Meg (FM) Part 1

Just for some context, this story is a complete fantasy. I am a very sexual person and sex is literally on my mind all day, every day. Which is where these fantasies come from. My overactive imagination. But hopefully you enjoy them as much as I do. This will more than likely be a 2 parter or have multiple stories if you guys like it! Just let me know if you want to hear more!

“Hey Adam!” I turn to see my boss heading towards my department.

“Oh, Hey Meg, how are you?” I notice her wide hips swaying just a bit. Now, I have always been a fan of the curvier type of woman. I love BBWs. Meg wasn’t necessarily a BBW, but she was very curvy. Already having one child and just announced her second pregnancy. So, she was looking very good!

“Good, how about you?” Her question snaps me out of my little trance.

“Not too bad, just another day!”

“Yeah, it shouldn’t get too crazy today. Just let someone know if you guys need any help.” I nod and watch her walk away. Her ass just making my cock twitch. You could tell it has some cellulite. A fact of which drives me crazy! As I said, I love curvier, voluptuous women.

As the day goes by, I can’t help but let my mind wander, thinking about how she just announced her pregnancy. How did her husband do it? Was she the type to enjoy missionary? Looking into each other’s eyes and making it more intimate? No, she couldn’t be. Her vibe is always playful, so I bet she was riding his cock hard. Taking in every inch while her big tits just bounced in his face.

Maybe she even bent over for him. Letting him watch her beautiful ass bounce off his cock. God, just thinking about this is getting me so hard. Hopefully no one really notices.

“Hey Adam, could you go grab something from the back?” My coworker shouting for me brings me back to reality.

“Yeah, I will be back in minute.”

As I pass another coworker, they make a joke about something that makes me laugh

“I love your laugh. It’s very playful” Meg says from behind me.

Surprised, I look back at her “Thanks Meg.” I smile at her, and she shoots one back. I continue to the back room and sneak a peek back at her. I freeze.

She caught me staring at her ass. Oh, fuck. I quickly turn back and hurry to finish what I was doing. When I return from the back room, Meg is standing in my department talking to my coworkers. She asks “Adam, can you come up to the office for a minute?” God, I am fucked. “Sure Meg.”

So, as we are walking up towards the office, I can’t help but stare at her ass. God, what the fuck is wrong with me? I know she is going to talk to me about this very thing and here I am still doing it! We hit the stairwell and it was all I could do to stare at her ass. So soft. So plump. My cock getting hard just thinking about how it would look in her husbands pov. Bouncing off his cock. Her looking back at me.

Finally getting to the door of her office, it was time to face the consequences. Or so I thought…

As I said in the beginning, this will be a longer story and/or multiple stories just like it. Let me know if you guys like this sort of thing. Like I said, these are real life fantasies of my ever day! I will be happy to write more if you enjoy them!



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