist. The day drolled on until his free period that he had been looking forward to.

He made his way through the labyrinth of book cases until finding his hypno partner tucked away in the same place as last time. Again she was reading her hypno book while hiding it inside of a larger textbook. It seemed somewhat odd to him how secretive she was about it all, but he didn’t mind all that much; some people were just more shy than others.

“Hey what’s up?” Thomas asked as he approached.

“Hello!” The girl responded, “Ready to get started?”

“Yeah, so can I get your name now?” Thomas asked, placing his bag on the ground.

“It’s my turn, remember?” The girl insisted.

Thomas had forgotten that last time they had agreed to let her go again. The more he thought about it though, the more he felt okay with it. Now that he had successfully hypnotized his sister, it was clear he didn’t need much practice. He shrugged, grabbed his back for a pillow and laid down on the table like last time. It didn’t seem to take him long to drift off, most likely out of exhaustion from the little sleep he had had, and boredom.

What felt like a short while later, he awoke feeling refreshed, and sat up on the table. The strange girl was packing her things, and Thomas could see she was blushing rather hard, but he didn’t much care why.

“How’d it go?” Thomas asked.

“Pizza cutter!” The girl said.

Thomas gave her a puzzled expression.

“Dang it,” She said, “I thought I had you for sure.”

“Sorry, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually.” Thomas chuckled, feeling superior due to his first time success.

“Well, same time tomorrow?” The girl asked.

“Sure, sounds good.” Thomas replied.

The two split off and went about the rest of their day. Thomas couldn’t decide whether he was impressed with his own ability to succeed on the first try, or unimpressed with her lack of success. He decided it was probably more common to fail, and congratulated himself for either getting lucky or being naturally gifted. He got home a while later, after the short bus ride, ready to continue experimenting with his little sister.

To his disappointment, Briceson was home, and staying for dinner, which meant Thomas would have little to no time to expand Maya’s suggestions. He went to his room and dropped his bags in a huff, his mood quickly souring after his discovery. All of a sudden, Maya slipped quietly into his room and tiptoed to where he sat at his desk. She placed a big kiss on his cheek, causing him to turn and face her. Thomas smiled as he saw who it was, his mood quickly shifting more positively as he was greeted by his sister.

It was a great sign that even in the presence of her boyfriend, she was willing to continue the suggestion. Admittedly, Thomas had worried that Briceson may contain the ability to shake her from her hypnotic mind, by reminding her of who it was normal to kiss. Luckily, it seemed as though that was not the case, which encouraged Thomas. If she was still under his spell, even with her boyfriend a few rooms away, surely she was entirely at his mercy.

“Hope you had a good day at school,” Maya whispered with a giggle, “I couldn’t let you get away without a good afternoon kiss.”

Thomas couldn’t help but melt in the presence of Maya’s new kind and caring attitude. He gently grabbed her head and pulled her in for a lip on lip kiss, which she happily returned. Thomas thought as though he could feel the slightest of moans trickle out of her throat, but it was too faint to be sure. Regardless, she pulled away and waved goodbye before prancing back to her dick of a boyfriend. With his mood restored, Thomas decided to play some video games to pass the time.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t3mei8/hypnosis_ch_1113_mfincestmind_controlbig


  1. Sorry about the error in the title!!!! This is Chapter 14-17 not 11-13!! Whoops! I would edit it but you can’t edit titles :/

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