My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 1

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 1

– 3:45 PM (5/17/21)

My Aunt, Liz, lives just a few miles south of me and my ex-girlfriend’s apartment complex. According to mom, along with being an angel in human form Aunt Liz has some of the worst taste in partners she has ever seen. I half to admit, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree where I’m concerned. My ex was cheating on me with my bio instructor when I got the text from my Aunt about her boyfriend. Apparently he was using her apartment for less than legal activities and needed a place to stay while the police muddle through her underwear. Like I said, great tastes. Anyway, I was the closest person she knew with a place to stay nearby that wasn’t an ex so I was the natural choice. She called while I was in class so when I got home I had a homeless Aunt waiting by the front door trying her hardest not to smack me and instead smile.

Aunt Liz really can’t look much better for 35. She was a hair stylist, so her curtain bangs were done quite well, but the rest of her revealed that her hair was where her effort ended. Though, even through her stained black crop top and mauled jeans she still looked like the angel mom always gushed about. It must have been awhile since we last saw each other because I shouldn’t have forgotten what was in front of me any time soon. What must have been triple D breasts were hiding under a black crop top, and just behind those is an ass you can admire from both front and back. That’s only partially what makes Aunt Liz an angel though. High cheekbones, naturally red lips and bright eyes greeted you when you had the courage to look. I was in between disbelief and heaven at the sight when I felt those perfect breasts press against my very chest. “You got some nerve not answering your phone, Charley!” She screamed, “I thought your mom gave you my number since you’re so close by!?!” I hugged her back, trying to stem my semi-hard erection. “My instructor wishes death to all phones and I forgot to turn mine back on while on the way here.” This was only half a lie as phones really are forbidden in Ms. Tyler’s class, but I’ve also been trying to avoid my ex as much as possible. My erection was only half gone when Liz put her hand in my pants pocket. “Where’s your key, I’ve been waiting for over half an…” A blush began to form under her bright blue eyes when the apartment door began to open from the inside.

Luna, my ex, was staring at my Aunt’s hand in my pants before I courageously broke the silence. “Luna, what are you doing here?” “I..I came to get the rest of my stuff.” She held both her bags in her hands so tight her hands began to turn pearl white. “I wanted to talk to you.” She said, darting her eyes to the ground. With another fake smile, Aunt Liz’s hand left my pocket and reached out to Luna in one swift motion. “You must be Charley’s ex I presume?” I had to step in again and end this before things got even more awkward. “W…Why?” Luna began stuttering while I grabbed one of her bags from her hand. “This is my Aunt Liz, she hit a bit of a rough patch recently so she’s going to be staying with me for a bit.” I shot Liz a glance that finally made her lower her hand. Me and Luna quickly shuffled off to her car downstairs while I tossed Liz Luna’s duplicate key. I could have sworn that her unapologetically fake smile became a very real smirk while watching Luna drive off. “You didn’t go inside.” I said. “Considering you were in such a rush earlier…” Liz gestured to her bags while unlocking the apartment door with her torso bent down, revealing the curvature of her angelic ass. “Don’t know, looking at you carrying that stuff reminded me how strong you are.” She was on the couch in seconds with the remote I had misplaced since yesterday morning already found and in her hand. “Now be a good nephew and bring the bags in, will ya?”

This story is entirely fictional.



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