My Brother’s Wife (Part 12)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](

[Part 9](

[Part 10](

[Part 11](

When we arrived at the Spring Valley Medical Center, the sun was beginning to dip beyond the mountains that wall off Las Vegas to the west. I’d never been fond of sin city, but I’d visited a few friends who lived near Vegas’s western edge.

Red Rock Canyon was home to some wonderful hiking, and you could even ski at Mt. Charleston during a decent winter. That side of Vegas was almost like any other town in this country—only hotter—and I think people often forget that people actually live there.

Walking into that hospital, all I cared to think about was getting back in the car and driving Dani out along Blue Diamon Rd towards the Calico Basin and the massive wall of rust-colored rocks. It was a beautiful sight to see during sunset, and I would have loved to watch her blue eyes go wide in awe as we sped towards those massive cliffs.

But I had to remind myself that we weren’t here on vacation. I had to deal with the fact that my brother was laid up in a hospital bed, and that we were about to make his day a whole lot worse.

Dani headed for the front desk, and I couldn’t help but stare at her ass in those gym shorts as she went. I just wanted it all to be over; I wanted to look at her body and not feel the pang of guilt in my heart as my blood drained to my cock.

We didn’t deserve the shame and fear that was haunting us. Mike didn’t deserve her, but he didn’t deserve to be betrayed, either. Underserving. Deserving. None of it mattered. Things happened to you, and you just had to face them head-on.

No more hiding, it was time to look him in the eyes and tell him that I was taking her.

Dani came back from the desk, nervously biting her fingers. “They wouldn’t give me any more information than what they told me over the phone. They’re sending a doctor down to speak with us.”

“Are they going to let us see him?” I didn’t care about anything other than spilling the truth.

“I don’t know, Alex,” Dani snapped. She was completely on edge, and I reached out to take her hand. “No,” she hissed, snatching it back. “Not here.”

I wanted to make a remark about how there was no one to hide from—since Mike wasn’t going to walk around the corner anytime soon—but I bit my tongue. This was the hardest thing she’d ever have to do, and, on top of that, she was actually afraid for Mike.

She’s a much better person than I’ll ever be.

In hospitals, time ticks by at half pace. I can’t prove it, but I know it to be so. We sat in that waiting room for what felt like an hour, so I was surprised to see that only twenty-five minutes had passed when the doctor finally found time to see us.

“Mrs. Mackie,” the young doctor said. Funny, that was the first time I’d realized that her last name would stay the same once she married me. “And…”

“Alex Mackie,” I said, exchanging a firm handshake with the man. He was a sharp-looking guy with perfect dark skin, alert eyes, and a calm demeanor. “I’m his brother.”

“I’m Dr. Parnesh,” he said, just stating a fact. “If the two of you would follow me, I’ll take you to Michael and we can discuss his condition.”

“His condition?” Dani stuttered, scurrying after him as the doctor led us to a bank of elevators. “He’s going to be fine, right? I was told this morning that he was no longer in critical condition.”

“That’s true, but we were not able to move him out of the ICU.” Dr. Parnesh herded us into a lift, pressing the button for the seventh floor and speaking as the doors closed. “The situation has evolved. Please, let’s wait to discuss this once we’re up to his room.”

Remember when I said that time passes at half-speed in a hospital? Well, the ride in that elevator felt like passing through the event horizon of a black hole. Every second ticked slower than the last, stretching our mind, body, and souls until time seemed to stop altogether. When the elevator finally chimed and the doors opened, I felt as if I’d taken my first breath in centuries.

The ICU was calm compared to the image I’d built in my mind. Only a few nurses strutted with purpose down the long halls, and a few more laughed in casual conversation behind a wide, fort-like desk at the center. Dr. Parnesh paid no mind to anyone, silently leading us down the hall to the right like a funeral procession.

I was hyper-aware of the smells I despise in hospitals. That artificial, hyper-cleansed tint to the air that comes from the constant bleaching and cleaning and vomit and piss and shit.

Suddenly, a very real fear crept into me. My brother was waiting for us at our destination, and for all I knew, his hospital bed was going to be the place where he spent the last moments of his life. Could I tell him the truth if he was on his deathbed? Could I break his heart and spirit as the life drained from his eyes? Did my love for Dani truly void my familial love for my brother?

These questions assaulted me on the endless walk, a new inquiry drilling me with each step as we passed room after room of the ill and injured until, finally, Dr. Parnesh halted at a room and gestured us inside. Dani and I cautiously entered, and I was shocked to find that there were two separate beds covered by thick cream-colored curtains. The doctor stepped past us and headed towards the far curtain, drawing it back to reveal the large area that had been cordoned off for my brother. We stepped forward, my hand on the small of Dani’s back.

Mike’s hospital bed looked like something out of a sci-fi novel; the doctor could have told us that they were cloning his DNA and I might have believed him. Countless wires and chords streamed out of Mike’s arms and from under his gown, finding their way into dozens of monitors and machines. It was such a mess, like his cardiovascular system had decided to spread into the world and fuse with the medical equipment. My brother’s face was bruised badly along his right eye, and a thick, clear tube had been running into his mouth and, I assumed, down his throat. Part of his head had been shaved near the back, now hosting a thin row of sutures. He looked dead in his teal hospital gown, the only signs of life coming from the faintly beeping monitors that were doing the work his body couldn’t do.

“Mike…” Dani croaked, stepping next to his bed. She looked like she wanted to touch him but she was unsure of where to place her hands without interfering with some crucial piece of equipment. “Mike…”

“Mrs. Mackie,” Dr. Parnesh said, his hands folded in front of him. “Your husband has fallen into a coma.”

My eyes went wide, and the doctor continued before we could besiege him with ignorant questions, relaying the facts to us as if he was reading from a textbook.

“He suffered five stab wounds to his abdomen, two deep gashes to his right thigh, as well as blunt trauma to his skull. A major artery was severed in his leg. We were able to get the bleeding under control during surgery, but not after he’d already lost an excessive amount of blood. We believe that the blood loss has caused tissue damage to the brain, which has led to his comatose state.”

I found myself speaking automatically after a few beeps from the monitors had gone by. “Will he wake up?”

Dr. Parnesh sighed, hating this part of his job. “We don’t know. Currently, he’s unable to breathe without assistance, but I believe that we’re out of the woods in terms of the regional damage caused by the stab wounds.”

“Where the hell are his friends he was with?” I asked, vitriol in my voice.

“Your brother was brought in alone…”

Of course. Mike had always made friends with the type of guys who would bluster about having his back but always bail when a fight broke out. I may have stolen his wife, but at least I’d taken a few punches for him.

Tears were rolling down Dani’s cheeks as she whimpered and looked over Mike’s still body. He didn’t look peaceful or like he was asleep; he looked trapped, tortured by the machines keeping him alive.

“What now, Dr. Parnesh?” I asked, unable to look at my brother any longer.

The doctor gave me a sympathetic look, but it had lost its softness over the years of delivering bad news to distraught family members. It was hard and jagged, and so were his words. “We wait.”

We stayed by his bedside for hours. I spent most of the time finding excuses to get up and walk around the hospital (mostly that I was getting coffee) because I couldn’t stand to be in that room with him. For all of his vices, Mike had always been lively. He would drink and fight and get us into trouble, but he was always smiling and laughing while he did it. To see him anchored to a bed, to see him broken and drained, it was too jarring for me to handle.

But Dani was strong. I came back many times with a warm cup of coffee to find her whispering to Mike. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she would whimper, not stopping on my account. “Mike, please, wake up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for things to get so fucked up.”

There was so much bottled up inside of me, so many words I wanted to say, but I couldn’t muster up the courage to say a single thing to my brother in his comatose state. Anytime I would try, tears would well up in my eyes and threaten to drown the words before they found breath.

Nobody came to see the patient sleeping next to Mike. The curtain stayed closed, and the machines whispered cold lullabies in their ears.

It was dark outside when a nurse finally came to tell us that we would have to leave for the night, and we didn’t put up a fuss. We simply took a final look at Mike and shuffled out into the hallway.

When we made it back to the car, we sat in silence until Dani started to sob. I started the car and headed west.

It was a clear fall night, and the desert heat was beginning to surrender the reins to the chill of twilight. A full moon cast its silvery glow upon the world, and as we shot out of the edge of the city, the cliffs of Red Rock made themselves known. Dani hadn’t said a word since we left the hospital, but she leaned forward in her seat with her mouth wide open.

“Alex… Wow…” she sniffed, still suffering from the occasional tremor of tears. “That is so beautiful…”

We pulled off into a rest area filled with families, a dozen motorcyclists, and other couples out on a leisurely night drive. From there, the wall of rock towered over the world like some ancient fortress built by giants. Dani and I walked out away from the crowds, finding a boulder to sit on that was still warm after baking in the sun all day. It was quiet this far from the rest stop, and our eyes began to adjust to the lack of light pollution; the universe’s tapestry of stars revealed itself to us, fighting for attention against the cliff’s glowing in the moonlight.

Neither of us spoke—words felt so insignificant and unnecessary when gazing upon something so grande—and I held her tight, her back against my chest, my arms around her waist. My fingers explored her belly. I knew it was too early, but I was always hoping to feel a kick.

“Mike…” she finally said, making me cringe as my brother’s name removed me from the spectacle. “Mike never took me to do things like this.”

I didn’t respond; I could feel the tension being released from her body as she spoke, and I was happy to listen and keep my thoughts to myself.

“His idea of a good time usually involved going to a bar or having a bunch of his friends over,” she continued. “And those were good times… They were fun… But he never wanted to just enjoy the silence with me. He had to be moving, laughing, fighting… His life is either an extreme high or low—there was never any in-between. There was never tranquility in our relationship.”

Laughter carried across the open desert from the rest stop, that ridiculous laughter that only comes from kids getting on their parent’s nerves.

Dani stopped to listen, giggling a bit to herself, before letting more of it spill out of her. “I was so lost my whole life. I never felt like I had a family or direction or anyone to protect me. But Mike… He was just so sure of himself. He made me promises and never hesitated when making a decision. I thought that I had found someone who would be there for me, someone to take control and show me where to go in life, and it took me a long time to realize that he was more lost than I was.”

Her head nestled deeper underneath my chin, our fingers tangling together in front of her belly.

“I thought maybe we could work through it,” she said. “Maybe he could stop pretending and we could find order in our lives together, but that was just a lie I told myself. One night, I had been drinking a lot… I wasn’t in a good place… And I didn’t hold back on him. I told him that I saw through his bullshit, and that deep down he was a scared child. He… He—”

Her body lurched as she began to cry, and I turned her around to wipe her tears and look her in the eyes. “He what, Dani? What happened? If he hurt you I’ll—”

“You’ll do what, Alex? Swear to protect me, like he did? Will you break him more than he already is?”

Her face became as hard as the towers of rock, the strength of her soul fighting through her tears. “He’s been punished. When he hit me, it was the end of us, even if I didn’t know it at the time. My feelings for you were released from their chains, and I felt less guilty about it each day as I looked in the mirror and watched the bruise fade.”

The warmth from the boulder we’d been sharing turned to a fire that shot up my spine and spread to the tips of my fingers. He’d hit her. I’d kill him. Even if didn’t die in that hospital bed tonight, he wouldn’t survive another day. I’d—

Dani softened, the ocean of her eyes placid and calm as she cupped my face in her hands. “You’re not your brother, Alex. Don’t do what he would do…”

How could I let it go… How could I not make him pay for what he had done?

She kissed me, and the questions and rage and the fire ignited in me suffocated under the pressure of her lips.

My thoughts drifted with my hands rolling over the silky smooth skin of her legs.

Her tongue soothed the pain; her cold fingers shocked the embers of hate from my body as she lowered my pants and took the length of my love in her hands.

We made love against our boulder underneath a blanket of dead stars and the watchful full moon.

I thought about that night on the beach, watching her body ripple and crash like the waves, waiting for her to explode into a billion distant points of light that would drift into heaven where they belonged. There would be a thousand more nights like this together—I knew it—without my brother to get in between us.

Dani wasn’t lost anymore, and neither was I. We would go together into the future, finding the order and tranquility we so desperately desired.

And we would leave everything else behind…


***Just Two Chapters Left!***

***If you’re impatient or just want to support my work, consider subscribing to [my Patreon!]( The next chapter and the conclusion will be posted on Patreon for early access, there will be multiple bonus chapters, and there’s a lot more exclusive content that’s going to be posted there, including early access to my next series!***

***If that’s not your thing, don’t worry, I still love you! And I won’t stop providing you with free erotic stories…***





  1. Will you still post, the two remaining chapters here I don’t feel like going to Patreon to find the other stories.

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