How I (M32) turned a sexually repressed, conservative, religious, teacher, mom of 6 (F42), into a completely depraved slut through blackmail

For some background, I had been posting on various subreddits for a consensual blackmail dynamic. If you’re not familiar with that, it’s a similar concept of rape play. Except instead of rape, I have compromising photos and videos of you and use that to threaten you to do anything I want. A blackmail dynamic is a lot more psychological because it uses fear and anxiety to push you through your limits. You’re essentially turning over any control and power over to a complete stranger in the hopes that they will honor your safe word. It’s like picking up a dog from the pound. You might find that special something you’ve been missing all this time and it’s exactly what you needed, or you might leave for work and come home to your house completely trashed. Except the house is your life.

Now this girl, we’ll call Marie, is someone that has repressed their submissive side all her life. Marie is a natural born people pleaser. Being submissive is who she is deep down inside and it’s something she was, without knowing she was. She had a rough upbringing and quickly joined the military as soon as she could. From there she got into a relationship with her husband and started having kids. This is something that brought her great joy. It gave her a sense of purpose and something to keep herself occupied with. Marie was a great mother. She’s the type of mom to be engaged with her kids; bringing them to sports practice and games, going to church regularly, participating in scouts. Kids were her passion and that’s why she got into teaching. For many years she put her heart and soul into becoming a great teacher, being well respected by her peers and other parents.

But like everyone, Marie was hit hard by covid. Being such an active person and now she was unable to do all those things that made her, her. School was now online, her own kids were now old enough to be self reliant, husband is focused on himself, and everything else was shut down due to quarantine. She no longer had her distractions and that’s ultimately what made her who she is today. See, Marie started to read more and more erotic stories online. She was getting more curious about her own needs and wants. Soon she was browsing various subreddits for submissives and that’s when she responded to a post of mine seeking someone to consensually blackmail.

Marie reached out to me on the evening I posted. Asking what is wrong with her that she just got out of a short blackmail dynamic that turned into a real blackmail situation, that she was now missing it. We talked for a couple hours getting to know each other a bit better. She had lots of questions. It was getting late and she wanted to take the night to think about it.
Well… the voyeur in me got bored. I started digging around her profile and found some things that lead to me finding who she was in real life. A quick google search of her name pulled up more than I could ever ask for. It was almost too easy. I found her Facebook. Which is a gold mine for a blackmailer. It gives me all her friends and family that I can use against her later. I found her Twitter. And more importantly I found her school personal webpage for her class. It had her email, phone numbers, work address. And the school website itself listed all of the staff members. So now I have all her coworkers information, including the principal and super intendant. I couldn’t believe it lol. So naturally I did what any good blackmailer would do, I sent her an ominous message asking if her boss, by her real name, knows what kind of things she gets up to in her personal time.

Marie was quick to fall in line after that. Which I thought was kind of funny considering I had nothing actually on her yet. She could have easily just ghosted me or backed out, but she didn’t. So that’s where I started, I needed something over Marie to kickstart all this, so I could have something to threaten her with. I had already found out her address online, so I made her write humiliating things all over her body that said something to the effect that she was a stupid blackmail slut and then I had her pose naked with her driver’s license with address visible. I told her if she didn’t do as I asked I would post this picture online for anyone to do with what they want. That’s part of the fun I love about blackmail. It’s not necessarily about making them do any specific act, it’s their reaction to it that’s hot. And that’s what I loved about Marie, she had the best reactions to my demands. She was easy to get in her head and have fun with. She was someone that knew I was gaslighting and manipulating her, I made it very clear in my post that I would, and it wasn’t too long before she would get Stockholm syndrome and enjoy the abuse I put her through.

So what do you do when you find someone that is just so blackmailable? You have all the fun that you ever desired! For being in her early 40’s Marie had a pitiful selection of toys. No wonder she needed my help. The first order of business was to get some basics from the sex store. I had her pick up a decent sized dildo and buttplug. These with her other toys was enough to begin with.
That night I told her to try out her dildo on her ass. Now Marie was quick to protest. She had never had anything in her ass before. She would complain and was not shy about saying what she really felt about me. Now I was a little confused. See, I figured that someone who squeezed out 6 little runts should have no problem shoving an average sized dildo in her ass, but I guess that was my mistake! Luckily for Marie I’m pretty patient. I reminded her what would happen if she didn’t do exactly as I say. That I have her husbands, family, coworkers information. That I could post her online with her address for all to see. It was a simple choice after that. Marie finally saw things from my point of view and stopped dragging her feet and complied. She fucked her asshole for the first time ever under my direction. And afterwards I even made her suck it clean and thank me for letting her do it. The look of disgust she displayed is everything I hoped it to be. It was just absolutely priceless.

Now this just made Marie resent me even more. Except for the fact she was completely wet from doing it. And even wetter later on when she thought about it over and over again. She couldn’t stop thinking about it. I made her show me how wet she was. And her hand came out more webbed looking than Spider-Man. Seeing this only encouraged me to see how far I could actually push her. I knew deep down this is exactly what she had always been fantasizing about. Not about getting fucked in the ass per se, but to let loose and surrender all control to someone. To be an object of lust. To have a purpose again.

Little did Marie know that fucking her ass with a dildo was one of the easier things I’d have her do. Over our 6 months time together I had her; double teaming herself with two dildos, writing lines on the whiteboard in her classroom naked (after hours), cleaning the staff toilets with her tongue, hours and hours of anal/oral training, drenching herself in piss and even drinking it. Everything she did always started with whining and complaining. Trying to get tasks knocked down to something easier. Until I’d have to gaslight her and remind her that this was the easier option I’m having her do, because anything else would be a lot worse. Over time she fully embraced everything. She was asking me for more tasks. She no longer complained, but instead would be eager to feed her hungry holes and beg me to give her something fucked up to do.

And over our time together I had to threaten her often, at least in the beginning. As each day went by I had more and more blackmail material to threaten her with. I had her Facebook login that she gave me for taking too long to do a task. I had her credit card information for lying to me. I sent her screenshots of a draft text message made out to her husband asking him if he would still want to kiss her after being a dirty toilet whore, with a pic of her chugging her piss.

Unfortunately when you’re blackmail victim becomes too into it, it looses its luster before I want a new play thing. Marie and I parted ways on good terms and still talk today. Her life has taken kind of an odd twist that deserves it’s own book in my opinion. She became a little too reckless while getting addicted to the kink world. She’s had several encounters with real blackmail scenarios. One guy from out of country would call her work repeatedly. Another was the husband of a fellow coworker who could read between her lines and wanted to pursue something extra in real life with her. Currently she is the pet of a dom and his wife in her area, who has made her come clean to her husband and admit everything.
