New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 197-199) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 197: Armor Dealer’s Shop? (18+)

“That was fast,” Ember said with a congratulatory grin to Beatrice once the succubus was out of the alley and rejoined her bodyguard. “I’d make a premature ejaculation joke if I didn’t personally hear the bunny girl moan in ecstasy. Did you even bother asking for her name before you creampied her?”

“I thought it better not to spread my name for now,” Beatrice answered.

“Will she also be pregnant?” Ember asked as they resumed their walk through the busy streets.

“No,” Beatrice shook her head. “Maybe if she wanted to… But for now, I don’t want to endanger any more girls until I’ve figured out what the hell is going on in this doomed city. How long until we reach your armor dealer?”

“Right this way,” Ember said and took a sudden turn off the busy street into a much darker alleyway.

Even on the main streets of Klapsus half of the buildings looked like they remained upright only by bracing against each other for support. In this alley, however, the malformed three-story houses seemed to lean over the dark narrow path, obstructing the sky, threatening to collapse on unwelcome intruders.

“Oof, don’t mind us,” Ember chuckled as she stepped over a naked, half-conscious beastkin couple.

The alley forked several times, darkening with each time. If not for Ember’s guidance, Beatrice would have had little chance to find this obscure armor shop had she simply been given directions.

“Down here,” Ember said, turned, and went down a narrow flight of stairs that Beatrice would have otherwise walked right past without even noticing.

At the base of the stairs was another paved narrow alley with the only dim source of light coming from the gaps between the rooftops far above their heads. Beatrice saw a muscular man up ahead, walking in their direction. Despite his bald head, he looked to be in his prime—six feet tall with a square jaw and pecs the size of forty-five-pound weight plates.

“Hey, Pavel!” Ember greeted the man.

“O-oh, Ember? Hello!” Pavel greeted Ember. He seemed winded, tired, yet satisfied at the same time. Beatrice realized that Pavel was slouching and otherwise he would have stood even taller. “Haven’t seen you in years! Who’s that beauty with you?”

“A story for another time, I’m afraid. But what’s with that breathing? Don’t tell me that you still haven’t gotten used to Samantha’s demands even after all this time!” Ember said with a cheeky smile while obviously changing the subject.

“Oh, it’s not about getting used to,” Pavel said with a sigh. “I’ve had to pick up the slack after others so often that my shift is now by default longer than anyone else’s.”

Ember sighed and said, “Yes, I’ve noticed that reliable men are harder and harder to find these days. Unfortunately, we’re on a tight schedule, so I’ll have to cut this reunion short.”

“That indeed is a shame,” Pavel said. “See you around!”

“One day, maybe,” Ember said quietly.

“A friend?” Beatrice asked.

“Someone that can be counted on,” Ember said and looked back at the man that walked up the stairs and soon disappeared out of sight. “It’s this door.”

“Oh,” Beatrice barely recognized the semblance of a bleak, dark, dirty wooden door in the bleak, dark, dirty façade. It turned out that there was even a window next to the door, but it was unlikely that it was ever cleaned since the building’s construction. Beatrice could only conclude that either this particular Ember’s contact was hiding in the darkest corner of the city they could find, or she was about to meet this world’s version of mole people.

Ember turned the handle, pushed the door inside, and disappeared into the bleak darkness inside. After a deep breath, steeling her resolve to face the unknown, Beatrice followed.

After just a few steps inside, Beatrice saw Ember’s back. Her bodyguard stopped at a seemingly dead end, walled on all three sides. By now the darkness was almost complete. What little light there was, came from the dark alley just outside. Beatrice felt increasingly uneasy in this tiny, claustrophobic space, that seemed to be barely bigger than a closet.

“Close the door,” Ember told Beatrice as soon as the succubus was inside.

With some hesitation, Beatrice moved the door shut, feeling as if she willingly entombed them both. As soon as Beatrice closed the door, Ember pushed against the wall in front of her, and—much to Beatrice’s relief—the thick wall slid aside, immediately straining Beatrice’s light-deprived retinas with a bright light shining from within wherever they were about to walk into.

What otherwise might have been a pleasantly warm yellow light, was currently blinding for the succubus. Along with the light, Beatrice felt warm air from the inside hit her like a wave. The wall that Ember pushed moved slowly giving off an aura of a tomb being open for the very first time after a millennium. But instead of stone on stone, the wall moved with a scraping sound of wood against wood.

“It’s unusual for you to forget something—oh?” Beatrice heard a female voice coming from an approaching giant, multi-limbed, shadowy figure that appeared from within the bowels of its lair. Beatrice could not make out the exact shape or form of the creature while her eyes still adjusted. The figure moved unlike any human would—slowly rocking its upper body up and down with no synchronicity with the movement of its multiple limbs.

*Mole people!?* Beatrice squinted her eyes in disbelief that her joking prediction was about to come true while she tried to make out what sort of creature she was dealing with this time.

“Well look at what the demonling dragged in,” the creature said with a sultry female voice while grunting with a male voice.

As Beatrice’s eyes adjusted, she worked out what the strange figure was actually another six-foot-or-more tall, muscular man, holding a voluptuous blonde in his arms. Both of them were naked. The blonde had her legs spread open and up, bent at the knees while the man slowly rocked her up and down, sliding her squelching wet pussy along the length of his impressive erection.

## 198: Cock Addiction (18+)

“I was beginning to wonder when I’ll see your face again,” the voluptuous blonde told Ember with a similar smile to one that Ember always carried.

“You’re still a recluse, I see,” Ember said. “No improvement after all this time?”

“Unfortunately, but we both expected as much,” the blonde sighed. “But this still beats losing what little remains of my dignity by joining that High Priest’s freak show.”

“It had its moments,” Ember said with a cheeky smile.

*What the—No! I shouldn’t even be surprised at this point!* Beatrice thought as she stared at the naked blonde that casually continued her conversation with Ember as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. As if she wasn’t in the air with her legs spread, slowly getting fucked by some random giant hunk with a big girthy cock. Yet for all Beatrice could tell, this took about as much attention from the blonde as remembering to breathe.

“Now, with the small talk out of the way… I’d ask ‘what has brought you to my humble abode?’, but I’m more curious about who you brought with you,” the blonde said. “Surely you haven’t forgotten that I do not like unvetted guests.”

“Oh, right, I still haven’t introduced you two,” Ember feigned air-headedness. “The one you see just behind me is the latest addition to Lucarad’s ‘freak show’, Beatrice. Beatrice, this stunning, cock-addicted hermit is Samantha. And when I say ‘cock-addicted I mean that quite literally. When was the last time you’ve spent more than a minute without a hard cock inside you, Samantha?”

“Ha-ha,” Samantha’s laugh was drier than Beatrice’s cock at the moment of her death in her past life. “I see your sense of humor has not improved over the years.”

“On the contrary, I feel like I’ve gotten even better at amusing myself, considering the circumstances,” Ember replied. “But, if it makes you feel any better, you did make the correct choice by staying here instead of joining Lucarad’s herd.”

“So, all his claims and bragging about curing the Taint were complete bullshit after all? Big surprise!” Samantha scoffed.

“Yes, and no,” Ember said. “He was actually able to somewhat manage the physical symptoms. Mentally, however… It’s hard to tell with those brought back from the brink, and Lucarad would have a strong argument that many of his priests would be hopelessly lost without his intervention, but in my time there I have not seen a single man or woman that did not seem worse off compared to when they first joined.”

“Ahn,” Samantha moaned in reply, finally emitting a response to the steady screwing she had been passively receiving all this time.

Beatrice thought back to the time when she first appeared in this world, on an altar, surrounded by hooded figures. Even though Beatrice came to this world just yesterday, why did it feel to her like it was so long ago when she first saw those hooded priests raise their hands and stick out their tongues toward the rain of her first ejaculation? Lining up to be fucked by her futanari cock, descending into a mindless, indulgent orgy at the first opportunity. Mentally healthy and well-adjusted they were certainly not. Looking back, Beatrice couldn’t shake off a subtle aura of desperation that she could not have possibly noticed in her hopelessly horny and confused state at the time.

“Ah!” Beatrice gasped as she remembered. *The Taint!*

Even looking back now through a thick arousal fog of her cum-stained memories, it was hard to make sense of Lucarad’s enraptured ramblings that seemed to be hardly anything more than the mad ravings of a lunatic. But if taken at face value…

“She fought the demons?” Beatrice asked Ember.

Ember nodded.

“Then her current condition, her ‘cock addiction’, as you say is”

“The result of their corrupting powers,” Samantha finished.

“Once an elite warrior, she now resorts to self-medicating by riding cocks all day long just to keep her sanity,” Ember explained. “If her insatiable pussy goes empty for even a couple of minutes… Let’s just say she’s motivated to have a hard cock inside her at all times.

“It doesn’t really matter whose cock it is, though Samantha is particularly picky when it comes to choosing who she lets cream her cunt. Still, it beats the fate of most warriors that dared fight the demons. Swift death during combat is the best they could hope for.”

“And though Ember’s jokes are about as funny as fathers witnessing their daughters’ minds break in the clutches of malevolent abominations, she did save my life. And for that I am still in her debt,” Samantha said, sending a disapproving glare at Ember before the cock inside her again reminded of its stirring presence in her pussy and made her release another involuntary moan.

## 199: Armor Sets

“On the note of debts, we are in need of your assistance,” Ember said to Samantha. “More specifically—your wares. You still must find the time for your crafting hobby, right? If nothing else but to pay for all the cocks that you wear out every day.”

“Hilarious,” Samantha said, indicating that she found nothing to even smile about. “Follow me.”

And with a tap on the big guy’s left shoulder, Samantha—or the guy that was fucking her, to be precise—turned around and went deeper into her dwelling, motioning Ember and Beatrice to follow.

The room that the four of them were currently in seemed to be nothing more than a relatively average-looking guest room. Warmly lit by a fire from a fireplace with every piece of furniture in the room covered in layers of animal hides. Apart from what looked to be bear fur, Beatrice could not tell what animals the hides and rugs came from. Beatrice could certainly imagine how comfortable it must be to lie down in such welcoming cushions, feel the smooth fur against her skin.

However, she had two worries that kept her from even touching the stuff. One, considering that she was in the dwelling of a Tainted “cock addict”, how much cum had those hides already collected and stored over the years? Two, were those hides really the hides of animals? Or were beastkin also involved? Beatrice already knew of cannibalism. Who was to say that other stomach-churning activities were also not present in this moral-absent city?

And as Beatrice followed Samantha and her fucker into the larger room, she was welcomed by even more light and warmth from a raging fire in a giant fireplace at the center of the far wall.

*How much wood does she burn each day to keep this up? Or is she a fire mage?* Beatrice wondered. *Then why bother with fireplaces at all?*

But as Beatrice paid closer attention to her surroundings, she finally was able to study just what kind of person lived here. The spacious room that they entered was the first semblance of an armor shop Beatrice had seen. If anything, it looked like a free-form storage for many different kinds of fantasy-like armor sets that were mounted on robust metallic stands. Beatrice could quickly tell that Samantha had a preference. Dark colors, sleek design with different combinations and variations of scale mail, chain mail, half-plate, and leather. The joints often offered little protection, instead prioritizing as much freedom of movement as possible.

Though Beatrice’s knowledge of medieval and fantasy armors was limited to movies and what her role-playing game enthusiasts used to converse about, it was still clear to her that Samantha’s collection lived by the “rule of cool”.

Beatrice did not see a single chest piece with stereotypical protruding “boob armor”. She did see however at least two armor sets that were clearly designed with Samantha’s bosom in mind. More specifically, in making sure to not only display plenty of naked cleavage but also to accentuate it. The waist of nearly every armor set was usually covered by form-fitting leather or scale mail, with metal plates at the hips that seemed designed to emphasize the slim female form at the expense of potential defense.

From what little Beatrice remembered of old-school fantasy role-playing games that her colleagues used to play, the roles were usually roughly distributed into tanks, damage dealers, and healers. There were supposed to be several deeper divisions and combinations of roles and classes, such as bulky fighters, nimble assassins, different supports, and other things and terminologies that Beatrice could not care to pay attention to, even as they were explained to her passionately and repeatedly.

And Beatrice recalled enough to be able to judge by the indulgent, yet minimalistic in terms of protection armor designs that Samantha focused on the “sexy female warrior” design philosophy, with just enough coverage and protection as to not be outrageous.

“You like my designs?” Samantha asked Beatrice, sensing the pervy succubus’s appreciation for the female form.

“Yes,” Beatrice had no other answer as she imagined herself in one of such sexy, scaled sets.

Beatrice did however start to wonder just what requirements such armor sets would have, if any. Many of her skills had level and Craft requirements. And—more importantly—nearly every role-playing game had stat requirements on its items as a form of balance to prevent weak characters from breezing through any challenge by simply equipping game-breaking at low levels. And Beatrice was all too aware that her stats were unimpressive, to say the least.

“However, we’re not looking to borrow any of these wonderful armor sets,” Ember said as she walked past many of the beautifully designed sets of armors.

*We’re not!?* Beatrice nearly said out loud in shock.

“Beatrice will be participating in the Forge of Champions, so it would be a travesty to take any of these treasures there,” Ember explained.

“… Ember-ah!-what aren’t you telling me?” Samantha asked as the nameless sexy man kept fucking her, holding her in his arms with her legs spread.

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