[MF] Doctor S and Patient X (Doc/Patient)

This is my very first story; reading and writing erotic and sexy stories is a new hobby of mine! I’m open to any feedback you may have – thanks for reading through!

I looked at my patient schedule for the day, and got excited when I saw a familiar name on the roster for this afternoon. The last time Xavier came to the office, we both came right there on the exam table. It was the hottest, most intense fuck I have ever had; I didn’t go into the exam with him expecting this, that’s for sure. He was a new patient, his first time to the office to get a diagnosis for shoulder pain that had been bothering him. I didn’t find the source of his pain, but we both left the room forgetting the pain was ever there to begin with.
As I was examining him, it became harder to focus on him as the patient since I was focused on him as the sexy piece of man meat he was; he was sitting on the table wearing only his boxers, electing to forego the exam gown and leaving it folded neatly behind him. As I got closer to him and honing in on where the pain originated, we couldn’t help but to accidentally touch and graze against each other. My hand breezing over his cock, his arm swinging over and brushing against my breasts, our eyes locking with our faces, our mouths only inches apart. I was trying to push down any sort of attraction I was feeling; I can’t feel this way about a patient! It’s unethical, not to mention I could get myself fired. But then, another part of me wants, needs, nothing more than to feel him inside me and taste his cum in my mouth.
Before I had too much more time to play that game of tug-of-war in my brain, the horny side won and our lips had crashed together. I knew we didn’t have long before my staff came looking for me, making sure everything was on schedule and to get the room ready for the next patient. Xavier was already mostly undressed and ready to go; my blouse had become unbuttoned during the course of the exam, mostly exposing my tits for him to take in with his eyes before taking them in with his mouth. Along with my blouse and black push-up bra, I completed my outfit with matching black t-back and pencil skirt, and black pumps. He didn’t get a chance to see me in only my underwear, but he pieced the outfit together when his dick felt the string on its way to thrust inside me.
All the visual fucking we were doing during the exam left my pussy wet and practically dripping by the time his cock got close, and it didn’t take much effort before he was inside me and filling me with his warm, thick, black cock. I heard footsteps hustling by in the hallway, and they seemed to inspire Xavier’s rhythm as he thrust in and out, in and out; slowing his pace when the steps slowed and got quieter going down the hallway, and intensifying when there was quick stepping, hitting the porcelain with the clack, clack, clack of another physician’s pumps. She clearly had places to be, and all I could hope was that it wasn’t this exam room while I was riding an intensifying wave of ecstasy.
I could feel I was only moments from orgasm; I both couldn’t wait and didn’t want it to end at the same time. I knew for both our sakes, we needed to get out of here but if I had it my way (and I’m sure if he had it his way as well, based on the way he’s pounding me) he wished we didn’t have to leave and could go round after round, orgasming time after time.
Xavier grabbed on to my ass, taking a handful in each palm. His pace slowed, but was being more deliberate and forceful with each one. With a final plunge of his throbbing dick as far up into my pussy as physically possible, I saw and felt all his muscles contract and felt his warm cum filling me up. Fuck, if only I could taste it-would it be sweet, salty, both? I need to find out, and I wish nothing more than wanting to find out today.
As we both finish riding this wave of pleasure, we take a moment to catch our breath, clear our flush faces, and re-arrange our clothes. Will I be wearing a “I just had a great fucking” face when I walk out of this room? Will my colleagues be able to smell the pool of cum that’s nestled up inside my pussy? I want to wear this badge proudly, but I also don’t want to risk getting fired and losing my license. This is the first time, hand to God, that I have even remotely looked at a patient with a sexual eye; I don’t know what came over me – over each of us – that led to what just happened.
“Well Mr. Smith, after a very thorough examination, I’m not able to put my finger on a specific diagnosis, unfortunately. Would you be willing to come back next week for additional testing and another exam?” Xavier quickly agrees to another visit with a wink, and I start notating on his chart as I open the exam room door and start to step out into the hall. “Alright Mr. Smith, thank you for coming in m—coming in today, and be sure to stop at the front desk and make your next appointment. I look forward to seeing you this time next week.” I can’t believe I was still so flustered that I almost told the whole office that my patient just got finished cumming inside of me.
All those memories flash to the present as I read “Smith, Xavier” is on the list to be seen this afternoon, the first appointment of the day after lunch. I can’t help but feel a tingle around my clit, and I’m glad I happened to be wearing another skirt today. My heart started to race ever so slightly when I thought back to riding Xavier’s dick so hard I thought it would fall off; we must have been doing some sort of magic as the paper roll on the table barely made a sound while we were both screaming on the inside.
I spent the whole lunch hour nervous like a high school girl waiting for her date to drive up in front of my house; it was the longest break I felt I had in years, and I could barely eat any of my lunch. Finally, it was 12:55 and I could hear patients start to fill into the waiting room for their appointment. Was Xavier out there already, waiting for me? Was his dick excitingly trilling like my pussy was? I stayed back in m office while the assistants started to bring the patients back and settled in their rooms; I remembered Xavier will be waiting for me in the same exam room as last week; I hope I’m not the only one who is wishing for a repeat of our last exam.
After a few minutes, I heard the door on the exam room close behind the medical assistant, along with a “Thank you, Mr. Smith; she’ll be right in to see you”, at which point my heart leaped into my throat with nervous excitement. I gathered my chart and started slowly walking towards the hall; it’s just a short walk, being the second exam room from my office, and I need to make sure I don’t seem too eager to get to the door or stumble over my feet on the way. I get up to the door, and knocking softly while I put my other hand to the cold knob, turn it and start to open and step in. “Hello, Mr. Smith, and thank you for coming back to see me today…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sxg047/mf_doctor_s_and_patient_x_docpatient

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