Threesome reprised, it was just as hot this time as it was the first time [MFM].

We met Mike again around NYE. This one was different, we got a hotel because we thought it would be fun. Got food and liquor and waited for him to show up. We had been talking about this for several days and I was very worked up. So, I pushed her to her knees and she pulled my shorts down and started sucking. About 5 minute later he knocked on the door. The wife was wearing a long skirt with splits right up both of her legs that went all the way to her pussy. She had a very low cut top on and had no bra, so her breasts sagged but it was still a very erotic combination. When he came in, he and I started talking and he cracked a beer, and I poured myself some bourbon while she went to the bathroom and reapplied her makeup. She sat down next to me and I played with her pussy and she squirmed while he and I shot the shit while he finished his beer. At some point she started moaning, he downed his beer, grabbed one of her breasts and pulled her down and over to him.

She eagerly got on her knees and helped him pull his pants off. For the next ten minutes, he ran his cock in and out of her willing mouth while she just moaned and drooled around it. I was sitting there admiring her when she reached over to me and started tugging my pants down. I moved the table our beer was on so we didn’t commit any party fouls. She started sucking on me and Mike moved behind her. He yanked her underwear to the side and, instead of gently exploring her, shoved three fingers deep into her pussy. This wasn’t like the first time, he wasn’t really into foreplay and wanted her revved up and ready to go. She started continually moaning on my cock while throwing her head up and down rapidly. The faster he went, the faster she ran her head up and down. Mike decided he was done messing around, got behind her, lined up and just shoved into her, pushing her head almost all the way down my cock. At this point we banged her together for a short while, when she abruptly pushed back from me, stopped him with her hand, stood up and headed for the bedroom. Mike made a beeline for the bedroom with her, but I finished my drink and went to the bathroom.

The sight that greeted me when I joined them was my wife once again sucking on Mike’s cock. He was leaning against the headboard and running his hands through her hair, every once in a while grabbing her hair and moving her head up and down in a firm but slow motion, basically jacking off using her head and mouth. She was moaning almost continually and rubbing her thighs together. She raised up after several minutes of this and kissed him, her chin covered in saliva. He grabbed her by the hair, flipped her around, shoved her flat on the bed and put his cock in her. Her head was at the edge of the bed, so I was about to use her mouth again, however, right then, he pushed her shoulder blades down and started thrusting. She gave a huge squeal, grabbed the sheets and held on for dear life. I think he decided that he just wanted to cum and is now railing her as hard as he can. He starts breathing hard and grunting, she starts a whine moan combination while bracing herself. He then drops his hips, one, two, three times, and just freezes. She told me later he shot a massive load in her that she could feel hitting the back of her vaginal walls.

At this point, I am diamond hard, so once he rolled off of her, I flipped her on her back and slide inside her pussy. Fucking a pussy that’s just had a load put in it is an interesting and complex feeling. It was hot and wet, very slippery, and extremely erotic. It made me feel proud of her and angry at the same time. You would think I would just start ramming her, but I did the opposite, I very slowly and deliberately slid my cock in and out. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it was one of those fuckings where you’re trying to fill her, punish her, and pleasure her all at once. I was using MY pussy. The look on her face was one I will remember for a long time, very aroused, absolutely willing, slightly scared, and ready to cum. Mike’s semen was providing excellent lube and had already slid down to her ass. So I slid my cock out, grabbed her legs, shoved them towards her head and slowly but deliberately shoved my cock in her ass. Mike is laying next to us, totally spent just watching intently while I reclaim my wife. He rolls to his side and starts playing with and then twisting and pulling on her nipples. Between him cumming in her, me slowly taking her and him abusing her breasts, her body is at the brink. Her eyes go wide, her breathing gets hard, she has an orgasm right then. Not an eye rolling one, but almost against her will, an orgasm from everywhere at once.

I decide at this point that I want to continue with her for quite a while. While she is recovering, he and I decide to grab another drink. A couple of minutes later, she cleans up in the bathroom and joins us. It’s very clear hat she wants another round. She sits next to me on the couch and I reach over and start lightly playing with her pussy. She is dropping, the skirt she has put back on is wet, so I proceed to finger her. She is paying no attention to the conversation Mike and I are having, getting very worked up. I am not paying attention to her very much, and Mike is trying to pay attention to both at once. She did drag us back to the beds again, however, Mike ended up leaving a little while later. Real life does intrude every once in a while. When he left, I excercised my husbandly right and fucked her. I would love to tell you it lasted hours, honestly, it was less than an hour. But it was very satisfying. She spent the rest of the week touching, kissing, and letting me know how much she loves being available.
