[FF][MF][TG] Shifting the Balance

Alyssa woke with a start, her phone sounding off loud klaxons telling her she had 20 minutes to get ready for her first class.

Fuck, she thought, how the hell did I sleep through 3 alarms?!

She groggily rolled over, scooped up the phone, and clumsily swiped her thumb over the screen, silencing it.

She took a deep breath, and sat upright. It wasn’t even light out yet, no class should be this early. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she tried to find her slippers, remembering that she’d left them across the room.

“Of course,” she sighed.

She picked up her phone again, checking her notifications. Three missed texts from Gina, a snap from Kylie, and a text from Josh. She smirked. She was pretty sure Josh wanted to make a move on her, but the boy was just too shy. She wasn’t even sure how she felt about him, but maybe that would change if he’d just come out and say it.

Gina’s texts were mostly raccoon memes, with one laying on the ground, like a puddle, sleeping, and the caption ‘Damn I’m flat.’ She was always putting her own body down. It irked Alyssa a bit, considering she thought Gina was such a beautiful person.

Kylie’s snap was of her looking exasperated in an adorable white pleated top. At least, it would have looked adorable if her figure allowed it. As usual, Kylie’s breasts stretched and split the garment, bulging it out in an unflattering way. The snap’s caption read “stupid fucking tits, why are reductions not covered by student insurance??”

Champaign problems, Alyssa thought, rolling her eyes a little. Her own body was nothing to write home about. She had her problems with it, like anyone, but it was pretty modestly-proportioned. “Wonder what it’s like to have boobs that damn big,” she mused. Josh’s text was a simple:

`Hope you slept well`

She smiled. He really was very sweet.

She stretched, a good, long one, that made her shake a bit and crack her back. Her hands shook just enough to drop her phone, causing it to bounce and flip under her bad.

“Goddamnit,” she cursed, and knelt down beside her bed, groping into the dark under it. As she blindly felt around, her hands brushed against something cold, and hard. Metal? Perplexed, she gripped it, and pulled it out.

“A…coin?” She’d never seen it before. Never seen anything like it, actually. Minted on one side was a sharply drawn symbol. It was shaped vaguely like cross, but with many angled accents all over it. On the other side, a set of scales. It was about the same size as a half dollar, but was incredibly heavy for its size.

*Weird*, she thought, and put it on her nightstand.

She reached under the bed again, and found her phone. She hoped this wasn’t an omen for the rest of the day.

She breezed through her morning routine, showering, brushing her shoulder length blonde hair in the mirror, standing on her step stool so she could see herself. Sometimes it was a real pain being 5’1″. As she grabbed her shoulder bag, her eye caught the coin on the nightstand. It really was a very pretty coin. Weren’t found coins good luck or something? She pondered the point for a moment, shrugged, and put it in her pocket.

As she walked across the quad, she took a moment and closed her eyes, feeling the just-risen sunlight on her face.

*Alright*, she thought to herself, *maybe early classes aren’t so bad.*

It was just barely warm enough for her to get away with wearing just her belly shirt and a pair of jeans. She checked the time and hurried.

Just barely beating the clock, she found a seat near the back of her first class: World History Before 1500. It wasn’t the most stimulating class, but as most of it was memorization, she excelled at it even this early in the day. The instructor, Professor Willden, a forty-something with salt-and-pepper hair and a pair of bifocals that balanced low on his nose, cleared his throat, as he began taking role.





His voiced droned over her like gentle waves. She’d stayed up a little later than she normally did the night before, and it was catching up to her.

“Gotta stay awake,” she prodded herself, and started looking for something to fidget with.

The pen she’d grabbed for noted wasn’t a clicky pen, so that wouldn’t do. She’d left that stimming toy Gina got her for Christmas back in her dorm. She reached into her pocket and felt…the coin. That would do.

Slowly turning it over in her fingers, she absent-mindedly mused on its weight. She wondered what kind of material it could be made of to be that dense. She she continued to flip the coin around between her fingers, her eyes wandered around the room. She was normally fairly social, but at this time of morning, she wasn’t coherent enough for that. She’d spent nearly a semester with these same students and barely knew any of their names.


“Here, Robert.”

Her ears pricked up a bit. Anatasha? She actually showed up for once? And calling the professor by his first name. How tacky.

One of the only students she knew by name, primarily because she was never in class. Anatasha had attended a grand total of 7 class periods all semester, by Alyssa’s count. Yet, somehow, she always had one of the highest grades. A fact that she’d readily brag about to anyone who’d listen.

Alyssa was fairly certain what the reasons were, and they were hanging off the girl’s chest. Anatasha had been blessed not only with flawless dark skin and beautiful hair, but a rack that seemed to defy logic on her otherwise svelte frame. Alyssa sighed, wondering how much the overly-endowed girl had done to “improve her grades.” She narrowed her eyes at her. It wasn’t fair. Why didn’t she have to work as hard? Why did she just get blessed with a body like that? She felt the envy boil inside her for a moment, staring daggers.

That’s when she felt the heat.

The coin in her hand began radiating heat. Not so much to be painful, but definitely enough to notice. “What…?” Alyssa gawked down at it. She didn’t really have time to think about it though, as mere seconds after, she felt the heat spread to her chest. As it settled there, she felt an intense itching sensation, like a burning.

“Augh, fuck..” she whispered to herself, wincing while closing her eyes. She dropped the coin onto her desk.

“Excuse me, is there a problem back there?” Professor Willden’s voice called out sharply. Her eyes snapped open.

“Oh, uh…no, sir.” She could feel her face flush a bit. She hated this kind of attention.

“Well, please, try to keep it down during class hours, will you?” Then she noticed him do something he’d never done before. His eyes, just for a moment, flicked downwards, then back up again. As if he was…no, that couldn’t be right. He didn’t just check her out, did he?

It was at this moment Alyssa noticed the next strange thing of the day. A colossal weight tugging down her top, pulling on her shoulders. She looked down.

“Oh…my…God…” The words barely choked out in a frightened whisper.

Alyssa was staring at the biggest pair of tits she’d ever seen in person. Large, pale, fleshy globes that strained the bra she had on, resting above her desk and nearly touching it. If she’d had to take a rough guess, she was fairly certain she’d cleared an H cup. Maybe bigger? It was hard to tell from this angle.

She began to sweat, panic setting in. The top she was wearing struggled immensely to contain the mountains of flesh threatening to burst through, but still seemed like it was sized for her. Her breathing became shallow and rapid. She had no idea what to do.

Until she heard a voice near the front. Anatasha’s voice.

“Dr. Willden, could we go over the questions from last night?”

Alyssa’s gaze snapped back up to her. Anatasha? Asking about homework? Was she in a parallel universe? Was this a dream? Nothing made sense anymore! But that’s when she noticed.

Anatasha was flat as a board. Her beautiful raven hair bound up behind her in a messy pony, trailed down the back of a much, much smaller shirt than she’d been wearing only a moment ago. A shirt so small because it only had to cover up what were most likely a barely noticeable pair of AAs.

Alyssa began to tremble, doing her best to keep it together. Her head was swimming, thoughts swirling inside her head. Trying to put the pieces together.

The coin.

She stifled a gasp. Did…did the coin do this somehow?

Slowly, she rested her shaking hand on it, picking it up again.

“Breathe, Lyssa, Breathe,” she chanted to herself. Maybe this would work. It wasn’t any crazier than anything she’d just witnessed.

Clasping it in her hand tightly, she stared at Anatasha again. She focused on her chest, that flat, barely showing curve. “Come on, come on…” Alyssa whispered to herself, “Take them back…grow…”

In her hand, the coin felt hot again. She didn’t break her gaze, all her thoughts focusing on one thing: making that show-off a bimbo again.

The heat centered in her chest again, not feeling quite so uncomfortable this time, and as she focused, she saw what looked like the fabric of reality warping in real time.

It began slowly, but quickly accelerated. Small bumps formed in Anatasha’s shirt, pushing out, swelling bigger by the second. Her clothing shifted with it, turning back to the top she’d had on previously. More and more mass added to the growing breasts, until they finally began to stop, resting back to what Alyssa remembered being roughly their original size.

Catching her breath, she looked down again. Back to her modest B cups, in the same baby blue bra she’d put on this morning. She exhaled, relieved. “Thank God.”

**∾ ∾ ∾**

Roughly 50 minutes later, Alyssa sat in the quad, staring at the coin. She still couldn’t get her head around what she’d witnessed. The coin had…changed reality…somehow. Shifted Anatasha’s breasts to her, and rewritten reality around it. No one thought anything was amiss…except her. Could it really be true?

There was only one way to find out.

She looked out over the crowds of students. Some were eagerly trying to get to their next class, some were reading, some working on assignments, and some talking in little groups. Her eyes locked on to a cute couple off by themselves, sitting by one another by one of the many trees that dotted the property. Under different circumstances, she might have laughed a bit at their ridiculous size difference. The boy was probably near the 6’4″ to 6’6″ range, while his petite ginger girlfriend looked like a child next to him. She couldn’t have been any taller than Alyssa herself. What was it with the short girls always wanting giants?

She focused on the boy. Imagined herself at his height, what that might feel like. To not have to look up at everyone for once. Once again, the coin heated up in her palm, and she felt it spread through her whole body this time. A bit of intense pressure pushed her outwards, upwards. She tried to keep her focus on him, and as she did, watched him dwindle. It was a bit like watching those character creation sliders on the Sims, as his clothes resized themselves fluidly to match his new stature. Down and down he shrunk, until he was nearly eye level with his partner. Alyssa then let it go, and breathed out.

Taking a moment, she looked down at herself, and stood up.

Way up.

She immediately felt the new center of gravity from her enhanced height. She was freakishly tall! Again, her clothes had reshaped to fit her, most likely being custom sized at this point. She was a giant! She goggled to herself, seeing over the heads of her peers. She suddenly remembered, and looked back at the boy whose gangly body she’d stolen. He looked to be about her height previously, maybe a bit taller, and sitting next to his nearly-evenly sized girlfriend. She looked a little more closely. Their body language had changed. They weren’t entwined as lovers anymore under the tree, they were seated a platonic few inches apart. He was shifting nervously next to her while she read. Did reality change that much?

*Damn, I guess she really only cared about the height.*

She felt a pang of guilt ruining a relationship like that. While this was fun, she should probably return things to the way they were. She took a deep breath, and stared at the boy again, clutching the coin. Willing him taller.

Again, she felt the now familiar heat, and her vantage point began to lower once more. As she stared, the tony boy began growing again. Slowly at first, but rapidly accelerating. It was only a few moments before he’d return to his previous height. They were cuddled up once more.

“Jesus, the implications…” she said aloud, “I can’t believe things shifted that much. This is…a lot.”

Just then, her phone dinged. Crashing back down to reality, she pulled it out of her back pocket and unlocked it. Another snap from Kylie. This one featured a horribly grainy zoomed-in picture of Alyssa herself, taken from behind her a good distance away. The caption read “I seeee yooooouuu. lol” Alyssa smiled softly. What a goofball. She got up and headed toward her waving friend on the other side of the grass.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

“Being a creep, huh?” Alyssa joked.

“Oh come on, you seemed like you were in your own little world over there, I couldn’t resist. My class got cancelled, you want to hang out here for a bit?”

“Yeah, sure,” Alyssa replied, trying desperately not to let her mind drift too much to the coin in her pocket. She couldn’t let this get out, it was too much. She was barely getting her head around it herself.

The two wandered to one of the stone tables near the center, and set their bags down.

Alyssa tried to grasp at topics of conversation. Something. Anything.

“Uhhh, so that top you showed me was cute,” she started weakly.

Kylie cocked her head with a real “Are you fucking kidding me” look. “Yeah, it would have been, if I didn’t have these fucking planets here,” she gestured to her abundant chest.

“I still think it looked cute,” Alyssa half-heartedly responded, when suddenly her mind snapped to attention again. Maybe she could help, after all.

Kylie hefted her huge tits in her hands, sighing, “Not as long as I’ve got these things. They ruin every cute top I want. It’s really unfair.”

“Not for long,” Alyssa said to herself.

She casually reached into her pocket, feeling the coin. Contact.

“You know I really did look into getting a reduction…but there’s so many hoops you have to jump through…”

Kylie’s voice trailed off, Alyssa was too busy focusing. Willing her friend’s enormous, problematic boobs to shrink down. Become a much more manageable size. The heat built up in the coin, tightening around her chest again, as she watched reality warp and twist before her. As Kylie continued to talk, her massive, wobbling breasts moving less and less as she did. Alyssa could only imagine how much weight she was losing in the process. She suddenly broke eye contact, letting go of the coin as well. She didn’t want to take too much, after all her friend should still have something nicely sized there. She breathed in, slowly getting her senses back to the present conversation. Kylie’s voice trailed back in to focus for her.

“…but I’m sure you’ve done your fair share of looking into it, huh?” Kylie smiled, stretching her back a bit, her proud, firm C cups curving out her shirt nicely, no longer threatening to tear her clothes asunder.

“I’m sorry, what?” Alyssa had completely lost the direction of the conversation with her focusing.

Kylie rolled her eyes. “Reduction? Y’know? For those giganto-bazongos?” she gestured to Alyssa’s chest.

She looked down at her recently altered body for the first time, her eyes going wide.

“Okay, maybe I took a bit too much…” she said in her head.

Her tits were massive. Every bit as big as Kylie’s had been, burgeoning the straps of the now severely beefed-up bra she was wearing. She thought she’d stopped the process earlier than this, but it seems she’d taken enough from Kylie to add on to her previous B cups, making her about the same size as Kylie was before. Perhaps this was a more delicate procedure than she’d thought.

“Oh, uh…yeah. I dunno, I kind of like them,” she returned unsure of herself.

“I’m sure you get lots of attention,” Kylie replied pointedly, “Especially from Josh.” She stressed his name, giving a little eyebrow wiggle to go along with it. Kylie’s brown bangs parted from a breeze as if to accentuate the point.

“Oh, shut up. He’s sweet.” She hadn’t thought about him at all since this whole mess started. How would her new body have changed their friendship? Hopefully not at all.

“Pretty sure he’d kill a man to get a shot at those things,” she cackled.

Alyssa brushed her off, “Yeah, well he wouldn’t make a move even if that were true.”

Kylie shrugged, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Alyssa adjusted her bra strap. God, these things were heavy. It wasn’t even 11:00 yet. What else would this day bring?

**∾ ∾ ∾**

Alyssa stretched her back with her hands for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

*How the fuck did Kylie stand having these things? I feel like my back is going to break!*

She looked into the bathroom mirror, getting a good long look at her body. They looked ridiculous on her tiny frame, bulging out the conservative shirt she was wearing. It was roughly the same color and pattern as her original shirt, just designed for someone trying to seem more modest with such an enormous set of boobs. She sighed. Taking a quick look under the stall doors, and determining she was alone, she quickly pulled her shirt up over the prodigious flesh that now hung from her. She noticed the bra she was wearing was a front clasp, which was interesting.

“I guess it’s easier to get to than all those hooks in the back for a size like this,” she said aloud.

With mounting curiosity, she popped open the front, unleashing her massive mammaries from their underwired prison.

“Fuck…” she whispered, genuinely impressed with them.

They sagged a bit from their weight, but not nearly as much as she thought they might. Pale, even skin covered them apart from the very bottoms underneath her nipples, which showed the faintest hint of a few blue veins. Her nipples themselves had grown immensely. She used to have what she jokingly referred to as “glasscutters,” small, hard nipples that looked as though they might hurt if touched the wrong way. Not anymore. What capped her enormous rack was a pair of huge, pink areola, with a set of fat nubs bigger than a pencil eraser. She bounced a little, watching them jiggle and sway.

“Damn, I’m stacked…” she said with a grin.

As fun as they were, though, she knew she couldn’t keep them. She’d only had them an hour or so, from her perspective, and she’d already ran the damn things into half a dozen students. Plus her back was already aching. While she idly hefted her fat tits, an idea struck her. “Of course!” she exclaimed, and quickly pulled out her phone. She was going to help two friends today.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

“So, you texted me just to give me the book I asked to borrow, huh? No other reason?” Gina’s green eyes peered at Alyssa suspiciously, sizing her up. She had sharp features that complimented her petite figure quite well. Alyssa never understood why she was always so down on herself, she was so pretty. The dark hair and green eyes combo was such an intense look, she always slightly envied her friend, but mostly wished she’d love herself more.

“Yup. I promise,” Alyssa lied, “Though…maybe I also just wanted to see you.” She stuck her tongue out, trying to act like the boat anchors stuffed in her shirt had always been there, and weren’t stolen from Kylie’s body a mere 70-some minutes ago.

Gina’s face warmed, “Awww, c’mere,” and she reached over to give Alyssa an awkward side-hug. A behavior clearly necessary in this version of reality, where her tits would certainly get in the way otherwise.

“So how was class?” Alyssa started, wanting to derail Gina’s focus for a moment. She reached into her pocket, fingering the coin.

“Oh, y’know, ruthless. Early morning labs are brutal. Even when it’s a simple titration, I feel like I’ve got a gun to my head.”

Alyssa breathed in, then out. Focusing. Willing the transfer. The heat was more tolerable to her now, she was adjusting quickly. After a few moments, she saw the tell-tale bulges in Gina’s shirt. Gina was beginning to grow some nice, heavy tits. The swelling sped up, pushing and stretching, the hints of thicker, longer nipples showing themselves beneath the fabric. She was progressing wonderfully as she talked.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Alyssa decided, halting the process.

When her focus came back to her, Gina’s trail of conversation hadn’t stopped, but now, as she moved her body, a very respectable set of full breasts wobbled along with her.

Gina’s hair was different as well. Longer, with braids now. That was an interesting change. Alyssa wondered if the increased confidence of her chest had made her more ready to express her femininity. Keeping track of changes was getting complicated.

Alyssa quickly glanced down to her own body, assessing she’d gone back down to a much more manageable and reasonable C cup, more or less. She could live with this. Full, but not over the top.

She nodded and smiled along with her friend, seeing the slight changes in her personality. It was evident there was more confidence, she was more bubbly, thriving. It made Alyssa feel genuinely good. She’d helped her closest friends today.

“Alright, well thanks for the book!” Gina leaned over and gave Alyssa a quick hug, then walked down the hallway leading out of the building. “I’ll see you Saturday!” she yelled as she left.

Alyssa suddenly went stone-faced. Right. Saturday. They were all going to that massive greek party, she’d forgotten. Today had been a little more than she’d been expecting, plans for two days in the future seemed too far away to care about right now. Sha glanced at her phone, checking the time. A little after noon. She suddenly realized she hadn’t eaten yet today, and as if on cue, her stomach twisted uncomfortably. She really needed some lunch. Hopefully the on-campus food court wasn’t too crowded.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

“A double cheeseburger, and can I get a cup of cheese with those fries please?” Stress had definitely made her a little more hungry than normal. Some comfort junk food just sounded so good. The boy behind the counter handed her the meal, and waved her off. It smelled great. As she sat down in one of the corner tables to devour her lunch, her eyes scanned the area. There were a lot of people here, it was peak lunch time after all.

*So many possibilities…* she caught herself thinking.

As she took the first bite of her burger, she looked through the crowd, her eyes settling on the bodies of her peers. Looking at them as potential sources of fun. She spotted a group of friends, all gathered around a slightly-too-small table. She noted one girl in particular, sitting with her back to her. She had a head full of curly, dark hair that went halfway down her back, and Alyssa noticed her pants didn’t quite fit her. The top of her crack was just barely exposed above her waistband, unable to completely cover the big, bubbly globes of her butt. She was clearly gifted with what some might say was, an absolute dump truck of an ass. Alyssa smirked as her mental gears turned.

Once again, she reached into her pocket, grasping the coin in her fingertips. Focusing her stare onto the girl, she willed another transfer. She felt the heat radiate out, this time focusing through her legs, then bum. She focused her breathing, keeping her attention on the plump, round buttocks of the unsuspecting student. Almost immediately, she began to see the changes take effect. She seemed to be “shrinking,” but really it was just the large padding of her ass disappearing beneath her. Her prominent crack retracted into her pants, as her huge backside deflated. At the same time, Alyssa noticed that she was sitting a little higher on her seat. After a few more seconds, she broke her concentration, and breathed out slowly.

She appraised her most recent target, determining she was positively flat back there now. “Chairs might be a little less comfortable by default, now,” she chuckled to herself. She took another bite of her food, and stood up, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. She immediately felt the weight of her own ass, counter balancing her backward. She couldn’t wait to look at it properly.

She maneuvered to the bathroom, just outside the food court, and ducked inside. She turned the corner to the mirror, then spun around to take a full look at herself. She felt like her face was going to split from the size of her grin, as it crept across her face.”GodDAMN,” she said, and did the only thing she’d wanted to do if she ever managed to get a butt. She slapped it, hard. Even within the confines of her now painted-on jeans, her newly enlarged cheeks wobbled and rippled from the sharp contact with her hand. Alyssa was now the proud owner of a huge, fat, round ass. It threatened to split the seam of her pants any second. She bounced on her heels a little bit, making it clap and jiggle. This ass belonged in porn.

Absolutely giddy with herself, she strutted back out onto the food court, feeling the heavy swing of her hips, compensating for the sheer weight of her thick, meaty backside. She loved it. She had a brief thought as she caught the eyes lingering on her form as she walked by, *Keep dreaming, I’ll bet you don’t have enough dick to get past all this.*

She came back to her table, sat down, feeling her plush seat cushion of a butt underneath her, and continued eating. She knew she was keeping this. Sitting in her literature class, Alyssa couldn’t stop smiling. She could practically feel every pair of eyes on her massive rear end everywhere she went. The feeling was intoxicating. The way her pants hugged her, the way she could feel her underwear getting completely devoured by her cheeks, it was all too much. She could never go back. In fact…Her eyes scanned the room again. Just the shadow of what she was thinking of began to make her tingle, and she could feel herself getting the slightest bit damp. Did she dare?

It only took a few moments to pick her winner. Far off to the left, back by the other door to the classroom, a chubby blonde with an undercut and dramatic winged eyeliner. Alyssa scanned her up and down, noticing she was a bit thick just about everywhere, but maybe should wouldn’t miss just a little of it? Alyssa grinned wickedly, and touched the coin again. It was becoming second nature to draw the power out and initiate the process. Again, existence twisted and the girl began to sink lower in her seat, just a bit. She gripped the coin firmly, and counted to five. Releasing it immediately after. The heat and slight pain were beginning to feel…good. She didn’t have to look yet, she knew she’d grown plenty.

She could feel the sides of her chair pressing into the middles of her huge buttocks. Her ass had outgrown the chair. She couldn’t wait anymore, she had to look. She quickly, and as quietly as she could, moved out of her seat, and dashed out the door. Her balance was much more strongly affected this time, the immense weight pulling behind her, causing her to nearly lose her balance twice before finally stumbling in to the nearest bathroom. She laughed a little at herself, realizing she’d spent an awful lot of time in bathrooms today.

Gazing in the mirror and turning around, her jaw hit the floor as she drank in the sight before her. If her ass was described as “huge” before, now it could only be described as “titanic.” Just from estimating with her eyes, her enormous badonk stuck out fat and round at nearly five times what it had been this morning. She was, by weight, more ass than woman. Interestingly enough, her clothes had changed as well. She figured wearing denim with a massive dump truck like this would be nearly impossible, and thus, she was instead wearing a skin tight pair of yoga pants. They gripped her planet-sized buns so closely, she figured one could see if she had a mole. She bent over, and throwing a little of her back into it, made it clap. A resounding, meaty sound filled the bathroom as she did it. God, there was just so much. She was so enraptured by her body, she almost didn’t notice the text lighting up her phone. She reached over to the sink where she’d set it, and quickly read through it. It was single text from Gina.

`hey…can we talk?`

**∾ ∾ ∾**

Gina’s eyes were red and swollen, her nose congested from crying. Alyssa’s hand was on her shoulder, rubbing her slowly.

“I just…I don’t get why she’d do it over text…” Gina sputtered out, “Here, read it.”

The text itself was quite lengthy, but the gist of it was pretty singular in its point. Christina had definitely dumped Gina over text. After nearly a year.

“That’s so cruel,” Alyssa declared, miffed at the whole situation. Deep down, she was glad her messing with Gina’s body hadn’t altered her relationship, but for it to end like this, she almost wished it had.

“Is there s-something wrong with me?” Gina started to melt again. Alyssa held her closer.

“No, no of course not. She pulled the bad move here, not you.” A plan was already forming in her head, and she’d need the rest of the day to do it. Today was so bizarre by this point anyway, why not embrace the insanity at this point? She given herself a several cup, dozens-of-inches TnA upgrade in the span of a few hours, what was one more thing?

“You’re going to be okay, love. I promise,” Alyssa said comfortingly, holding her friend close. She needed to get to work.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/swa9tc/ffmftg_shifting_the_balance

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  1. Alyssa checked her phone. She had missed her last class of the day nearly an hour ago. No matter. She was a strong student normally, she’d be able to explain a single absence. Besides, the work she’d been doing was much more important. She knew for a fact, from the text she’d sent Gina, that Christina was going to be at Gina’s dorm to pick up a few of her things at about 5:30pm, and she knew she had to be ready for her. It had taken hours, and carefully picking targets all day, but she’d done it. She’d accumulated the revenge she was going to give on behalf of her best friend, even if no one but her would ever know it so. She just wished it wasn’t so uncomfortable being the vessel for this “punishment” she’d pulled together. She shifted uncomfortably in the hallway outside Gina’s dorm. This felt awful.

    Christina deserved it.

    She checked her phone again. 5:34, and Christina rounded the corner from the common area down the hallway. This was it.

    Christina was an absolute bean pole. Around 5’5″, and probably weighing less than 120lbs, her clothes always pooled around her. She had a wild, rainbow dye job sitting atop the most piercing grey eyes Alyssa had ever seen. Though she never considered herself truly bisexual, she could definitely see the appeal.

    Alyssa stopped for a second. That was a new thought. She’d have to address that later. For now, stay focused. Damn, she was so uncomfortable. She couldn’t wait to unload this so she wouldn’t have to feel it anymore.

    “Hey Chrissy,” Alyssa called out, a nickname she knew Christina hated.

    “H-hey…” she responded, uneasily.

    “Don’t worry,” Alyssa put her hands up, “I’m not here to ‘get involved,’ I’m a neutral party. I just borrowed something from Gina and she told me it was cool to pick it up while you were here, that’s all.”

    Christina’s face twisted a bit, not sure whether she was buying it, but soon settled into a tenuous acceptance.

    “Oh, yeah. Sure. That’s fine, sorry.”

    She opened the door, and Alyssa walked in first. As she did, she caught Christina’s eyes following her in. She flushed a little at that, but quickly shook it off. As they entered, Christina closed the door behind her, and turned around, something obviously on her mind.

    “Hey, um, maybe it’s a good thing you’re here. Listen, about this thing with Gina…” her voice trailed off for a second.

    *Just get the fuck on with it, already*, Alyssa screamed inside her head. She wasn’t sure how much more of this unpleasant feeling she could take, it was driving her crazy.

    “The…real reason I had to end it is because…” she bit her lip, “I…I want you!”

    Alyssa nearly fell on her enormous butt right there. “*Excuse* me?”

    Christina started babbling, “I can’t help it! Every time I see you, since I first met you, I just can’t get you out of my head! I thought I could push it away, but I just…”

    And with that, she quickly pulled Alyssa into a very intense, intimate kiss, her hand reaching down to the shelf of ass behind her, giving a rough squeeze.

    Alyssa broke the kiss and pulled away. Christina quickly followed up, “Come on, I mean…look at your body! How can Gina compete with an ass like that?”

    Alyssa’s head swirled. She shifted from shock, to slight arousal, then dove deep into rage. Because of her? Her ass?! Her *ass*?! That *ended a relationship*?

    Christina tried to fill the silence. “I don’t even mind about your whole, you know, situation, down there…I kind of think it’s pretty ho-”

    “STOP!” Alyssa barked, “You’re telling me you dated my best friend for almost a year, knowing you were attracted to me, then only dumped her when you felt like you couldn’t bother with her anymore because her ass is too small?” Her eyes were alight, seething with rage.

    “Well when you put it like that, I mean…”

    “No. Enough.” Alyssa reached into her pocket, angrily grabbing the coin, and focused. Focused hard. For her friend. For her body. For everything. She was livid, and this punishment was necessary. The transfer had begun.

    Reality bent and twisted, as the magic worked with increasing speed. Christina’s loose pants began to fill in an odd way. It was a small thing at first, looking like a pad of fat on her front. Some might have even called it a fupa, but as time went on it kept expanding. Growing larger and larger, it looked like she was putting on a considerable amount of weight, but only in a specific region: her pubis mons.

    Alyssa didn’t let up. She kept her breathing under control as she held it together, keeping the transfer going. Bigger and bigger it swelled on Christina’s formerly flat body. A fat, swollen pubic mound bulged her otherwise loose cargo pants, and even through the thick material, a clearly defined camel toe emerged, growing larger by the second. Bigger, fatter, more noticeable the entire vulva grew. Her clit and labia expanding to absolutely cartoonish proportions. Alyssa felt that the end was near, only a few more seconds. Then, she released it. It was done.

    Christina, still in the same clothes surprisingly, stood before her with the biggest, fattest, most prominent pussy most likely in existence. Alyssa had spent all afternoon looking for the biggest cunts, and she’d stolen them all. Compiled them. Added them together in what could only be described as a horse pussy. A brooding mare’s hole with an engorged clit and massive lips to match. So huge, nothing could hide it.

    “It’s really not-” Christina attempted to continue, but Alyssa cut her off.

    “You think you could just jump ship to a better body, you bitch? Like I’d ever want you anyway. That disgusting horse cunt you’ve got is embarrassing, Chrissy. I don’t know how Gina put up with it. You should have counted yourself lucky.”

    Christina seemed physically taken aback, the tell-tale signs of tears in her eyes, “I-I try to hide it, it’s just so…”

    Alyssa once again cut her off, “Huge. Yeah. We know. *Everyone* knows how massive your freakish pussy is.”

    Sniffling audibly now, Christina threw open the door, stumbling out, “I’ll…I’ll just get my things l-later.”

    And with that, Alyssa was alone in her best friend’s dorm. She was glad to not be burdened with that thing anymore. She chuckled a little to herself imagining Christina trying to run with it in her pants. She knew first hand how awful it felt just to walk or sit down. Running had to feel terrible. Served her right. She shifted her weight a little, feeling her “new” pussy. Christina’s pussy? This was getting confusing.

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