[MF] The Gift

This is my original story. I allowed u/Taborator to post it, but it’s my original work.


Emma stared at her ceiling, eyes defocused as she laid motionless. She’d been awake for nearly twenty minutes, but just could not find the motivation to leave her bed. It was a Saturday, and she had no plans. Why should she have to “get up,” anyway?

She reached for her phone on her bed’s side table, and lazily flicked her thumb across the screen to unlock it. Opening Instagram, she started scrolling through the infinite column of content. At the moment, most of it was food.

“Fuck,” she groaned. She was hungry. Beautifully edited photos of sugar-dusted pastries and grilled meats dominated her timeline.

*I guess the whole eating thing might be a good enough reason to get up*, she admitted to herself.

She briefly wondered if her parents were going to make breakfast today. Probably not, if she didn’t smell it already. She definitely couldn’t con her sister into it either. She was so stressed about heading to college at the end of the summer, her sleep schedule was all over the place. She probably wasn’t even awake yet.

She closed her phone, and tossed it down on her bed. This was going to take a significant amount of mental energy to will herself from her soft, memory foam cocoon. Just as she was about to swing her legs over the side, she felt it. Out of nowhere, and without warning, she felt a touch. The sensation of a fingertip, maybe two, brushing against her clit.

“What the *fuck*?” Emma practically shouted. It stopped suddenly.

Emma laid motionless, her breathing already faster from a slowly rising panic. Was it just some sort of phantom feeling? She’d read about conditions where the sensations of dreams could carry over to consciousness, but she’d never-

She felt the fingers return to her clit, a little more boldly this time, rubbing her gently.

Her heart in her throat, she tore off the comforter, and looked down at herself. She was wearing a white tank top, and a pair of loose dolphin shorts. She wasn’t entirely sure was she was expecting to see, but she only saw herself. Still, the feeling persisted. It was getting stronger, rubbing her increasingly engorged nub with fervor.

She quickly pulled her waistband open, and looked in her shorts. Nothing. Just her own, admittedly now a little wet, pussy. Her panic and incomprehension of the situation was the only thing holding back the surging arousal within her, if she was being honest. Her breath came out in short, ragged gasps, partly from her anxiety, and partly from the firm, skilled ministrations on her now quite erect clit.

It was starting to get intense. The fingers, she guess they were fingers anyway, were really starting to go hard.

*Fuck*, she thought, *this is insane, but damn that feels good…*

She gripped her sheets tightly, her hips beginning to roll of their own accord. She bit her lip as she started to give in. The anxiety getting pushed to the back of her mind as the pleasure took the forefront of her attention. A soft moan escaped her lips while she rode the waves, letting the fingers do their thing. They picked up speed, moving in tight, constant circles, grinding against her, faster and faster.

“Oh Fuck, God…,” she whispered, her breath catching in her throat. She felt like release was within reach, but just narrowly escaping her. Frustration began to mount.

Her thighs squeezed together tightly, while she continued to thrust, grinding against air. She could feel the prominent wet spot in her shorts, damp and slightly cold against her lips. She was soaked.

*Oh Fuck, just let me cum*

She teetered on the edge, unable to finish. She was getting desperate, balancing on a knife’s blade between exquisite teasing and the ecstasy of climax. Then, just as it had began, it stopped completely. The invisible hands of her phantom lover were gone.

“What…?” she said weakly.

*Damnit, no! I was so close!*

She balled up her fists in frustration, her clit absolutely throbbing. She could feel her sex dripping viscous lubrication into her shorts. She was a teased up, ravenously horny mess.

She tried to steady her breathing, calm her self down. As she tried to ignore the ramped up arousal pounding inside her, she her rustling through her wall.

*Oh*, she thought absently, *I guess Teagan’s up after all.*

She heard what sounded like a drawer close. Then, a few moments later, the buzz of an electric motor. It was faint, but she could make it out.

She had to stop herself from giggling, as a smile crept across her face.

*Guess I’m not the only one who’s horny this morning. She should really get a quieter vi-*

Her thoughts were violently ejected from her head as a new sensation slammed into her. This time, not the gentle touch of fingers, but a strong vibration, centered directly on her already overstimulated clit. Electricity ripped through her body mercilessly as the electro-mechanical motions ground into her.

She bit into her pillow, stifling a loud “Oh, FUCK!” as her whole body shook. This was it, she could feel it coming.

It only took a few moments, and she felt that deep heat spike out from her pussy, as the first shockwave of her orgasm ricocheted through her frame. Then again, and again. The violent waves jerked her body, outside of her control, while she helplessly flailed as she came.

After about 15 seconds or so, the feeling subsided. In her hazy state, barely able to perceive anything but the satisfaction of her twitching, sweaty body, she noticed the buzzing next door had stopped.

Suddenly, her mind snapped back to lucidity.

*No*, she thought, *It couldn’t be.*

She sat up, slowly, her pussy still throbbing. She took a few breaths, then put her feet over the side of the bed. Just then, she heard Teagan’s door. She leapt up, nearly losing her balance from the sudden headrush, and flung her own door open. There she was, in the hallway, her impressively long ginger curls cascading down her back, wearing a mis-matched hello kitty t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. Teagan had her hand on the bathroom door handle, and in her other hand was a small, rounded, pink object.

Her crystal blue eyes shot wide when she saw Emma, putting it behind her back. She then pushed the door in, and slammed it behind her. After a few seconds, all Emma heard was the water being run in the sink.

Emma’s eyebrows knitted in thought.

*Could it really be…?*

She shuddered a little, feeling the cold wetness in her shorts from her dripping sex. She needed to clean herself up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sw08cs/mf_the_gift

1 comment

  1. Emma sat in the living room, furiously Googling on her phone. She’d been trying to find something, anything to explain what she’d experienced earlier. Her search history now included things like :

    *parasympathetic orgasm*

    *psychic sex connection*

    *sibling induced psychic orgasm*

    That last one had brought up a lot of things she really wasn’t looking for. She winced, and closed her phone again. This was hopeless, she couldn’t find anything. She sighed heavily, and picked up the remote to find something on streaming. As she was scrolling through Hulu, she heard Teagan’s door again, and her light footsteps padding downstairs.

    “Morning,” Emma called out, not looking away from the TV.

    A very quiet “Morning” was all she got back. Emma smiled to herself, she could practically feel the embarrassment oozing off of Teagan. She wasn’t overly eager to know her younger sister’s sexual habits, but she’d accepted a long time ago it was a part of living with family. You were going to find out eventually. She just thought it was funny how absolutely mortified she was about it.

    *We all do it*, she thought with a smirk.

    She heard the cabinets opening, and turned to look into the kitchen area. “Teagaaannnnn,” she whined obnoxiously, “can you bring me a yoghurt?”

    Teagan glanced over to her, saying nothing.

    “Pretty please?”

    She rolled her eyes, reached into the fridge, and pulled one out.

    “Thaaaank yooooou” Emma called out, making little grabby hand motions at the yoghurt as Teagan walked up and handed it to her, along with a spoon.

    As Emma started to crack open the little cup container, Teagan hovered near her, seemingly troubled.

    Sensing the tension, Emma shoveled down a spoonful and asked “Alright, what’s up?” expectantly.

    Teagan seemed a little startled for a moment, then averted her eyes. “Do you have any plans today?”

    Emma cocked an eyebrow. “No, why?”

    Her younger sister shifted uncomfortably again. “Could you…find some?”

    Emma stopped mid-bite. A slow smile spreading across her face. Teagan’s eyes got wider. “Nevermind! Forget I said anything!”

    “Oh, no no no, you don’t get to pull that one back!” she set the snack down. “You want to have Dylan over, don’t you?”

    The ginger’s pale face flushed red, deep with embarrassment. “Shut up! Forget I said anything!”

    Emma was enjoying this. “Yeah, I also noticed mom and dad are gone. I also noticed the note that said they were going to Aunt Janice’s which basically means they’re going to be gone all day.”

    Teagan’s face reddened even further.

    Emma leaned over the couch arm. “So you want to be alone so you can touch your boyfriend’s peepee, right?”

    If it were possible to die of sibling humiliation, Teagan’s heart would have stopped in that moment.

    *Alright*, Emma thought, *I’ve milked this enough I think.*

    “Okay. Here’s the deal, Teag. I’ll get out of here and let you have your special alone time with Dylan if you give me $10 for gas.” She extended her hand out to shake it. “Fair?”

    Teagan glanced down at her sister’s hand for a moment, before timidly reaching out to accept it.

    “Yeah. Fair.”

    “Cool. I’ll see if Sandra’s doing anything.” She picked up her phone, opening up her text conversation with her.

    *She’s into all kinds of weird metaphysical shit. Maybe she’ll know what happened this morning.*

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