Welcome to the Neighbourhood: Part One (One of Two) [MFFFFFF] [Interracial] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Enhanced Boobs] [Creampie] [Cheating] [Neighbours]

I couldn’t believe it, I had always dreamed of moving into a wealthy neighbourhood with large, guarded gates and monitored security, but today was the day.

I had made it rich off what I thought was a stupid action movie idea. I wrote it as a child and put it away. I thought it would never see the light of the sun until one day after cleaning out the attic of my first home. I found it with a few updates and a complete recasting. I put it online.

What happened next was unexpected. The first book took on a life of its own, with demands from many people for me to write another then another.

I quickly got my series on a streaming service, which turned into an entire movie and a comic book series.

The money came rolling in. When I had first started, I was living paycheck to paycheck. Now I had more money than I knew what to do with or spend.

When a stalker found my house, I decided it was time to move to a more secure location.

My agent told me about a well to do neighbourhood. I thought, what the hell? It couldn’t be that bad, right?

Today was the day that I moved in, and I have to say, I was beyond impressed. It was no mansion like some movie stars who had billions vested into their houses. I wasn’t that rich after all.

Even though the houses looked exactly alike, they weren’t too close together. They were far enough that there was a lot of privacy.

My house was on the corner with a backyard with a tennis court and a half basketball court. I always wanted a basketball court for myself.

“Hey neighbor,” a tall man said as the truck pulled in to deliver all my stuff.

“Hey,” I replied, greeting him with a firm handshake.

“My wife thinks she knows you,” he said, pointing over to a blonde woman standing outside the house across the road.

“She does?” I said, shaking my head. “I doubt it,” I said, shaking my head.

“She says that you’re the guy that came up with up with that action movie about the guy with the dogs and the arms of steel,” he laughed, shaking his head.

I shook my head and thought it was supposed to be a kid’s comic. I wrote it when I was a child. Which now had turned into a worldwide comic and streaming series.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “That’s me.”

“You’re serious?” the man said.

“Yeah, Nicholas Stone,” I introduced myself as the movers started to move my furniture into the house.

“It’s him!” the man yelled back to his wife.

“I told you!” she yelled back.

“Austin Freen,” the man said as he introduced himself, “the bottle blonde over there is my wife Tammy,” he said, waving at his wife.

Austin went on to tell me all about the neighbourhood. It was a dream come true for someone who grew up on the city’s streets.

Maintained yards and monitored security. It even had a neighbourhood store and a full-sized gym.

“Hi,” his wife said as she walked over. “My name is Tammy,” she said as she held out her hand.

“I already told him your name,” Austin said as he rolled his eyes at her.

Tammy was stunning in every sense of the word. She shook her head as she pushed past him and stood in front of me.

Her hair was bright blonde with highlights. She wore a tight tank top that stretched to the limit over her impressive bust. It was dark black, but I could see the pink straps of her bra over her shoulders.

Tammy looked in much better shape than her beer keg stomach of a husband. Her tight stomach could be seen visibly as she moved back to her husband.

“You should come to the gym sometime,” Tammy said.

“Will you stop!” Austin said, shaking her head.

“Tammy works for the office, and she also has a get the neighborhood fit program,” Austin said.

“Well, you could come and check it out,” Tammy smiled with a wink.

“Let’s leave the man alone to get moved in,” Austin said as he dragged his wife away.

“It was nice meeting you,” Tammy said as she played with her hair over her ear.

It caught my eye, but as quickly as I saw it, it disappeared behind her long blonde hair. I thought I saw a tattoo behind her ear.

The movers finally got everything moved in, and I was free to move around the house. I arranged a few things to my liking.

The phone rang, and instantly I was brought back to my reality. “Yes Sandra,” I said as I answered it.

“Well?” my agent asked.

“I like it,” I said as I looked out of the window.

“I told you, “she said. Sandra loved being right; her favourite thing to say was, ‘I told you so’ she tried to work it into every conversation.

“Well, I hate to say this, but I have good and bad news,” Sandra said.

I knew what she was going to say. Even though my series was still making a ton of money as a streaming animated series and a comic, they wanted something else.

“I am working on something,” I said as I sat down at my computer.

I had another series in mind. It was going to be an addition to the already created series.

“I will send you a rough draft that should keep the hounds from breaking down the door.”

“Great!” Sandra exclaimed. “You’re the best!”

“Whatever,” I smiled. “It’s on its way.”

“I got it,” Sandra said.

I continued working on the first chapter as she read the rough draft.

“Holy!” she said, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room. I had forgotten she was still on speaker.

“What?” I asked.

“The depth, I didn’t know you could add on to the already building series, but this… it is absolutely brilliant.” Sandra said. “They are going to love it!”

“Good, now can I get back to work?” I said, picking up the phone.

“Yes, yes of course,” Sandra said as she hung up.

I shook my head and got back to work. It was late into the night or early morning before I thought I had enough of the story established and fleshed-out characters and the plot.

I read some of it repeatedly to make sure it sounded good, then sent it to Sandra. She took care of everything for me. I never had to deal with anybody. She knew what I wanted, how much I wanted to get paid and what I expected.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up to the sound of a loud car revving its engine. Peeking out the window, I smiled and ran down the stairs.

“Wow!” I said as I greeted the other neighbour.

“Sorry,” the tall man said. “Did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but it was worth it,” I said, taking a look at his car.

It was a Shelby Mustang GT500, with all the bells and whistles. He also had it decked out like a Decepticon from the Transformers movie.

“You like?” he said as he continued to wash his vehicle with pride.

“What’s not to like?” I asked, walking around it. “Sorry, my name is….”

“Nicholas,” the man said, “Austin and Tammy has plastered out the news about the new resident all over the community’s internet page.”

“Ah,” I nodded.

“Drake Kensen,” he said as he stuck out his hand.

“Well, thank you for letting me take a look at your car,” I said.

He nodded as he went on cleaning.

After eating breakfast and doing more things around the house, I decided to try out the gym. As well as drive around the community.

Every house was immaculate, perfect cut lawns, and I passed four security SUV’s driving around the community.

I walked into the small grocery store and found everything I wanted.

“Have you seen the bowling alley?” a voice said from behind.

“No, not yet,” I said as I turned to see a tall brunette.

“You must be Nicholas,” she said with a smile.

“Does everybody know about me?” I laughed.

“It’s a very tight knit community,” the brunette said. “I am Alicia,” she said, finally introducing herself. “You met my husband this morning, cleaning his favorite toy.”

“Oh yes, Drake?” I said as we continued to check out of the store.

“Yes,” Alicia said as she said it with a slight annoyance in her voice. “I swear he loves that thing more than life itself.”

We both got to the register, and she checked out first and waited for me outside.

“I was serious about the bowling alley, most of us go there just to get away from it all,” Alicia said as she headed to her large Cadillac SUV.

‘What did everyone drive a high-end vehicle?’ I thought to myself.

Nearly every car or vehicle was the top end. There were no mediocre vehicles to be seen.

“I will check it out,” I said as I got into my Toyota. “Call Sandra,” I said as my car started up.

“They love it!” Sandra said as she answered.

“I don’t care!” I yelled back. “I need a new ride, can I afford something a lot better, I mean a lot!”

“I will get with Michael and ask him how much you can spend, remember you just bought a house outright. I told you….”

“Just call him,” I said as I hung up.

Michael was my financial advisor as well as my accountant. I was horrible with money. When I got my first check, I took all my friends out to dinner and spent half of it on food I didn’t know how to pronounce.

Then I bought all the video game consoles and a large screen television to play it on.

I was financially broke before I knew it. Sandra turned me onto Michael, and now I could do what I wanted within my monthly allowance. Anything more significant than that, I had to go through him.

I got to the gym and parked by a fucking Porsche, a fucking Porsche! Not just any Porsche, the good kind, the one that can make circles in the parking lot and take off like a rocket.

“Here I thought I was rich,” I said, staring at it. “These people are rich, rich!”

“Nicholas!” Tammy shouted as I entered the gym.

Which was more like a real gym than one of those pretend gyms you would generally think about for a community.

This gym had everything from a full circular running path upstairs to all the downstairs equipment.

“Well?” Tammy asked as she showed me around.

“I liked the pool,” I nodded.

“You look like the swimmer type,” she beamed.

“Do you work here?” I asked.

“Work is not the word I would use,” Tammy nodded. “I enjoy it here and they pay me, so yeah you can say that, but it’s more like a hobby, I come and go as I please.”

Even now, anyone could see Tammy worked out wearing a pink half top showing her impressive busty figure and tight stomach with all the ab muscles. She was a remarkable woman.

“So where do I sign up?” I asked.

“Well, that’s the thing?” Tammy said as we sat down in a small office away from the loud music and the sounds of machines clanging and banging as people worked out.

“We have a strict rule,” Tammy said. “Everyone must pass a drug test as well as all the other medical tests, I know it’s a bit much for just joining a gym. But I assure you everyone here is clean and drug free and it is highly confidential. You can go to your own doctor or go to the clinic here in our community.”

“What don’t you have in here?” I asked, sitting back.

“Disney World,” Tammy nodded. “We have been trying to get that damned mouse to come here, but he won’t.”

I stared at her. I didn’t know if she was joking or if she was serious.

“Okay, I will go with the clinic,” I shrugged.

“Good!” Tammy said, “I will walk you over.”

Tammy’s view from the behind was just as good as the front. Her tiny waist and bubble butt completed the perfect figure.

“Liane,” Tammy said as we entered the small walk-in clinic.

“Yes, one minute,” a voice said from the back. “You will be fine,” a lady stepped out of the backroom.

An elderly lady accompanied her. “But…” the elderly lady started to say.

“I told you not to eat ice cream so late at night,” the younger lady said, which I guessed was Liane.

“I do like my rum raisin,” the elderly lady smiled.

“Well, you can have it earlier in the day and only drink water after six,” Liane said.

“Okay then,” the elderly lady said as she exited the clinic.

We watched as the lady left the clinic.

“Hey Tammy, what can I do for you today?” Liane asked.

“Another person signing up for the drug tests and checkup,” Tammy said with a bright face and a slight cheer.

“You and that cheerleader personality,” Liane smiled.

“Right this way sir,” Liane said as she looked at me.

I followed her into the back and one of the rooms.

“Can you fill this form out and I will be right with you.”

The form was easy to fill out. It asked the usual questions that any medical institution would want from a patient.

Liane returned with a bright smile on her face. “Well then,” she said as she put the questionnaire aside.

“First, we will go with the physical,” she stated as she continued with the usual physical,

She asked the typical questions, which I answered.

It was beginning to dawn on me. None of the women I had met so far was unattractive.

Liane is one of them. She had dark black hair that fell past her shoulders. Even with the glasses on, she looked like a sexy librarian.

Liane hid a great figure with the lab coat, buttoned-up shirt, and knee-length skirt.

“Do you go to the gym also?” I asked Liane as she wrote a few things down.

“Oh, yes,” Liane replied with a heartfelt smile. “I try to go every day if I can.”

The rest of the physical went well. “Hold out your arm,” Liane ordered as she was about to draw some blood.

‘Whoa,’ I thought to myself as Liane held my arm out close to her chest.

The soft, firm touch of what I felt and imagined to be some extremely large breasts surprised me.

They didn’t seem that big, but as my arm was close to her chest, they were definitely more prominent than any woman I had been with, ever.

Tammy had some serious competition. While it was apparent, Tammy had a lot of work done in that area. It seemed Liane was all-natural.

“There,” Liane said, unphased that most of my arm had been pressed against her chest. “I will send all the blood work in, and they should be back in a few days.”

“Thank you,” I nodded.

Tammy was still waiting for me out in the waiting room. “All done?” she asked with what I was assuming was her usual cheery persona.

“Yup,” I nodded.

“More paperwork to do,” Tammy said as she waved at Liane.

“Finally,” I said as I put the pen down.

It seemed like I had signed my life away. Who knew signing up for a gym membership would involve so much paperwork?

“I have a few things to do,” Tammy said as she leaned back in her chair.

Her impressive bust expanded as she leaned further back and stretched. The light pink sports bra pulled over her incredible breasts, and for a moment, I thought it would give, but Tammy sprang back forward.

Suddenly my phone rang, “I have to take this,” I said as I bolted upright. “Sandra,” I said as I headed out of the small office.

“You can,” Sandra said as I walked into the parking lot. “I thought for sure you had stretched your account to the limit with buying the house outright, but Michael says otherwise.”

“What’s my limit?” I asked as I stared at the numerous cars in the driveways and parked in the lot.

“Don’t go to crazy, but you can splurge,” Sandra said.

“Good,” I said. “I have something in mind.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was late afternoon when I finished ordering the car I wanted and customized it to what I wanted. I opted for many extra options, including some that were very limited. When I finished, I sent a picture of the screen to Michael.

‘Go for it,’ he replied.

‘That was quick,” I replied.

‘I have been waiting for your text, and I thought you were going to go for something more elaborate, but this is well within your budget,’ he replied.

I laughed and looked at the screen. A few years ago, this would be a pipe dream. Hell, even the dream would have cost me. Now it was within my budget.

‘Want me to take care of it?’ Michael replied.

‘Sure,’ I sent back.

‘Send me all the info,’ he said.

With everything sent and a confirmation email in my inbox, the car of my dreams would be delivered to my door in less than a week.

I even got an apology email from the dealership saying they didn’t have one with all the extra options in stock, but they were shipping one from another state.

I leaned back and looked at the screen. “Damn,” I said.

The writing bug hit me as I thought of a few new ideas. I knew it was going to be a long night as my fingers danced across the keyboard.

“You’re amazing,” Sandra said as I sent her the new story as well as a few new characters that I had thought about during the night. “You look like shit, but you are amazing,” she added.

“Thanks,” I yawned.

“What time?” She asked as she looked at me.

Sandra and Michael were the only ones I talked to, but mainly Sandra took care of all my needs. I didn’t even see the realtor when I bought the house. Sandra had dealt with it all. She was my agent for everything.

“I shouldn’t have accepted your video call,” I yawned again.

“Bed, now!” Sandra ordered.

“I won’t argue,” I nodded.

Sleep hit me like a ton of bricks. I had stayed up all night and into the early morning, writing and describing the new characters in as much detail as I possibly could. Even in my sleep, I tossed and turned with new ideas.

“What the hell!” I said, jumping out of bed to the sound of the doorbell.

No one knew where I lived except for Sandra, and I knew she wouldn’t tell anyone without my permission.

“Holy crap,” I said as I looked out the window and saw that it was pitch black outside. “How long was I asleep for?”

“Hey,” Drake said as I answered the door.

“Hey,” I replied. “We were heading to the bowling alley,” Drake said as he looked back at his wife and the neighbours. “Wanted to see if you were interested?”

“Sure,” I nodded. I could do with socialization after last night. “Let me get ready and I will meet you there.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/syv8yq/welcome_to_the_neighbourhood_part_one_one_of_two

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