The City chapter 2

forward: the titling for this series will be weird because of how its being written, a ‘part’ is a single writing session, it will be of varying length and wont always contain a sex scene. a ‘chapter’ contains multiple parts, ~~they will be of similar length~~ and will always contain a sex scene. Also, this series is being written on a kindle e-reader, the keyboard is not amazing and there is no auto correct, so any minor spelling, capitalization, or formatting mistakes can be blamed on that, they will be fixed in final release, if I do a final release. if you were wondering why this story is called “the city” its because the bulk of the story takes place in a planet city. We’ll get there eventually.
I woke up with Hyper in bed next to me, our deal had not included him sleeping in my bed, but I decided to let it slide and let him sleep, it would be a few days until we reached our target. The main downside of antimass drives was that you needed to disengage them far from any gravity wells, as they tended to behave unpredictably when inside them, the speed advantage over alcubiere drives though, was significant, so ADVENT (the government in control of the Celestial Marines) had decided they were preferred.. I left my quarters to collect my breakfast, Red, Eyes, Priest and Lion were all sitting at the table eating, Lion was still naked (I guess he really had gambled away his last set of clothes) from the game, but everyone else looked fresh “good morning people” I said as I walked to the food synthesizer and ordered an omelette. “How was flying?” asked Priest. “Uneventful” I replied “there’s not much risk to FTL jumps, the only reason I’m there is to make sure we don’t hit a rouge planet’s gravity and turn into ionized gas.” “And we really appreciate your effort” replied Eyes, she was the only other woman in the fire team, as well as being the only one of us who wasn’t a slithe. Eyes was some sort of avian, I didn’t remember her species, but she had a fair number of feathers along with talons and a short beak. Eyes looked at me bemusedly “where’s Hyper?” “Asleep” I replied “took ‘sleep with me’ literally I guess.” Priest made a face like he was about to spit out his coffee “What? you slept with Hyper?” “Why do you care?” I asked “you and Eyes were fucking last night too” “It’s not that” he responded “I just never thought you were the type to give in to carnal pursuits while on mission” “It wasn’t just that” I protested “there was a material incentive as well…” Now Priest really did spit out his coffee “he PAID you to screw him?!” “No!” I scrambled to dig myself out of the hole I just made for myself “it wasn’t money anyway, it was our clothes” “Why did Hyper have your clothes? and who is ‘our’?” “Hyper had her clothes as well as mine and Red’s because we lost them in a poker game” Lion interjected “you had sex with Hyper to get our clothes back?” “That explains why Lion is naked” Eyes commented. “It wasn’t just for the clothes” I said, ignoring Eyes’ interruption “it had been months since I last had someone, I’m not made of stone you know” “Whatever you say Septa, now can you guys cut the chatter? I’m trying to eat my breakfast in peace, not listen to why the sarge decided to get herself some release” Red butted in, ending the conversation. I sat down and ate my breakfast in silence, the only further interruption came when Hyper left my room himself. “We hear you fucked Septa last night” Priest said, his voice edged with accusation. “Maybe. What’s it to you?” Hyper responded, echoing my earlier sentiment “Septa can have sex with whoever she wants, she doesn’t need your permission” “Didn’t I put an end to this conversation?” Red interrupted “Septa says you’re going to give our clothes back, I know Lion would appreciate that sooner rather than later.” “Oh, right” Hyper responds before quickly, ducking into his quarters and emerging moments later with a pile of uniforms “take whichever one is yours” he says as he sets the pile on the table. Lion grabbed his uniform and began putting it on, Red also took his, but placed it under his seat, I grabbed mine and went to put it in my closet. I reentered the room to find Lion missing “where’d Lion go?” I asked. “to his room to make sure his uniform was straight” Red replied. “I’m going to jack back in for a few hours and chart our course to the inner system, Red, you have command while I’m gone” I walked into the cockpit without waiting for an answer. I sat down in the pilot’s chair and started to plug myself in, I was only going to be in for a few hours, so I skipped the nutrient feed. I pressed the hard metal of the skulljack into my neural port, shivering as I felt the small metal tendrils inside connect to my brain. the process was painless, but I always felt violated during it, as if someone was inside my head without consent. It did have consent, the process was entirely voluntary, but the feeling persisted nonetheless. being jacked in was always an indescribable experience, feeling the ship like it was your body, feeling the solar wind on your sensors, no one who hadn’t done it could ever seem to understand. I was in for 7 hours, long enough that I probably should have hooked up the nutrient feed, but not so long that the lack of it was dangerous. I jacked out after maneuvering into a shipping lane on planetary approach, our ship was disguised as a light freighter, though it could punch well above its weight class, so no one who could see us should have looked twice. I pulled the skulljack from my head, not so fast as to be damaging, but quick enough to minimize the feeling of the wires being pulled out. I stepped out of the cabin to Eyes and Priest making out at the table “guys, no one cares you’re into each other, but try to keep it in your quarters, OK?” they broke away from each other and looked at me, they glanced at each other for a moment, as if sharing a thought “actually Septa” Priest started “we were just about to go to our quarters, but we knew you were almost done piloting, and we were wondering if you wanted to join us.” I looked at them, trying to tell if they were joking, but they both looked serious.” I would need to eat a meal first, let me think about it while I do. I grabbed my food and sat down across from them, legitimately considering their offer. Two days ago I would have denied them without hesitation, but I had had a good time with Echo, and a part of me wanted more. “what exactly are you proposing?” They looked at each other, excited that I was even considering their offer “you would spend the night with us, you wouldn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to, of course, but we would have sex with you and you would have sex with us” Eyes explained, clearly trying not to let her excitement show. I remained silent for the rest of my meal, weighing the choices in my head. I put down my fork “what the hell, let’s do it” I finally said. “we hoped you would say that” Priest replied. They practically dragged me into their quarters and began taking off their clothes, I followed suit, stripping off my now wrinkled uniform. I looked at their now nude forms, Eyes’ perky breasts and Priest’s fully erect cock, appreciating their simple beauty as they converged and pushed me onto their bed, Eyes bent down and opened her beak, licking my clit with her rough tongue, a shiver went down my spine “h-hey, isn’t that thing sharp?” she looked at me, amusement in her eyes as she continued licking, any further complaints were silenced when Priest pressed his member against my lips, I opened my mouth, a moan escaping as he plunged his dick into my throat. I almost gagged, not expecting him to move so fast, but I managed to maintain my composure and diligently wrapped my thin tongue around him. Eyes changed tactics, she nipped my clit softly with her beak, a small jolt of pain and pleasure making my quiver, before pushing her beak into my now soaked pussy. I was relieved to find that her closed beak wasn’t sharp at all, possessing a rounded tip that provided an interesting sensation as she speared me. Priest started thrusting in earnest, his cock reaching deeper and deeper down my throat and forcing my jaw to expand slightly, he was a lot bigger than Echo, that was for sure. Eyes opened her beak inside me, drinking in my juices and rubbing the inside of my slit with her tongue, judging my shivers of pleasure to try and deduce my g-spot. After a few seconds she succeeded, my stifled moans only making my throat tighter around Priest’s cock, he continued thrusting, grabbing the back of my head to force himself deeper, it only took a few more thrusts before he fully buried himself in my throat and came down my neck, his hot seed bypassing my mouth completely. I followed suit, Eyes’ careful ministrations bringing me to climax. My back arched as my labia clamped down on her beak, she quickly retracted her tongue and started fucking me with the bony pseudo-cock, her pounding only adding to the sensory overload I was experiencing. My vision started to dim, my throat clamped down so hard I couldn’t breathe, finally, seemingly moments before I passed out, Priest pulled his cock out of my neck, I took a few deep breaths as Eyes pulled out her beak and looked at me. “now its you two’s turn to make me cum~” she stated, lying down on the bed next to me. Priest took the initiative and got into position to fuck her, unsure of what I should do, I decided to start licking her clit, as she had done to me. Priest slid himself into her, starting with the same jackhammer pace he had used in my throat, I licked her clit a few times, rubbing it with my fingers to try to add to the stimulation, but generally felt pretty useless next to the massive cock right next to my face. Perhaps Priest sensed my want to do more because he took a few seconds to change what hole he was stretching, pulling out of her pussy and sliding himself into her ass, this change elicited a small gasp from Eyes, followed by her moaning increasing to a fever pitch. I shoved my snout into her, dragging my long tongue around her insides, I could feel Priest’s member pounding away through a thin wall of flesh. My fingers found their way back to her clit, gently massaging and rubbing it with practiced care. Our combined assault on her nether regions made short work of her, lasting less than a minute before she came all over my snout. I licked up her juices, finding them quite agreeable to my taste buds. “oh fuck that was good, a-are we gonna go again?” “I really should get some sleep” I responded, with a twinge or regret “piloting really takes it out of me” “that’s OK Septa” Priest responded “you’re welcome to join us anytime” “I might just take you up on that offer” I said as I walked out the door “I definitely enjoyed myself”
