[F] I accidentally put on a naked show for some coworkers.

My coworker had been texting me all day about what he was going to do to me that night. We were working out in St. Francisville, way outside of the city. That meant we were all staying at a hotel that night, on my company’s dime.

Hotel might be a generous word. We were staying at a motel. One of the ones where you can walk past everyone’s windows and the vending machines are empty.

Back to the present though, my coworker was turning me on with his texting.

As we were about to wrap at work he told me to bring a mask back with me. We have masks featured in the movie we’re working on so there were plenty of back ups. I grabbed two and packed them into my bag.

If I’ve learned anything the last few weeks it’s that when I get too horny, I will literally do anything. It’s like the logic brain turns off and the animal brain turns on. But instead of survival I need sex.

All the extras went home and I quickly drove to the motel, leaving well before most of the crew would be able to leave. They had another full scene to shoot without extras.

I ran to my room and got cleaned up. My coworker had ordered me not to shave my bush for a few weeks because I think he realized it was embarrassing for me to have it (I normally keep it bald because it’s more comfortable and is what makes me feel sexier). But I also have a humiliation thing so I’m into it. He texted me I could shave it today so I spent some time making sure I was completely smooth. I put on some easily removable pajamas and waited for the text.

He asked what room I was in.


He told me to take all my clothes off.

I quickly did it, laying on the bed in expectation.

Then he told me to open half my blinds on the window. That I hesitated on.

I walked to my window and peeked out through the blinds. There were a few people in the parking lot one level down and one guy smoking a cigarette at the end of my hall. Most of the crew wasn’t back yet.

I opened the blind on one side all the way. You could fully see into my motel room now for anyone who walked by.

“Put your mask on.” He texted. I put it in. It was a full face, white mask with two eye holes and a strap in the back. It was hard to breath in.

“Start a timer for 10 minutes. You are going to masturbate with your window open until the timer stops.”

My heart went into my throat. The risks were immense. But my wetness was betraying me. I wanted the thrill.

I went back to the window. Same people were still there.

“The crew will be wrapped soon, you may want to hurry before they start showing up at the motel”. He texted.

“Start the timer” I responded. I pressed the button myself.

I laid back onto the bed and started to rub myself. I started with one finger, gently rubbing my lips and my clit. Then when I was ready I slipped a finger inside myself.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I froze. I immediately wanted to run and hide. Everything in me screamed to move. But I forced myself to stay on the bed. It had to be my coworker. The steps got closer and closer.

Then he was at the window. My coworker. I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. He was recording on his phone and waved. I laughed and slipped a second finger inside myself.

For the next 10 minutes I masturbated as he watched me. My alarm beeped. The ten minutes was over. I didn’t want to stop.

I flipped over so my ass was facing the window on all fours. I reached back and kept rubbing, while sucking on my fingers.

Reaching back I pushed my lubed up finger into my asshole. I held myself on the edge of an orgasm as I DPed myself for awhile. Then he texted me.

“It’s time to cum. Stay exactly how you are. Cum for me.”

Easy enough. I sped up, finger fucking myself faster and faster. My breathing quickened.

My phone dinged but I ignored it.

My orgasm was approaching. I was so wet, I could feel that I was going to squirt. I hit the point of no return.

I flipped onto my back, facing the window as I orgasmed. Letting my coworker see all of me.

Except as I faced the window I saw three men standing there, two of them not my coworker. At least, not THAT coworker. They were also both men I worked with.

There’s a moment where you cum and there’s no stopping. I was in that moment.

I released the first squirt as I flipped over. The second squirt as I noticed the audience. The third squirt as I realized who my audience was. The fourth squirt as I screamed and literally scrambled off the bed while still cumming.

I landed on the ground – hard.

I heard them applauding outside the window. I hid behind the bed, mask still on, body shaking.

I heard the footsteps retreat. Peeking around the corner I saw they were gone. I ran to the window and shut the blinds.

Then there was a knock at the door. My heart stopped. I looked through the peep hole. It was my coworker. I debated, but finally let him in.

I was furious.

He asked if I was okay and said he texted me to stop, people were coming. Sure enough, I looked at my phone. He had texted me when I was in the midst of cumming to hide and I missed it.

So he quickly ran as they came up the stairs and then watched as two of our coworkers stopped at my window and watched me cum for them. He walked up as if just arriving himself and they waved him over.

“Some chick is full on going to town on herself in there.” A guy whispered.

“I love a good chubby body” another guy said.

“We should knock and join her.” The first guy said.

They watched me cum, squirting all over, then fell off the bed.

My coworker assured me with the mask no one recognized me. I admitted to him I had actually done something like this before at a motel and also got caught, but I would need to sneak out early in the morning so no one sees who was in this room. But maybe we try to avoid work people catching me.

And that’s how I showed off for two coworkers.

TL;DR I masturbated in my motel room with a window open and got caught.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/t14c29/f_i_accidentally_put_on_a_naked_show_for_some


  1. What a tough deal… same thing would’ve happened to me honestly… getting lost in the moment… you’re in the heaviest part of the act… there’s no way I would have bothered looking at my phone.


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