Life for a Teenage Futa – Ch. 04 [Futa][Harem][Incest][Overcoming Adversity][Domination]

**Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of the following (Loosely ordered from most to least prevalent): Futa (Transexual), Amazonian Futa, Futa on Female, Giant Cock, Cervix Penetration, Domination/Submission, Excessive Cum/Fluids, Incest, Corruption, True Love/Romance, Cumflation, Pregnancy, CNC, Freeuse, Size Difference, Harem, Humiliation, Futa on Male, Cuckoldry**

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite description, demeanor, or appearance.*

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**Life for a Teenage Futa**

Written By: Rebecca

**Chapter 4: Is She… Flirting?**

After a night sleeping on inflatable mattresses, the Mayfield family awoke to a beautiful, sunny morning, ready to unpack all of their belongings. Both Nancy and Bridgette were still undecided as to who would get the coveted corner room, but to not waste time, they helped bring in non personal items and furniture. Though not particularly muscular, Bridgette was still quite strong, being as tall and large as she was, so she helped her father bring in the heavier items while Nancy helped Alexa bring in the lighter boxes. It took a few hours, but eventually everything except for Nancy and Bridgette’s things were moved out of the garage.

“I’ve been thinking,” Nancy said, “And… I think you should have the corner room.”

“That’s okay,” Bridgette lied, trying to be nice, “I think you’d be better off with it.”

“No,” Nancy insisted, “I want you to have it. But, you’ll just have to accept that I’ll be spending a lot of time with you now.” She giggled.

Bridgette smiled, hugging her older sister close, lifting her off the ground.

“Thanks Nancy,” Bridgette said, holding her in the air.

“You bet,” Nancy said, nuzzling her head into Bridgette’s chest.

“Have you two finally decided yet?” Alan sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow.

The two nodded.

“Good, let’s get a move on.” He continued anxiously.

Their father was fairly notorious for getting a bit cranky when things didn’t go exactly to plan. Not that anything had gone particularly awry during the move, but the exhaustion mixed with the unexpected difficulty of moving large objects into the tight corners of the narrow house were starting to make him antsy. A few more hours later, and finally everything had been moved into the house.

Most of the boxes containing personal effects or utility items were still unpacked, but they could be unloaded over the coming weeks, as their contents were needed. The family collectively sighed, slumping onto the couch, finally able to take a breather.

“Ahhh, now that wasn’t too hard…” Alexa joked.

“Says the one who didn’t have to move anything heavy.” Alan retorted.

“Careful mister!” Alexa warned, “We all played an important role in the process. Besides… I’m sure Bridgette was doing most of the heavy lifting.” She laughed.

The group chuckled, but Bridgette could sense a pinch of jealousy in the way her father responded to the joke. She was unsure if it was embarrassment, or if he had been genuinely insulted by the notion that his 18 year old daughter was stronger than he was. It was certainly true, however, and no amount of injured masculinity on his part would change that. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she also saw him glance at her cock, which was clearly outlined under her skin tight, workout leggings she was wearing.

“Thanks again, guys,” Bridgette said to her parents, “I really appreciate… you know…”

“Of course sweetie,” Alexa said, “We just want you both to be happy and comfortable!”

“Alright, well,” Alan interjected, “We need to stock our shelves, so your mother and I are gonna run to the store, why don’t you two get the TV and computers all hooked up while we’re gone.”

“Is that really necessary?” Alexa asked, undermining her husband’s authority, “They’ve already done a lot today…”

“They’re adults now,” Alan responded, “They can handl-”

“We got it, don’t worry about it.” Nancy interrupted.

“Okay, just don’t break anything.” Alexa sighed.

“We won’t!” Bridgette said, as her parents got up to leave, “Hurry back!”

“We might be a while,” Alan said as they were walking out the door, “We have a lot to get… If either of you get hungry, you can take the car and go get something to eat.”

Bridgette and Nancy nodded in understanding and waited as their parents closed the door behind them.

“Whew, what a day…” Nancy sighed, lying sideways on the couch, and resting her shoes on Bridgette’s lap.

“Oh no…” Bridgette smiled, pushing Nancy’s feet to the floor, “Not today.”

Nancy swung her feet back up to Bridgette’s lap and put on her best puppy dog face.

“Come onnnnn,” She pleaded with sorrowful eyes, “You do it better than anyone!”

Bridgette rolled her eyes and sighed, beginning to untie the laces on Nancy’s sneakers. Nancy’s sorrowful expression immediately vanished as she smiled, happy that she had gotten what she wanted.

“Thank youuuuu,” Nancy cooed as Bridgette removed her socks.

Nancy wiggled her toes happily as Bridgette began to knead her tiny feet in her large strong hands. Bridgette watched as Nancy practically melted into the couch as the tender, slow rubbing sent waves of relaxation throughout her older sister’s body. It was like a secret button that would make her instantly docile, and while Bridgette didn’t love to do it, there was a level of satisfaction she got from making her sister so happy.

“Mmmmm that’s so goooooddddd,” Nancy moaned breathily, “Yessssss, right there….”

Bridgette couldn’t believe, after all the times she had rubbed her sister’s feet, that she had never noticed how small they were. She chalked it up to the recent shift in her perception of her sister, which had become more sexual in nature. She was starting to see her sister as more than just a sibling, but rather a potential mate, and things like small feet were becoming more important to her.

Bridgette continued to rub Nancy’s feet for a few minutes, until she heard the slow rhythmic breathing that was undoubtedly a sign of unconsciousness. It was fairly normal for her to fall asleep from a foot rub, especially after toiling all day. Bridgette carefully stood and placed Nancy’s legs on the couch, and grabbed a nearby blanket from a moving box and draped it over her. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, so innocent and cute.

Without thinking, Bridgette leaned down and kissed Nancy on the temple, before quickly standing back upright, and realizing how strange that had been. To her surprise, Nancy smiled, mumbling something in her unconsciousness that Bridgette couldn’t quite make out.

“She’s probably just imagining a boyfriend or something…” Bridgette thought to herself.

Bridgette shrugged and headed upstairs. She had worked up quite the sweat moving everything into the house, and was in need of a shower. She promptly undressed and washed herself, then stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and hair. Thanks to her extra large towels, she was just barely able to cover her body from nipples to the tip of her cock. She stepped into her bedroom and jumped as she was greeted unexpectedly by her sister, sitting on her bed. Nancy looked at her as she entered, and Bridgette noticed as her gaze darted all around her body.

“You should have told me you were going to take a shower,” Nancy said, clearly a little upset.

“Uhhh, why?” Bridgette asked, confused as to why it would matter.

“Ju- Becau-, look…” Nancy stumbled, looking for the right wording, “I just think, you know with everything going on… That maybe…. We should… you know… SHOWERTOGETHERMOREOFTEN…”

Nancy blurted out the ending quickly and nervously, before explaining herself.

“You know because of climate change and all that. Save the world and everything…” She went on, “And I mean, have you seen this place, we should probably try to save money where we can, I have no idea how mom and dad afforded this.”

“You want to shower together?” Bridgette clarified, ensuring she heard correctly, “Like all the time?”

“Yeah why not?” Nancy said, taking a much more defensive tone, “I mean mom’s always going on about saving the earth, she’d probably be thrilled to see us conserving water…”

“I suppose…” Bridgette said skeptically, “I mean I guess we can, I don’t really care…”

“Great!” Nancy said excitedly, “We can start tomorrow!”

“Alright, well I need to get dressed,” Bridgette said, motioning for Nancy to afford her some privacy.

“Oh come on, if we’re gonna be showering together, it’s not like I’m never gonna see you naked,” Nancy reasoned, “Just get dressed, I don’t mind.”

Bridgette squinted, unsure of Nancy’s sudden shift in attitude and demeanor. Why was she so cozy with being nude all of a sudden? Not that they had been particularly prudish before, especially with Bridgette flaunting her cock all around the house, but this was a different, new level of acceptance. Regardless, it was clear that it would have been weird to make a scene, and Nancy was notorious for getting what she wanted through persuasion, so Bridgette simply went along with it.

She walked over to one of the garbage bags of clothes and leaned over, grabbing a few items from within it. With the clothes in hand she walked back over to the bed and tossed them in front of her sister, whose eyes seemed glued to her movements. Then, with slightly nervous fingers, she undid the knot holding the towel up and let the towel fall to the ground around her feet. Steam rose as her warm, moist skin was exposed to the cool bedroom air. Her nipples instantly perked up and small goosebumps popped up all over her body.

Nancy didn’t say anything, but seemed blissfully apathetic about the fact that she was staring Bridgette down. Bridgette did her best to ignore her, and grabbed the simple t-shirt she had picked out and began to put it on. As it passed over her head, she heard rustling on the bed, but when she was able to see again, Nancy was where she had been before, as if nothing had changed. As Bridgette then reached to grab the shorts she had picked out, she realized what had happened.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” Bridgette said, reaching an outstretched palm towards Nancy, “Give them here.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Nancy said with a devious smile.

Nancy stood from the bed, her hands behind her back, which Bridgette knew held onto her shorts. She began to slowly pace backwards, egging on Bridgette into a chase. At Bridgette’s slightest movement towards her, Nancy turned and bolted out of the room, into the bathroom. Bridgette hurried after her, being slowed by each of the doorways she had to pass under. Nancy skipped and bounded around the sharp corners of the house, her ass and breasts bouncing with a mind of their own. After escaping through her room, she quickly made her way down the stairs.

Once at the bottom, she looked back and watched as Bridgette quickly followed behind her, covering several stairs per step. The vertical motion caused her massive flaccid penis to flop and wobble gloriously, and Nancy watched intently until she was close enough to get caught. She turned to run into the living room, but was caught by Bridgette in the process, causing the two to tumble onto the couch. Nancy was giggling uncontrollably, giddy about being caught.

“Hand them over!” Bridgette demanded playfully, her hefty weight pressed into her smaller sister, pinning her to the couch.

“I don’t have them I promise!” Nancy insisted, still full of laughter.

“Don’t make me get them by force!” Bridgette threatened.

“I really don’t have them!” Nancy responded sincerely.

“Oh I’m sure you don’t…” Bridgette joked.

Quickly Bridgette’s hands got to work, tickling Nancy’s sides. Nancy writhed and wriggled as much as she could, but to no avail. Her larger sister was far too heavy to escape. She laughed uncontrollably, trying to push Bridgette’s tickling fingers away, but unsuccessful.

“St-stop! Stop, I give up!” Nancy cried out, tears in her eyes from laughing too hard.

Bridgette climbed off Nancy, but remained hovering over her, and flipped her onto her back.

“Alright so give them to me.” Bridgette said.

Nancy quickly tried to get away again.

“I thought you would do that.” Bridgette said with a smile, resuming her tickling, but this time unrestricted by her positioning.

Nancy began to laugh and wiggle again as she was bombarded with tickles. Bridgette kept the tickling up until she felt an odd sensation. She looked down between her legs to find Nancy stroking her dangling cock between her bare feet. Bridgette stopped tickling her, quickly becoming aroused at her sister’s touch, which continued for a few more seconds before Nancy realized she had been discovered.

“S-sorry!” Nancy said, quickly putting her feet back on the couch, “M-my feet… slipped.”

Bridgette cleared her throat.

“Th-that’s okay, I understand,” She said, standing upright, “Can I have my shorts now.”

The situation had suddenly become much more serious, and there was a strong sexual atmosphere that hadn’t been present previously.

“They’re upstairs. I really don’t have them.” Nancy said seriously.

“Wait, really?” Bridgette asked, sure her sister had had them the whole time.

“I threw them under your bed silly,” Nancy giggled, “But thanks for playing with me.”

“Sorry about tickling you then…” Bridgette said embarrassed.

“That’s okay!” Nancy said, hopping up from the couch and giving Bridgette a tight hug, “I like when we mess around together.”

Bridgette hugged her back and sauntered back up the stairs, to find the shorts where Nancy had said they’d be. She shook her head, playfully scolding her sister for being so mischievous. After everything that had happened, it was hard for Bridgette to consider possibilities outside of the idea that Nancy was flirting with her. But due to how their family had always functioned, she tried her best to ignore the hints that made it seem that way, as she didn’t want to damage their familial dynamic. After getting fully dressed, Nancy began her shower, and the two worked to get the TV working before their parents returned. Once they were finished setting everything up, Nancy’s tummy rumbled and the two laughed at the noise.

“You want to go get something to eat?” Nancy asked.

“Sure…” Bridgette responded, fearful of going out in public.


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