[F] I accidentally sent my nudes to half the people at my job.

Before sharing this story there’s a couple important details to discuss.

Number one, I’m a costumer in the film industry. I dress the people who go on camera. There’s a process called fittings where I put the clothes on them, take photos to send to the various departments and then decisions are made so on the day we know exactly who wears what. These photos are almost like casting photos, I take a front view, a side view and a back view.

On this show in particular the director was VERY particular himself, so before sending him photos I would send it to many other departments first to make sure it all worked for everyone (hair, make up, props, ADs, casting, etc). It’s a list of about 60 people on that email chain. Once everyone didn’t have issues I would send the pictures to the director to pick his favorites.

The glamour of movie making.

The second thing to know is I’ve been fooling around with a coworker on this project for a few weeks now and a lot of it has been very fun (minus getting almost caught by two coworkers due to naughty fun and one trip to the emergency room).

Well, my coworker had an idea that lead to disaster.

It was a Saturday shoot, last night of the week before we’re off for two bonus days (thanks Mardi Gras). I had a long day of fittings for extras (12 hours). My coworker asked what I was doing and I sent him the photos of the last extra I fit with all three angles.

He told me I should take the same photos for him, butt naked. I laughed. There was no way. I told him I couldn’t, it was too busy over here. We moved on in the conversation. He’s cool like that.

Later though, one of the extras didn’t show up and I had a 15 minute gap. I went to the hallway and looked out. Coast was clear.

My phone was already on the tripod (like I said, very particular director, so even the photos need to be the same frame). I pulled off my shirt, unclipped my bra, pulled off my shoes, socks, pants and thong and pressed the timer.

I ran in front of the wall, facing the camera. I didn’t take a sexy pose, I literally just looked like all the other extras. Straight on.


I ran over and pressed the timer again. Ran back to the wall. Profile view.


One last time, now from behind.


I quickly threw my clothes back on, breathing heavily at the rush. I looked at the photos. Definitely not my sexiest, but the point was the act. The next extra walked in. I pressed send to the coworker and jumped into the next fitting.

My coworker loved it. A lot.

About 300 photos and 8 hours later I was done with fittings. I wanted to make it to a night parade and I was exhausted.

I quickly broke down my set up and ran to my computer. I put in the 60 crew members’ email addresses into an email, selected all my photos from the day on my phone and put them into the shared Dropbox. It all uploaded and I sent the email for everyone to check out the photos for notes when they had time.

Then I closed up my computer, heading to the parades as fast as I could so I wouldn’t miss the end of Endymion.

What I had forgotten was the three photos of myself, butt naked, in the middle of the 500 photo Dropbox folder.

After a night of parading that led to drinking and partying until very late, I finally checked my phone to find 18 text messages, six missed calls and several private email responses from people telling me to check the photos immediately.

That’s when I remembered the photos I took for my coworker. I quickly logged on, scrolling through the photos on my phone (by the way, Dropbox your interface sucks on mobile). My heart sank as I saw the pictures of myself. I deleted them immediately.

That was kind of a mood killer so I went home afterwards, telling my friends I didn’t feel good. This was really bad. I didn’t know how many people from work had seen, or saved those photos. I tried justifying it every way I could in my head.

I was waiting for the phone call to fire me but it never came. I’m now going to be nervous until Wednesday to hear if I’m going to get in trouble or if not enough people noticed to say something. Luckily there was a lot of photos in the folder to go through – that’s what I keep telling myself.

Stay tuned.

TL;DR I accidentally sent nude photos to my coworkers

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/t2pa4q/f_i_accidentally_sent_my_nudes_to_half_the_people


  1. What a nightmare!! I hope those people who received them will do the right thing and delete them. I wish you the best.

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