[FMF] [threesome] [inter] Insurance Agent Threesome

My first part of this story – second part coming soon. Thanks for reading!

I was surprisingly nervous for my after-hours meeting with these clients. I’ve only talked to them a few times since writing their policy a couple years back, and assumed no news was good news until Hakeem reached out late last week, requesting a meeting. Him and his business parter, Malik, started a lawn care company and stopped in to get their business liability and property policies set up. I’ve been an insurance agent for over a decade, and I know I wrote the right policies for them, so I was taken off guard when I heard from Hakeem and he didn’t seem like this would be a purely social meeting.
Later that evening, I pulled into the parking lot at our town’s only Mexican restaurant; I fight my urge to order the biggest margarita on the menu while I wait for the partners to arrive. I’ve been pondering all day what got them so riled up that they insisted on an in-person meeting when most meetings these days are done by video call. Better judgment prevailed and I stuck to an iced tea, not the margarita or tray of tequila shots I was really interested in.
As I’m swirling the straw around in my glass, I seem them walk in and approach the table. Pleasantries are exchanged and we all sit down and order our entrees. Hakeem, clean-shaven and wearing a crisp blue dress shirt, wastes no time getting right to the business that brought them here this evening. They recently had some lawn equipment stolen, and their claim was denied as the materials weren’t covered. Hakeem and Malik were out a couple thousand bucks to replace it, and were none too pleased to find out there was no coverage on their policy. Malik was the quieter of the pair, but I couldn’t help but notice the concern in his bright green eyes show through his black-rimmed glasses. Now that I know there’s an exclusion on their policy, I can’t in good faith ignore that and add coverage to the policy – damn, why did they have to let slip from their smooth, full lips the one piece of information I couldn’t hear to allow me to insure their equipment?
Officially, my hands were tied. Unofficially, I couldn’t stand to let these fine-looking men down, again (in their eyes). My hands start to quiver as I break the bad news, and they don’t seem to be taking it super well. I can sense the tension start to rise and a vein pop in Malik’s forehead; I get it, this is their livelihood here. “So you’re saying there’s nothing, absolutely nothing you can do for us?” Hakeem asked…I had an idea pop into my head. A dirty, ethically questionable idea, but an idea none the less. “Well, my on the clock answer is no, there’s nothing I can do. However, ask me off the clock, and we might have some options. But I’m certainly making no promises here…”
They were quick to accept my proposition to explore the off-the-clock option; I was surprised how quickly, and with minimal reservation on either of their part. Should I be opening this door? It very well could get me fired, even offering to meet with a client “off the clock” in an “unofficial” capacity. Under normal circumstances this would never even cross my mind, but there was something about them that piqued my interest (and my pussy). I could feel the dampness in my panties all during dinner; I didn’t want to admit to myself that I was attracted to my clients, but my slippery clit was saying otherwise.
We had a round of shots (or two, who’s counting) before we left the restaurant and headed back to Hakeem’s apartment. The tequila was starting to work its way through my veins; the tips of my fingers and toes started to tingle and I felt warm all over, in the best places. I was hoping the men were feeling the same, and this was the beginning of an evening I wasn’t even imaging a few short hours ago. I knew the liquor had went to my head when I was starting to undress each of them in my mind, wondering what each of their cocks looked like, sprung free from the confines of their pants. Who has more girth, who is longer? Who could last longer? I have an idea to find out. This has nothing to do with insurance, but that’s a distant thought at this point.
It was an interesting cab right over to their apartment, which I discovered the two of them had shared. They started their business just a couple of years ago, pooling together their savings to get off the ground and have been doing what they needed to in order to turn a profit and start growing their business. My mind starts to wander to long days full of them mowing and landscaping lawns, their muscular frames dripping in sweat, turning their shirts see-through which is giving me quite a show in my mind. I started playing cheeky games with them to start a friendly competition between them. Who was the harder worker, who had the bigger muscles, who caught the most attention from housewives as they were out working in the back yard? It was giving us great banter to fill the last few minutes of the ride, and eased any remaining tensions that may have carried over from dinner.
By the time we got into the apartment, I couldn’t tell if either of them were still interested in talking business or if they wanted to carry on with the banter from the cab. “Tell you what?” I said as we all got settled in and kicked off our shoes, where my fresh pedicure was now on full display. Malik was quick to reach over and grab my left foot to start giving it a massage. Hakeem didn’t look satisfied and let Malik steal the show, and before I knew it I was getting a foot massage by both men. This was turning me on more than I could admit to myself, and the thought of them doing more than just rubbing my feet simultaneously invaded my thoughts.
This idea of both of them doing something to me, gave me the idea for me to do something to both of them…at the same time. But we need to work up to that, I don’t want to seem too eager. We start simple, still getting to know each other outside of the client/agent relationship. As we passed the fresh bottle of tequila between the three of us, the banter continued and steadily turned more to our first, best, worst experiences, things we hadn’t ever done, and things we imagined doing but hadn’t had the chance to yet…the list goes on. If there’s one liquor that makes me flirty, it’s tequila. As we continue playing this game of sorts, my smile gets flirtier, my eye contact with each of them gets longer and more intense.
With the bottle nearly finished, and all talk of anything insurance long gone, I propose my challenge to Hakeem and Malik. My heart is pumping so hard I can feel my pulse in my ears, and my heartbeat is practically visible via my pounding left breast. “I think you’ve been feeling me all night, and I’ve been feeling BOTH of you since back in the restaurant. How about we continue the theme of friendly competition to see who gets first dibs on me and my pussy?” I can instantly see a small bulge pop out in each of their pants, so I’ll that that as my answer, and the competition begins.
The rules are simple – whoever stays soft the longest gets first shot at me when they’re hard. It was easy in concept, but I had some ideas to keep it interesting. First, I lost a layer of clothes, taking off the blazer I was wearing at dinner and revealing a royal blue camisole with lace trim along the top. This allowed the top cusp of my breasts to show prominently in front of the men, and the cool breeze they felt now resulted in goosebumps popping up all along my cleavage. I take another swig of tequila, but not all of it slides down my throat; a small bit escapes from the corner of my mouth and soak my bottom lip. I slowly lick up the remaining tequila with the tip of my lip, going back and forth a couple of times to make sure I didn’t leave any behind.
I decide to take it up a devious notch and see where we’re at so far. I sneak up behind Malik while he’s standing at the table taking a break with a glass of water. I reach around him right below belt level and softly cup my hands around his flaccid member. Even in its mostly-relaxed state, I can still feel his size which is filling up most of my hand. As he notices my warmth behind him, I feel the twinge run the length of his dick and him start to firm. I can’t let Malik have the only tease, and as quickly as I was behind him, I sneak away and look for Hakeem.
It wasn’t too hard of a search and I was upon him on the couch, slinking up besides him to take a seat. Before Hakeem could ask what I was doing, I reached across and laid my hand on top of his crotch. His wasn’t as thick as Malik’s, but from what I could feel, his offering felt to be a bit longer. They were still equally soft from what I could feel, so this was a neck and neck race. Eager to crown a winner, I called both of them over to me and requested they take off their pants, and I felt another twinge below my own belt when I saw them quickly meet my demands.
Damn, I was not disappointed. My initial idea of them based on feel alone was right for each; Malik, with a stout, thick cock that was neatly groomed; Hakeem, thinner but longer by a good inch and with more of a bush surrounding his balls. I didn’t have an opinion on hair one way or another, but was glad to see both were neatly groomed. These men care about their dicks, I can tell. I want to care on them too, and call each of them closer to me, turning to each one to give them a wink as I draw my finger out to draw them in.
They’re so close now on each side, I could lean over to each side and take either one of them fully in my mouth. My mind starts to drift off to how each one of them would fill the space between my cheeks, force me to move my tongue around the shaft and feel the tip pulse against the back of my throat. However, each of them are still even with our ongoing competition, and while they’re starting to firm up, they’re both about even.
Instead of taking one of them into my mouth, I lean back against the back of the plaid-colored couch and hold out one hand to meet each dick, which is welcomed by each of them and I take them, Malik in my left hand and Hakeem in my right. I softly squeeze my fingers around each of their penises; I haven’t given a handjob to a black man before, let alone two at one time! It was an exhilarating experience, feeling how the same stroke or squeeze made them react the same or wildly differently. It’s still a close race as I can feel them continue to expand between my fingers. I lean in and give each tip a succulent kiss, wrapping my lips fully around the tip and shifting forward just a few inches, enough to move my mouth down slightly on the shaft, providing the small bit of lubricant I need to continue with the work my hands were doing.
After a few moments of jerking both them off and feeling each cock expand in my hand, the veins on the top side of Hakeem’s dick springs up and I know he’s fully erect. Malik wasn’t far behind, and the work I was doing on him gets him hard as well, but rules are rules! I give Hakeem’s dick a celebratory suck while he contemplates how he wants to take his prize. He takes his throbbing cock out of my mouth and leans down next to my ear, whispering what he wants to do next. It’s definitely nothing I have done before, but he won fair and square…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t30kgy/fmf_threesome_inter_insurance_agent_threesome


  1. New here, but this is the best interracial erotica I have read recently. Awesome work.

  2. Wait, if Malik was softest longest – I thought he got first dibs. The last paragraph says that Hakeem got hard first, therefore lost. May want to edit!

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