My personal assistant (24F) has been giving me (40M) a blowjob almost every morning. [MF]

I hired her roughly a year ago and until the past month everything has been strictly professional. Every morning as soon as I get in the office, she comes into my office, brings me coffee, and sits down to go over my day.

About a month ago I had a really busy and chaotic day. To top things off I had a shitty morning before work so I was already in a bad mood when I arrived. I kinda snapped at her during our morning meeting and immediately felt bad about it. I apologized, told her she didn’t do anything wrong, and explained that my day was off to a bad start and it didn’t look like it was going to get any better. She asked if there was anything she could do and I told her “no.”

She then walked behind my chair and said something along the lines of “are you sure? I don’t mind doing a little extra if it will help” and started massaging my shoulders. I don’t think I said anything back but I sat there enjoying the shoulder rub. Her hands wandered a bit to my chest and stomach and eventually down a bit lower. When she touched my dick and I didn’t stop her she asked me to scoot back and I did. She got on her knees in front of me, unzipped my pants, and started giving me a blowjob.

She continued to give me an absolutely incredible blowjob. She kept going until I said I was going to cum, took it all in her mouth, and swallowed it. She then licked me clean, put my dick back in my pants, and told me that she hoped that helped.

Since that day she has given me a blowjob after our morning meeting almost every day. Not only is the taboo and secrecy really sexy to me, but it makes me excited to go to work every morning. I know I’m playing with fire here and I can only hope that it doesn’t blow up in my face. (I feel like there’s a good pun opportunity there haha!)



  1. this story is hot as fuck ….But dont shit where you eat…be very very careful with her…this #metoo shit is wild these days bro.

    women out here are seducing men and then turning around and claiming they were assulted and were forced into shit. company will pay whatever for her to keep her mouth shut…it’s crazy!

    there are real women who have suffered abuse and sexual assault in the work place for years and now they feel vindicated and feel like they can stand up and say something when it happens because Now America takes this sex stuff at work super serious.

    And then there are lying flithy whores who play the game…they act all innocent and sweet …They weaponize their sexuality and use it to put men in compromising situations at work…And then turn around and cry and play victim and say “I was scared I would lose my job… so I did it” …and she is crying next to her lawyer and your getting all the dirty looks at work… now your fired and the whole time your thinking
    “she was the one sent *ME* nudes!”
    “she was the one who started flirting with *ME*!”
    “she was the one who started sucking *MY* dick!”

    courts/ HR don’t care who started the sex…your a man and her Boss and she is a woman and your employee so…your fucked and she will always be the victim in these situations.
    again….this story is hot and kinky AF and ty for sharing LOL…. but please please please be careful and make sure you can trust her not to #Metoo your ass

  2. Obviously, she needs a raise and incentive pay; it’s difficult to find and retain talented staff. Make sure she doesn’t have a reason to look elsewhere and enjoy the productivity boost !!

  3. Until you realise that she’s been recording every one, and you’re about to lose your house and everything you own…

  4. Unless you own the company I would reconsider those morning head jobs. I know women better than many people on these forums and it is likely there is big trouble in your future. Guys get WAY too focused on sex and forget there are other things in life. I also suggest you speak with a legal professional.

  5. I’m thinking it’s time to break out a new uniform for her. Maybe a French maid outfit, or school girl outfit with the short plaid skirt, or even a Hooters type outfit. Or, if you are the only two in the office, maybe just go buy her some sexy lingerie that she will wear around the office. I’m not sure your productivity will rise, but your dick sure will. As for the raise or tips others have suggested, I was thinking that since she’s swallowing your cum each morning, it’s kind of like you’re buying her breakfast each morning. Lol.

  6. Playing with fire but life is short if you found that I hope she will stick around and not cause you issues.

  7. My best friend did this for several months. He told me about it and I told him to go for it of course 🤣. He ended up being fired a few months into it once others found out 😬

  8. Nice……. You know she wants you to bend her over your desk and rail her😈😈😈😈

  9. Can I ask without you gettin offended: what’s with the age gap and being attracted to that? I’m curious about it tbh..

  10. Very hot and my dream a while back when I had my own office and a female assistant years ago.

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