Getting kinky while on a test drive (M/F)

“No one knows you. That’s not how you make money in this business.”

Jake slowly draws the needle from his arm. He licks the spot where the skin was punctured.

“You’re selling yourself, see. You sell yourself, you can be whatever the customer wants. You can be their friend, relative, teacher, lover. Get close to them. Get inside their head.” Jake taps his forehead with his two fingers. His eyes meet his reflection in the rearview mirror. He notices how high he is. Sometimes it takes you seeing yourself in the mirror, and not recognizing the guy staring back at you.

“Making money was never hard for me.” Jake says, looking down at a photoshopped picture of Jennifer Aniston inhaling an 8 inch dick. It is black and white, printed at the office.

“Women like you, don’t come cheap. You always end up paying one way or another.” he kisses his finger and touches Jennifer’s face.

Jakes cock is fully erect. Not a particularly big dick, but smooth like marble. He was pale and damp, sweaty from the methamphetamines. Thinking about the girl in the photocopy, Jake rubs his hog with focus and precision. Sinking lower and lower in the drivers seat.

“Now I’m not a picky lover.” Jake explains to the photo “But there was a time when I wouldn’t fuck a woman who didn’t wear Jordache. Don’t ask me why. I really lost out on a lot of strange. I think I was setting an unrealistic standard. I was afraid of trying. Getting shot down”

Jake stops speaking, his panting is making it hard to talk. He raises the black and white image to his face, licking the dry paper seductively. The orgasm is creeping up. All the work of rubbing his hard cock is paying off. He feels the pleasure well up in his taint and explode from the tip of his penis. The cum drips down his fingers.

“Don’t tell anyone I was this easy.” Jake whispers. He licks the cum from his hand and starts the car. He pulls out of the 7-11 parking lot on to Western Ave. He drives two blocks to the dealership where he picked up the car for a test drive. He steps out of the sedan, making eye contact and nodding at the salesman.

“Whadya think?” The salesman calls from across the lot.

Jake throws the keys at the salesman, missing him by a good ten feet, then takes off running into the field behind the dealership. Confused, the salesman leans down to pick up the keys. They are covered in cum. He stands up and looks across the field at Jake, seeing him for a brief second before he disappears into the woods like a feral dog.
