I [18F] lost my virginity to my high-school teacher. [M/F]

About three months after I had graduated from high school, I started summer classes through my local community college to get a head start on my degree since the college I attend now is really expensive. It’s cheaper to get general education credits through my community college, so I do that instead. A few weeks into my summer class, I had to go back to my high school to pick up some papers that the community college needed. I would say “why the hell can’t they just email it?” but then I wouldn’t have such an awesome story to tell, lol.

Anyway, I arrived at the school and it was extremely empty – this wasn’t surprising at all, as it was still summer and the high school had at least two more weeks before it opened up for the fall. I walked down the long hallway and made my way to the main office, where I found the same secretary worker that had been there since my freshman year. She was chatting with a man who I will call Mr. A, and I suddenly became very aware of what little clothing I was wearing. It was 90 degrees outside and I didn’t have anything else to do that day, nor was I expecting to run into anybody, so I just wore a tank top and shorts with the same zip-up hoodie I wore almost every day of my life after getting it a few years ago. I wasn’t dressed inappropriately, per say, but I was certainly showing a *lot* of skin. Mr. A and the secretary noticed me walk in and they continued their conversation in a hushed tone before the woman directed her attention toward me.

After I told her what I needed, she disappeared behind a door for a few minutes to print everything out. It was now just me and Mr. A in this room. Alone. He was also dressed for the weather, wearing some nice-fitting slacks and a tight-fitting t-shirt that showed his muscles quite well. He wasn’t old, I think somewhere around 45. I knew he had a wife and at least one kid that was a few years younger than me, so he couldn’t have been that old. His hair had started to grey a little, but it was far from unattractive. He always had students crushing on him, and I can only assume he heard the whispers from my peers and such throughout his class period. As soon as he stepped out of the room, there would be girls giggling to each other about how hot he was. I’d always found him attractive, but never tried to make any advances or even mention it to my friends. I was mostly just scared of the consequences if he or another teacher found out – protecting my academic record is embarrassingly important to me and I never risked getting in trouble. Now that he was no longer my teacher, though, I started to see him in a different way. He was no longer a dream, essentially; he was an *option*.

He and I chatted for a brief moment.

“Ameilia,” he said with a bright smile, the same one that he greeted every student with each period. “I haven’t seen you since what, your sophomore year? Time flies!”

I laughed and nodded politely, adding nothing of importance to the conversation but still participating. I was never one for small talk.

“So,” he said out of nowhere while looking around, “I heard you’re going to [local community college] now, huh? I hope you’re being a good girl there, keeping your grades up.”

My heart stopped for a moment. I felt something lower in me twitch and my heart begin to race. That was definitely flirty, right?! I battled my mind for a second trying to figure out if there was any intentino behind what he just said. “You know me, Mr. A,” I smiled, “I’ve always been good!”

“Yeah,” he sighed and broke eye contact. “You’re a good girl.”

Before I had a chance to even think about what he just said, the secretary came back. Her and Mr. A continued their conversation from earlier for a moment before he finally excused himself. He stood at the doorway for a second as I walked to the counter. I could practically feel his eyes staring at my ass and my legs. A large part of me wanted to feel insecure or creeped out, but a tingling inbetween my thighs said otherwise.

I got the paperwork done and I soon left the office. I walked down the hall again, but heard a familiar voice calling my name as I walked past a classroom. It was Mr. A, beckoning me to come into the room I had spent every day of my life in only two years prior. The scene hadn’t changed much – the desks were arranged in the same way and the walls were still unbearingly white.

“Seem familiar?” he laughed, gesturing to the room. “Yeah!” I responded. “I spent what, an hour of my life here every day for a year – of course I remember this room, Mr. A.”

“Ah, come on, you don’t have to call me that. I’m not your teacher anymore, Amelia.”

He locked eyes with me, and I could tell something had changed. There was tension in the room now, and the both of us knew exactly what each other was thinking. “You’re right,” I said lowly, “I’m not your student anymore.” Mr. A walked past me slowly as he went to shut the door, and I caught the smell of his cologne. It was deep, alluring, and smelled like cigarettes. A smell I usually hated, but found to be attractive in the moment.

While he was shutting the door, my eyes wandered the room and settled on the desk that I used to sit at during my sophomore year. It was in the front row, right in front of the whiteboard. Only a few seats away from the desk where he sat almost the entire classtime. Looking back, I can only assume he chose that seat for me because it gave him a good view.

I took in the familiar surroundings as I felt the chair squeak. I smiled, memories flooding back. My eyes then watched Dr. A turn around as the door shut, lock clicking into place. My smile widened as I felt my heartbeat pick up more and the wetness in my panties begin to grow. He sauntered over to me and then placed his palms face-down on the desk. Mr. A was now across from me, staring down at my face. Like a student getting reprimanded. Only then did I realize that he could definitely see down my tank-top. “You sure did grow up to be a beautiful woman, Amelia.” His voice was lower than it was before and had completely changed tone. There was something almost sinister about his voice now.

“Thank you, sir,” I whispered as I looked up at him. He smiled and his eyes broke contact from mine as I watched them glance over my body. I prayed that he had an attractive view. I could only see him from the waist up, but I was able to see his decently-sized muscles and how they strained with the weight of his body on the desk. I absentmindedly bit my lip, thinking about how those muscles could be used.

“ah, ah, ah,” he whispered back, using two fingers to push my face back to looking at him. “It’s not polite to stare, is it?”

At this point, there was no mistaking what was happening. His gentile but firm touch was the confirmation I needed to know for sure that he was definitely hitting on me. I took it as a sign to advance my actions too – I placed my hands and elbows on the desk, and pressed them into the wood. I made sure to subtly push my breasts together with my upper-arms, just to give them that little bit of encouragement. I wasn’t exactly flat chested, but I could use a little support.

“I’m sorry, Mr. A. I was distracted, you just…” I trailed off, almost lost in his eyes.

He placed a thumb around my cheek and pushed his fingers together, straining my jaw just a little. “Just what, hm? Finish your sentences, I want to hear exactly what you’re thinking.”

My underwear only got wetter, I swear. “You just… You have really nice muscles, is all.” I left out the part about me thinking he could definitely lift me against a wall and pound me endlessly with all that muscle, but I’m sure he got the message anyway.

“Amelia, you’ve always been a beautiful girl. I’ve thought about you for such a long time, and now you come into the building looking… like that,” his eyes darted down toward my chest, then quickly back to my own eyes before exhaling a long sigh, “you have no idea what you’re doing to me, poor thing.”

I smiled at him as I felt my confidence build slowly inside of me. I wanted to make a move, but I had no idea what to do. Instead, I pushed my head up and leaned in closer. Our noses were almost touching right now. I closed my eyes and parted my lips.

“I want you to be my first, Sir.”

His lips crashed into mine almost immediately and I wholeheartedly accepted him. He was an amazing kisser and I let his hands roam my body, reaching down to the bottom of my shirt and starting to feel my back. The position started to become uncomfortable for the both of us, so he pulled back. There was something almost animalistic in his eyes, and he smirked. “What a surprise, miss Amelia has a wild side?”

I giggled and put my hand to his chest, pushing him back so I myself could climb onto the school desk and sit on it. My legs were spread a little now and I grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward me. His body fit perfectly inbetween my legs and I pulled him back into a kiss. His hands were now roaming freely again as he deepened the kiss. I felt a tug at my hair for a moment, then a firm grasp onto my waist. He pulled me in closer to him and my lower stomach slammed into him. I felt his hard member through his pants and it only made me that much more excited for what was about to come. I reached my left hand out to touch his shoulder, and the right one slithered down to palm his erection lightly. I couldn’t help but giggle as I felt it, as this was a completely new experience for me. I’d done *lots* of things with girls and boys before, but this was the first time I’d ever be up close and personal with a man, let alone having sex with one. He hummed at me as he broke the kiss, grasping my hand and pulling it away from his waist.

“Now, now, Amelia. I don’t want to get there just yet.”

I furrowed my brow. What did he want to do, then?

He pulled me off the desk and led me to his own desk where he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I sat on top of his lap and felt his erection through my shorts – it was mind-blowing to me and almost felt unreal. He felt *huge*, and a tiny portion of me started to worry whether or not his length would hurt.

We made out some more and continued feeling each other up for a few more minutes. He primarily let me control the pacing of what we were doing, and I felt grateful for that. “I’ve never done this before,” I said inbetween breaths, “but… I want you.” He grinned at this and kissed me again. “Don’t worry, you’re perfect.”

After a few more minutes of mindlessly making out, I started grinding into his erection more. The wetness and throbbing in my lower region was starting to become unbearable and I was growing to become restless. I needed friction and I was going to get it. Mr. A, however, pulled away from the kiss and started going to my neck. Holy fuck, when I tell you the feeling of having your neck kissed like that is the best thing ever, I’m not kidding. I felt like I was ascending to the heavens when he started going at it.

I got tired of his neck kisses though, desperate for more. I completely pulled off my jacket and threw it to the ground, then went to take off my top. Mr. A helped me and watched it join my sweater on the floor, leaving me just in shorts and my bra. It wasn’t a particularly sexy bra, just one that I wore every once in a while. But he’s a man and I’m a woman in my underwear, so I can’t imagine he was finding me unattractive in that moment.

He palmed my breasts through my bra for a moment before slyly moving a hand to my back and undoing the clasp, letting the straps fall and reveal my bare chest to him. He inhaled deeply and instantly put his mouth to my nipple, not hesitating for a single second. Having never felt this before, I moaned loudly before burying my face into his hair in an attempt to quiet myself. This was better than anything I’d ever felt before, feeling him suck my nipple while playing with the other. He was quick to leave hickeys on me, and I loved it. He was marking me as his.

“You are stunning,” he whispered after I pressed deeper into his crotch. I was starting to grind on him more, arousal surging through my body and completely taking over me. “Sir, p-please,” I whined, “I need…” I trailed off again. I completely forgot that he hates when I do that.

He stopped completely, grasping my jaw again and meeting my eye level. “You need what, Amelia? Spit it out, hun.” His eyes were serious but there was once again something animalistic inside of him that I was starting to see grow stronger. “I need you,” I whispered, “I need you inside me.”

That set him off, I think. He immediately lifted me off of his body and set me on his desk, pulling my shorts off in the process. “You’ve been such a good girl for me, Amelia,” he harshly whispered into my ear, “and now you’re turning into a slut the second I touch you.” The insult made my stomach flip for a second, and I smiled. I never knew I liked to be insulted like that. It was invigorating.

He unbuckled his belt and I pushed my hand down his trousers. I grabbed hold of his length and pulled it to the surface, a light gasp escaping my mouth as I finally saw what he had been hiding for so long. His cock, at least seven inches in length, was so thick I was terrified that he was going to break me in half. I may have been a virgin, but I was experienced with my own toys – I’d never had anything that thick, and I wasn’t sure that I could take it. But I was more than excited to try.

He moaned the second I grabbed him, his lips sealed shut and eyes closed. I was getting to him already. “You’re so big,” I whispered in genuine shock, “I should have come here sooner.”

He chuckled at that before opening his eyes again and leaning into another kiss. My shorts fell to the floor now, previously dangling off my leg, and I moved back onto his lap. His erection was between himself and my clit – it took everything in me not to instantly start riding him like a horse, but I knew I needed at least a little build-up to the moment. I stroked his length before I saw the precum ooze out of him. I used it as lube for a second, grinding against him and using my hand to stroke him just a little faster. Another groan escaped him, and I felt my confidence grow. Enough to get off of him and get on my knees, at least.

I’d never given a blowjob before, and I feared that I was going to be terrible at it. I did what I did best and just guessed my way through the entire thing – I ran my tongue down the entirety of his length and traced the tip of his cock with my tongue. His hips buckled for a moment and I could tell that he enjoyed what I just did – so I did it one more time before I finally closed my lips around his cock and did my best to bob my head up and down. I didn’t get very far, only about an inch or two before I started to choke, but it was apparently enough for Mr. A to grab my hair tightly and moan louder than he probably should have. I felt my heart flip, knowing that I was doing something right. “You’re such a good girl for me,” he sighed.

I lifted my head up and looked down at his cock – more precum was starting to drip out of him and the entirety of his length was now wet. That seemed to be enough lubricant for me, so I grabbed ahold of his face with my hand and I locked eyes with him again. “I want you to fuck me, Mr. A.”

He looked down at me and smiled. “I told you, you didn’t need to call me that anymore.”

“I may not be your student anymore,” I giggled, “but you’re still my superior.”

He lifted me up again and pulled me back onto his lap. “You’re right,” I felt a finger push aside my panties and gently brush against my clit for a moment. “I am.”

His finger quickly went through my folds and back to my clit, circling it for a moment. My thighs clenched instinctively and I struggled to withhold my moan, which seemed to please Mr. A. He chuckled and brought his finger back up before forcing it into my mouth. I tasted myself on his finger – I was sweet, and that made me happy!

“Please,” I whined again, “fuck me. Please.”

He kissed me once more, lasting for a few more seconds before pulling back. I locked eyes with him as he once again pulled my panties to the side before grabbing his cock and placing it at my entrance.

The look on my face as he pushed himself into me must have been so embarrassing, but he apparently liked it. My face contorted a lot as I felt the rush of pain to my opening – he was *so thick* it was hurting! I was used to some discomfort, but it’d never felt like this before! I quickly buried my head into his shoulder as he sunk himself deeper into me. I eventually felt the base of his shaft hit my skin, and I knew that the worst was over. The pain was intense, but also *extremely* pleasurable in the moment. I’ve always been super sensitive to pain, but the feeling of euphoria washing over me when I felt his cock inside of me was INSANE.

He pulled out of me and the pain was unbearable – as wet as I was, there was just not enough lubrication for this to work well! I asked if he had any lube with him, but he shook his head. Instead, he directed me over to his personal bag and said there might be a condom somewhere in there. After a while of digging around in the pockets of the bag, I found a stash! Thank the heavens!!!

He slid the lubed condom on and pushed his cock back inside of me. Holy. Fuck.

The feeling of him against me was… I don’t even know how to describe it. Amazing. It was the best feeling ever. I never wanted it to stop! He went really slow at first to let me adjust to the feeling, and then he sped up. Of course, his hands went straight back to my tits and he continued toying with them. He pinched my nipples a few times while his other hand was circling my clit – this, combined with the filling feeling of being fucked, was starting to overwhelm me. My eyes teared up and I felt my body clench with the feeling of overstimulation, but the last thing I wanted him to do was stop. Instead, he slowed down a little and pulled me closer into his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him – the intimacy of losing my virginity to this man was honestly surprising, I’d never expect him to be someone who enjoys going slow at all. I thought he would be pounding me into his desk by now, relentlessly shoving his cock into me every second he could. He was being super kind, though, and adjusting to my needs. I had to stop myself from moaning loudly because of how amazing he was, lol.

“You’re doing so fucking good,” he whispered into my ear as he picked up his pace. “You’re the perfect little slut for me, aren’t you?”

I whined as he gently pressed a few fingers against my clit, rubbing it gently in circles as he continued pounding into me. “I-I am, Sir,” I moaned, “I’m all yours!”

He had to press his hand to my mouth to stop me from moaning too loudly, which only turned me on that much more and sent a surge of emotion straight to my cunt. I felt my climax building, and I was getting desperate for that release. “Please, sir, Mr. A,” I whispered as soon as his hand left my mouth. I couldn’t finish my sentence, though, because his cock started to slam into me harder than before and it felt *so good*. Because I didn’t finish my sentence, Mr. A took it upon himself to wrap his hand around my throat instead.

“You need to finish your sentence, my darling,” he said in a harsh whisper, clearly building up to an orgasm, “you know I hate it when you don’t.”

My orgasm was nearing very quickly at this point, and I pressed myself into his shoulder once again in attempt to focus. I needed this. My insides began to twist as I cried out, “please, Mr. A, I’m going to cum!”

He sped up as soon as the words left my mouth, clearly trying to time his orgasm with mine. “Cum with me, Amelia, let me feel you cum around my cock.”

My moans grew louder, but Mr. A didn’t try to stop me this time. He was busy trying to reach his own high at this point. “Be a good girl for me,” he whispered, voice faltering as his orgasm neared.

“Cum in me, sir, please – I need it,” I begged, knowing that the condom was still wrapped around him. I’ve always had a breeding kink and, despite the condom, I felt like saying it was still hot. I wanted to feel his pulsating cock inside of me as it shot ropes of cum – if only he wasn’t wearing that condom!

With a few more slams, Mr. A began to orgasm. “You’re such a good girl,” he groaned into my ear, “cum for me.” The feeling of his pulsing cock, combined with his fingers still making lazy circles around my clit and my chest against his, was just enough to send me over the edge – the twisted feeling inside spilled over and exploded internally, waves of pleasure riding through my entire body as I moaned out. I was orgasming entirely over his cock right now, and oh my god it was embarrassing. I’d become so cock-hungry and desperate that I needed him to tell me I could cum!

The cleanup was easy – he exited me after we had both come down from our highs and he removed the condom. Some of his cum had actually spilled onto my thigh as he removed the rubber, and I giggled. I don’t know if he saw, but I swiped it up with my finger and tasted it – it was mostly tasteless, but a little sweet! For the first time tasting cum, it was pretty good!

That was the last time I saw Mr. A for a while. I have some more stories with him, but they aren’t nearly as good as this – if I could go back and lose my virginity to him over and over again, I would! Out of all the sexual partners I’ve ever had, he was the best, I think. He was the perfect person for me to lose my virginity to, I think, and I have absolutely no regrets with him.

I’m really glad I finally had the time to sit down and write all of this here! This is a true story, but I of course had to fill in some details and add dialogue just to make it interesting. No way I could remember all that talking!! I remember everything he said to me while fucking me, though – there’s no way in hell I would ever forget *that.* These kinds of stories are my favorite to read online, so I figured why not post it, yknow? :p I hope you all liked this, haha!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/swrn5m/i_18f_lost_my_virginity_to_my_highschool_teacher


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