How my affair with my MIL Started [MF]

This part is rather long and not too juicy, but I feel I need to share how it all started. Probably the longest story I’ll write. It does get more hot in heavy, a lot of high risk wild sex. Just have to let you know where it all began.

So buckle in; this is a bit of a long intro to an affair that spanned a few years. This was in my previous marriage and I have since remarried. Just felt compelled to share my story.

I was in high school just turned 18, about to start my senior year. My family had decided to up and move to a new city, and I was left with the decision to try and find a place to stay to finish out my senior year,or move to a new town, new school, the works. One day I was out to lunch with my GF and her mom. Her mom Laura was a nice woman, small frame, maybe 130-140 lbs. Imagine Trinity from the Matrix, just without the leather and slicked back hair. She dressed with 80’s and 90’s style cues at that point. High wasted jeans, turtle necks.

Anyways, I had, as joke mentioned moving in with them during our conversation at lunch. Without a second thought or skipping a beat, she said yeah, that’s fine. I thought she maybe misheard me, so I said, “You’d be ok if I moved in?” She said yeah, they have a spare bedroom and it’s no big deal. So, I moved in a few weeks later.

I spent the next few weeks adapting to living with my GF and her family. A lot of evenings I’d sit and talk to her mom at the kitchen table, about anything and everything. Books, news, music, drugs, sex. The family itself was middle class, better off financially than my own family, that was for sure. Her dad, a Catholic, made it clear that I was to sleep in my room lol. Didn’t stop teenagers and raging hormones.

So far, pretty chill living there, nothing crazy for the first few months. I’d casually flirt with my GF mom, compliment her hair etc. Just fun playful banter. Then on a Saturday, my GF was at work, so was her Dad, I was sitting at the table, reading a magazine when her mom comes into the kitchen says she’s going to mow the lawn, and asked if I could bring out the house phone if someone calls. I look up from my magazine to respond and see her standing there, in a pair of cutt-off jean shorts and a tank top, with her hair up in a pony tail. Up until this point, I’d really only seen her in her conservative mom clothes. And Holy shit did she blow my mind. Long legs, smooth natural curves on her hips, smaller breasts, it was at that moment I began to fantasize about my GF mom.

Fast forward a few months, at this time, nothing happened other than more playful flirting. My GF and I were fucking every chance we got, but nothing with her mom. I would, however, tend to sleep naked, hoping that she might feel brave when she’d check on me in the early mornings before she went to work. I’d kick the covers down, and pretend to be asleep. Laying there in all my glory. She covered me up a few times, but never played out like it did in pornos lol.

Until, one night I had gotten home from LaCrosse practice, I was tired. I knocked out my homework and went to go to sleep without dinner. Everyone else had eaten while I was at practice, so I just said to hell with it. So I’m in my boxers under my sheet, about to nod off when Laura gently opens the door and asks if I’m going to eat. I tell her no, I’m just tired. She walks into my room and asks if everything was OK, I just bitched about how intense practice was as she sits on the foot of my bed. I go to shift my legs as she sits, when my left calf straight up Charlie horsed. I sit up in pain and start pushing at the knot in my calf. Laura asked if I was okay, and I just said, “Cramp!” I lay back down my chest now exposed as well as my left leg sticking out the covers.

Casually, Laura starts to gently massage my calf. First my left leg then the right staying below my knee the whole time. I couldn’t help but start to grow under the sheets. She then stops as quickly as she started and asks if I need anything. I say maybe some water. She leaves and returns a minute later with a glass, and bid me goodnight. Soon as the door closes, I’m stroking my cock to the fantasy of fucking Laura in my bed.

Over the next few nights, this became our nightly ritual. She’d sit at the foot of my bed and massage my legs. Gradually climbing higher on my legs each night. One night she came in later than she normally did, wearing a nightgown. She asks in a whisper “Are you still awake?” I return her whisper with my own “yes” I can see her silhouette in the darkness, as the streetlight dimly lit my room. She walks forward and sits on the middle of my bed beside me. She makes small talk about our plans to go to the city the following morning to buy stuff for a school event later that week, as she begins to rub my leg above the knee. Instantly, all the blood begins rushing to my cock, as soon as her skin touched mine. With only a sheet and my Calvin Klein boxers covering my junk, I was very clearly erect, and pitching a tent. I see her casually look down as she keeps talking and gliding her hand up and down my thigh, I thought I saw her smile in the dark. Knowing her husband is racked out in the den, and having said goodnight to my GF a few hours prior, I thought, this is it! I felt her hand get higher than she ever has, at this point, her hand is up the leg of my boxers, and her fingers are right at the crease of my groin…I’m raging hard, my hearts pounding as I’m trying to keep my cool. She continues this for a few moments the abruptly STOPS! She yawns and says she should get to bed as it’s around 1am. I died a little inside as she stands and walks out and goes back to her room. Again, I’m left to handle my business, questioning if everything that just happened had been real.

The following morning, Laura comes in my room to wake me up, as we have to get on the road to head to the city (it’s about a 2 hour drive). I lay under my sheets fully naked after having a furious fap session from last night’s event. Seeing Laura, dressed in jeans that were probably my GFs as they fit her ass tightly and showed off her curves, made my penis start to swell again as I lay there groggy and not wanting to get up. My GF made a brief appearance in my room, saying good morning kissed me and went about getting ready for the days events. I’m daydreaming in my head as I continue to lay there thinking about Laura’s hand so close to my erection the night prior, the thoughts just made my current erection, even stronger. Laura again comes in, more assertively in a stern motherly tone, says, “Get up mister, we gotta get going”
I just lay there and reply “in a minute”. She gets slightly annoyed, and says “No, now. I’m not leaving this room til you’re out of bed!” I stare at her blankly, and just say,”I can’t”. To which she asks “why, not?” I manage to stutter “umm, boy problems”. I see her flash a glance towards my sheet covered crotch. A small smirk, hits the corner of her mouth. Then, without warning, she reaches down and grabs the sheet and pulls it back exposing my throbbing member in all its glory. She just looks down at it and grins devilishly. She leans forward, half laying on my bed, as the sheets drift down lazily covering my naked self she whispers in my ear. “Maybe we can do something about that later”

I’m stopping here to keep it from turning to a novel, it gets better, WAY better, raunchy and wild. Lmk if I should keep on with these tales or just keep em to myself. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.



  1. I’ve only read the third section of this majestic tale, but I’d like to ask, who was the better fuck, mum or daughter? πŸ˜…

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