NEW! Choose Your Own Adventure: Hostage situation turns into turbo-charged suck and fuck. (M/F) (ADVENTURE) (STRANGER)

“I swear to GOD I’ll blow this place to hell!”

Corey had never been in a hostage situation before. He was flat on his stomach, praying for it to end. An armed, mentally unstable man with with a grenade vest had taken the local supermarket hostage. All customers and staff were corralled into the bakery department storage room. The gunman barricaded the stores entrances with shopping carts and was on the phone with the hostage negotiator.

“I want the FCC to cancel all flights to Panama or I turn this place into a creator!”

Corey, along with a cashier, a cute young blonde with a dyed pink streak in her hair, were cable tied together at the wrist. Corey could smell the subtle musk of sweat emanating from her. She was terrified, so was Corey. The other hostages were: the manager, a 40 year old Vietnamese woman, a teenaged stocking clerk, an African-American woman with her daughter, and older white man and a 30-something young professional woman. Corey had felt sexual tension with the professional woman, a nerdy brunet with long legs and thin waist, when they made eyes over the vegetables.

“Why the FUCK should I do anything for you?!” Corey can hear the armed lunatic screaming on the phone. “Fine! You get 30 seconds. That’s it!”

The psychotic man throws open the storage room door and shoves the phone in Corey’s face. “He want’s to talk to you. You have 30 seconds. Don’t try anything funny, you hear?!”


*”Hello son, this is Sargent Cooper with LAPD. We don’t have much time. Are all the hostages safe? Yes or no?”*


*”Good. Now listen closely. We have intel that the supermarket pharmacist is hiding in his office. He knows where to find this lunatic’s psych meds. We need you to meet the pharmacist, get the medication, and find a way to slip it to the gunman. It might be our only hope to deescalate this psychopath. The medication is called Clozapine. Clozapine. Think you can be a hero today?”*

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice.” Corey sighs.

*”Great I…”*

“Times up!” The gunman snatches the phone. “Happy?! All the hostages are alive, but that won’t be the case if you keep bullshitting me. You have 30 minutes to give me an answer or I start blasting!”

Thinking fast, Corey flips the deadbolt lock while the gunman is talking to the negotiator. In theory, this will prevent the door from fully closing, leaving the door ajar. The gunman hastily storms out. Sure enough, the deadbolt bounces off of the frame, leaving the door open.

“What was that all about?” whispers the cashier.

Emma, the cashier, is short, fair skinned and in her early 20s. She has an incredible, curvy figure, however it is hard to see under her work uniform. Despite being tethered to him, Corey can feel her squeezing his arm for reassurance during the most tense moments. He feels connected to her, and not just by a cable tie.

“I think I can get us all out of here Emma, but you’re gonna have to trust me.” Corey whispers back.

Corey explains the plan and Emma reluctantly agrees. The two dash out of the storage room and quickly make their way to the pharmacy. They can hear the armed lunatic screaming at the police who have gathered out front.

“One. Two. Three. Jump!” Corey and Emma simultaneously jump over the pharmacy counter just as the gunman turns around.

“Hey!” Whispers the pharmacist, crouched on the floor of his office. “What are you doing? You’re going to get us all killed!”

“Listen to me very carefully.” Corey explains “I have been in touch with the LAPD. They think we can deescalate this guy if we get him his psych meds. Clozapine. Do you have any?”

“Yeah, I do it’s in the safe.” The pharmacist replies.

“Great! Can you go get it?” Corey asks.

“That depends.” The pharmacist says, a crooked grin forming on his face. “I’m going to need you to get my shit off. It’s only right.”

Corey looks down to see the pharmacists entire penis has been removed from his pleated pants. It’s fully erect, pink and dry. It’s smooth, like marble.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Corey says, exchanging a confused look with Emma “You want that now? What is wrong with you?!”

“Looks like we got ourselves a dilemma.” The pharmacist snorts “If I don’t cum, I ain’t gettin’ shit. So what’ll it be? You gonna get me out the way or what?”


A.) Corey drops on all fours and sucks that shit

B.) Emma slides the entire smooth cock in her mouth and sucks that shit

C.) Corey and Emma return to the hostage room empty handed

D.) Corey and Emma call the pharmacists bluff.

**Sound off in the comments! I will write the most popular choice as the next installment of this sexy adventure!**

**Up vote for more engagement**


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