Back to His Roots: Chapter 12 The Final Chapter

Jake stepped to one side, grabbed Joe by the arm and flipped him to the floor with a thud. Joe burst out laughing as he caught his breath and got to his feet, running his hand through his short brown hair.
“I thought I had you that time.” he laughed, shaking Jake’s hand and slapping his shoulder.
“Keep at it. The only way we get better is through practice.” Jake said, his mind still in training mode.
“Still impressive Joe. You did great.” Bree shouted from the side of Jake’s training room.
Jake and Joe walked to the side of the room where Red and Bree watched their sparring session and Red handed Jake a towel, admiring his sweaty, shirtless body.
“How about you give us a lesson?” Bree asked, slowly panning her eyes up and down Joe’s smaller, yet still impressive form.
“Well, we could teach you both some self defense techniques?” Joe suggested, looking to Jake for approval.
Jake nodded.
“If you want to. You are more than skilled enough to show them the ropes Joe.” Jake suggested.
Red eyed Jake over and took his hand in hers.
“I’m good. How about we leave these two alone and we do some “training” of our own in private?” Red suggested.
Jake smiled and glanced back at Bree and Joe who were already crossing to the centre of the room. Red led him out of the training room and into the bathroom, turning on the shower before letting her shorts drop to the floor, leaving her in a fine black g-string. Jake did all he could to stop his mouth opening wide in disbelief. His heart began to race at her incredible form and he watched in silence as she slipped her red singlet up over her head, letting her bare breasts fall back to their natural position with impressive firmness. She stepped into the shower, g-string still on and let the water run down her face and long red hair.
“You going to join me? I’d love to wash you.” she said seductively, licking her lips.
Jake dropped his pants and obliged her, stepping into the water and dropping to his knees. He ran his hands up her waist as he licked around her smoothly shaven labia. She ran her hands through his wet hair, lightly digging her nails into his scalp in pleasure as Jake’s tongue worked it’s way inward to the inner sanctum, flicking his tongue across her clitorus. Red gave a pleasureable moan as she allowed her g-string to slip to floor, giving Jake more access to his desires. He kissed his way up from her juicey pussy, past her belly button and stopped at her breasts to admire them. He pinched at her nipples with the perfect amount of pressure for maximum stimulation as he let his penis enter her.
Red hitched up her leg around Jake and stared deep into his eyes as she drove his penis into her, giving him a look that he fully understood.
“Deeper, harder. Fuck me harder Jake.” she ordered.
The pair continued their intimate fuck session until Red hit her limits and let out a ferocious orgasm that could only be described as primal. She dug her nails tightly into his shoulders as her whole body shuddered with pleasure. Jake withdrew his penis and Red got to work immediately, dropping to her knees and taking his shaft into her mouth. She sucked and slurped on his member, flicking her tongue around the tip while fondling his balls with her free hand. Jake moaned as he placed both hands against the wall, he could feel himself just about ready to give his troops their marching orders. With just the right amount of pressure, Red’s finger traced and rubbed Jake’s butthole. He gasped and shot a thick wad of baby batter into her mouth, which she swallowed gleefully.
“My god. who are you?” he asked breathing heavily.
“I’m the woman of your dreams.” she seductiudy said, standing up and leaning in to kiss him once more.

The pair dried off and Jake left the bathroom in a towel while Red dressed herself. As he passed by the dojo, Jake saw Bree slipping on her panties under her skirt. Joe was on his back on the floor, erection pointing to the roof.
“He’s pretty good at martial arts, but he’s got a lot to learn about love making.” Bree snickered.
“F…f….fucking hell.” Joe exasperated, breathing heavily.
Jake laughed as continued to his bedroom, ready to settle in for the night with a good movie and some deep meditation.

Joe had been living with Jake for a few weeks now and were setting the standard of work that needed to be achieved in Andy’s eyes. David had begun to step up upon seeing the effort that the duo were achieving and the end was finally in site as the last marquee was erected.
Outside of work, Jake and Joe continued their routine of training for an hour, meditation and the occasional romp. Joe was a catch as well and Bree had taken a liking to him, though that didn’t mean she neglected Jake by any means; though Red had been keeping Jake satisfied more often too. Finally, and all too quickly, the big day had arrived. The Cup Carnival was here and after a morning quicky, Jake kissed Red goodbye and got into the passenger seat of Joe’s Hold-On Wagon. The white beast roared to life and they peeled out of the driveway and hit the road to Canberra Racing Club.
The day started as any other; a long list of ever-growing tasks that seemed impossible to get through. The crew moved like a SWAT team through the grounds and facility, vacuuming, blowing off concrete areas, double and triple checking coolroom stocks and getting the barriers in position; the most important tool of the day.
With all the jobs ticked off, the boys all took a well earnt break as patrons began to arrive. They scoffed down their bacon and egg rolls while Andy debriefed with Steve over the phone about staff placement for the day. Jake was to drive the barriers with the assistance of Roy. Joe would man the mounting yard, opening and closing gates for the race horses under the guidance of David. Andy would float between jobs, checking on staff and mingling with the high rollers.
“Excellent Andy. You’re organised and I love it. Next time I see you, you’re getting a hug.” Steve said.
“Yeah let’s not. Keep it professional.” Andy replied.
“Fight it all you want. I’m like a ninja of hugs. A hug ninja, if you will. You’ll never see it coming.” Steve added.
“Right. Cheers mate, I better go.” Andy said.
“Okay. Mum’s the word. End transmission.” Steve said, hanging up the phone.
Andy crossed the betting ring and fronted his staff.
“Alright ya cunts, listen up.” Andy said standing at the table.
They all looked up from their food and listened intently.
“Finish up ya food and then get in position. This is the second biggest day of the year for us and we need to smash it, so no fucking about.” he ordered.
Jake and Joe nodded affirmatively, David following suit. Roy raised his hand to speak.
“No betting, no driving the tractor or barriers. Don’t fuckin touch anything Roy and just do as Jake tells you.” he interjected.
Roy lowered his hand and smiled at Jake, giving him a wave.
The crew took their positions and readied themselves for their big day with a nervous excitement.

“I want you all on site to ensure this goes off without a hitch.” Haskill spoke to his crew through their near-invisible earpieces.
Nikita, with her now blonde and blue hair, walked alongside a sharply dressed Tech Head and Bruiser. They arrived at the lift in time to see the ground crew taking their designated positions on the track and approached the elevator.
Bree greeted them at the lift, dressed in a gorgeous deep, blue silk top and black dress slacks.
“How are you all today?” she asked.
Nikita stepped forward in her low cut green dress, one leg showing through the dangerously high slit in the front.
“My friends and I are interested in entering your new bar.” she smiled through her bright red lipstick.
“Of course.” Bree said, taking out a machine the size of a brick.
“As you probably heard, there are some financial requirements to enter. Just wave your credit card over this please.” she said holding the device to them.
Nikita obliged and waved her card across the top. The machine beeped and the screen flashed green, signifying they had passed the credit check. Tech Head quietly sighed in relief as his phony card had done the job.
“This way. Just pop these on.” Bree asked, handing the three of them some blindfolds.
Once properly masked, she waved her FOB and the lift descended to the secret location. Upon arriving, Bree guided them to the bar and removed the blindfolds.
“Have fun!” she exclaimed, making her way back to the lift.
Nikita looked about the room, so far there were only several patrons present, one of which was Steve making his way around the room to all the patrons.
“Hey, hunk!” Steve called out.
A young man in a black speedo approached Steve with a tray.
“Please Steve, my name is Brendon.” he answered.
“You are Brendon no longer. Wooooosh!” Steve shouted, waving his hand in front of Brendon.
“You are now Hunk! Now grab me another bevvie please. That’s a word the cool kids use. It’s short for beverage.” he said shaking his empty glass.
“Lets just take a seat, have a drink or two and make sure everything goes to plan. We will exfiltrate once the last race is loaded up.” Tech Head silently communicated.
Nikita and Bruiser nodded and plomped down on the luxerious leather seats, waving their hand to order themselves a fine wine and two scotches.

Race after race, horses jumped, a winner declared, patrons drank and celebrated, rinse and repeat. With Roy’s assistance, Jake swung the barriers into position for the final race; a 1000m Sprint. Once in place, Jake exited the tractor and began closing all the gates.
“Uh Jake. Problem.” Roy called from the back of the barriers.
Jake circled around to where Roy was and found him staring at the battery on the back of the barriers.
“What is it?” Jake asked.
“The battery. It’s flat.” he answered.
“That’s okay, we have time. Just grab the spare.” Jake said.
Roy shook his head.
“There is no spare.” he answered.
“Can I borrow your phone?” Jake asked.
Roy obliged and handed his phone to Jake, who immediately dialled Andy’s number.

Drew’s phone began to vibrate, the smooth jazz tone barely audible over the deafneing murmur of the patrons around him. He excused himself and went into the bathroom before answering the call.
“Hello?” he whispered.
“We have a problem.”
It was Madam Shadow, and her tone was less than pleased.
“What is it?” Drew asked.
“Intruders. I intercepted a conversation between four individuals. One of them is your old friend Haskill. The other three are two males and a female. I don’t know what they are planning but I do know they are in your bar. They are too close to our work. Get them out now. I’ll continue to monitor them.” She ordered.
Drew sighed heavily.
“They’ve had all day, why now? They must be planning something soon.” he thought.
“Alright. I’ll get onto it.” Drew said.
He hung up the phone as he exited the bathroom and looked around.
“Andy!” he called out.
Andy rolled his eyes and stopped, turning back to Drew.
“What is it? I’m busy.” he asked.
“Not too busy for this. There’s some suspicious people hanging out in the High Stakes Bar. Two guys and a girl. We need them escorted off the premises now.” he said.
“The fucks this got to do with me?” Andy replied.
Drew sighed.
“Look. Get rid of them and I’ll make sure you are compensated well in your next pay.” he bargained.
“Alright. But I also want you to back me in getting another staff member. I want Joe.” Andy replied.
“Alright, alright, just hurry up.” Drew conceded.
Andy walked away from Drew and looked over to Joe who just finished closing up the gates to the mounting yard and gave him a wave; Joe obliged and jogged across the manicured turf, leaping a short fence on his way.
“We’ve got some suss fucks to kick out. Let’s go.” Andy explained.
The horses slowly made their way around the track to the barriers as Jake inspected the battery, holding Roy’s phone to his ear.
Andy’s phone began to ring while they waited for the elevator to arrive. Andy looked at the screen; it was Roy.
“Yeah?” Andy answered.
“It’s Jake. The battery is dead on the barriers and Roy said we don’t have a spare?” Jake asked.
“Fuck! What the fuck?” Andy asked.
“I dunno. It was working fine and it’s dead flat now.” Jake replied.
The elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened.
“Look, me and Joe have some suss cunts that need to be kicked out of the High Stakes Bar. Get it fixed.” he ordered as he unknowingly passed by Nikita.
She glanced sideways as Andy entered the lift with Joe and pressed her finger to her ear.
“You’ve got company. They’re onto us.” she said.
“Roger. We’ll deal with them.” Bruiser replied.

“How do you want me to deal with it then Andy?” Jake asked.
“Just make sure the race jumps on time. Pull ya dick for all I care just make it happen.” Andy said as the lift began it’s descent.
Jake hung up the phone and looked to Roy as the horses began to arrive at the barriers.
“So what are we doing?” Roy asked.
“I have a plan. Just trust me.” Jake replied, looking deep within himself.
This was going to be the biggest challenge he had faced since arriving in Canberra, but he couldn’t afford to let everyone down. He channelled the focus inside and looked sternly at the battery and then around at the jockeys on their horses.
“We’ve got a few minutes before you need to load in. The battery to the barriers is dead so I need you all to load in on time.” he explained to the jockeys.
“What? If it’s dead how will the gates open?” one jockey asked.
“Just trust me. I have a plan.” Jake explained.

Drew sat at in the finish line bar, sipping a cocktail as he eagerly awaited the final race to jump. The day was nearly done for him and he hoped that Andy would promptly deal with the intruders in the bar. His phone began to ring once more and he swiftly retrieved it from the table in front of him.
“Hello.” he abruptly answered.
“It’s me. Another problem and time is of the essence. There’s explosives wired in the tunnel of the High Stakes Bar, right under the finish line. They’re wired to the timer sensor at the finish line. Get over there now and disarm it or the tunnel will be destroyed and all is for naught.” Madam Shadow explained.
Drew’s brow began to sweat as he looked for someone more competent than himself, but everyone was already busy.
“Right. I’m on it.” Drew said standing from his seat.
Across the track he could see the horses beginning to load into the barriers; he knew he had little time.
“All you have to do is remove the two wires to the sensor. That will disengage it and prevent the explosives from going off. Once the day is done I will have my Indoctrinates locate and retrieve the planted explosives.” she explained.
Drew hung up the phone and ran as fast as his untrained legs would allow him, crossing the track and positioning himself behind the sensor. The black housing was sturdy and fixed with four phillips head screws.
“Shit.” Drew said, looking for an alternative to get into the housing.

The lift dinged as it arrived at the tunnel, the doors opened and Joe and Andy stepped out to an unexpected scene. Tech Head and Bruiser stood in the hall to greet them, behind them were several patrons including Steve and the bar staff.
“Hunk. If you wrap your legs around my head, I could probably get free.” he said.
“Shut it.” Bruiser ordered.
“Turn around boys and you might make it out alive. By my count, we’ve another five minutes before this whole place goes up in smoke and rubble.” he said.
“More than enough time to deal with you and make our escape.” Bruiser added, slamming his fist into his open palm.
Andy looked to Joe, who gave an approving nod and took a combat stance. Andy dropped his diet cola to the floor and rolled the sleeves of his work shirt, the dark carbonated beverage fizzed across the floor.
“Righto cunts. Let’s do it.” he replied, walking confidently towards Bruiser.
Joe sized up Tech Head, who wrapped his fists in tape and then slammed them together, bouncing side to side. Joe smiled, it had been some time since he had fought properly and he was looking forward to trying out some new moves. With the speed of a hungry man grabbing the last drumstick, Joe sprinted, one foot in front of the other. With each step he got closer to the wall, making his final few steps up the wall before spinning off in a flourish with a kick aimed square at Tech Head’s face.
Andy seized the moment of distraction and landed a punch firmly on Bruisers chin. Mildly phased, Bruiser looked back at Andy and laughed before returning with a punch of his own to the stomach.

With the horses now loaded, the joeckeys sat nervously, awaiting the signal to jump.
“Alright Roy, put your right hand on the positive terminal of the battery.” Jake ordered, taking the negative terminal in his left.
Roy obliged, a look of uncertainty on his face. With that, Jake wiggled his hips and his pants and underwear dropped to his feet, leaving his glistening member now on full display. He focussed as the blood rushed to his penis, making it stand at it’s impressive, maximum length. Roy grimmaced.
“How is this helping?” he asked.
“Just trust me. Grab my ass with your left hand.” Jake ordered.
Reluctant, in full view of the jockeys who looked eagerly over their shoulders at the scene, Roy placed his hand firmly on Jack’s posterior and winced.
“What now?” he asked.
“Now it’s all up to me.” Jake thought as he took his right hand and grabbed his penis.
He began pulling, not for his own pleasure, but for the pleasure of the race goers. With every stroke, Jake winced at the lack of lubrication, but the friction was doing it’s job, all he had to do was keep up the momentum until the race was ready to jump.
“That’s it! Keep pulling with all your might!” the race starter called out.

With a large rock in his hands, Drew glanced up at the adjacent big screen television; the same one that every race goer in the grounds was also glued to. Jake, in full view was punching his icebag with Roy’s hand on his rump.
“What the fuck!” Drew exclaimed.
At that very moment, the barriers crashed open and the race caller began calling the out the race order. Panicked, Drew crashed the rock down across the back panel of the sensor, smashing it to the ground. He knelt down in the grass, his pinstriped black pants in the wet grass. He delicately took the red and black wires and gave them a tug, but they held firm.
“Shit!” he said, hearing the distant thunder of hooves on the turf surface.

Across the grounds, Nikita stood at the fence, noticing Drew fiddling with the sensor.
“Someone is trying to disarm the device.” She sang into her headset.
“Bit busy. Deal with it.” Bruiser replied in exasperation.
Nikita hitched her foot up onto the fence, her short tights on full display, and she attempted to climb the fence.
“Oh no you don’t bitch!” a voice called, clutching her hair and pulling her backwards to the ground.
Standing over her, Bree rested her knee across Nikita’s neck. She squirmed as she clutched at Bree in vain as she delivered the knockout blow to her cheek, smearing some lipstick across her face as she connected with the devastating punch.

Bree looked over the fence as the horses entered the final straight and she spotted Drew who stood up from his post, holding two wires in his hands to show Bree he was successful. She gave him a well deserved thumbs up and looked back down at Nikita, who was unconcious in the grass, while patrons gathered, cheering and slapping her on the back in congratualtions.

Andy recoiled as Bruiser landed yet another stiff punch, while Joe delivered the final strike on Tech Head’s neck. He fell and crumpled to the ground in a heap and Joe frantically looked to Andy, who was fending off his aggressor.
“Get everyone outta here!” he shouted, Joe immediately making his way to the bar and untying the captives.
“Hunk, get me out of here Hunk!” Steve shouted to the topless barman.
The captives fled to the lift, Steve stopping in the doorway to see Andy fending off the hulking Bruiser.
“A captain goes down with his ship young Joe. Will you go down with me?” he asked, holding out his hand.
Joe nodded.
“We fight to the end.” he said, the pair rushing to Andy’s aid.
Joe dashed and slid under Bruisers legs, emerging between the pair and deflecting a blow, destined for the bloody Andy, and pushed him backwards. Steve looped his arms through Bruiser’s, just barely holding on to restrain him.
“Shhh shhh shhhh. Daddy’s got ya.” he whispered.
Andy grinned, slapping Joe on the back.
“DO IT! SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!” Steve shouted out, inspired by his favourite anime series.
Andy and Joe, in perfect sync stepped in towards Bruiser and landed precise blow after blow on him as he yelped and grunted with each hit until he fell heavily to the floor. Steve dusted off his hands and took out his phone.
“Stan. Yeah, we need you to clean up a pretty big mess in the bar, chop chop.” he said, hanging up his phone.
The elevator doors dinged and several police officers descended upon the unconcious figures.
“Take em away boys.” Steve laughed patting them on the arm, his hand firmly pressing on the small soil and plant logo emblazoned on their shoulders.
Andy and Joe limped alongside Steve as they made their way to the elevator lift for a well earned drink.

The following day everyone gathered in the meeting room to debrief after the previous days events. Steve charged everyones glasses with the finest scotch and they held them high.
“To our most exhilerating and successful cup carnival yet!” he declared.
Everyone drank and let out a sigh of relief that the day was done.
“There’s still some things we need to discuss though.” Drew said leaning on the table.
“You’re right Drew. Jake…” Steve said in the most serious tone Jake had ever heard.
Drew cracked a smile.
“That display you put on before the last race.” Drew mentioned.
“Was a literal stroke of genius.” Steve finished.
“It really was. How did you do that?” Bree asked.
“No, why did you- ”
“Yeah why did you let Roy put his hand on your ass?” Andy interjected as Drew’s frustration increased.
“Well I needed the friction, and I only have two hands, so I needed the current to pass through someone else.” Jake explained.
“It was disgraceful!” Drew exclaimed.
“Yes it was.” Steve said, turning his gaze to Andy.
“In future, have a spare battery or jump starter on hand. Other than that, Jake’s ingenuity saved the day! Keep up the good work!” Steve said, toasting once more.
Every one paired off, chatting about the events. Drew approached Bree and cleared his throat.
“So, it was impressive when you stopped that lady.” he said.
Bree smiled and tucked fringe behind her ear.
“Thanks. Good job on the wires.” she said.
“Thanks. So uh, how did you know that lady was trying to stop me?” he asked.
Bree smirked.
“How did you know about the bombs Drew?” she replied.
“Touche Bree. Touche.” he said walking away from her.

Later that night Drew sat in his studio apartment with a large sheet of paper in front of him. He reclined back and dipped his two fingers into the tub of a goopy substance and caressed his penis, which stood to attention immediately.
He ran his eyes over the page, looking at the legs. He moaned softly and took his gaze upwards, looking between the legs and at the chest. He grew stiffer and knew he couldn’t hold on much longer, so he immediately flicked the page over to the “good stuff”.
As the seminal fluid escaped from his penis, he let out a staggered moan of pleasure as he fixxed his eyes on the large, smooth shaft of a rail cannon, affixed to the cold steel back panal.
“Soon.” he whispered, running his clean hand along the plans.
