Two Lovers Meeting as Strangers Again [M/F] [fantasy]

My boyfriend and I have not a shy nor boring sex life. We have a bag full of toys with a variety of dildos, vibrators, rope, hand cuffs and whips. We have done it in many different places like the beach, in the car, the pool, hot tubs, and hotel balconies. It’s always the most amazing time together.

We’ve dabbled in fantasy play, but I think I’d like to go a little more into it. Previously I have worn outfits such as a maid or sexy astronaut, but I have a fantasy of my own. I would like to explore a fantasy where we’re strangers and meet for the first time. I’m not sure how it would go, but below is a possible way it may turn out from my perspective.


I was nervous, my hands were shaky as I ordered my drink at the bar. My breath was short, my eyes going from darting around to trying to focus on the bartender in front of me. It was the night we planned to try out my fantasy. And tonight, we’re total strangers meeting for the first time. I was excited, but also anxious.

One of my worries was breaking character, were we both going to hold strong? For this plan to fully work, we’d have to. So here I am getting a drink in me to calm the nerves and get me into character. I’d be myself of course and he himself as well, but I would need to erase what I knew of him and start fresh.

We pre organized the chosen bar and we arrived downtown in separate ways. Now all I could do was wait. I sat at the bar, trying to think of anything that wasn’t him, but my thoughts ran wild. How would he show up? How would he look? What would he say? What would I say? There was no real break from the constant questions running around my mind.

I had just finished my sex on the beach and decided I needed something stronger, a shot to work it’s magic quicker. I flagged the bartender down and ordered a white tea shot. She had just stepped away to prepare it when it happened.

“Hey! How are you tonight?” I heard in his chipper tone.

I blushed before turning to meet his gaze. Those dirty blonde curls caught my attention first, then his dark blue long sleeve paired with jeans. He knew what I liked to see him in and he knew it was working as his eyes caught mine staring. I quickly straightened and answered him.

“I’m doing good, and yourself?”

“I can’t complain so far.”

I noticed he already had a beer in his hand and I couldn’t help but wonder when he had gotten it. Out jutted his hand to introduce himself with. I met it as he gave me his name and I returned mine. With the shy introductions, I forgot my shot that had been left lonely by my elbow on the counter. Boy did I need it to relax myself if I wanted this to work. So I went to reach for it when I heard,

“A shot girl are you? What are you drinking?”

“A white tea shot. And yes, I’d rather take shots than sip all night.”

“I’ll do a shot with you.”

With that, he ordered one for himself. I assumed to take the edge off. We were both awkward and knew it. His shot arrived and with a cheers, we were ready to continue our oh so already graceful conversation. It went how you would expect two people meeting to go. What do you do, are you local, working or school, what brings you here tonight.

With each question I was able to relax a little more, or maybe it was the alcohol?

“How about another shot?” He questioned, searching my face like he didn’t already know the answer.

“Make it two and you have a deal!” I shot back at him. I caught him off guard and did a little dance in my head knowing I had the upper hand for the time being. He laughed and obliged.

“I’ll take you up on that, but this time I get to choose what we’re drinking.”

I smiled, not knowing what I had agreed too. But they were shots nonetheless and I was happy to loosen up more. The more drinks in me, the better I played my role. I tucked my long black hair behind my ears as our shots arrived and he handed me two, one clear and one a pale brown.

“This one first,” he said as he gestured to my left hand. We clinked our glasses together and then onto the table, just to raise them back down our throats. It kind of tasted like leather, much different from my fruity concoction. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow.

“Jameson.” Was all he said with a grin before raising his other shot to mine.

I could almost not remember hearing our second clink as the taste of this one hit my tongue. Tequila. You know that song that says ‘tequila make her clothes fall off’? Yeah, well, it’s very true. I can take shots, but tequila? I know I was making a face, my eyes squinted shut and my lips in a pucker. I could see his smirk through my half shut eyes and playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

“Maybe I should have mentioned, tequila is not my drink.”

“Is that so? My bad, no more tequila.” He said in a playful tone, accompanied with a wink.

And before I thought about what I was saying, I blurted out “not unless you want my clothes to fall off!”

I knew I was blushing hard at this one, trying to hide my face by ordering a new drink. This time, no tequila. He was giving me that look, the one that says ‘oh really now?’

“Would you like a beer or something?” I quipped, still flustered and hoping to move the conversation along. He didn’t say anything, just smiled and nodded, obtaining his beer and knowing we both wanted to get to the best part of the night.

With our drinks in hand it must have seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to invite me to the dance floor. The club was playing good songs, but even if they weren’t, I still would’ve said yes just to get closer to him. He took me by the hand and led the way to the very center of the floor, spinning me around and pinning my hips to his.

We started slowly, sensually. We were feeling each other out, seeing how far we would let the other person go. We were surrounded by people, yet I felt like the only two in the room. We sipped from our drinks and swayed to the music. I couldn’t help myself and started grinding my ass into his pelvis. He had already been rock hard before I was pressed up against him. I knew the little red, skin tight dress I had worn would drive him wild. Red was my color and skin tight just accentuated my curves. He pushed back with equal force.

So there we were, dancing, not saying anything. The music was blasting in our ears and we didn’t mind just enjoying each other’s presence. I felt his breath hit my neck and I tilted my head to the side, silently allowing him access to one of my sweet spots. At this point, being full of drinks, the music drowning out my thoughts and now his lips sliding across and leaving little love bites, I was embracing being strangers. I had just met him but here I was letting him place his mouth on my body already.

It stirred something in me and I melted into his touch. I could feel myself soaking and I hoped it wouldn’t run down my leg as I hadn’t worn panties. It was a little surprise for him to find later. I was more excited than anything now, the roles of our fantasy play really kicking in and giving me butterflies and turning me on. His mouth met my ear and he whispered, “go down and come back up slow for me.”

I did as instructed and elicited a soft moan from the back of his throat as my body drifted along his. I already knew what he liked, but hearing him say it, hearing him tell me like I had no clue, was lighting a fire in me. It was my turn now. I flipped around and pointed my face up to his. With a devilish grin, I gave an order back.

“Hold my hips, I like when I can feel your fingers holding onto me.”

Down his hands went to grab into me, digging in like I said I wanted.

“Like this?” He asked.

I nodded and brought my face into his. I don’t know what took over me, but I couldn’t hold back any longer. Our kiss was intense, our tongues were fighting for dominance and his was winning. I pushed my body into him as a distraction and it worked. My breasts against his chest gave me just the moment I needed. My tongue was now taking over and he continued to let me. I think he liked I was taking charge.

Sparks were flying, fireworks lit up my entire body, it was truly like we were kissing for the first time. I didn’t want to pull away, but we both needed to breathe. As we looked into each other’s eyes, we knew what we were feeling and we knew we wanted more. We did this for awhile longer. We danced and kissed, kissed and danced. We let the night take us away, just two strangers enjoying a night in the club together.

My back was once again pressed against him when I heard him ask me,

“Would you want to come back to my place?”

I caught myself before I said yes too quickly, offering a small giggle, making sure he knew I was giving some good thought into it before agreeing to let a stranger take me home.

“How about we go to mine instead?” I countered.

I still wanted to be in control. It was my night however. He agreed and led me outside by holding my hands around his torso. Moving through the sea of people, he moved my hand down to grab onto his hard member.

“Harder,” he growled.

So with more intensity, I grabbed onto him tightly. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew it would have a triumphant smile plastered across it. The feeling of him overflowing in my grasp was such a turn on. I couldn’t wait for the layers to come off.

Once outside, we ordered an Uber for the ride back. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. Stolen kisses here, fondles there. We were two tipsy strangers about to complete what we set out to do at the beginning of our nights. The driver kept stealing glances in the rear view mirror. I’m not sure if he was uncomfortable or turned on by our behavior, but I paid no mind. As we stepped out of the car, I led him into the house, pulling him by his hand to follow me to the bed.

I tugged him down on top of me and our steamy make out session continued. His lips were so soft against mine. I nibbled on his bottom lip which he happily accepted. Next we hastily stripped each other out of the clothes we were wearing. First was him, with his shirt and pants being flung to the side.

“I didn’t know you were so naughty.” He stated as he slipped my dress up and finally realized I had nothing on underneath.

I bit my lip at him, knowing he loved it. Then, his head dipped down and sprinkled kisses on my inner thighs. My breath was caught in my throat, I wanted more but I didn’t want to rush things. After the shower, his tongue finally met my clit. He circled, going up and down my dripping pussy. He moaned, sucking lightly and causing me to arch my back. The sensation was extreme and my sounds urged him to keep doing what he was doing.

I whimpered as he guided one of my hands to his curls. Oh how I love how soft they are. He was giving me permission to guide him. His tongue felt so warm and when he stuck it in, I pushed his head further to get him as deep as possible. He pulled back briefly and my eyes shot open, not wanting it to end. But then I could feel his finger, one, then two. They slipped so easily into me. Then back was his mouth, working magic on my oh so sensitive area.

“Just like that,” I breathlessly pleaded with him.

I squirmed and writhed as he brought me to my first orgasm. It felt fierce, my body shook as I rode it out on his face, using his curls as anchors to hold him still. As I came to, I knew what I wanted to do next. I wanted to pleasure his cock like he had just pleasured me.

“My turn,” I spoke softly and sultrily.

With that we switched positions and I placed myself directly above his erect penis poking through his boxers. I slowly guided them off his body and discarded them on the floor. He was huge and I was ready to take him down my throat, to feel him throb and shake on my tongue. I started at the base of his balls and licked a hot line to his tip where I gave it a small peck.

“You’re such a tease,” flew from his mouth in an amused tone.

I gently blew on the wet trail I left and he twitched in response. I knew what I was doing to him and I thoroughly enjoyed it. He was uncut and I was loving every second of it. I worked my tongue under his hood, adding to the moisture of his precum and loosening the skin to drop down and reveal the entirety of his tip. I took him as far down my throat as I could, making myself choke. His cock was hot and ready to cum. I pulled back and spit all over it, making it slobbery and easy to slide up and down on.

I worked him like this for awhile, using my mouth to suck him fast until he was close to cumming and then slow down just to torture him.


Another one slipped from his lips. The profanity was flowing, he couldn’t stop it. Every lick, every suck, he was at my mercy. As much as I loved controlling him like this, I was ready to be railed to no end.

My head traveled up to his.

“I want your cock now.” I demanded.

With one fell swoop, his arm had established him back on top. I lay there below him and although I already told him, he asked me again.

“Do you want this dick?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Say it again.”

“Yes I want your dick so bad, please.” I breathily squeezed out.

He looked like he had won, having me beg for it. But I didn’t care, all I cared about was having him rearrange my insides.

“Condom or no condom?” He questioned me.

I don’t know where it came from, but there it was in his hand. He looked at me for my choice and I gave it to him.

“No condom.”

I just wanted him inside me already. Fuck the condom, I wanted to feel every inch of him. He happily tossed it onto the headboard, knowing it would probably never get used anyway. With that, he lined up to my entrance. He locked eyes with me before slowly pushing his way into my tight vagina.

“Slower please.” I begged as his enormous length filled me entirely.

I felt like I could feel him in my stomach. I grabbed onto his arms, urging him not to move yet. He gradually pulled himself back out, before sliding all the way back in. He continued gently rocking back and forth, letting me adjust. Soon enough, he was able to pick up speed and it was my turn for the river of profanity. I couldn’t hold myself back and I didn’t want to. Moans and curse words flew out of me. My nails were dug into his back as he held me close and didn’t stop.

We were so pent up, we knew we weren’t going to last long. The angle he was hitting, the depth and his speed, they were all adding up and bringing me closer to cumming. He could probably feel me tightening down on him, my eyes rolled back into my head.

“I’m going to cum!” He whisper screamed at me.

I gripped on harder. I wasn’t going to let him go.

“Cum in me!” I answered back.

I wanted to feel his hot seed stuff me. And as if on command, we both came at the same time. I could see stars. The orgasm was long and intense and wracking through my body. Our sweat stuck us together as we rode out our highs with him buried deep inside me. I was on cloud nine and I could only imagine what he was feeling. We both gasped for air as he collapsed down next to me on the bed.

His arm pulled me close and we laid there in silence. Our breathing and our hearts racing were the only things that could be heard. I traced circles into his chest with my finger tips. The night had been incredible, the sex was unbelievable. I’m sure this would be a night that neither of us would forget.

Just like that, my fantasy had been fulfilled. I had finally fucked a stranger and even though a little nerve wracking, I loved every second of it. Who knows, maybe there would actually be a second date.
