Knight of Desire – Part 2, The Road to Hidden Pleasure [Male on Female] [Male on Futa] [Voyeurism] [Goblin] [Gang Rape] [Mild Torture] [Mild Water Sports] [Exhibitionism] [Being Slutty]

Plot Summary: Sienna and Marinette travel to the city of Pyron in search of the horned priestess that appeared in Sienna’s dreams. Along they way the have a run in with goblins and end up servicing the guards to be allowed access to the city.


Sienna and Marinette stalked through the woods. They kept off any major roads and avoided anyone to the best of their ability. It was still likely the Orc’s were searching for them. King Briar and the Orcs had an agreement. The Orcs killed who King Briar commanded and they were paid in gold and whatever slaves they captured along the way, best of all none of it came back to King Briar. It was in the Orc’s best interest to make sure Sienna didn’t escape, or else they may feel the wrath of the kingdom. After all, if the other nobles learned that King Briar hired Orcs to kill one of his own vassals it could spell disaster for him.

As Sienna and Marinette crept through the forest, staying as quite as possible, they heard a sharp shallow scream not so far away. Sienna stopped, listening more intently. The cries of several people as well as an unintelligible commotion was coming from their right. To their right was a large hill and whatever was happening seemed to be coming from the other side of it. Sienna thought for a second. Her first instinct was to get as far a way as possible, however, actually knowing what it was would probably give them a better idea on how to avoid it.

Sienna turned to Marinette “Hide over there.” She said pointing to a thicket “I’m going to check it out. I’ll be right back. Don’t worry.”

Marinette looked deservingly nervous but she obeyed. She nodded before hiding her self in the bushes.

Sienna turned and began hiking up the tall hill. As she got closer the sounds got louder and louder. Finally she got near the top of the hill and got down onto her stomach to crawl up to the crest. Peaking over she saw a large stretching glade. In the middle, about five hundred feet from Sienna, was a two drawn horse covered wagon stopped on the road. A group of small green humanoids, about fifteen or so, were in the middle of ransacking it.

Sienna’s eyes narrowed “Goblins…” she whispered to herself “Vile creatures.”

Both of the horses and the driver seemed to have been peppered with arrows and spears, causing the the wagon to halt. Surrounding the wagon Sienna could see the dead bodies of at least two armed men and a few Goblins. Both the dead armed men and driver were currently being looted. Guarding the back of the covered wagon stood a single feminine figure with short black hair. She was more then likely a futanari as she was armored and currently brandishing a sword at the group of Goblins surrounding her.

“G-get back! I’ll cut every last one of you down.” The futa yelled at the goblins obviously trying to choke back tears and summon some courage. The Goblins showed no fear. They yelled and howled at the outnumbered futa. One of the Goblins loosed an arrow and it hit the armed futa. As she flinched from the impact several of the Goblins attacked her. With one swipe she cleaved the face of one of them but they swarmed her, pulling her down to the ground and pinning her there. Several other Goblins entered the covered wagon and retrieved two other women and several chests of goods. The women screamed as they were pulled out and thrown onto the grass. One woman was young, late teens and had medium length platinum blonde hair. The other was older and had long yellow hair, perhaps the young girl’s mother?

The Goblins began to rip the clothes and armor off the two women and one futanari. Then pulling out ropes to tie them up. At this point Sienna thought she had seen enough and it was probably time to leave, but something in her compelled her to stay. There was nothing she could do to save them, she was greatly outnumbered, tired, and didn’t even have clothes. She would be easy pickings against these savage creatures.

Several of the Goblins surrounded the young girl and forced her to her hands and knees. She cried like a virgin as one of the Goblins forced himself into her unprotected pussy. Only the ripped up remains of her clothes protected her. Another Goblin put a knife to the girl’s throat and forced his cock into her mouth. Soon her hands also stroked the Goblins next to her.

The mother was kneeling on the ground surrounded by even more Goblins, she pleasured the Goblin cocks with her mouth and hands under threat of the Goblins hurting her daughter.

The futa who had the audacity to defend the Goblins’ rape meat was tied to a nearby tree so she could watch the women being fucked. They stuffed both of the women’s tared up panties into her mouth as a cruel gag. A few Goblins surrounded her and began to piss on the futa’s face and chest as punishment. She was helpless to do anything about the situation.

As Sienna watched the three helpless individuals suffer at the hands of the Goblins she felt a heat begin to build between her legs. Her eyes were fixed and she could not help herself but look as the three be ruthlessly abused and raped. She bent her knees to leave a space between her crotch and the ground and slowly slipped a hand down her toned stomach and eventually between her legs. Her hand played with her small caged cock first, desperately and frustratingly squeezing and teasing her caged member. “aaaohh” A soft moan escaped her lips. *”What, what the fuck is wrong with me. This is, this is so hot.”* She thought to herself. Done squeezing her poor balls she moved further down to her pussy. It was dripping and wet to the touch. She retrieved her hand to inspect the girl fluid. She eyed down the dripping mess on her fingers and stuck them in her mouth. “Hrrmmm.” She moaned as she licked up the fluid. “Ahhhh” she moved her hand back down between her legs and felt for her pussy once more. Her fingers explored her entrance, moving her pussy lips aside and slipping in. Sienna began to finger herself slowly, taking great pleasure from watching the goblins use their victims.

The gangrape of the two women continued, the goblins took turns using every hole and took great pleasure in degrading the humans. They unloaded their cream on and in them, especially making sure to stuff the young girl’s pussy with the vile Goblin semen. The captured futa also received worsening punishment. They continued to relieve their pent up piss onto the disgraced warrior, before moving onto cruel beatings. They took sticks and took turns whipping her exposed body and breasts. Worse yet they even began kicking her cock and balls which had unfortunately become erect, only edging the Goblins on even more.

Sienna’s hand that wasn’t fingering herself moved up to her mouth to stifle a moan “Ahhh, hells, why am I so horny…” Sienna whispered to herself “uhhh, gods… fuck yes, Fuck those sluts, fuck them you dirty Goblins. Fill them up with your filthy cream. Rape their holes… Show them where they belong.” Sienna reached for her throat instinctually, feeling at the Velvet choker. She doubled down on her fingering, putting an extra finger inside and going harder. She had never felt such levels of vixen lust. Desire to see innocent people so brutally used. She loved it.

Her fingers fucked her own pussy, slamming in and out making wet lewd noises. Sienna continually moaned to herself like some desperate slut. She gyrated her hips up and down, rubbing her cunt against her fingers even more. Eventually the heat reached a peak and her pussy walls clenched and pulsed around her fingers. Hot girl fluid splattered against her fingers and inner thigh. Her hips moved up and down in sync with each orgasmic spike in pleasure. Her hand clenched around her neck as her velvet choker felt like it tightened around her neck. It felt more warm and present.

Near the end of Sienna’s climax the Goblins also seemed to be wrapping up their use of the three poor individuals. The two women and one futa looked utterly broken from where Sienna lied on top of the hill, secretly masturbating to their unfortunate circumstance. The Goblins finished ransacking the wagon, pulling what valuables and food there were from chests and barrels. The three new sex slaves were tied together in a chain with a rope tying all their necks together. Together, the Goblins with their treasure and new whores marched into the woods away from where Sienna lied, leaving the rest of the wagon and bodies to the wilds.

It took awhile for Sienna to come off her orgasmic high as she slowly panted to herself. She kept low even longer making sure the Goblins were truly gone. Slowly she slid backwards down the hill. As she got up she noticed the spot of her sheet where she lied on was soaked with her lusty fluids. She shook her head, confused and displeased with herself.

Sienna relocated Marinette still hiding in the bushes down the hill “Okay, you can come out now. Some Goblins attacked a wagon. But they’re gone now though.”

Marinette looked surprised and scared “Goblins? Oh no…” Marinette’s eyes tilted down to see the large wet spot in Sienna’s sheet. “Wh-what happened?”

Sienna looked down at herself and back up “I… Had to relieve myself up there. I couldn’t risk moving or they might have seen me.” Sienna said as she desperately tried to think of something other then she masturbated to a Goblin gangrape.

Marinette nodded “Well? What now?”

Sienna tightened on the grip of her sheets covering her naked body “Those Goblins only took the valuables, food, and people. There’s probably some supplies we could find handy, not to mention some clothes.”

Marinette looked unsure but trusted Sienna “Oh-okay Sienna.”

Sienna put a hand on Marinette’s shoulder “Just stay close to me and stay quiet.”

Marinette nodded one last time before the two walked back up the hill, past the spot were Sienna voyeuristically got her self off, and down the hill into the glade. The two of them walked into the wreckage, past bodies on both sides of the skirmish. Arrows, looted chests, and torn clothes scattered the area. Marinette hesitantly patrolled the area, while Sienna stepped into the covered wagon. She tore through open chests until she found some clothes, a medium length green and black open shoulder dress, and a short black double slit warrior dress with sleeves, each with accompanying cloaks. She wasn’t able to find any undergarments for them though. Sienna also managed to find some rations tucked away. She walked outside and handed the green and black dress to Marinette. The two of them took turns changing into their new clothes as the other acted as a lookout. Despite Marinette’s frizzled messy hair and dirty body she still managed to look cute and pretty in her dress. It exposed her soft pale shoulders and the skirt ran down to right below her knee. Sienna’s double slit short dress made her look sensual and powerful, something she unconsciously loved. The sleeves made her shoulders seem impressive, while the short dress only reached to her mid thighs, exposing her long toned legs. Best of yet her embarrassing caged cock was hidden. The two of them still lacked any underwear however.

Before departing the ransacked wagon, Sienna spotted the longsword the futa tried to use to fend off the Goblins. It lied in the grass not to far from the wagon. She picked it up seeing it was still splattered with Goblin blood. She retrieved the scabbard that had also been discarded. She cleaned it off before securing the blade in it’s scabbard to her belt above her skirt.

With nothing else for them, and wanting to make good time, the two set off towards Pyron once more. With clothes on their back, rations in their mouth, and weapons, their spirits were significantly raised. Confident to take on what was next.


The gates of Pyron. After a week of travel Sienna and Marinette had finally navigated out of the forest and to Pyron, their destination. Evidence of the Siege from a few months ago still scared the fields surrounding the city, filled in trenches and recycles siege works were scattered about. The ancient and towering walls of Pyron still stood, albeit a little damaged here in there.

It felt uncanny to stand where Sienna did. Not so long ago she stood here with her fellow futanari wives as they were about to assault the city in the name of King Gegary. Now she stands here to seek refuge with in it’s walls, and as an enemy of the King.

The two walked up to the large intimidating closed gates. Standing guard were two men wearing blue gambeson and pointed metal helmets.

As Sienna and Marinette approached one of the guards with a well chiseled smooth face shouted at them “Halt! What’s your business?”

Sienna and Marinette stopped in their tracks. Sienna took one more step forward to talk “Simply looking for a place to stay for the night.”

The same smooth chiseled face guard spoke “Well you’ll have to pay the toll, all visitors must pay the appropriate amount. Lord Regent doesn’t want any good-for-nothings in his city.”

Sienna paused for a second before saying “Well, we don’t have any coin…”

The words of the other guard with a beard interrupted her “My… what are two pretty things like you doing out here anyway… Hey Victor, I’m sure we can arrange something for these two right?” He said looking at the other guard.

It dawned on Sienna *”Oh great…”*

The guard named Victor smiled at the bearded one “Heh, Winton you you may be onto something.” Victor looked back at Sienna “You two look like nice folk but you still need to pay a tax, for you it can be something other then coin.”

Sienna audibly sighed and turned to Marinette “I’ll handle this, just stay here while I-”

Victor interrupted her “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Both of you.” he said as he walked towards the two of them.

Marinette looked to Sienna “It’s alright, we do it together…”

The chiseled face guard named Victor grabbed hold of Sienna’s arm and began pulling her to the gate. The bearded one named Winton did the same to Marinette, grabbing onto her shoulders. The two guards escorted Sienna and Marinette to a section of the wall just to the right of the gate.

Winton shouted up to the ramparts above them “Hey Eadwulf! Watch the gate for us will ya?”

The two men pushed Sienna and Marinette’s backs against the stone wall. They eyed them down with grinning lust. Victor, placed his hands on either side of Sienna’s shoulders, entrapping her. Sienna turned her head away, not looking at the man. He looked up and down her body “Truly a beauty…” he remarked. He saw the longsword fastened to her belt “What is a pretty thing like you doing with that?” He reached down and pulled it off, throwing it onto the ground “If you don’t mind, it’s just going to get in the way…”

Winton placed his hand on Marinette’s cheek, feeling her soft skin. Marinette stared intensely at the man as his fingers found her mouth. He slipped them in and Marinette wrapped her lips around them. She sucked them carelessly. The guard grinned “Damn… you want it don’t you?” He retrieved his fingers and lifted up Marinette’s medium length skirt “Ha! She doesn’t have any underwear!” He exclaimed. Marinette’s face blushed as she was exposed. His saliva covered fingers found her small teen pussy and began rubbing it. Marinette immediately let out a quiet moan to herself as her pussy lips were brushed.

Victor looked down to Sienna’s crotch “What are you anyway…” He moved the black loin cloth-like fabric that obscured her groin. Her small caged futa cock was exposed to him. “Ha! What kind of slut are you? Caging your own dick? Let me guess this bitch is your keyholder.” Sienna’s face blushed in embarrassment but she couldn’t help feel slightly aroused at the humiliation and exposure of her shame. Victor undid the belt of his trousers and pulled his hardening schlong out for Sienna to see. It was decently sized for a man, about nine inches. He held it up to Sienna’s chastity locked penis, comparing the sizes. “Wow… that’s just pathetic.” Victor said holding his cock “What? You like to feel like a woman instead of a futa?… Well?”

Sienna’s face was hot and red “It-it’s not what you think-”

“Gah, whatever, just get down there and suck me off.” Victor said as he placed a hand on top of Sienna’s head and pushed her down. She squatted in-front of them, eye level with his bobbing dick as it filled with blood.

Sienna moved her lips forward and hesitantly kissed his tip. Compared to the Orcs she was used to it was relatively less musky. She parted her lips and wrapped them around his tip. Slowly she slid it into her mouth. With her left hand she grasped the firming dick and began simultaneously jerking and sucking it.

Winton’s fingers pierced Marinette’s nether lips and slid into her, causing her right leg to lift up. He slowly and sensually fingered her as he kissed and sucked on Marinette’s neck. “Oh yeah? You like that slut?” he whispered into her ear. Marinette couldn’t help but gasp and moan, her face red with embarrassment and pleasure.

Sienna also moaned as she sucked and slurped on Victor’s shaft. She bobbed her head up and down as she ringed his cock with her hand. With her tongue she licked at his glands repeatedly. Victor groaned “Gods, you’re good at this.” Sienna enjoyed the compliment and doubled down, taking the whole cock to hilt within her throat. It felt good to have this man’s shaft in her mouth, the taste and texture was pleasing to her as she throated herself. It reminded her in a way to when she took Atrix’s futa cock. The familiar hotness began to build in her nether regions, her cunt became slick with naughty fluid. With her right hand she found her pussy and began rubbing it sensually.

Sienna’s lips came off Victor’s cock, streams of spit and dribble connected to her lips. She continued to jerk off his cock as she talked “You like my mouth sir? Huh?”

Victor looked flustered and extremely aroused “Gods… J-just keep sucking.”

Sienna smiled “Whatever you say sir, guck!” she said before deep throating herself once more.

Winton pulled his fingers out of Marinette’s wet soaking pussy. His eyes glided downward to her slight pregnant bump “You’re just some whore, pregnant with some bastard child no doubt.” Marinette let out a desperate happy moan in response. He placed one hand under her lifted leg and with his other undid his belt and pulled out his cock. It was slightly shorter then his friend but considerably thicker. It was already hard and he lined it up with her dripping cunt. Slowly he slid his swollen cock into her. It stretched her tight vagina and Marinette moaned deeply. Winton then began short deliberate thrusts up into her. Each thrust lifted her up even more against the wall until both her spread legs were lifted off the ground. Winton held her up by the thighs as he fucked her.

Sienna continually throated herself on Victor’s long cock. She felt his rock hard dick swell and throb with in her. She was doing a pretty good job. Sienna had begun fingering herself as she sucked the guard off. This situation was so hot, she wanted them, she desired them. In the corner of Sienna’s eyes she saw Marinette being fucked up and into the wall and a slight bit of jealously got hold of her. It looked pretty fun. She parted her lips from his dick, forming a bubble of pre and spit between them. Sienna panted for air as she stood “You want to fuck me stud? I know you do. This pussy and ass is yours.” she said as she grasped Victor’s cock firmly and pulled him in close. She brought her lips to his ear and whispered “Show me what it’s like to be a woman…” With that Sienna turned around and placed her hands against the wall, pushing her ass out towards the guard. With her hand she pulled up her short skirt exposing herself to him. Her fat toned ass looked beautiful. Her little pathetic caged cock hung between her legs and her ripe pussy dripped with anticipation.

Victor stepped up behind her “You wanton whore, you want to be fucked that badly?” He took hold of his shaft and slapped it against her pussy causing fluids to drip out even more.

Sienna gasped and moaned in arousal “Yessss, fuck this cunt, show her what she’s good for.”

Victor grunted as he slid his member into her wet pulsating pussy. It filled her vaginal cavity and pressed against it’s walls. Her own pussy clamped down and tightened around the intruder. The noise it made as it slid in was wet and sloppy. “You insatiable slut, get ready.” Victor said as he thrust in deep.

Sienna’s tongue lulled out and her eyes went up as she moaned from being impaled. Victor began hard and deep thrusts into her. Each time he brought his full nine incher to hilt with in her. Her ass cheeks slapped against his hips with every thrust and her small caged cock flopped forward and backward.

As Sienna and Marinette were fucked into the stone wall by the two guards a group of travelers walked up to the gate. As they approached they could see in full view the two sluts getting rutted into. Sienna heard the group and looked over her shoulder. She smiled at them with her gasping panting face. “Come join if you like!” she yelled out to them. Sienna then felt a hard slap against her ass as Victor told her to shut up. The group moved on, trying to ignore the display.

“Eh! Euh! Euh!” Sienna’s moans were cut of with each hard thrust. Her pussy was clamping around the the guards dick hard. It practically massaged and nursed his cock, begging for it’s cum. Sienna stuck a hand down there and began vigorously rubbing at her clit. The heat and pleasure was reaching an extreme. Finally her cunt wrapped around his cock and began squirting as she came. The climax was intense as her knees buckled. She began slumping down the wall before Victor held her up by her hips. He rutted into her harder then before. The feeling of still being fucked mid climax was ecstasy. Her naughty girl liquid splattered from between her cunt and his dick, lubing it up and running down her inner thighs.

Victor grabbed hold of Sienna’ hair and pulled her face up. He shoved his cock in one last time and let it soak within her. Then all of a sudden Sienna felt her womb be flooded. His cock pulsed rhythmically as it filled her. Similarly Marinette was cumming on Winton’s thick cock as it pumped into her.

Victor groaned like an animal “Gods… you have to be the best lay I’ve had in awhile.” He said as he slid his cock out. Cum poured out of her pussy onto the floor. Holding the base of his shaft he wiped some of the excess semen onto her ass cheeks. He delivered one last parting slap against her ass cheek as Sienna stood there bent against the wall, frozen in pleasure.

Winton pulled his cock out to, letting the cum drip out of Marinette’s used pussy. The two guards began stuffing their relieved cocks back into their trousers, barely acknowledging the two used sluts. As they were walking away Victor turned to them and spoke “When you’re ready, just walk right on through… sluts.”

Sienna and Marinette slowly collected themselves from their whorish orgasms. Sienna slightly ashamed and embarrassed about herself fixed her dress and reattached her sword to her belt. The two walked silently through the city gates. Cum dripped from their cunts as they walked upto the two guards that just used them. They stopped them one last time and groped at their bodies “I’d pay good money for your cunt again whore.” Said Victor “I hope you end up in the free use stalls.”

The two didn’t respond and continued on their way into the city of Pyron, ready to search for the mysterious horned priestess.
