Domestic Discipline. Part 1. [M/F] [BDSM] [Fdom] [Spanking]

Domestic Discipline.

A Journey of Male Submission.

“I want your pants around your ankles as soon as you get home.”

A loud bang rang out through the office as William dropped his fork onto his desk, completely shocked by the text that his wife had just sent him. He quickly glanced around, making sure that no one could read his phone, finding everyone else in the office engrossed in their own business.

Electricity ran through his body as he read the message again, simultaneously excited and terrified, as he quickly replied.

“Why? What did I do?”

Within seconds his phone lit up again. Jen simply sent a picture of his dirty coffee cup, sitting in the sink. He was in a rush this morning and forgot to wash it before leaving, and that was enough for Jen to instigate a punishment.

They had been together for more than six years, but in the last two weeks, their dynamic had changed completely. It only took one incident, a seemingly innocent event, that had changed their relationship forever.

They had been invited to a picnic, a friend’s birthday on a beautiful sunny afternoon. There was a good group of people, great food and plenty of drinks. William had just finished his beer and was standing up to retrieve a fresh one when he lost his balance. He tried to control his stumble but ultimately made it worse, falling facedown over Jen’s lap.

He could hear the party laughing as he scrambled to try and get back to his feet, Jen included. Then, out of nowhere, a flash of pain shot across his ass cheeks. Jen jokingly spanked him as he squirmed in her lap, much to the laughter of everyone at the party.

William got to his feet as fast as possible, brushing off the laughter while trying to hide how red his face had become. He was embarrassed that he had fallen, and that Jen had slapped his ass. However, his biggest humiliation was how turned on he was by the situation.

He’d never felt anything quite like it, it didn’t even hurt that much, but there was something about being put in that situation by the woman that he loved that made his stomach flutter. It only lasted a few seconds, but he felt so helpless in that moment, and Jen seemed so powerful.

William hadn’t planned on mentioning it to Jen, he wasn’t even sure what he would say to her, but it was Jen that brought it up.

“You’re acting weird.” She said.

“I am?”

“Ever since you fell down at the picnic, you’re not upset that people laughed at you, are you?” Jen asked, stroking his back.

“No, it’s nothing, I’m fine.” William replied, trying to shut the conversation down.

“Will, I’m not an idiot, tell me why you’re acting so weird.”

William looked at the woman that he loved so dearly. He knew he could trust her, but the words were still hard to get out.

“It’s…the…when you….” William swung his hand through the air, miming a spank. Trying to get the message across while his mouth refused to process words.

“When I spanked you? Oh, Will, I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would embarrass you so much.”

William shook his head, looking back at her, his heart beating quickly in his chest.

“No, it’s not that.” He mumbled.

“Then what?”

“It turned me on, Jen!” William blurted out.

Jen took a step back, her mouth slightly open, processing what she’d just learned.

“Really?” She said grinning, “That’s new, you want to be spanked?”

“I don’t know, it’s probably just a silly thing, let’s forget about it.” William said, trying to back out of the conversation.

“No, I’m open to trying it.” Jen said, grabbing his hand.

“Really?” William asked, nervously.

Jen didn’t reply, she just pulled him across the room, took a seat on the couch and gently patted her lap.

“Come on then, over my lap.” She said, a huge smile spreading across her face.

William returned her smile, his face blushing a bright red as he contemplated what was about to happen. He slowly leaned down, placing his weight across Jen’s thighs, the tops of his feet rubbing across the carpet.

“Okay, tell me if it hurts too much. Or not enough.” Jen said, giggling.

William nodded his head, too embarrassed by the situation to respond with words. He felt Jen shift her weight as she lifted her hand into the air, hesitating slightly before bringing it down on his right cheek. William winced as her hand stuck him, rocking forward with the force of it. It felt similar to the spanks that Jen had given him at the park, not much in terms of pain, but plenty in terms of feeling submissive.

“Did that hurt?” Jen asked, bringing her hand down on the opposite cheek.

“No, it doesn’t hurt, but it feels…naughty?” William replied.

“Well, let’s get these pants off then.” Jen replied.

She didn’t give William a chance to say no, she simply reached underneath him and unclasped his belt, then pulled his pants down, exposing his underwear. William was still in shock that she had moved so quickly, that he was taken by surprise when the next spank came crashing down.

William’s head reared back, the pain spreading across his cheek quickly. His underwear still dampened the impact of Jen’s hand, but he could definitely feel the difference without his pants on.

“Too much?” Jen asked.

William shook his head, too humiliated to talk.

Jen’s weight shifted again as she raised her hand, bringing it down on the other cheek. The sting of her impact rippling across William’s backside as his pale cheek wobbled in the aftershock. Jen quickly spanked the other cheek, just as firmly, then back again, settling into a fast-paced rhythm. William closed his eyes as his body rocked backward and forward with each impact. He could feel a warmth in his face, embarrassment setting in fast, but he could also feel a warmth on his backside. Each blow raising the temperature a little higher.

Jen suddenly stopped, breathing heavy from above him. He had lost count of how many spanks he had received, but it was enough to make Jen out of breath.

“Are you ok?” She asked gently.

William nodded again, worried that his voice would somehow sound different if he spoke.

“Good, this is more fun than I thought.” Jen said, her hand digging into the elastic band of William’s underwear.

Jen gave one swift tug on the fabric and pulled his underwear down below his ass, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

“Wow.” Jen said, running her hand gently across his warm cheeks. “You’ve gone very red, should I continue?”

Once again, William nodded his head, trying to play down just how eager he was to feel her hand against his bare ass.

Jen rubbed his cheeks for a few more moments before lifting her hand and spanking him with a great deal of force.

William lifted his head again, groaning loudly. The pain was far sharper without the protection of his underwear. Instead of warming his cheeks, this spank lit a fire under the skin, spreading outward from the impact site.

Jen returned to the other cheek and spanked it just as hard, giggling quietly as she settled back into her rhythm. A smile forced its way through William’s grimaced lips, hearing her enjoy herself had always made him happy.

The next spank wiped the smile off his face, Jen had increased her ferocity, spanking him harder with each blow. William’s eyes scrunched shut, his teeth clenched hard, his mind trying to deal with the pain. He then felt something that he hadn’t expected to feel, his cock becoming hard.

He wasn’t sure if it was the intimacy of the scenario or the power dynamic that was involved, or even the pain that he was experiencing. Whatever it was, it was making his cock rock-hard as it rubbed on the inside of Jen’s thigh.

Jen must have felt it too, because she reached down and grabbed hold of his hard shaft, squeezing it firmly as she landed a few last spanks across his ass.

“Jesus, your cock feels huge.” She said, slightly out of breath. “Lie on the couch, right now.”

Jen pushed William off her lap, letting him scramble as he tried to remove his pants. Eventually he got them off and laid down on the couch, turning to find Jen already completely naked. Her nipples were hard, clearly aroused by what had just been happening, her chest rising and falling with the pace of her breathing.

She moved without hesitation, climbing on top of William and quicky taking the length of his cock into her soaking wet pussy.

“That’s better.” She groaned as she slid down his shaft.

Jen leaned forward as she started to ride William’s cock, purposely directing a nipple into his mouth as she did so. William sucked eagerly at it while he grabbed a handful of her other breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers. He lifted his hips to try and get a better position for thrusting, but Jen pushed all her weight onto his groin, forcing his sore ass cheeks against the couch.

“I’m doing the fucking, not you.” She growled.

Jen sat up straight, scratching her nails down William’s chest as she took his cock as deep as possible into her pussy, grinding her clit against his pubic bone. He watched her gyrate on his cock, her breasts gently bouncing as she moved, completely in awe of the woman he loved.

William didn’t know if it was the pain on his ass, the view, or the wet pussy surrounding his cock, but he felt his balls tighten up, preparing to come.

“Jen, I’m going to come.” He stuttered, trying to warn her, but it was too late at that point.

His body started convulsing as his cock pulsed deep inside Jen, filling her pussy with a massive load of cum.

They both sat still for a few moments, basking in the raw passion in the room before Jen climbed off of him.

“Holy shit, that was so hot!” Jen yelled, as she sat on the couch, not caring about the load of cum leaking from her pussy.

“You liked it?” William asked.

Jen shot him her biggest grin; she didn’t need to say anything. William could see how much she had enjoyed herself.

That was two weeks ago, since then they had fooled around a bit, researching their newfound kink. Jen quickly decided that she enjoyed being dominant, something that she had never expected. William discovered that he loved submitting, and that he enjoyed the pain of spankings more than he could ever have imagined.

William packed up his belongings and headed for the door, no one would notice that he left work an hour early. He climbed in his car and began his journey home, his cock growing firm in his pants whenever he thought about what Jen might have planned for him when he arrived home.

He had seen her looking at dominatrix porn, telling him that she was doing research, but as he pulled into the driveway, he still didn’t know what to expect.

William’s hand was shaking as he turned the key to the front door; he pushed it open entered the house, gasping quietly as he turned into the lounge room. In the middle of the room, in place of their coffee table, sat a vinyl massage table.

“I thought I told you to have your pants around your ankles.” Jen said from behind him.

William spun around, his mouth opening wide as he saw what she was wearing. Black thigh high boots covered her long legs, black lace panties sat above them, elaborate patterns woven into the fabric. Shiny black gloves covered her hands, rising past her elbows, coming to an end halfway up her bicep. Her perky bare breasts jiggled as she confidently strode towards him, her hand reaching out and gripping the hair at the back of his head.

William looked deep into her eyes as she tugged at a tuft of his hair. They pierced into him, a burning desire and confidence bubbling away behind them.

“I went shopping.” Jen said, a grin spreading across her face. “What do you think?”

“You look amazing.” William said, the words falling out of his mouth.

“Damn right I do,” Jen said letting go of his hair and walking to the newly erected massage table. “Now, to decide your punishment.”

“Punishment?” William replied.

“I told you to have your pants around your ankles. You don’t get to disobey your mistress and walk away unscathed.” Jen said patting the massage table with the gloved hand. “Pants all the way off, climb on the table.”

William didn’t need to be told twice, he unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants to his ankles, kicked off his shoes, and moved towards the table. He climbed on top and laid face down on the vinyl, his face fitting into the neat hole at the opposite end.

“Oh, honey, no. On your hands and knees.” Jen said patronizingly.

William pulled his face out of the hole and pushed his ass into the air, taking position on all fours, his cock already growing hard in his underwear.

“I’ve been doing a lot of research into this whole dominatrix thing.” Jen said, moving in front of him and removing her right glove. “Open your mouth.”

William opened his mouth as Jen placed the glove between his lips.

“Now, if you need me to stop, you drop the glove. Understand?”

William nodded his head quickly, extremely keen to see what she had planned.

Jen moved behind him and gently patted his ass through his underwear before reaching between his legs and feeling his hard cock.

“Already hard?” She said giggling.

Jen moved her hand down and took hold of his balls, gently squeezing them.

“You stay hard for your mistress or there will be trouble.” She said firmly, gently tapping on his balls.

William tensed up as she made contact with them, the whole scenario making his heart beat loudly in his chest.

Her hand moved back to his cheeks, rubbing circles around them gently, then lifting away and spanking him firmly. William bit down on the glove in his mouth as the first few blows landed, before he became accustomed to the sensation. He immediately felt the warmth in his cheeks as she alternated spanking each side, growing firmer as she went, then stopping and rubbing them again.

“That was your warmup, now to the main event.” She said.

Jen’s fingers slipped inside the elastic of his underwear and quickly pulled them down to his knees. His bare ass was pointing towards her, red patches beginning to form across the middle of them. Every time he was in this position, he felt completely powerless, totally vulnerable. It was still a new sensation, but one that he was fast getting used to and learning to enjoy.

“Remember, drop the glove if you need a break.” Jen reinforced.

William nodded enthusiastically, wondering if the session was really going to be that much of a step above what they had already been doing. His eyes scrunched shut as a sharp sting across his cheek broke his train of thought. Jen landed the first of many spanks on his left cheek, before winding up and spanking the right side.

His flesh wobbled, pain radiating up his back as she lined him up again and settled into the rhythmic pattern that they had both become used to. William felt his cock twitching underneath him, pressing against his stomach. Jen’s outfit would have been enough to make him hard, but with the spanking alongside her demeanor, William didn’t think he would have a problem staying hard for her.

Jen’s hand landed against his reddening flesh and grabbed his cheek, squeezing it firmly.

“I love this ass; I can’t believe I never spanked it before now.” She said, panting gently.

William smiled, her glove still pressed between his lips, as a new wave of strikes rained down on him. These were faster, sharper spanks, Jen’s hand lifting and dropping each cheek with every blow. William bit down hard on the glove, his body rocking back and forth, his mind processing the pain and trying to turn it into pleasure before the next spank landed.

The room was a cacophony of his groans, Jen’s panting, and the sound of slapping skin. Loud enough that he was thankful they didn’t live in an apartment. What would the neighbors think if they knew that he was bent over being punished by his budding dominatrix wife?

All of a sudden, the warmth in his cheeks became a raging fire, burning hotter with every spank. He turned his head, trying to give Jen an indication that he was getting close to his threshold. He watched her for a moment, eyes wide, grin plastered across her face as she landed blows down upon him. Her breasts rocked back and forth, hard nipples standing to attention. She was enjoying herself so much that she didn’t even notice William watching her.

The pain subsided for a moment, replaced by pure pleasure. In that moment he was serving his mistress, pleasing her by submitting to her.

He was deeply, madly in love with the woman spanking him ferociously.

Jen sensed him watching her and made eye contact with him, smiling even wider, before preceding to lift her hand higher again, spanking him even harder.

William faced forward again, the burning in his cheeks returning with a vengeance. These new spanks landed slower but much harder, rocking his body forward with every blow. William started counting each spank, knowing that he was getting close to dropping the glove. He wanted to take at least twenty, he thought that giving himself a goal would make them easier to process but if anything, it made it worse. He only made it to twelve when the pain radiating through his body forced him to open his mouth and drop the glove, groaning loudly as he did so.

Jen, true to her word, immediately stopped spanking his ass, which was now a deep shade of red.

“Jesus, you did so well!” She exclaimed. “My hand actually hurts; I can’t imagine how your ass feels.”

Jen gently rubbed his cheeks, attempting to soothe his pain, but only called attention to the burning heat radiating from them. He could hear her gently humming as she caressed him, admiring her handywork.

“I can’t believe how much you can take.” She said, giggling through her words. “Your ass is so red. It’s so fucking hot!”

Jen bent down and gently kissed the impact site on his cheek, tenderly attempting to heal the damage that she had dealt out. Her gloved hand dropped between his legs again, stroking the length of his shaft, teasing him as her kisses made their way across his cheek.

“Want me to show you what else I’ve learned?” Jen playfully asked.

William nodded his head, he wasn’t sure he could take anymore spanking, his cheeks feeling raw already, but was definitely eager to keep playing in other ways. Jen retrieved her other glove, slowly pulling it over her hand and arm, before moving to the foot of the massage table.

“Shuffle down.” She commanded.

William did as she instructed, his red ass wiggling as he moved towards her, until his feet hung over the edge of the table, his ass poking directly at her.

“No glove this time, you’ll just have to tell me to stop. Though from what I’ve read, you won’t want me to.” Jen said in a sultry voice.

William didn’t know what to expect when his sore cheeks were suddenly pulled apart, his asshole stretched, completely exposed.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve never really seen your asshole.” Jen said. “It’s very nice.”

William’s face blushed instantly; he could feel Jen’s breath on his asshole as she spoke. He had never felt so exposed before, he had to fight the voice in his head telling him that he should move and cover himself.

That was until he felt Jen’s lips kiss him directly on the asshole. His head reared upwards; the sensation completely new to him.

“Jen?” He said timidly.

“Shh. Just enjoy it.” Jen replied, her breath hot against his hole.

William dropped his head again, trying to push the voice out of his head and just accept that Jen was in charge. She gently kissed him, over and over, her soft lips pecking away at his sensitive hole while her right hand slipped away from his cheek, returning to his shaft.

The sensation of being kissed on the asshole and having his cock gently stroked made William moan loudly, as he finally let go of his inhibitions and enjoyed the feeling.

Jen wrapped her hand around his cock and began slowly jerking him off, pulling his cock down until it pointed directly at the table below him. She then slowly opened her mouth and extended her tongue, flicking it across his asshole.

“Fuck.” William groaned.

Jen flattened her tongue and pressed it against his hole, licking its entirety at once before returning to flicking it with the tip of her tongue.

William’s eyes fluttered, the pain in his cheeks fading to the background as pleasure took over his body. He wondered how he could have gone this long in his life without feeling this sensation.

Jen slowed her licking down, directly targeting the opening of his asshole, making small firm circles all around it, before forcing the tip of her tongue into the tight entrance.

“Oh my God.” He moaned; the feeling of her tongue prying open his tiny hole driving him crazy.

He would never have imagined that he’d enjoy the sensation of someone rimming him, but here he was, trying not to writhe in pleasure as his wife did so.

Jen pulled away suddenly, letting go of his cock at the same time.

“I’m going to assume by your reaction that you are enjoying yourself. Shall I continue?” She asked.

William nodded his head, his rock-hard cock aching, desperately wanting to be jerked off more. He heard something click behind him and before he could turn around to investigate the noise, he felt a cold liquid on his asshole.

Jen used her finger to gently spread lube directly on to his hole, rubbing in circles as her other hand reached for his cock again.

“This may feel strange at first, but just go with it.” She said, the confidence in her voice reassuring him.

His cock was pulled back into position, facing downwards again, as Jen slowly started sliding her hand up and down his shaft. William felt her stop making circles with her finger, letting it rest against the entrance to his asshole. He knew what she intended to do, and part of him was deeply concerned about it hurting. The rest of him was incredibly excited, hopeful that it would feel as good as her tongue, or even better.

He felt the pressure against his asshole increase as Jen gently started pushing her gloved finger inside, her other hand increasing pace on the shaft of his cock. It felt different to her tongue, not as delicate, but there wasn’t any pain so far. He felt her pull her finger out slightly, twisting it then pushing it back in, trying to overcome some sort of resistance that his anus was giving her. She pushed harder, forcing her way past it and sliding her finger in up to the second knuckle.

William’s legs quivered slightly, the feeling of having something inside his asshole confusing his body. It definitely felt different, a little bit strange, but there was a certain pressure to it that he was enjoying. His asshole involuntarily contracted, squeezing Jen’s finger, igniting every nerve ending in his tight hole.

“Holy shit.” He groaned, feeling out of control again.

Jen gently kissed one of his sore, red cheeks as her hand picked up the pace again, giving him a firm hand job. Her finger began moving inside him again, slowly moving around, until Jen found what she was looking for.

A shiver ran up William’s back as Jen pressed the tip of her finger against his prostate. His balls instantly tightened, his cock growing harder than he could ever remember it being. His legs shook even more, starting to feel like they would buckle.

“I think I found your g-spot.” Jen said, giggling from behind him.

William couldn’t talk anymore, his mind completely occupied with the pleasure that he was receiving. The pressure inside his ass grew stronger, his stomach churning with butterflies as Jen rolled her fingers across that spot. He felt his cock twitch in her hand every time she pressed firmly on it. Jen read his body language and picked up the pace even more, her hand slapping against his tight balls with every motion.

William felt Jen move her finger again, pulling out slightly before ramming it in harder, pushing her digit all the way inside him. She pressed directly against his prostate as she continued to push her finger in and out of his asshole, fucking him with her finger.

William groaned out into the room; his body not able to handle the pleasure any longer.

His balls tightened as his body started to convulse. The swelling pressure moving from inside his ass to the base of his cock, spreading through his groin as his cock began to twitch.

“I’m coming!” He yelled.

William’s back arched hard, his head pulled back as far as possible as his cock started to erupt with cum. Jen continued to finger his asshole, rubbing against his prostate as it pulsed against her finger, his hole contracting repeatedly.

William felt cum splashing against his legs as it hit the table, the force of his orgasm causing it to spray everywhere. He groaned again, a deep primal sound, as he experienced the biggest orgasm of his life. It seemed to go on for an eternity, but eventually, Jen stopped fingering him and stroking his cock.

“That was so hot!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down as much as her high heels would allow her.

William collapsed forward onto the table, his legs resting in a puddle of cum. He wanted to sleep right then and there, his mind clouded from his intense orgasm, but Jen wasn’t going to let him.

“No chance,” She said, spanking him firmly on his already red ass. “Roll over, it’s my turn.”

Jen started pushing him, forcing him to roll onto his back, then kicked of her heels and panties and climbed on to the table.

William watched as she easily threw her leg over him, mounting his face and sitting up straight. His hands slid up her smooth stockings, running over the lace that clung to the middle of her thighs. He moved his mouth, aiming for the freshly shaved pussy that was positioned over his face.

He gave her a gentle kiss, extending his tongue to lap at her clit, only for her to pull away.

“That’s not for you.” She said, repositioning herself and lowering her asshole onto William’s mouth. “You didn’t obey me this afternoon, so no pussy for you.”

William had only ever licked her asshole a few times, usually by accident, but this was permission to freely lick at it. He let his tongue explore her tight asshole, savoring the fragrance of her wet pussy as it pushed into his nose.

“That’s it, keep licking my asshole you pervert.” Jen said in a whisper.

William saw her hand move to her clit, rubbing in quick circles as he continued to rim her asshole. He tried to follow her lead and switched from licking around the outside, to targeting the entrance to her hole. He stiffened his tongue and pressed it in, feeling her tight ring give way ever so slightly.

“Fuck yes, deeper.” Jen called out, her hand moving fast, pussy juices running down William’s face.

William moved his head forward, forcing his tongue in as far as her tight asshole would allow, just beyond the very tip. Jen’s thighs stiffened and tightened around his head, shaking gently as she approached an orgasm.

She pushed her ass down on William’s face as her body began to shake, convulsing with the force of her orgasm. She rubbed furiously at her clitoris as she moaned loudly, grinding against William’s mouth, her asshole pushing his tongue out.

A few moments later she collapsed forward, her hands supporting her on the table, her body still shaking as William kissed at her asshole. They both remained still for a few minutes while they caught their breath, Jen eventually breaking the silence in the room.

“That was so much fun. Holy shit.” She said, as she lifted her leg and dismounted the table. “Did you like that?”

“God yes!” William said, wiping the excess pussy juice from his face. “So much!”

The pair kissed deeply, their tongues rolling against each other, their passion still very present even after such enormous orgasms.

“Good, because I think I quite like this dominatrix thing.” Jen said. “And I think you quite like being my little slave, don’t you?”

William nodded his head, a big smile on his face.

“Oh, honey, you’re going to have to say it.” Jen said, reaching down and grabbing his balls firmly.

“I like being your little slave.” William said, his face blushing once more.

Jen kissed him, squeezing his balls again, before letting go. She placed her feet into her bright red pair of heels and started walking away. William watched her ass jiggle from side to side with each step, his cock stirring back to life already.

“That’s good, because I bought some other toys we can play with.”



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