Culture Shock, Vol.1 (sci-fi, mind control, M/M, F/F, Group, Aliens, dubious consent, Free Use)

Yumi looked around the cafe cautiously;

It hadn’t been flying for the first time that set her on edge, but rather the Uber ride here. 

Airports had to be relatively safe places, what with the International ban, but once the foreigner stepped inside the stranger’s vehicle the reality of America had started to sink in. 

Anyone could suddenly hop in. Or maybe the driver thought she looked extra cute (She did, of course; Yumi decorated her slender frame with a skirt that offered ample view of her thighs along with a blouse unbuttoned just enough to tease the image of cleavage)

But no. Safe and sound all the way to her destination.

“Heya Cutie!”

Yumi perked up from her reflecting as she spied the reason she had come here- Sasha. 

Sasha was a much more buxom gal compared to Yumi, among other details; Long, red hair contrasted against the Japanese girl’s pixie cut. A chunky, freckled ass threatened to burst from Sasha’s denim shorts, along with equally ample titties nearly spilling out of her tank top. 

Yumi was a student completing a thesis on North American Werm Infestiation and was surprised to learn how little confirmed facts there actually was on the subject; so few researchers ever even seem to Go to America. 

Yumi was fortunate enough to actually have a good online friend who was willing to put her up as she conducted her ‘investigation’… But it was also a little bit of an excuse to go on vacation. 

“Managed to avoid getting Wermed on the way here, hun?”

Yumi nodded as Sasha offered her friend a seat at her table. “I did, yes. Though I think my driver would have if he had any on him…” Yumi confessed sheepishly. 

Sasha laughed. “Oh, I don’t doubt it. But I’m glad ya got here in one piece. You want a shake or somehin?”

Yumi considered. “I would, yes.”

Sasha waved down a waiter, ordering for Yumi. 

“I guess you got some questions. I dunno how reliable over-seas education is about our whole deal.”

Yumi smiled softly, her cheeks a little red. “I remember a little from High School. A… Meteor landed in the Desert back in the 50’s with alien worms? And they reproduced quite quickly.”

Sasha shook her head. “We don’t *know* their aliens. Some scientists think the meteor just had a uh… Unique Radiation that mutated local bug life or some such.”

Yumi listened, her interest clearly plastered on her face. “Oh really? That’s quite fascinating. I know After the States were quarantined you got it under control pretty quickly.”

Again, Sasha chuckled. “Under control? Dunno about that. Studied the hell outta them, sure. Mostly harmless.”

“Is it true that they only I get woman?”

“Heh. You must watch a lotta werm porno. Nah, they’ll slither in a fella just as easily as a gal. Didn’t you notice our waiter?”

Yumi blushed at this, as the waiter returned with a milkshake for her. 

“Hey WermBrain, show off to my friend here!” Sasha insisted. 

The man blushed. “Its pretty embarrassing… I came here with my girlfriend but my card declined. The owner decided to Werm us instead of calling thr cops.” He explained, showing off his ear-

Yumi squinted, but saw that a thin, pink tendril came out of his ear canal and was looped around to the lobe. She would have mistaken it for jewellery if it didn’t throb occasionally. 

“Thanks babe.” Sasha stated flatly, patting him in the ass and sending him on his way. Yumi observed as he disappeared into the kitchen, the door flying open briefly-

She was treated with a scene of a large man roughly rutting into a petite gal, her face one of orgasmic bliss before the door shut again. 

The girlfriend, Yumi assumed. 

“… Have you ever…” Yumi asked meekly, pointing at her ear.

“Oh yeah, loads of times.” Sasha confessed frankly. “They only have like a six months life span so it ain’t permanent or anything. That and their super easy to remove, just tug that little tail, X-rays’ll fry’em… Hell, do enough bouncing around and sometimes they’ll fly out!”

Yumi was surprised how the whole of American Culture just seemed to be… Accepting of these things. 

“And they just make you submissive to anyone?”

Sasha did a half and half gesture with her hand. “Depends. If one just gets in ya on its own, Yeah. And that can happen, those little guys sure are sneaky. But mostly you’ll probably have to deal with someone puttin one in ya. See, the natural oils on our skin sticks to the werm, and once it wedges in there, Ya recognize the person who done dirtied your ears as Master, Mistress, whatever.”

Yumi slurped on her milkshake, eyes glued to Sasha as silence hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. 

“You can ask, hun. It’s actually a pretty common question for folks who haven’t… Partaken.”

Yumi knew she must look like a fire engine. Still, she choose to give voice to her secret question. 

“Does it feel good?”

Sasha grinned. “Well you ask 10 different people you’ll get ten different responses. Course the more times you do it the more you tend to uh… Enjoy it. Somethin about prolonged exposure to the Werm’s hormones or some such. Honestly I think it’s kinda fun now. Went to a Sorority party where they were passing them out like drinks and I just grabbed one and popped it right in without thinking. Yeah yeah I know it’s re-writing my brain chemistry or whatever, but so’s caffeine and I’m not gonna give up my coffee.”

Both women shared a laugh at that. 

“Whoa, careful babe-”

Yumi perked up, not sure what had went wrong- then noticed some slime on her shoulder. 

Looking up, she saw that some of the ceiling by the florescent bulb was coated in a strange, pink goo, and something was wriggling around, trying to burst through. 

“Oh wow, they really are everywhere, huh?”

Yumi switched sides, sitting next to her American Guide, away from the potential danger as Sasha explained. 

“Oh yeah. They like heat from lights and such, that’s here they like to nest. That’s actually how my brother got Werm’ed for the first time, he was waitin’ on a bus under a street light and one just plopped right onto him.”

The duo watched as the Werm emerged;

It twirled about, seeming to scan the area somehow.

This is when Sasha got an idea. “Wanna have a bit of fun?”

Yumi was unsure what she meant, but nodded anyway.

Sasha observed the cafe before spying someone; “Scuse me, Miss!” She waved down a waitress, a rather hot 40 something blonde who just screamed MILF. 

“What’s up, Sug? Need refills?” The waitress, her nametag read Veronica, asked pleasantly. 

“Nah, Ronnie, my date’s done with her drink.” Sasha explained, pointing at Yumi’s glass across the table. 

“I’ll go ahead and get that outta y’all’s why then.”

Veronica leaned over and the Werm above tensed up.

Yumi watched, the whole event taking less than 2 seconds as the creature dropped down and into the blonde’s hair.


“Ah-Lemme get that for ya!” Sasha quickly said, running her thumb along the Werm so it would have her DNA.

She then sat back and grinned at Yumi, who had her hands over her mouth to hide her shock… And giggles. 

“Was it a-oo…ooh..”

The pair watched as the pink Werm slipped and slithered through Veronica’s luscious locks before burrowing into her ear.

The waitress grunted, her face tensing up as she gripped the table.

“Oh! Oh! I don’t… I don’t think you got… Ah…fu-fuuuck…”

Her eyes fluttered wildly as she panted…

Then Veronica relaxed. 

“Mmm… Thanks for the Helping hand, Master.” She cooed seductively at Sasha. 

“No problem, slut. Why don’t you show my friend here some American hospitality?”

Veronica looked over Yumi with a grin. “Sure thing, Sug.”

With that, the MILF slipped under the table. 

“Oh no that’s not really nece-Oh!”

“Looks like we got a special treat here~” Veronica purred.

Sasha peered under the table, seeing that Yumi’s skirt was up… And she had an erection that the waitress was diligently pumping.

“Oh, I didn’t know that about you. That’s pretty cool actually.”

Yumi was blushing as her cock oozed pre around Veronica’s knuckles. “Certainly nothing to be ashamed of, Cutie Pie. We got gals with poles here too.” The mind controlled blonde insisted.

“She still seems like herself…” Yumi managed to blurt out. 

Sasha casually sucked on her own milkshake. “Oh yeah, you’re still basically you. Just uh. Hornier.” The redhead chuckled.

“And totally in love with whoever plopped one of them critters in your brain! Don’t leave that out.” Veronica added as her tongue playfully flicked at Yumi’s tip.

“Tell ya what, after you nut on this slut’s face, why don’t we head to the Fraternity house by my College? They’re having a party tonight and if you really wanna good study of Werm Culture, it’s a good test area.”

“Th-that sounds great, Sasha! But what about… Um…” Yumi pointed down to the cocksucker.

“Hey Ronnie, when you get off tonight why don’t you stop by my place? If some frat boy doesn’t turn me into his Bimbo I’ll have ya eat my cunt clean and I’ll pull that sucker out for ya.”

The girls all shared a good laugh at this, as Yumi finally emptied her seed into Veronica’s mouth. 

With that Sasha left the waitress with her address and the pair departed the cafe, Sasha filling Yumi in on a few little details as they got ready for the party later tonight.


Yumi mostly kept to herself as Sasha drove the duo around time, the radio blaring a pop music with the redhead occasionally interjecting which singer was currently Werm’ed… Not that Yumi needed to be told that.

It was usually pretty obvious. 

Mostly she used this time to gather her thoughts. 

America was… Not what she had expected. The media back home seemed to suggest that the Werm Issue was messy but under control.

Peering at the window, Yumi observed a cop had pulled over someone. She watched as the officer casually applied a Werm to the driver, making the young man shutter in his seat. The female passenger with him rolled her eyes… Through her cracked open window, Yumi could roughly make out complaints of being late and asked the officer to hurry up. 

The light changed and Yumi missed the conclusion of the traffic stop. 

This didn’t really strike her as Under Control.

“You didn’t really bring much, hun. Sure those two little cases have enough clothes for your whole trip?” Sasha asked, nodding her head to the backseat where Yumi’s stuff lay.

“I figure if I needed to I could buy more… That’s part of the fun of vacationing, right? Tacky tourist clothes?”

Sasha chuckled. “Oh yeah, we’ll get ya a nice ‘I came to America and all I Got Was This Parasite In My Brain’ shirt.”

Yumi blushed, giggling a bit. “Oh, speaking of… Wouldn’t they sell protection for that? Ear muffs or something?”

Sasha nodded. “Oh sure. But walkin around with that stuff on is basically screaming ‘Werm Virgin Here’, ya know? That and a lotta jobs require ya to get Werm’ed for the first couple of weeks anyway.”

“Oh really?”

“Yep. To try and curb Corporate Espionage, so they say. Maybe you took this job to get some inside scoop, or maybe you’re stalking an ex… whatever. They Werm ya, ask ya about all your personal biz, make sure you’re legit.”

Yumi pondered this for a moment. “Wow, that probably makes HR in America pretty useless, huh?”

Sasha shrugged. “Been a long time since our favorite parasites showed up, Hun. Really changed how we view casual sex and such. I think technically sex in public is still illegal, but Hey. Arousal Inducing Parasites. What can ya do?”

Again, such blithe acceptance. 

Sasha had mentioned prolonged exposure altered brain chemistry. 

It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that these creatures ‘endear’ themselves to their hosts in some fashion… Perhaps even without direct exposure? Yumi had thought the air in certain places had a more… Sweet smell. They could very well be secreting a less extreme version of their pheromones before they even reach someone’s brain. 

The rest of the errand running was largely uneventful; a stop to the bank, acquiring some booze for the party… 

Mostly Yumi used this time to observe how many folks were Werm’ed. She didn’t like staring, so she wasn’t totally sure of her final count… But mostly it tended to be folks in pairs (someone following around their presumed ‘Master’) or employees of various establishments. 

Yumi had assumed this meant Workers Rights must be deeply Fucked in this country, but Sasha explained that a basic income was provided by the government, as well as folks who continuously Werm the same individual for more than three weeks before their “Guardian” and must provide for them. 

No system is perfect, of course. There was always bound to be some abuse… And most folks probably didn’t mind providing for someone if it meant them being their virtual slave. 

Yumi’s co concentration was broken as they pulled up to their destination;

The Fraternity was, to the foreigner, more or less what years consuming Media told her to expect. Out front were men with kegs, chanting their taunts while slightly dazed women hung off their arms. 

Of course, the reason for their apparent impairment was probably not the traditional booze and weed. Sasha hopped out, delivering a pack of beer and welcomes to her hosts.

“Hey Sash! Who’s the hottie?”

A voice called out from the crowd as Yumi suddenly became very aware of herself. She playfully smiled, stepping out of the car. “Boys, meet Yumi. She just got here from Tokyo. Know what that means?”

Everyone chuckled before letting out a collective “WERM VIRGIN”, making Yumi blush. 

A pair of Goth girls eyed Sasha, flipping her the bird as Sasha returned the gesture. 

“Friends of yours?” Yumi quizzed.

Sasha rolled her eyes. “Some bitches I Werm’ed a few weeks ago. Some weird geek promised to do my homework if I made them into his slaves for a weekend.” She explained blithely. 

An absolute hunk of a man came over to the pair, grinning; an easy 6’foot tall, blonde hair Green Eyed, clean shaven stud in every sense of the term. 

Yumi shifted a bit, trying to conceal the semi-erection she had in his presence. 

“Welcome to the States. If your not too… Preoccupied later, maybe I can show ya some local color. Name’s Shawn.”

Yumi shyly accepted his hand as he reached out, giving it a polite shake. “Sounds great! Would that color maybe be seamen white? Or Werm pink?”

Shawn chuckled. “You pick up fast, huh?”

“Hey bro, you’re up!” One of the other guys called out from inside the house. 

“Ooooh playing your Pledge Games tonight?” Sasha asked. 

Shawn nodded. “Yep. You two are welcome to watch.”

The hunk threw off his shirt as he ran into the house, the women eagerly trailing behind. 

Shawn stripped down, totally nude as he made his way to the living room… And his body did not disappoint, Yumi thought. 

Already sporting a semi-chub, he grabbed some live from a passing frat bro and began pumping his meat while he approached another man, bent over, his add clearly lubed up. 

On the nearby couch two other men sat naked, glistening with sweat and with the telltale look of having their brains altered by parasites. 

“What’s going on?” Yumi whispered to Sasha.

Shawn took his position behind the presenting boy, grabbing his hips and sliding into his waiting asshole with a sigh while the man he fucked reached back, lazily slapping a Werm on to Shawn’s hip. 

“To join Alpha Sigma, you gotta give the older Brothers a decent fuck. See, if one of them cums in you before the Werm reaches their ear, they’ll take it and pop it in the pledge. Buuuut if the pledge’s ass is so good that the Brother can’t stop pounding to grab the Werm…” Sasha explained.

“The pledge gets to join and gets some sex slaves.” Yumi finished, her eyes glued on the spectacle in front of them. 

“Mmhm. Need to do it 3 times, so this kid might get it… Course Shawn’s pretty good at breaking in pledges, so who knows.”

Yumi watched as her crush flexed and thrusted, the man kneeling down before him panting, but not being lazy; throwing his chunky ass back onto that invading rod. 

The Werm meanwhile, moved erratically. Sometimes it would slip up Shawn’s flesh quickly, other moments it would pulse motionless for what felt like minutes. 

The random, unpredictable nature of the Werm’s movements certainly added to the thrill of the game. 

Taking a deep inhale, Yumi made a mental note that the air definitely had a more… Musky scent. The sex, obviously, but even under that she could tell that the little crawling creature was definitely secreting some kind of pheromone. 

“What do you think of th- Oh!” Yumi nodded her head back to whisper to Sasha but was surprised at the sight;

The two goth gals from earlier had a hold of her redheaded friend, one grabbing her wrist and covering her mouth while the other tilted her and was applying a Werm. 

“Sorry, but we owe your little friend payback from the last party, right Em?.” One spoke in a husky, seductive growl, releasing her grip on Sasha as the little bug took hold. 

The other smirked, a tall woman with dyed black hair that went down to her waist, sizing Yumi up and licking her painted black lips. “You can join her if you have a problem with it.”

Yumi stared at her friend, her face tensed up and eyes watering as the parasite crawled sound her brain. 

“Um… mind if I just get her keys real quick? I’m actually staying at her place tonight.”

The goths looked at each other and giggled. “You sure got the hang of how it works over here fast.” They dug through Sasha’s pockets and tossed Yumi the keys. “Now… who’s Emily’s good little cunt slave?” 

“Nng! Y-y-you sneaking…fucking bitches…” Sasha groaned. Then her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Emily smiled. “That’s it, slut. If I can’t resist it you sure as fuck can’t.”

“Heheh, you tell that bitch, Em.”

Emily shot a glare at her friend, who went pale. “It was your fault I got Werm’ed by her at all, Liz.”

“I-I’m a good… Cunt Sla-Slave!” Sasha moaned out.

Yumi turned her attention back to the Pledge Breeding, nearly forgetting about that in all the confusion… And got the moment where the Werm slithered into Shawn’s ear.

The man fell onto his ass with a grunt.

“Fuck! I was so close to nutting!” He pawed at his ear, panting as it slipped out of his fingers… Then he moaned. Drool escaped his lips as the Pledge stood up, legs shaking. 

“WooHoooo! Let’s hear it for Justin! Our new Brother! And of course not only does he get access to our brothers he’s bested, but also their girlfriends! So Tiffany, Beth, Nicole, get on up here!”

Justin was a lot meeker of a man than Shawn was… But that hardly seemed to matter when the hunk was currently simply stroking himself on the floor. 

The women called for all approached the scene, all varying degrees of annoyed. 

“Ugh, can’t believe we agreed to this.”

“Right? I’m so breaking up with Blake after this. It’s like the third fucking time.”

“Mm… it’s not so bad. Justin here’s kinda cute, right?”

The naked Pledge-now-Brother eagerly claimed his prize, dropping a Werm onto the Necks of girls who last week he could never hope to even stand next to. 

They didn’t protest, simply offering up their ears, brushing aside their hair as when it was their turn. 

Yumi realized she was rock hard at the scene and went to share her delight with Sasha…

Only to turn back and see her friend, naked, her face currently buried in Emily’s hairy pussy, lapping it up eagerly. 

Liz sat next to the pair, her fingers buried in under her leggings and pleasuring herself to the sight. 

“Give this ginger’s ass a smack, Lizzy.” Emily demanded. 

The younger gal, eager to please her friend, reached down and across, giving Sasha’s fat ass a good WHAP! 

Then another. WHAP! WHAP! Liz was so preoccupied with making that freckled booty jiggle she hadn’t noticed her friend pull something out ofnher pocket.

Licking those black lips again, Emily dangled a pink parasite over Liz’s head… aiming carefully… then releasing.


Liz shot up, her face frozen in shock and betrayal as she frantically dug at her ear.

“No no no no not aga-ffffuuuuuuuuck!”

With a wet PLOP the creature entered Liz’s skull. 

“That’s what you get for being a stupid bitch. Now eat that ginger slut’s asshole.” Emily chided.

Liz’s body slowly relaxed, her eyes fluttering wildly. “St-Stupid Bitch… That’s me alright.” She slumped to her knees, crawling behind Sasha… And began to dart her tongue into that tight pucker.

The sight was… Well. Pleasing to Yumi…But she realized that the two folks most friendly to her were now out of commission…

And she would have to navigate this party all on her own. 
