My Brother’s Wife (Part 11)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](

[Part 9](

[Part 10](
Five hours to Las Vegas.

Five hours of an open desert road.

Five hours together; Five hours until we turn the most important corner of our lives and never look back.

Mike had been stabbed seven times in a fight that had broken out while he was gambling on the floor of the MGM. Lucky number seven, I guess.

He had been in the ICU since he was brought in—around three in the morning—but the doctors had just updated Dani and said that his condition had improved and he was expected to pull through.

My soul tore itself in two different directions. If my brother had died, I wouldn’t have had to face him. If he lived, then I was going to have to kill him with my confession.

*To whatever drunk idiot that decided to stab him that night, couldn’t you have gone for unlucky number thirteen?*

Dani and I were two hours into our unplanned road trip. Outside, the afternoon sun of the Mojave Desert beat on the dry, packed sand and anything with the gall to live on it. I turned the air conditioning up a notch. It’s strange how we can create our own little reality in here while the world around us bakes in a dry hell.

I’d called my dad as Dani and I were loading into the car, relaying the news to someone who’d made a career out of receiving terrible news and staying illogically calm about it.

“Text me with any updates,” he’d said, his tone hushed, “and don’t say anything to your mother. When we know whether he’ll live or die, then I’ll tell her.”

I expected that sort of calculation from him, but it still shocked me. I knew he was right; it would be torture for mom to know that her son was fighting for his life, and it was better to spare her from that mental prison until the doctors had done what they could. Still, how could he keep the secret when his son was possibly dying in a hospital five hours away? Sometimes I wondered whether my father really loved Mike or simply tolerated him because my mother loved him unconditionally.

“Looks like you’ve almost got your wish, son.” That was the last thing he said to me before hanging up.

Those words lingered in my mind like the gentle hum of my car’s engine, a torturous white noise that threatened to drive me insane. So, I was relieved when Dani finally broke the silence that had plagued us since we left home.

“Those mountains,” she said, craning her head and turning in her seat to look out of the rear window. “They look like they stretch all the way to heaven.”

I could see them in my rearview—Mt. Baldy, Lake Arrowhead, and everything in between that we had cut through as the Cajon Pass spat us out into the open desert. They were beautiful, and I imagined that on a real road trip, Dani and I would have stopped a dozen times to take little walks or snap photos together overlooking endless vistas.

Dani’s hand slid into my lap, hovering over my crotch. “It’s like my fantasy, remember?”

I smiled, putting my right hand on the back of her chair. “I remember, baby. We’re going together…”

The two-lane highway was vacant aside from us and a semi-truck trailing us by a good quarter mile, so I relaxed in the driver’s seat as Dani unbuttoned my pants and pulled my cock out. We both smiled and laughed as she began to stroke me, finding comfortable positions as she leaned in to kiss my neck.

“I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve been jerked off while driving,” she whispered, nibbling at my ear lobe. “I just wish it could have been me all along.”

I squirmed in my seat as a bit of my precum rolled over her fingers and coated the tip of my dick.

“Actually,” I mumbled, embarrassed. “I’ve never done this…”

“You’re kidding,” she gasped, stopping her progress for a moment. My hips lurched up greedily to force her palm down my shaft, but she held back, teasing me as I tried to keep my mind on the road. “I’ve always figured you for a lady’s man, Alex.”

It was something I heard often. I guess a handsome man has expectations assigned to him just as a beautiful woman does.

“I don’t know,” I groaned, eager for her to continue. “Relationships always felt like some stupid game, and it never felt like I could trust the other person. I was just waiting for something real.”

Dani laughed but she slowly started stroking me again. “Well, we’ve got quite the game going here. But it’s real, baby. I promise it’s real.”

She repositioned herself so that she could put her head in my lap, and I moaned as she took a taste of the head of my cock.

“Then that means you’ve never had road head,” she cooed, kissing me softly and savoring another spurt of precum on her lips. “It’s time that you were rewarded for your patience.”

Her mess of onyx hair bobbed up and down in front of the steering wheel, her knees on the passenger seat, and her bare feet propped up against the door. She was wearing an old college crewneck sweater of mine and a pair of loose black gym shorts that I had grabbed for her as we ran out the door. With her back arched to better treat me, I pulled the sweater up her spine and ran my hand down her shorts until they’d slipped below her beautiful ass.

I checked the mirrors again. If anyone managed to get near us, they’d have the perfect view of my future wife’s pale, plump butt poked up in the air. The sem-truck had gained a bit of ground but was still far enough away to not worry me. Once I was sure the coast was clear, I pulled her to me by her asshole until my fingers could reach her already wet pussy.

“On the way back,” I huffed, shocked by Dani’s rapidly growing expertise on how to suck the life out of me. “We can stop in those mountains. We’ll hike out until we’re alone and make love at the edge of a cliff face.”

“God,” Dani said, popping up to move her hair out of the way, “I love when you say *making love*. But why come back? Let’s just keep driving. Let’s head right through Vegas and keep on driving until we’re in Salt Lake City… or Yellowstone!”

She dove back in, and the intensity of her tongue sliding up and down my shaft became too much for me to focus on driving and fingering her at the same time. Instead, I took my right hand and gathered up her precious hair until I could hold it all behind her head. This afforded me the occasional glance down at her beautiful face, watching the head of my cock bulge beneath her cheek.

“I like the sound of that,” I mumbled, close to blowing my load. “Let’s just keep driving and never come back. We can live off my savings, driving and camping until we find a little town somewhere to disappear and raise our family.”

The whimsical fantasy was spilling out of me like cum, a termor before the real quake.

Dani moaned softly in my lap, bouncing her head as her lovely toes curled behind her butt.

My focus wained, my foot easing off the gas.

The mountains were behind us, stretching to heaven.

Almost there.


“Oh, fuck! Baby!”

My release came at the same time as the semi-truck’s blaring horn. We’d drifted over into the left lane, and the massive vehicle had pulled up along our passenger side, matching our slowing speed so that the driver could enjoy the view of Dani’s ass in the air.

But she didn’t stop, she kept sucking and licking as I lurched up and down in my seat. When there was nothing left for me to give her, she fell back into the passenger seat, laughing hysterically as she wiped her lips.

I wanted to kill that truck driver, but Dani’s smile doused my fire as quickly as it came. She threw a friendly wave to the trucker who gratefully laid on his horn again before picking up speed and leaving us behind.

“Poor guy probably hasn’t seen ass in weeks,” she said, getting herself back into her shorts. “Do you think he’ll touch himself tonight to the thought of me?”

I laughed with her, still coming down from my orgasm. “I’d bet anything that he’s already touching himself, Dani.”

“Maybe we should be truckers together? We could haul crap around the country and perfect the art of road head.” She was so happy, and it made me forget all of our problems.

“Maybe when the kids are grown and gone off to start their own lives,” I said, gesturing for her to help me get my cock back in my pants. “We’ll be that old couple that never stopped fucking like teenagers.”

Her fingers nestled my half-hard cock back into its lair, zipping my pants up slowly as she bit her lower lip.

“I’m serious, you know?” Her eyes searched my face as she spoke, and I shifted between glancing at her and watching the road ahead. “We should just keep going.”

“You want to run away? Now?”

“Why not?” She sat back in her seat, staring out of the passenger-side window. “We’ve got everything we need right here in this car.”

“We barely brought anything—”

“We have each other,” she said, her tone assertive and full of conviction. “That’s all we need, Alex.”

Another truck passed us in the left lane but this one wasn’t as fun. The mood had shifted, and I felt a fight coming.

“We owe to my family, Dani. We owe it to Mike to tell the truth—”

“We don’t owe him *anything*, dammit!”

I let the silence of the road mediate for a moment before offering my rebuttal.

“Dani, if we don’t come clean, if we don’t do this right, then we’ll never have peace of mind. For the rest of our lives, we’ll be afraid of him finding us. We wouldn’t even be able to properly marry!”

“How will he know we ran away together? We could have been kidnapped or gotten lost on the way and died or—”

“Dani!” I took her hand, squeezing it tight and taking deep breaths until she matched my rhythm. “We have to do this, and we have to do it when we get to Mike. The longer we resist the inevitable, the worse it will be.”

She seemed to relax as I rubbed her fingers between mine, but she didn’t offer another word. We drove in silence, watching the dead desert pass us by.

The day wore on as we continued up the *fifteen*, leaving Barstow behind, flying by Baker, and finally, over the state line at Primm. When the city of sin finally began to show itself like a fleeting mirage in the distance, Dani spoke to her window. “Do you think he started that fight in the casino? Do you think it was his fault?”

Images of the basketball-court brawls of our youth flooded my mind. It was always Mike’s fault, throwing a punch at the slightest hint of an insult from another man.

“I know it was,” I said.

Dani shook her head slowly against the glass. “And it was probably over nothing more than a spilled drink or a misunderstood side-eye.” She paused, looking at me for the first time in an hour. “What do you think he’s going to do when we tell him the truth, Alex?”

I didn’t answer, but as the shimmering hotels made themselves clear and the traffic thickened to enter the city, my thoughts were filled with what I knew he would do.

Mike would fight. That’s all he’s ever been good at it.

The knife in my pocket called to me.

Lucky number thirteen…

***New Chapters Posted Daily…***

***If you’re still reading, I love you! <3***



  1. The suspense is killing, me I’m SO anxious interested intrigued to see where this story is going and if Alex. Dani will ever, come clean with their secret I still got lots of questions that I want to be resolved hopefully in part 12 I’ll get my wish.

  2. Then you definitely love me Lydia! Where have you been hiding all this talent for so long? The problem with addictions is that there is never enough. Keep it going you are doing fabulously!

  3. Another great chapter! I agree with everyone else’s comments on here. Your writing is fantastic!

  4. pretty good righting but i don’t understand why they hate mike so bad all he did was be a ass SO

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