[Part 22] Lisa Galaxia – New Companions (MF, alien sex, creampie, pregnancy, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – For a plot summary and links to previous chapters!

Previously, while searching out more information about the strange metal they’d been gifted, our band of adventures helped drive off a pair of pirate ships attacking an industrial area of the abandoned Novian Capital, shooting down one of them in the process. After landing nearby they met Ayala, a Novian who offered to use their metal to refurbish the Rose Rocket. The only catch is to make use of the forge their group needed to become Novian citizens. The only available path to citizenship being for one of them to have a child with someone who was already one…


“So we’re all ok with this then?” Lisa was asking one last time.

“It does make the most sense, I guess,” Rachel admitted.

“Hey, you’ll be an official Novain citizen after this, remember? That will only open doors later if that’s what you really want.” Lisa reassured her, and Rachel simply nodded in reply.

With that Lisa and Clark left the others and made their way over to Ayala was still talking to the Goat-headed individual on her monitor.

“Thanks for doing this for us Clark,” Lisa told him as they walked.

“Oh yeah, hey, it’s no problem. I get it.” He replied, then added with a smile, “Besides, like Rachel said, I’m pretty much always ready to go anyway!”

Lisa laughed a bit, “Guess Anity was right about you.”

“Why? What’d she’d say about me?” Clark asked, “I promise it was a lie!” He added in a joking manner.

“I’ll explain some other time,” Lisa laughed again, “Let’s get you on your way.”

The two of them waited a moment for Ayala as she finished her conversation. She finished up and switched off her monitor and turned to them, “Have you decided already?”

“Yes, Clark has volunteered.” Lisa told her.

“I see. A very practical solution.” Ayala replied. “Very well, I’ll have one of our guardians escort him to a chamber, and call for our volunteer.”

Ayala turned to Clark next, “You’ll have some time to get acquainted with your new partner while we work on your ships. I’ll ensure you have a fitting uniform when you’re done as well, given you didn’t finish a trial earlier.”

“Oh ok, um… sure sounds great.” Clark replied awkwardly as one of the robots scurried over and beckoned him away. “Thanks, I guess I’ll see you all soon.”

With that Clark walked after the robot towards one of the doorways and into the hallway beyond. Ayala and Lisa watched him go, then Ayala turned to Lisa. “I’ll send a guardian to gather your ingots as well, but there’s something else we’ll need to discuss while the work is being done.”

“Oh of course,” Lisa replied, “We aren’t in trouble or anything are we?”

Ayala chuckled, “Not at all my dear, quite the opposite in fact.”


Clark followed the robot silently down the brightly lit corridor, past several closed doors. Other robot assistants of all shapes and sizes scurried past him. After the hallway they entered a small lift which descended several stories. When they exited they were at some kind of security checkpoint. The robot paused for a minute and turned to one of the guardian bots nearby. There were some flashing lights from the guardian and Clark was invited to walk through a white arch. A green beam scanned him as he went through. It tingled a bit, but otherwise wasn’t an issue. His robot escort waited for him on the other side, and then quietly beckoned him onward.

Another long hallway awaited them, it seemed they were going deeper and deeper underground. There were a couple of twists and turns as they went down a side hallway and through another white arch. Then at long last they entered a doorway.

The room was bathed in a warm light from lights running in a strip along the ceiling’s edge. There wasn’t much in the way of decor. It largely resembled a small hotel room. A large bed took up most of the room, but there was still enough space for a desk and a chair. On the other side of the bed was a small restroom and shower through one doorway, and a closet through another.

Clark walked in and explored the room for a second why the robot stood by the doorway. “It’s nice.” Clark said, finally breaking his silence. “Do I wait here then?”

The robot made some motions Clark took to mean yes, as it then spun around and the door closed behind it.

“Huh, well I guess I’ll make myself comfortable then.” Clark said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. It was very soft and inviting, and soon Clark slipped off his shoes and laid down to relax a bit. He wasn’t really sure what else to do anyway, from what he could tell there wasn’t much else to do but wait.

A while passed and the coziness of the bed had helped Clark drift off to sleep. He was awakened to the sound of footsteps and the clanking of metal outside his door. He sat up as the door slid open. In the doorway was a girl. She looked similar to Ayala in a way. Smaller horns on her head though, a shorter face, but color that faded from purple near her feet to pale white around her neck was identical . She was wearing a simple white outfit with gold trim, shorts and a crop top shirt that fit tightly against her skin. She also had a helmet much like the one Ayala and the other women had, white with a gold visor, but with this one had holes for her horns. The girl was shorter than Ayala, more similar to Clark’s height. She had a rather large chest Clark noticed, a small whip-like tail and surprisingly small feet rounded out her figure.

They met eyes and looked awkwardly at each other for a moment. “H… hello, I’m Clark. I’m your, well… um, how do I say this… um, what’s your name?”

The girl cocked her head to the side a little and seemed to be thinking. She turned and grabbed a large duffel bag from the hallway, and set it inside the doorway then looked at Clark again.

“Slow, please” she said in a rather awkward voice. Then she started speaking slowly herself, stumbling over words as she went. “My… name Nyxi. Happy to… make… no, meet you.”

“Happy to meet you too,” Clark laughed and smiled back.

Nyxi smiled back and then bent down to rummage through her bag for a moment. She pulled out a hardbound paper book and a pencil, and then looked up at him again. “I draw Clark ok?”

“You want to draw me?” Clark asked, a bit amused by her proposal.

“Yes,” Nyxi replied. “I draw… many thing. You like… see them?”

Clark smiled and laughed a little, “Yes, sure, let’s see your drawings.”

With a big smile Nyxi plopped herself on the bed next to Clark. She opened up her sketchbook to a detailed charcoal sketch of a giant indoor arboretum with many trees and walkways. “Central Park” Nyxi explained, “Very large.”

“Is it near here?” Clark asked, “It’s a very good drawing. You draw well.”

“Thank you,” Nyxi giggled. “Yes, near.”

“It looks very pretty,” Clark replied, “Do you like going there?”

“Yes,” Nyxi said, “I go… many times.”

With that the two of them spent time flipping through her sketchbook. There were images of rooms, various robots and creatures, some more humanoid and some not, many which Clark didn’t recognize. Some of them had names Clark couldn’t pronounce, though he tried his best.

When it came time to pose for his portrait Nyxi sat Clark in a chair and had him take off his shirt. Clark was a little uncomfortable but kept his good nature about him as Nyxi’s light lavender eyes studied him carefully from behind her sketchbook. He simply sat patiently and watched her expressions change as she drew. Sometimes she’d be concentrating, other times she looked a bit puzzled, she’d occasionally erase some parts and try again. Clark continued making a bit of small talk while she sketched, but the language barrier often got in the way. It was obvious Nyxi had learned a bit of Common, but Clark guessed she’d rarely used the language outside of a classroom.

“Wow, that’s pretty amazing,” Clark said when she finally showed him the drawing. It was a portrait of his face and upper torso. It looked remarkably lifelike and well done for just 45 minutes with a pencil. Finding anyone who knew how to draw on paper was enough of a rarity, much less someone who could do it well Clark thought.

Nyxi seemed amply impressed by Clark’s reaction. She folded her book up neatly and placed it in her duffle bag. Then with a big smile she went over and grabbed Clark by his hands, “Come!” she said in a cheery voice as she pulled him up to his feet. Then, continuing to fall backwards while still holding his hands, she pulled him back down until he landed on top of her on the bed.

Clark just laughed, “Ohhh, okay I think I know this part.” The couple pressed their lips together as they wrapped arms. Nyxi had an eagerness which more than made up for Clark’s awkward hesitation. She took off her helmet, revealing a patch of very soft fur where a human’s hair would be. Try as he might, Clark couldn’t stop running his hands through it. Fortunately this only seemed to excite Nyxi more, and soon she was pulling at Clark’s pants playfully.

Clark eagerly returned the favor, and sprung Nyxi’s breasts free from her crop top. Nyxi giggled as Clark appeared suddenly mesmerized with them. She swayed them back and forth while laughing, before guiding Clark’s hands to them. Clark gave them a gentle squeeze. They were a bit firmer than human breasts usually were, but very soft. He quickly moved his hands down to Nyxi’s shorts, and with a bit of help from Nyxi untucking her tail, removed them too. It was at this point Clark noticed a bit of lavender blush on her otherwise white cheeks, as they wrapped arms and embraced again.

After a bit of a playful tussle it was Nyxi who was on top, pulling off Clark’s pants and underwear. As his penis popped free Nyxi paused a bit to gaze at it. Then she reached forward and touched it gently with her hand. She ran her hand along it for a second and giggled.

“What is it?” Clark asked curiously.

Nyxi paused and pondered words, “Very smooth,” she said with a grin as she pulled Clark’s legs free from his clothing. “No thorns, no bumps, no… swell… balloon.” she tried to explain.

Clark nodded and answered a bit confused, “Um… nope. It has none of those.”

“Is it… grown?” Nyxi asked clumsily.

Clark laughed, “Yes, I guess so. It’s all grown. It’s big for a human I’m told.” He tried to explain as he grew a bit self-conscious.

“No grow spines, no grow claws?”

“Um… no it doesn’t”

“It digs inside? Like… um… snake?” Nyxi asked moving her arm in a slithering motion to illustrate.

“Uh… i don’t think… no it just gets hard like this.”

“Just one?”

Clark laughed, “Yes, sorry, I only have one.”

“Good!” Nyxi smiled, seemingly happy with that. “It stays on?”

“Stays on?”

Nyxi thought hard, “no, de…tach?”

“Oh, um no… it stays on me.” Clark answered awkwardly as he found himself pondering just what kinds of wild sexual organs Novians must encounter. “Just sperm comes out.”

“Sperm… hurts?”

“No, I don’t think it usually hurts.”


“It’s a little slimy and sticky I guess.”

Nyxi seemed a bit apprehensive now, “Sticky, like… gl… glue?”

“Oh no,” Clark corrected, “sorry, not like that. Like maybe a little bit, like a fruit’s juice or something. Sorry, I guess I don’t know what fruit you haveon this planet.”

“Not sticky long time… only little bit?”

“I mean, you can wash it off pretty easily if it bothers you.”

Nyxi was thrilled now, and made a clicking and purring sound before translating herself, “I like it!”

With her apprehension calmed the two eagerly embraced again and fell onto the bed. Clark rolled over on top of Nyxi who spread her legs apart for him. Clark repositioned himself a bit until he felt the wetness of her vagina on the tip of his penis, then he pushed his hips forward.

Nyxi gasped and Clark groaned as the two joined together. Nyxi wrapped her arms and legs around Clark as he began smoothly rocking his penis in and out. He felt her hungry embrace pull him closer as the two of them breathlessly wrapped themselves in each other’s arms. Their pace rapidly quickened however, as they both craved a release.

Clark did his best to hold out as long as he could, but after a few moments Nyxi squeaked a soft moan. Her vagina clamped down on Clark’s penis and the squeeze rippled along his length again and again. With a gasp and a grunt Clark was pushed over the edge.

“Oh my fu…” He whispered as he jammed his hips forward. A second later he climaxed and the two lovers gazed happily into each other’s eyes as Clark’s sperm burst out, flowing deep into Nyxi’s eagerly awaiting body.

The two of them laid there a moment basking in a warm afterglow, feeling the warmth from each other’s bodies. Nyxi was the first to speak, whispering just a simple “more.”


Lisa was eagerly watching the last phase of the retrofitting. Small bots were busy scurrying over both ships. Both the Rose Rocket and Sparrow had been covered in a thin layer of the mysterious metal. The ships glowed in the lights of the workshop, reflecting light back away from itself. The material itself was translucent, and much to Lisa’s satisfaction you could still make out the unique deep pink color underneath that gave her ship its namesake.

Ayala was working nearby, overseeing robots who were racing in and out of the hangar. Much of the debris from the pirate attack was cleared, and reconstruction was beginning in some areas. She seemed very intent on restoring things as closely as possible to their original look. This was despite the fact that nearly all the buildings were unoccupied, as other than a few gatekeepers such as herself, everyone else lived underground.

Anity and Rachel weren’t doing much. Rachel had spent most of the morning teaching Anity some of the controls for her armor, and translating many of the instructions. They were taking a break now, and just watching all the activity around them.

Not intending to interrupt anything, Clark stepped out from a nearby doorway. His old clothes were gone and he was in his own new Novian uniform of sorts. He had donned a white pair of pants and tank top with gold trim, and had a helmet and armguards to match the women’s, though one of his was much bigger and full of many gadgets.

“Clark! It’s been a few days! Welcome back!” Lisa called when she saw him. “We’re just finishing up here, how are you doing?”

Clark waved and started towards Lisa, walking with a bit of a limp, “Hey, doing well, just a little sore.” Clark laughed, “These Novians are something else!”

“Things went well with your lady friend then?” Rachel asked, getting right to the point.

Clark just laughed, “I think so, she didn’t know much Common, but seemed really happy with my penis.”

“Clark!” Anity interjected.

“Oh, it’s not at all surprising dear,” Ayala broke in from across the room, “Out of 27 species our geneticists have been able to make compatible with us, humans are among the more desirable partners. Your species’ reproduction seems to be based around frequent and pleasurable sex with a single partner. This can be a very sought-after trait, considering the alternatives.”

“Yeah, from what I could understand from Nyxi’s descriptions there’s some wild ones.” Clark said, agreeing with Ayala.

Rachel shivered nervously and crossed her arms at the thought.

“Indeed,” Ayala agreed, “She’s fortunate to have you. I’m certain she’ll choose to use your sperm next time she ovulates.”

“Aww, well thanks.” Clark blushed a bit, not quite sure how to respond. “I guess that’s what Nyxi meant when she said it was safe. Wasn’t really sure how that part worked.”

“If you like to enhance your advantage in the future our geneticists could alter you as well.” Ayala explained, “vibrating penis segments are a common human male modification, as it builds on your species’ natural strengths.”

“Um uh…” Clark stuttered, a bit blind-sided by the offer, “I’ll, uh… keep it in mind, thanks.”

“Of course, no need to rush these decisions.” Ayala agreed and then turned back to the group. “With the work on your ships nearly complete, I have a request to make.”

“Sure, what’s that?” Lisa asked.

Ayala made her proposal in her normal dignified and formal manner, “Lisa, as I mentioned I’ve been discussing your arrival with my supervisors. They feel this current group of trespassers is more dangerous than most, and your recent history with them gives us a unique opportunity to learn more. If you expect to have more encounters with them, it would benefit us to learn from those. Thus I’m requesting to accompany you for a time. We can discuss compensation if you wish, and I suspect there’s much we could learn from each other.”

Lisa nodded, “I don’t have a problem with that. We still have a couple free bunks if you don’t mind sharing a room. If that’s okay with everyone?”

“Sure, you can share my room.” Rachel offered, “I’d really like the chance to learn more about you and the Novians as well.”

“Wonderful, it’s agreed then. I’ll hand off my reconstruction duties and gather my things.” Ayala replied and hurried off to do just that.

Later that evening the growing crew of five was seated around the dining area of the Rose Rocket. Ayala had gotten settled in Rachel’s room taking the large bed to accommodate her height. Luggage and her personal assistant bot stored away safely, she joined the others who were discussing their next move. There were several options.


Option A: Head in the direction the surviving pirate vessel fled, see if we can find out where they ran off to.

Option B: Ayala has gotten reports another Novian suit of armor was activated at the temple, but no one has heard from the owner. Should we track it down?

Option C: We could return to Anity’s home planet now that things have settled down and we know more about the pirate presence on Nova. Her family is still held captive, after all.

Option D: There’s still that unknown location in deep space that the camera spying on Lisa transmitted to. Perhaps now would be a good time to track that down.


Hello again everyone! 👋

Well one romantic alien encounter is complete and we’re left deciding where to go next! Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and a big thank you to everyone who’s been participating!

As for last episode’s rejected options, the chosen person would have had a sexual encounter instead of Clark. A pregnancy would have resulted and been an ongoing subplot through the next many chapters. If Anity had been selected things would have eventually escalated into major fallout between her and Lisa.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a fun and sexy day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/szzgut/part_22_lisa_galaxia_new_companions_mf_alien_sex


  1. A Big “Thank You” (for Starting and keeping it running) Right back!!! also, “Guh” = Anity and Lisa Fallout in that BAD Alternate Time-Line. I also Secretly Hope Clark Looks Like a Mandalorian. ooohhh RIGHT!!! My Vote!!! I want More Space Peril so Option A, for Me!!! More Planets Taken over By Pirates, Maybe learn about the Mysterious Black Earring, How High of Rank do You need to be to get one??? (submits Application) AND Maybe The Pirate’s Home Planet OR Base of Operations!!!

  2. I choose B; all the other options can wait, and this could turn out to be another ally or they can stop the pirates from getting their hands on new tech.

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