Pokemon: adults only tournament (prolouge)

Pokémon: the adults only tournament (prolouge)

The plane’s engines fired off, sending the large metal vehicle down the tarmac. The large airport rolled smoothly as I got comfortable in my first class seat. There were only four other passengers in first class with me. I didn’t recognize them, but one had a large coat and hood covering her face. Her figure was undeniably feminine even under the large black coat.

I shrugged and pulled out the brochure I was given before stepping on the plane.

The front showed a beautiful tropical island covered in lush vegetation and surrounded by crystal clear water.

Zeelin brochure

I was getting excited. I wasn’t allowed to go on my pokémon adventure until I turned eighteen. In my luggage was the small trophy that won me access to this tourney in the first place. Since I couldn’t have my adventure as a kid, I stuck with the card game, and well, here I am, on a plane bound for a prestigious island tournament where the best and brightest trainers from every region are gathering.

I could hardly contain my excitement.

I looked in my bag. I pulled out the small metallic case that held my newly issued trainer ID. My name was printed in small black lettering.

Zella Touring

There were eight indents for Sinnoh’s gym challenge. They sat empty with my inexperience, but that didn’t matter, from what I learned. No one coming to the tourney was allowed to bring Pokemon anyway. I heard there were even champions from other regions coming. My heart fluttered with excitement.

We were high in the sky now, a flock of Starly led by a Staraptor flew close. I smiled, staring at them through the window, they were beautiful. Dad would be proud of me, he always wanted me to go on my Pokemon journey, but mom was always against it. She never told me why.

I pulled out my laptop and booted it up. The little Rotom logo flashed for a moment. My web browser was up. And a video started playing.

Uh oh.

Suddenly my speakers blasted out at max volume. A video of a woman playing with herself and moaning loudly played. After my shock I closed the laptop. My heart thumped inside my chest. I forgot about that.

I looked around. The other passengers were staring at me, all of them except the woman in the dark cloak. I smiled weakly and plugged my headphones into the port before opening it again.

The video still played. But at least only I could hear it. I closed the tab after bookmarking it and began researching the island of Zeelin.

There wasn’t a lot of info other than the tournament being held there.

I shrugged. I had a couple of hours till we landed and wasn’t sure what to do. I powered the laptop off and put it away, resigning myself to stare out of my window.

It was so exciting to fly above the clouds, seeing everything the sky had to offer, it was kind of relaxing even. Until I saw it.

A huge light in the distance, a literal rainbow moving fast above the clouds. I don’t know why but my heart pounded hard in my chest. The ball of color spun fast, eventually exploring, revealing a beautiful gold and red pokemon with a golden crest on its head. Then, as fast it appeared it dove under the clouds again.

I felt myself breathing hard completely transfixed on what I witnessed. I don’t know how long I stared, the bright colors burned in my mind.

I get a tap on my shoulder, bringing me back to earth. I turned around. The woman in the black cloak was standing above me. Her face was still obscured, but I could see her plump pink lips curled into a smile.

“That was Ho-Oh.” she started, her voice was rich and sultry. “He appears to those destined for greatness. Mind if I sit here?” she gestured to the empty seat next to me. I nodded. Still unable to speak.

She sat down and pulled her hood back.

Holy shit.

Her long blonde hair was held back in an intricate braid, small black hassles hanging on her head.

Her dull yellow eyes stared back into my shocked face. “Uh.” I managed to get out.

She put a slim finger to my mouth. “Shh dear, yea, it’s me.” she smiled again. “May I ask your name?”

I scrambled my brain for a moment looking for the answer. Why was Cynthia, my region’s champion, talking to me?

“Uh, Zella, ma’am.” I managed to sputter out.

She giggled a little. “No need to be so formal Zella.” She leaned back and closed her eyes. “Based on your reaction you must know who I am.” she opened one eye. “So what’s a cutie like you doing going to this tournament?”

“Uh. Well. I. Uh.” I swallowed hard and took a breath. “I won an entry ticket. I play the card game and well, a tournament was giving out a spot for the winner.”

“Interesting. Have you taken the gym challenge at all?”

“No, I haven’t. Never actually had a Pokemon, to be honest. My mom isn’t a fan of the whole journey and everything. She doesn’t know I’m going to this tournament. She just thinks it’s a vacation.”

“Interesting.” She sat up. “Do you know the gimmick of the tournament?”

“I’ve skimmed the brochure. I figured we’d get an explanation on the island.”

She giggled again. “Well.” she began. “The rules are the same everywhere else. Six Pokemon maximum, travel to four gyms and challenge them and face the champion.” she paused, stretching her arms and laying them back down, except one was on my thigh. Her hand slowly massaged my thigh in a circle. My heart throbbed in my chest.

“Where it gets fun is the reward system. As long as two trainers agree, you can ask anything of the loser. Money, items,” she leaned into my ear and whispered. Her hand traveled up my pant leg, inches away from my pussy. “Sex.” she said in a deep sultry tone.

Her hand moved further up, barely rubbing against my now hot pussy. I breathed deep and adjusted myself to give her more easy access.

What the hell was I doing? I shouldn’t allow her to touch me, but she’s so beautiful, and after my little porn video. Well, why not?

She slowly massaged the outside of my pants, little bolts of energy filling me after every pass. I just laid back and let her do her work.

“You know,” she said. “I’m really excited to see what you’ll do. Not every day someone gets to see Ho-Oh.“ She lifted her hand and slipped it under my pants. Her fingers found my wetness and began rubbing against my panties. It felt amazing. She applied just the right amount of pressure on my clit, sending lightning to my brain.

“I knew a kid who saw him a long time ago. He went on to be the greatest champion this world has ever known.” she moved my panties to the side and slipped a finger into my folds. I shivered. “The things I let him do to me when he beat me, Arceus save me, we met at my house and he didn’t say a word. He had me on the bed, ripping my clothes off. He ate me out for an hour that night. Getting me all nice and wet for that huge fucking cock.”

I felt close from her words and fingers. She sped up, just running my sensitive clit. “He fucked me like a good slut. He didn’t care who I was, he didn’t care I was the most popular champion. All I was for him that night was a good slut. And I’ll never forget how he filled me again and again. Making me drip his seed.”

Fuck. My breathing was faster. I was so close.

“If you’re anything like him. We’ll be doing this a lot.“ She paused and kissed my cheek. “Cum for me noobie. And if you ever want to cum for me again. You better find me and best me.”

I felt my whole body tremble as I came hard. I shook for a long minute, trembling with pleasure. She pulled her hand out, covered in my juices. She slipped a finger in her mouth. “Delicious. See you on the island.”

She left. I was left sitting there, panting in orgasmic bliss. A nap sounded like a good way to pass the time. I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

I didn’t wake up till I heard the announcer say we were about to land. A stewardess shook my shoulder and told me we were about to leave. I nodded weekly and gathered my belongings. It was just my bag and a small carry around with clothes in it.

I looked out of the window and saw the island. It was huge and absolutely covered in trees, beautiful beaches, and crystal clear water. A few small towns were dotted around from what I saw. A small archipelago was situated behind the island with what looked like a huge building in the middle of them. My heart thumped in excitement, today my journey was going to start.

We landed at a very small airport. Maybe a quarter of the size of the one in Sinnoh, the plane rolled smoothly to a stop and we began getting off the plane.

After a lengthy process of being checked in at the simple airport. We were instructed to go to a small village with housing for all one hundred of us. We were loaded on buses and sent to them. All the buses were sent in different directions. The one with Cynthia was labeled eight. Mine was labeled one. There were right busses total with thirteen passengers each.

The roads looked newly paved and were a stark contrast to the untamed jungle to the left and right of us. I noticed there were a lot of women on this bus. A lot of cute ones too. Maybe three guys total on my bus. Huh.

The bus rumbled along the path till we came to a town. A sign outside said it’s name was ‘HiLin’ . It was a few buildings, about twenty in total, and a lab, like the one back home.

We were dropped off and given eyes to our temporary housing. The staff said we would be told about the tourney within the week as they were still setting up.

I was super excited. I found my building and walked in. It was right next to the laboratory. I walked in. It was a single room with a bed and a small kitchenette. A door leads to a clean bathroom. I set down my sparse belongings and sat down on the bed. Tomorrow was going to be amazing.

(wow remember when I did this? Anywho. Prologue for my new Pokemon story. Lemme know what you think. And if you like it check out my [patreon](www.patreon.com/queen_creme) and throw me a bone. Love ya have an awesome day)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t2wo1m/pokemon_adults_only_tournament_prolouge


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