(M/F) The gym trainer (Part 1)

(First time doing this. Any criticism is welcome, or praise.)

Claire sighed at the scale that was in front of her. Anticipation, and a little bit of fear ran through her body. Elijah stood beside her, already knowing what it would say. But all Claire could do was look in the mirror, and though she had seen her belly shrink, it was still hard not to see the fat high school kid that got pity dates. Her belly now was normal, but she still felt big. Even over these last two years and all the weight burning off, Claire still felt that the day would never come.

She slowly put her feet on the scale, dreading what it would read… “150 lbs”.

Claire couldn’t help but fall onto her knees. It had happened. The day her 5’6 body finally hit its goal. Two years of watching what she ate and going every day to work out, and the year before going to countless gyms till she found Elijah, had finally fully paid off. She took a grab at her belly, and though it wasn’t the perfect fit belly that she had seen taunt her in magazines, it was now kind of cute, and was a good size for her. And since she finally hit her goal, she had to do something she set out to do when this day came. Another part of this that made her want to achieve her goal.

“So Elijah…” she said with a tone that was barely hiding her excitement, “Shall we go out somewhere and celebrate?”

That year before finding Elijah was exhausting on her. Countless trainers tried. The girls just couldn’t do it for her. Claire always seemed to feel envious of their bodies and seeing what they had to do to maintain them, she respected it, but always felt it was impossible for her. And the guys before Elijah, she always had a sense they didn’t respect her, and some were straight up preying on vulnerable women to get their dicks wet. But Elijah was it. Sure, he was hot, perfect hair, took care to clean his body, and his 6’3 frame was enough to make her feel smaller. But she could tell he respected her, and was as invested in her getting to her goals as she was. And he didn’t force her to suddenly change. He showed off his stretch mark and a photo of himself from before. How the doctor had said he was on the verge of developing type two diabetes and how he had changed himself to get through it. And he certainly had. Claire enjoyed that his plan for her to reach her goal wasn’t suddenly jumped into, it was small life changes that stacked up over the two years that eventually got her here.

And while through that first year Claire certainly had fun in her mind of having a night with Elijah, it was just a little fun thing to think about, nothing more. He had made any interest in her quite hidden if he had any. But sometime around the end of the first year, Claire had caught him glancing with a look that showed a bit more than just a friendly trainer. And her body caught on fire, maybe it was possible to enjoy that night, maybe even more. And it certainly was a challenge to keep herself from giving her emotions away. That night, she made the bargain with herself. If she got to her goal, she was going to ask him out. A fear of rejection washed over her as she wrote it down. But she had to try.

And reading that the next morning, and the day after that, and every day till today, it was fuel to her fire, and she made sure to work her ass off for that goal. And as she started to slim down, the glaces from Elijah, and a lot more, were getting more frequent. But his eyes were the ones she loved looking at her the most. This was a full blown adult crush.

Elijah looked down at her with as huge a smile as her’s, “I think a celebration is in order. Barry’s bar tonight?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t15af8/mf_the_gym_trainer_part_1