My GF’s best friend. Part 5. Now what? [MF]

This will be the last part for a while. Thank you for reading!

When I got home, Sophie was waiting on our dining room table. ‘We need to talk,’ she said.

‘What’s up? Everything ok?’

She went on to tell me about the job in Australia, how she didn’t tell me because she never thought she’d get it in a million years, how she’ll miss me but wants to split as she knows long distance would never work. We gave each other a massive hug before talking about logistics. One thing that Sophie loved was being organised. The plan was she would be gone in a month when our rent would stop. However, the following day her new company asked if there was any way, she could fly out the following week. She really wanted this so agreed. She offered to pay for the last few weeks of rent but I declined, she needed the money after all.

Both me and Amy drove Sophie to the airport. We each have her a big hug and the girls had lots of tears before she disappeared into the terminal.

‘Now what? Amy asked.

‘Definitely food, I’m starving’

Being the romantic I am, we found a Costa and grabbed a booth in the corner after getting our food.

‘How you feeling?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know, I’m definitely less guilty now she’s gone. We can fool around now without sneaking about.’

‘Who says I want to?’ she said keeping a straight face for all of 2 seconds. ‘Hahaha, joking. I can’t wait. Your neighbours will hate me.’

‘Why’s that?’

‘Because…’ she started leaning into the middle of the take. ‘I’m going to moan like be a slut every time your cock slides inside me.’ She then ran her leg against mine immediately bringing my cock to attention. I jumped at her touch and banged my leg against the take getting everyone’s attention around us. Amy just sat there giggling.

‘I’ll be right back’ I said to her, going to the loo.

I dropped my trousers and my hard cock sprung out. A wicked idea popped into my head. I faced the mirror and began jerking my dick and recorded myself. I then sent Amy a snap ‘Thinking of you’

She replied with the ‘🥵’ emoji.

When I got back to my table, Amy then excused herself too. She came back to the table a minute later and must have sensed my disappointment and not getting a snap from her.

‘Ive got a different present for you’ she reached over, her hand clenched in a fist. I reached my hand out and felt her panties fall into my hand.

‘… I’m so wet. I don’t know how I’ll make it home without jumping your bones.’ she whispered to me.

I quickly put the panties into my pocket and grabbed her hand to leave.

When we got to the car, like a true gentleman I opened her car door for her to jump in.

‘Are you trying to get even more brownie points?’

‘Points do mean prizes’ I replied kissing her on the cheek.

As we finally hit the road, I asked, ‘Do you want to stay at mine?’

‘Id like that a lot.’

‘Would you stay for more than 1 night?’

‘No,’ Amy replied.


‘Haha not like that. I want you, I want a relationship with you. I can see a future with you which I’ve never seen with anyone before. But, I barely know anything about you. Apart from you can make me cum like no-one else,’ she finished with a giggle.

‘That’s fair. Why don’t we date then?’

‘Ooooo good dates though. I’ve had too many shit ones to count.’


After listening to the radio for a few minutes, she began scrolling through her phone and sighed deeply. ‘Everything ok?’

‘Your cock is making me horny. I had to screenshot a picture from the video you sent. Fuck this.’ She then started to unbuckle her jeans and shimmy them to the floor. ‘Keep your eyes on the road.’ she moaned sticking a finger inside her pussy. I could hear how wet she was as her moans filled the car.

‘Fuck Amy, you’re going to make me crash.’

‘Don’t do that, think of all the cum you won’t be able to cover me in, all the positions and places you won’t be able to fuck me in.’ she started to finger herself quicker and quicker.

Luckily, we hit traffic. Recognising this, she took one of my arms from the steering wheel and began to rub her pussy against my fingers. ‘That’s the fucking spot’ she moaned. Not a few seconds later, she let out an extremely long moan as she shuddered in an orgasmic bliss. She gave my hand back as I started driving again.

‘That was so good!’ she said pulling up her jeans.

‘Glad to help’ I laughed. We then pulled up at her house.

‘First date, I’ll pick you up at 7. You don’t need to wear anything fancy.’ I already knew where we would go.

The next day, I went around at a little after 7 and she answered the door looking gorgeous as always. She had a strappy top on with a plunging neckline and skinny jeans on. She wore bright red lipstick, fuck she was hot in whatever she wore.

We had a great night, I took her to a local bingo night at a pub where we drunk, laughed and just had a great time together. Amy even won bingo!

‘That was a great date,’ Amy said as we arrived back at her house. ‘Always good to come back with more money than you left with too. Want to come in for a coffee?’ she asked.

‘Sure, you should know I don’t fuck on the first date though,’ I said to her winking.

‘Haha might have to change that rule tonight’

When we got inside, she kicked off her shoes and went upstairs to get into something more comfortable. I sat down on the sofa and a few minutes later heard her coming down the stairs. She was in a silk dressing gown, partly open so I could see she was wearing nothing underneath (if you’ve ever watched the video of Nina Elle in the black dressing gown, that’s pretty much it).

‘How about we break that rule of yours?’ she said standing in front of me.

‘Hmmmmm…’ I said running my hands over her bare legs. ‘I think I’ll need some more convincing. I’ve never broken my rule before.’

She then started to walk away from me. I thought I’d fucked up my chance with my silly comment before she stopped and dropped her dressing gown leaving her completely naked with her back to me. ‘How about now?’ she asked.

‘You’re making this really hard’ I said marveling at the sight of her.

She then got on all fours, and sank her chest to the floor leaving her ass and pussy in view.

‘And how about now?’ she said.

I couldn’t get over to get quick enough. I immediately got on my knees and started to kick her pussy. She was already soaking wet.

‘Fuuuck I love how you eat me out.’ she moaned pushing herself back against my face.

After a few more minutes of this, I stood up and stripped down, immediately positioning myself behind her. I grabbed both her hips and slowly started pushing into her, both of us moaning in unison.

This time, the sex was different. It was slow, I kept telling her how gorgeous she was, how amazing she felt. I felt like for the first time I was making love to her. It was utterly incredible.

I pulled out and asked her to turn over. She laid on her back and I brushed the hair out of her face. I guided myself back into her. She stared up at me, her mouth open. ‘This feels amazing,’ I panted. She only nodded back.

I leant down to kiss her and closed my eyes, both of our tongues wrestling in each others mouths. I felt connected to her. I carried on thrusting into her, the room only filled by our moans. I looked into her eyes and realised that I wanted this again and again, and with no one else. I was falling in love. Holy shit!

‘Oh my god, I’m going to cum’ I began to kiss her, looking into her eyes.

‘Me too,’ she moaned through my kisses.

If you’ve ever cum at the same time as someone else, you’ll know how incredible it feels. This was the first time it had happened to me and I swear I nearly passed out. I came deep inside Amy and felt her pussy spasm around my cock. I don’t think I’d ever cum so much before. We both couldn’t stop moaning.

Eventually, after catching our breath, I pulled out of her and collapsed next to her.

‘Wow,’ was all I could say.

‘I’m sorry I made you break your rule,’ she whispered. I could hear the smile in her voice.

‘Totally worth it,’ I grinned at her.

I spent the night, and made her pancakes in the morning. We mostly sat in silence but were smiling at each other.

The next few weeks were a mix of dates to the beach, theme parks, anywhere we could have a blast. We could never keep our hands off each other. We were having sex at least once a day, often more.

When my rent ran out, she offered for me stay at her place, I was there most nights anyway. We made an agreement about finances which we split 50/50 and became exclusive, not that we weren’t really before.

Fast forward 2 years, I proposed and 6 months later we were married! We now have a baby girl who is a few months old. We’re still madly in love and we truly believe we are meant to be.

I have a few more stories about me and Amy but will take a short break for now. Thank you again for your kind words.



  1. It’s kind of shocking how neatly it ended with Sophie. Life usually ends up being a lot messier.

    Happy for you two, sounds like amazing chemistry.

  2. You’re an artist or a lucky bastard. Either way, I’m happy for you and real or imaginary Amy!

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