[MF] Tim’s Lust for His Sister Part 4 [Incest]

“Wow, that movie was ridiculous!” Karen said. She was sitting on the couch with Tim. Their parents were on the opposite couch and were both falling asleep. Tim had watched his dad’s head droop slowly during the movie. His mother had tried her hardest to stay awake, but her eyes would close for minutes on end.

“We are going to turn in for the night, kids,” his father said as he stood up and stretched. “Have a good night.”

“You too, dad,” Tim and Karen said.

Their parents walked to their room and closed the door. Karen began to flip through various channels on the television. She was dressed in shorts and a long t-shirt. Tim had noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra and could see her nipples through her shirt.

“What do you want to watch next?” Karen asked him.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.”

“How about this? It looks like a funny movie,” she said. Tim’s eyes were on Karen’s smooth and tan legs. He wanted to run his hands up them to feel just how smooth they were.

“Sure, let’s check it out,” Tim said automatically. He hadn’t even looked up at the television as his eyes roamed Karen’s legs. He wondered what it would feel like to kiss her legs up to her pussy. He started to feel his cock twitch in his pants.

“Do you mind if I stretch out?” Karen asked him.

“No, not at all. Go for it,” he said as he tried to hide his eagerness.

“Thanks.” Karen stretched her legs out across his lap and onto the edge of the couch. “You sure this is not uncomfortable and I’m not in the way?”

“No, you’re fine,” Tim said as naturally as he could. He was trying to slow down his heart which was beating rapidly in his chest with excitement.

He placed his hands over Karen’s legs and let them droop. He wanted to touch her legs but decided to just play it cool. Her legs were touching against the growing bulge in his pants, and he was surprised that she hadn’t noticed.

He tried to adjust himself on the couch to get his bulge away from her legs. It was impossible without literally moving her legs and he did not want that. His cock twitched in his pants, and it touched Karen’s leg.

“Is everything ok?” She asked him.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he said.

“Ok,” she said. She turned her head back to the television. He glanced at the movie but couldn’t concentrate at all. His mind was on Karen’s legs. He looked at her legs again and he saw that her shorts were riding up and he could see part of her panties and part of her asscheek. His cock did a literal somersault in his pants from the excitement of it.

“Oh,” Karen said as she moved her legs from across him. “Um…are you getting turned on by this movie?” She asked him curiously.

“I…um…I…” Tim had no words. He was completely embarrassed that his sister had felt his cock twitch in his pants! What could he possibly say!

Karen let out a small sympathetic laugh. “It’s ok. Don’t freak out. The couple were really going at it there. I can understand that you would get aroused by it.”

“I…” Tim said as he tried to smile but it came out as a grimace.

Karen laughed again. “Relax, Tim. It’s ok. Don’t look so embarrassed. I was just shocked by how hard your penis moved against my leg. You were really turned on!”

“Yeah…I…” Tim stammered.

“It’s ok. There have been countless times where I got turned on from a movie,” Karen said with a sympathetic smile.

“Oh really?” Tim said as he finally found his voice.

“Yeah, of course. You know how much of a crush I have on Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. I was practically losing my mind watching The Dark Tower,” Karen said with a smile.

Tim could feel himself relaxing. Karen was not freaked out by his cock twitching against her leg! He was surprised by this.

“So, what mostly turns you on?” She asked him.

Tim felt himself getting nervous again. “Um…I guess…um…”

Karen laughed. “Relax, its ok. I know you like girls, but I want to know like what type of girls. Do you watch porn?”

Tim could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He was shocked by his sister’s questions. “I…I mean…”

“I know you must be watching something or thinking about someone because I often hear you masturbating in your room,” Karen said with a smile.

Tim looked at her in shock. She heard me masturbating!

“Don’t look so shocked, Tim. Our rooms are right next to each other, and I can always tell when you’re jacking off. Your bed starts to squeak a lot.”

Tim did not know what to say.

“So, what do you jack off to? I’m curious,” Karen asked him.

Tim swallowed hard. His mind was racing like his heart. I can’t tell her that I jerk off to incest porn! I also can’t tell her that for the past week I’ve been jerking off to her!

“I like all kinds of things,” Tim said quietly.

“Like what? You tell me what you like, and I’ll do the same, ok?” Karen asked him with a smile.

“Ok. I like…petite girls and blondes. I watch a lot of porn that has a lot of…petite blondes,” Tim said quietly as he looked at his sister.

“Oh, blondes huh? Ok.”

“How about you?” Tim asked her. He really wanted to hear her answer. The television had been completely forgotten now.

“Let’s see. I like fit guys. Not too muscular. I watch a lot of threesome porn usually one guy and two girls. I also like lesbian porn.”

Tim was shocked by his sister’s porn viewing habits but also intrigued. He needed to know more.

“You like lesbian porn?”

“Yeah, it gets me off. I like how slow and giving the girls are when they eat each other out. Dudes are not really like that,” she said. “Do you watch lesbian porn?”

“Yeah, I do. Mostly blondes again,” Tim said sheepishly.

Karen laughed. “You and your blondes.”

“You said…you masturbate. I’ve never heard you,” Tim said.

“Because I don’t have a squeaky bed like yours, mister,” Karen said with a smile. “You need to get that fixed unless you want me to know when you’re jacking off.”


Karen laughed again. “Relax, Tim. I’m just teasing you.”

Tim laughed nervously in return. He was definitely not going to fix his squeaky bed now. He wanted Karen to hear him jerking off and most importantly he was going to be jerking off to her.

“How do you masturbate? Do you use lotion or lube?” Karen asked him.

“Mostly just my hand. Sometimes lube,” Tim said. He was now opening up and he did not want to hold back on this amazing conversation they were having.

“Oh ok. Where do you shoot your cum?”

“I use tissues,” Tim said.

“Oh wow! You’re hard right now,” Karen said in surprise.

Tim looked down at himself and saw that he had a pant tent. His cock was standing straight up in his pants. He rushed to cover it.

“No, don’t. It’s ok,” Karen said. “I mean we are talking about sex. Of course, you would get hard. I’m getting a little wet myself.”

Tim looked at his sister with a shocked expression on his face. She was wet! His cock twitched in his pants.

“I think that’s enough sex talk for one night. I’m going to go to bed, and I think you should take care of that situation you have down there,” Karen said with a smile. She got up and walked to her room.

Tim sat there for a moment in total shock at what just happened. His sister just talked to him about sex! She knew he jerked off and could hear him! She felt his cock twitch against her leg!

This was too much for him to process. He slowly got up and walked to his room. He knew exactly what he was going to do and hoped she heard him.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t14n8d/mf_tims_lust_for_his_sister_part_4_incest


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