One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 3!

My thoughts of endless possibilities running wild, i was now hooked under the clasp of Fiona’s palm, thinking of her night and day she held me in a position of not wanting but needing more, yet, too afraid to ask fearing her rejection.

Constantly conjuring up ways to beat her at her own game, it was late Saturday night and i received a message.

“Missing me?”

I obviously didn’t have her number saved in my phone but knew immediately who it was. I wrote back three times and deleted before i sent a message. I didn’t want to seem too eager, i delayed my response and eventually replied.

“As much as you’re thinking of me”

Genius I thought! I awaited a response but she left me hanging, (i was really expecting a picture ill be honest) typical of her style she was playing with me again, i resisted the urge to send her another message. I even contemplated sending her a picture of you know what but i knew the consequences.

Wednesday. I arrived a few minutes late, Fiona was already in, her head buried in a harry potter book, which kind of surprised me. My tutor sat behind his desk,

“Good morning Mr *****”

She looked up.

“Morning Neil”

I realised he was watching as i walked towards my desk, likely waiting for my exchange in words with Fiona to see what this week would unveil,

“Morning hun”


“Did you shave for me again?“

“Ssssshhhhh!! Fiona seriously!”

She knew exactly what she was doing, I glanced over at Neil looking right back at me with a grin ear to ear, he raised his eyebrows in amusement.

“Really? Everyone doesn’t need to know!”

“I didn’t take you as the embarrassed type”

“Well i am when your talking about my balls in-front of everyone!”

“Okay, Okay I’m sorry….”

“.…but did you though?”

“Did i what?”

“Shave your balls ag-“

“-yes i fucking shaved my balls again!!”

She put her hand over her mouth and giggled like id never heard before,

“You’re so funny!”

Fucking desperate more like! I got settled took my coat off, my eyes shot down as i noticed she had a pair of ripped jeans on exposing her pale white skin on her thigh, the impulse was overwhelming, with the back of my finger i hesitantly ran over her smooth skin expecting my reprimanding… she said nothing, my excitement grew, I started out touching in a playful manner before turning my hand using my finger tips to stroke her skin.

“You’re hands are so sweaty”

“Y-yeah, i know”


“…… do I make you nervous?”

“You fucking terrify me Fiona”

She laughed about it, but little to her knowledge I wasn’t actually joking. I bravely started caressing her whole thigh, down to her kneecap around and back up to her pelvis, spreading my fingers out more and more towards her inner thigh with each stroke.. i was already fucking beyond rock hard, almost in a hypnotic type state when….

“MR ******! NOT in my classroom please”

Before he snapped me back to earth i didn’t even realise he was talking, the entire room looked towards us, some in disapproval and disgust others with grins. Nathan and Kieron smirking, nodding their heads I didn’t feel embarrassment but more empowered.

15 minute, Neil walks over as i gather my stuff.

“Listen, whatever you two have going on, I’m happy for you but please refrain from doing it in my classroom. Me and the others don’t need to see it.”

“Sorry Neil. It was my fault. It wont happen again.”

Regardless of my wrong doing, i was actually his top student. I had way more experience than the others and always walked through the tests he set out for us. For that reason he always cut me slack.

Fiona didn’t come out. She wanted to read her book, she didn’t actually smoke cigarettes either so i left and met up with Nathan and Kieron.

“Yes boys”

“You shaved your balls?!?”

“For fuck sake…. Yes i did”

“That is fucking hilarious! Why!? What did she say?”

“I think she was impressed to be fair”

“Have you fucked her?”


“What’ve you done?”

“So far… nothing she’s just tortured me”

Nathan – “what do you mean?!”

“Not literally. She proper teases me, she gets me hard and leaves me hanging”

“Thats awful!”

“I know. She told me it’ll be worth it”

We got back. Neil said

“Right gather your things, we need to go to the library to use the computers”

In the far corner of the library is where the computers are. The tables and monitors a back to back chained up as though we’re going to steal a full size desktop pc under our coats! me and Fiona sat at the far end of the table closest to the corner wall.

I log in and open up the application as instructed when i felt her warm hand grip my thigh, she squeezed and ran her hand inward towards my balls cupping them in her palm, i could feel the heat radiating through my pants as she searched around for my growing cock. With her fingers she grabbed ahold of my little boy pointing it upwards allowing me room to get fully hard.


She continued. Rubbing her hand up and down my cock through my pants i pleaded,


“Please stop”

I didn’t want her to stop. Her touch felt so amazing i wanted more but my paranoia set me on edge. We was in a room full of people after all!

Ignoring my plea she continued increasing her pressure, she patted her hand up my cock to the top of my pant line and pulled. Like a hypnotised fool I allowed her access, lifted my arse and helped her expose my cock to the cold library air.
She grabbed ahold and began working my foreskin up and down slowly. Careful not to make movements to obvious, she slowly pulled downward pulling my skin all the way to stop and letting her hand slide down to my balls before bringing her way back up. The heat from her sweaty hand felt intoxicating, i wasn’t focusing on anything other than her hand stroking my cock so masterfully. After a minute i felt it. The unmistakable tingle of euphoria stirring up inside me. I was about to fucking cum!! I grabbed her hand and gripped tight stopping her movement. She could feel me trembling as i moved her away. I plead again,



“Please just stop” i whispered

“Why!?” She whispered back



“You’re gonna make me cum Fiona!”

“No way! Really? That easy?”

“Yes! Fiona please just stop”

There was no way i was about to cum all over myself in a fucking college library! And thank fuck she did.

I pulled my pants over my throbbing cock in relief. Slowly inhaling and exhaling trying to calm myself down, continuing with my work in disbelief.

12 o’clock.

To be continued……



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