Living my Dream, a CD tale (CD&M)

Hopefully someone likes this, I’m just learning and interested in sharing my journey with anyone who might enjoy it.


Wiping a bead of sweat from my brow, I reached forward and slammed my index on the radio’s scan button; rays of Texas sun making my normally cream skin appear more olive than not. “She’s got them High-Heels-Pressed-Down-Hard, like she hates that Flooooor, Boaaard,” drawled Justin Moore. I blew out a breath, burnet bang lazily falling back to my face. “Might as well embrace it,” I muttered while depressing the gas. Ever so slowly, a mischievous grin crept on my face as I thought about my high heels touching the floor boards. “Touche Justin”, I quipped. “I CANNOT believe I’m doing this,” I squeaked to the empty rental car. Yoga pants thighs rubbing together desperately trying to keep my throbbing erection contained, I could feel precum leaking into my thong. I flew across the US to Texas, TEXAS, to meet a married rancher, and drain his balls. “HOLY SHIT”, I yelled.

The story is a bit more complicated, but suffice to say one day I got a message on Reddit and things escalated in my panties from there. John, of course the rancher from Texas is named John, heard one of my endless pleas for a real man and responded. He just had a way of making me laugh, dressing was always a game before, a way to get off. John? No, John was no game to me. Every time we spoke my heart thundered, butterflies invaded my stomach, and my thighs chaffed they rubbed together so much. We spoke for hours the first night, moving eventually to KIK, then Snap, and finally I just gave him my number. He texted me everyday, he was my morning, my lunch, my evening thoughts. He became my best friend.

It just happened, after so many months of sexting, FaceTiming, talking about our lives and troubles, he just asked me, “Will you come visit?” His marriage had been on the rocks for sometime and he pulled the classic, “I’ll fly you out first class” blah, blah, blah. I refused… and said I’d fly myself. I told him to fill the bath, buy a brut champagne, and lay his wife’s favorite sundress out for me. I traveled openly as a boy, but still wore yoga pants and a thong, meh, it’s 2021. TSA agent didn’t seem to mind my hour-glass.

It was two hours since leaving the airport, my ass was sweating, feet twitching from being in heels so long, and I just felt sticky in the Texas heat. My stomach churned, “What if he thought I was joking” I wondered. I felt disgusting with no makeup and feeling this way, would he like me? My heart started flipping right as my phone started to buzz, a big “John Beesman <3” lighting up the screen. “YES”, I squeaked and answered the phone, noticing my 7.5 inch cock was already straining against my yoga pants. He was so excited that I didn’t flake, he couldn’t believe I was only 10 miles out…. he also added that’d he’d laid out more than just his wife’s sundress for me.

Gravel crunching, I pulled up to the two story Little Big Sky style home at the end of John’s 2 mile driveway. He’d inherited the family business from his father when he passed and left his NYC job to come home, part of the reason his wife Alyse had been such a bitch these past years. Putting it in park, I stepped out and did my best to tuck my erection while reaching for my bags in the rear seat. I heard the front door open and I looked up. My heart stopped.

Scuffed Irish Setters, square toe, gave way to dust jeans and a tucked in ranch hand shirt with a belly of solid steel just slightly bulging over a gold belt buckle won in the 90s. My heart skipped, as a 6ft 5 john made his way slowly down the stairs, sun kissed white skin, arms the size of tree trunks, bulging pecks, square jaw, five o’clock shadow, short brown hair, dusty cowboy hat, sharp blue eyes, and a hard face. I made my way around the car, bags forgotten, and noticed his face wasn’t the only thing hard. A massive cock strained down the inside of his right pant leg, but i couldn’t break eye contact. I slowly walked up to him, he slowly walked down to me, saying nothing we met mid-way on the stairs as the Texas sundown turned the evening red.

He reached down behind my head and pulled me close, I pushed his 10 gallon back while feeling his tongue shoot down my throat. He encapsulated me in his embrace, scooping me tighter and tighter into him as we kissed on the front steps. “I’m so fucking happy to see you,” he grunted while I did my best to stop him. I was falling for this man, his rough touch, his rough tongue. I felt dirty, I wanted him in every way, I wanted to drink in his tongue, feel his spit coat my throat, take him into me and be owned. I kissed him harder and pawed for his pants, ripping the buckle away and working at the button of his jeans. He didn’t stop me, the advantages of land. I wrestled with his jeans and finally broke away from our embrace, sinking to my knees as I dropped them to his ankles. “I’m going to show you why I’m the woman you need,” I said while looking into his eyes. “Rach-” he began, I cut him off by wrestling his massive cock out into the Texas air, so thick my index and thumb couldn’t touch.

I took him briefly in my mouth, really just lubing him up, then pulled back. “I’m going to be your bitch, I’m going to show you that you’re mine, and that I want you more than anything else”, I blurted. This was new, I had never spoken to him like this before, and it took both of us by surprise just how deep I was getting. I didn’t care. I buried my face in his soft musty sack, sucking each hairy ball into my mouth and savoring his sweat before licking down the shaft to his massive head. Holding my tongue out to him, I looked up and simply said, “Spit daddy.” He demurred and I licked his head again, swirling my tongue a few times, “I want you to own me, PLEAASEE spit daddy,” I begged.

He did, catching it on my tongue, I gave the best blowjob of my life. I worked him into me, slamming my head back and forth, touching my throat with his thick head. I fired my hands up and down his shaft like a piston, pounding him deeper and deeper into me in the Texas sun, thick gobs of sweat and spit spilling down my face and chest. He held on to my head like he was on a 8 second ride, it was that rough. “Fuckkkkk”, he screamed as I guzzled him with a speed, need, and urgency neither of us had ever had. “I’m, I’m going to come, Rach” he stammered. I held him tighter and moaned my approval.

I’ve had cum in my mouth before, but John taught me that I’d never had MEN cum in my mouth before. I pressed him deep into me, mouth stretching as wide as possible, I felt his head push into the back of my throat and fill it, pushing my gag reflex to the absolute limit. I felt his warm thick shaft against my tongue, eagerly pressing my tongue against it for all it was worth to extract his every flavor. His cum rocketed into me, slapping against my throat with an audible roar while his hands dug into my trapezoids so hard they bruised. I drank his cum in, gulp after gulp of salty sticky clinging to my tongue as I swallowed frantically. He eased out while still coming and I did my best to follow him, keep it in my mouth just that bit longer. He eased me back and came down my face, neck, and chest while maintaining eye contact. “Welcome home,” he smiled. “I hope your wife sees that”, I said while pointing at the ringdoorbell and licking my fingers clean.

He laughed, long and heartily, “Yes, I reckon she will and she wont. She cain’t figure out the app, I’m the only one that downloaded it, but she’s gonna see it, you bet that sweet ass on that”. He reached around and grabbed my ass while ushering me in the open door behind him. The home was massive, yet functional and artfully decorated. Vaulted ceilings, stone accents, real wood – my type of place. “What do you mean by that,” I asked while wandering forward into the great room, sweeping views of the ranch seen through massive windows. I noticed there was a bottle of champagne before the leather couches and a set of white lingerie draped across the back… followed by a white dress. I looked over my shoulder at him, he was nonplused while moving to sit in the leather chair opposite, he sighed and flipped me his phone. It was to photos and a screen recorded image sat waiting for me to click play, I clicked it. “Sent me that a few months ago. Said she was going home to visit her momma,” he sighed; the video cracked with *slap slap slap* sounds and faint moans as the camera moved in and out of focus, I knew where this was going and looked up. “See, I was a gentlemen, we knew we were going our separate ways but I never sent her nothing like that.” Stripping naked and reaching for the lingerie, I looked him in the eyes as I said, “she’s got a flat ass and fucks like a fish”.

Maybe i’ll continue ? Idk
