[FF] I (26f) can’t seem to be quiet during sex without some help from my gf (33f)

This weekend was a small pride festival being put on by a local RP group, and me and my gf decided that as big ol’ lesbians we might saunter on down to check it out. Seeing as my parents house is closer to the event than our apartment, and seeing as my grandpa’s 80th birthday was this weekend at my parent’s place, we opted to visit them this weekend. Recently, with how insanely busy both of our lives have gotten (we’re both at the end of our semester in social science-related studies so we’ve respectively written about 100 pages over the last 3 weeks), our sex life has become more vanilla. We still have sex often enough to meet both of our needs, but it’s time-consuming to tie me up or edge me or punish me for being bratty, and it’s also time consuming to wind her up enough to make her want to punish me. Also, the sex we’ve had recently, while great, has been very personal, as we’ve been working through some trauma together and it’s been healing in a way I wouldn’t want to share.
HOWEVER, yesterday was wild. My parents are great, my extended family is…iffy. Idk why I don’t relate to them as much anymore, but I suspect it’s because they’re all Mormon and have a hard time talking to my gay ass and knowing what to say. My lovely gf became overwhelmed, too, at the number of them. We had over 40 people in the house last night, and all of them are loud. She quickly retreated to the bedroom to play with our cat. I put forth a valiant effort to stay engaged with my large family but eventually, I, too, retreated. I made two brief forays into the kitchen for snacks, and then we spent the rest of the night just cuddling. I took an edible just as the party was winding down so I was feeling nice. We started watching a dumb YouTube show on how Disneyland has fucked up some rides over the years and ended up kissing a lot. She said she appreciated that I stayed with her all night. I told her I wouldn’t have been anywhere else in a house packed with Mormons. Then she clarified that she appreciated that I stayed with her. Oh. Kissing happens, and suddenly she’s on top of me.
So, fun fact about my gf is that she has a l o n g tongue. Like. I’d hazard an inch, maybe two inches longer than mine. She also has FULL control over it, and she has worked that tongue out. It does not get tired. She started by sucking on my breasts, then quickly switched to pinning my hands above my head, biting and kissing my neck, and gently massaging my clit with her free hand. I was high, so things felt a lot more potent. I also found myself easily distracted and less inhibited, and about halfway through her massaging of my clit I realized I had started to moan in my parents house. Audibly. Less than 20 feet away from my sister’s room. My parents house is big, I didn’t think my parents had heard me, but my baby sister (she’s an adult, she’s just way shorter than me lol) hearing me in the throws of pleasure was a bit alarming. I try to be discreet with my fucking, and I was definitely not being discreet just then. I was going to ask my GF to slow down a little to I could get my head straight, but I think she saw the look on my face as I caught myself midmoan and came up with a different solution – cover my mouth. She unpinned my hands, moved one over my mouth, and changed tactics, moving from biting and kissing my neck to licking and sucking on my breasts while her fingers continued to gently massage my clit. After several minutes of this, however, I couldn’t hold it in, and a moan slipped out. She stopped right there, looked at me, and asked if I could be quiet on my own. I shook my head. She rolled her eyes, kissed my forehead, and whispered that she knew I could do it. She moved her head down to my clit and uttered one last “I know you can, you’re a good girl”
I *thrive* on praise, so this got me through the first few minutes of her tongue massaging my clit, but it was getting more sensitive and she was getting more and more into her rhythm – I couldn’t last forever. Again, I was at the point of telling her I needed a break, because I’m a good girl and I’d rather forgo pleasure than break a rule from my Goddess, but as soon as she heard “Please, I can’t-” she clamped her own hand over my mouth, hard, and kept going, harder and harder, more and more methodical, until I felt like I was going to burst. In the last 60 seconds before orgasm she pulled her hand off of my mouth and told me to whisper if I needed to make noise. I spent the next 60 seconds with one hand in her hair pushing her face into me and whispering “yes” over and over again, until she felt my body start to tense. She sat upright, rubbing my clit with her fingers and watching my face as I let out a few brief squeaks and censored moans and then finally went limp. She pressed herself close to me to cuddle me while I recovered, and as I whispered “Thank you” she just shook her head and said, “No, thank you for being so good tonight, and for taking care of me during the party.”
We spent the rest of the night cuddling naked in bed, and in the morning nobody made weird faces at us, so I guess nobody heard me during the first few minutes of sex. Overall, it was a great night, and today was a great day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sxn1xs/ff_i_26f_cant_seem_to_be_quiet_during_sex_without