The adventures of a magic princess and her unlikely friend: part one (fantasy)(FF)(Slight cnc)

The room finally returned to normal, the spell had all but drained me and somewhere along the way I had dropped to my knees panting and sweating. I looked up weakly to see what I had pulled from the abyss and I was shocked. Before me stood what can only be described as a creature of haunting beauty. Her skin was crimson red and small horns were fixed above her forehead, A swaying red tail with a heart shaped tip attached to the base of her back, all features pointing to her origin being that of a nonhuman. However despite that she was beautiful, her face was soft and rounded with large pink lips and sharp predatory eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. She had long lashes and her skin was flawless, her nose was tiny but prominent and her long back length jet black hair was kept loose. Going down she had beautiful curvy hips and beautiful breasts, her waist was skinny but not unhealthy. Her thighs were thick and she had a definite bubble butt. All this hiding behind very little clothing. She was only wearing a simple black bra and panties with a choker and knee high black stockings. She could obviously tell I was staring at her.
“Well aren’t you cute, I haven’t had a master as cute as you in centuries. Whats your name dear?” She asked looking down at me. I could feel her eyes looking me over with predatory intent, it felt like she was eyeing me up for a kill.
“I-i-illiya… Illiya Elizabeth Guinevere Alice Kingsley the Third…” I replied, immediately questioning why I decided to spout out my full name.
“Well Illiya Elizabeth Guinevere Alice Kingsley the Third, My name is Lillian Blackfire but you may call me Lily. Now tell me, why have you summoned me?”
Why had I summoned her? That was a great question that I couldn’t answer, I didn’t even know what the spell would do when I decided to use it. I stared at her for a long while, frozen and enchanted by her beauty while also completely making myself look like a fool.
“Lonely perhaps?” She asked in a silky smooth. Oice as she began to walk closer to me and kneel down Infront of me to get to my level.
Her hand reached out towards me and my body tensed. I shut my eyes tightly and flinched backwards, I had no clue what she was going to do to me. Suddenly I felt her soft warm hand on my cheek, gently she caressed my cheek as she seemed to lean in closer to me. I dared not open my eyes but I could feel her breath on my cheek.
“Oh yes, very lonely.” She purred as she gently moved her hand to my chin and pulled my face back towards her.
I finally mustered up the courage to open my eyes and I immediately blushed bright red at the scene Infront of me. I was now on my back, my arms holding me up as she straddled my body, her face inches from mine and her tail swaying wildly like a dog’s when it’s excited.
“W-wait… I-i…” I could barely speak and now suddenly her lips were moving closer to mine, her eyes closing as her soft lips made contact with mine.
I turned bright red and a soft “eep” escaped my lips as she kissed me deeply. What was happening? Everything happened so quick and now I felt her free hand slipping under my frilly skirt and gently sliding up my inner thigh.
“Its all alright, close your eyes and let me help you master.” She said as her lips gently pulled from mine.
Her hand had finally made it’s way to my crotch, I felt her soft fingers pushing against my entrance through my panties. She leaned in again and left a soft kiss on my neck, I shuddered softly and to my own surprise a soft moan escaped my lips. Her fingers began massaging my entrance and my small button through my panties, my body felt hot and numb.
Suddenly the door to my room opened and one of our maids appeared at the entrance. I froze in fear. She had seen, she had to have. Lily was still on top of me paying no mind as she continues to kiss my neck and massage my crotch. I knew I was done for.
