Shadow of the Seraph: Union [M/F] [M/F/F] [Polyamory] [Anal] [Space Opera/Sci-Fi Fantasy]

Sarah Hawke’s final book in the Shadow of the Seraph series just came out on amazon [here]( I’m a patreon patron of hers, and I got to read an early release. I can’t recommend this book, or this series, enough. It does a masterful job of painting a cool, distinct sci-fi world, the writing is top tier, the action is thrilling, and the sex is sizzingly hot. It’s more than just great smut, too. The story is epic. I definitely recommend the two books that came before it as well.



  1. I am also a Patreon Patron of Sarah’s. And I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Sarah’s writing is top notch and, in my opinion, she is one of the best sci Fi/fantasy authors out there today, and I cannot recommend her work enough.

  2. Yeah, it’s an awesome sci-fi book. Reminds me a bit on the Star Wars EU classics from the 90s. You can dive into the world and dicover it through the eyes of the main characters. Sarah’s Seraph Universe has many colorful and diverse locations and videly different and interesting species.

    The characters are well developed, fun and have deep and meaningful relationships with eachother. As those relationships are quite intimate you can expect a lot of sensual and steamy sex scenes. Appart from writing hot sex scenes, Sarah Hawke’s real talent is to write intriguing, thrilling and often times unpredictable stories.

    If you want a fantastic sci-fi space opera in the old sci-fi classics enriched with romance and steamy sex scenes, this is a book for you!

    Note: If you want to experience the whole story you should read it’s predecessor series

    [Wings of the Seraph](ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=2LQ11E8JF3EHE&keywords=wings+of+the+seraph&qid=1645393940&sprefix=wings+of+the+serap%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-1) as well as the first two books of this one [Shadow of the Seraph]( and [Harbinger]( first.

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