Red Stone Chronicles Pt.01


I hope you like it.

It all started 2 weeks ago…

See you Monday! 

“Don’t forget to bring your games on Monday, when we chill at my house” yelled Sam as he was walking away. Sam was my closest friend since high school. 2 weeks ago marked the end of our high school journey. We would both go to the same university. We were extremely excited to start a new journey in our life.

I took the car keys out of my pockets. I drove a Honda city from the year 2000, it’s not the greatest of cars, but it got the job done. I earned all of my money myself doing manual labor around the neighborhood. 

My father died in a car crash when I still was a baby. I still miss him. When my father died, my mother was all alone. Her younger sister at that time came to help her. Eventually, after a year, my aunt and mother decided to live together. I admit that is weird not having a father figure in the house but at the same time, I love both of them.

As I was about to open the door, I noticed something shiny next to the worn-out tires of my car. I crouched to get a close look. It was a strange red glowing rock. It almost looked like it was pulsating, like it was “alive”. I was hesitating to pick it up. After all, what if it was a dangerous kind of rock. Eventually, the curiosity got the best of me. I felt the warmth the rock was giving out. With my other hand, I caressed the outside of the rock. 


“Shit”, I cut myself. Blood was seeping out of my finger onto the rock. I tried to let go of the strange rock but, I could not. It was like it was glued to my hand. As I was staring at my hand, I felt a searing pain shoot throughout my entire body. It felt like I was being burnt alive. I wanted to scream, but I could not. The pain numbed my entire brain. It was sucking my red blood at an unimaginable fast rate as more and more blood pooled out of my hand. My vision started to flicker, black spots started to appear. I was losing consciousness. The last thing I saw was the glaring red light coming off the rock.


I awake with a dull pain underlying the numbness in my entire body. I am lying on the pavement next to my car. As I gaze into the sky, I notice that it’s already dark. Moonshining and illuminating the sky. 

Whilst laying on the ground I started recounting the events before my black-out. Was it even real? I remember cutting my finger on the stone! I started analyzing my hand, my hands were already scarred due to the manual labor I do some time. Upon closer inspection, there was a faint red line trailing from the top of my finger to the ends. Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all…

Suddenly I feel my phone vibrating and hear my old embarrassing ringtone playing. Whilst trying to stand up  I take my old beaten-up phone out of my pocket.

It is my mother that is calling. I notices the 10 missed calls from my mother and my aunt Emma. I click on the answer button on my broken screen.

“Where are you Mark? We have been calling you all day”. She said. I could hear the sigh of relief in her voice. She was always worried about me.

“I was at Sam’s house. We were playing some games I did not notice the calls.“ 

I was thinking about telling her what happened, but even I don’t understand what happened.

“I told you so! You are always so worried about him. Mark is already 19 years old” As I hear my aunt Emma in the background tell my mom. I feel a smile come onto my face. My aunt Emma was always like that.

“I am on my home” 

“Okay see you soon,” she said

I pull up in front of the house, we live in a moderately sized house. Before I can even open the door my aunt Emma opens it. 

“Where have you been, young man.” she said jokingly “to your secret girlfriend?”

She pulled me inside the house. “Nono I was at Sam’s”

My aunt Emma never married, she never told me why. She was a very beautiful lady at 35 years old. She stood at 5.9 and had long black hair and a voluptuous body. Back in the day that I would invite my high school friends to my home, I would notice them gawking at my mother or aunt. It always made me angry. Eventually, I never brought them to my house again. 

“Your mom is making dinner, quickly take a shower,” she said “Dinner is almost ready” Emma took hold of Mark’s arm, it felt big and strong. As she was about to get her arm off Mark’s biceps, she smelled something. “Do you smell something, Mark?”  He replied “No I don’t”

Emma started holding his biceps harder. “It smells very sweet.” Mark tried his best to smell but he didn’t notice anything. “Is it coming from me?”.  Emma turned her head around and leaned into his neck. Suddenly the smell penetrated her nose, as she made a small moan. She couldn’t resist, as a primal desire consumed her.  Without warning, she leaned into Mark. He tried to hold her steady, but couldn’t do so. Emma fell right into his chest. Mark felt his cock rise as he felt Emma’s large breasts pressing onto his chest. As he felt his cock rise, it felt different, bigger some home. 

Foreheads touching. Mark looked into her blue eyes, they were glassy and looking straight back. Her eyes were full of lust and desire. Emma felt Mark’s hot manly breath on her face. “What was wrong with her?”. She knew she should be doing, this it was wrong! 

Mark brought his face closer until their lips were touching. They were soft with a small savory strawberry flavor. He felt his cock hardening like never before. What they were doing was so wrong? What if his mother saw them!

 At that moment all leftover resistance she still felt crumbled down into oblivion. Simultaneously she felt the biggest cock she had ever felt. It had to be over 9 inches long and very thick. Her pussy was starting to get wet as she begin grinding onto Mark’s cock. 

“Mark!, Emma!” his mother yelled from the kitchen. “Can you come and help me with the tables”

At that moment Emma came to her senses again. She pulled herself away from Mark even though she longed to stay in his arm and have their lips touching. 

Mark felt Emma leave his arms. It felt like losing a limb, a lonely empty void. If Emma did not pull back he did not know what would have happened… He felt ashamed that he kissed her. “I am sorry, it did not know what happened,” he told her.

Emma still felt confused, while she looked at him she notice his bulge. It was big, it was like a snake trapped in his pants. She could not take her eyes off that monstrous thing. 

“There you are guys” his mom enters the hallway. 

“Hey, mom I just came back, “ he told his mom while trying to hide the bulge with his hands. “Emma and I were just talking about which colleges that Sam and I were considering going to” Emma nodded in agreement. She felt ashamed that she kissed her sister’s son, but she had to admit that it felt amazing.

His mom started walking back to the kitchen. “well guys, chop-chop dinner is almost ready”

Mark waited until his mother couldn’t hear them and turned around to face his Aunt Emma.”

Look I am sorry, i.i.ii.i”. Mark kept stuttering over his words. “I don’t know what came over me, I just…” 

His aunt interrupted him “Don’t worry about it just forget it, just don’t tell your mom she would freak out.”

Just forget about it? How could he forget that perfect moment, with her voluptuous body grinding against his cock whilst kissing him? He nodded in disappointment. “Tell mom I’ll be right back, I am going to take a quick shower”.

After he took his clothes off, he notice his cock. It stood at an impressive length of 10 inches, thick, with soft glowing red veins. The soft red glowing reminded him of that rock he touched before he lost consciousness.  Did the rock change me?

 He knew that his length before was a measly 4 inches. It was his biggest insecurity. His previous girlfriend never told him that it was small, but he could always see it in her eyes. It made him feel inferior in bed.

A small smile was forming on his face. He suddenly thought back to that moment with his aunt Emma. His cock hardened, he felt his balls fill to the brim with semen, screaming for a release. He entered the shower and began stroking his cock and dreaming of his aunt Emma body against him. 

It took him less than 1 minute to feel his cock needing to release. He began stroking it faster and FASTER. And then he came, electric tingles of pleasure coursing through his body, as he arches his back to the front. His semen shooting on the glass windows of the shower. I just kept on going, like an endless waterfall. It was so much, the glass window was covered with his cum. 

He had one hand on the glass holding him steady while recovering from the endless torrents of pleasure. The weird thing was: he wasn’t even close to tired, he felt like he could go endlessly.

Dinner felt awkward, to say the least. Lucky his mother did not notice the small tension between his aunt Emma and him. 


“Mark? Mark! Wake up it’s already 11 o’clock” Someone was shaking him. He opened his eyes groggily as the sunlight pierced through his eyes. It was his mother that was trying to wake him up. “I am wake mom, just let me come to my senses” 

“Breakfast I ready. I need to go to work, the boss called and asked me to fill in for a co-worker that was sick” explained his mom

“your aunt Emma is taking a shower right now, can u tell her what I told you?” while kissing his forehead

“Yeah, sure I’ll tell her” Mark replied, while his mother was walking away.

As he was trying to stand up he noticed his cock. As the memories of yesterday began rushing back into his head. He pulled down his shorts, he looked at the mesmerizing soft glowing red veins. He knew this was not normal. Maybe he should visit a doctor. NO!

People would think he was a freak. He pulled out his phone under his crumpled cushion. He began searching for any similar symptoms, but could not find anything. A strange fear gripped him in his heart. Am I going to die?

He needed to tell someone what was wrong with him. He can’t tell his mom, what would she think? She would immediately call the hospitals.  Then he heard the shower turn off, it was his aunt Emma. Aunt Emma was always the chill type, whenever his mother said no, his aunt would say yes. They were the polar opposites. He couldn’t show his cock after yesterday’s incident didn’t seem like a good idea.

Knock Knock “It’s me Emma can I come in,” she said softly behind the door.

“Yeah come in” Mark replied whilst quickly hoisting his shorts up.

Emma peeking her head around the door. “where did your mother go, isn’t today her work-free day?”

Mark looked at her and noticed that she had only had a towel draped around her. He could not help but stare at her shoulder and neck area. 

“Hey, Mark what’s wrong?” She looked at him concerned as she now fully entered his room. Her hair was dripping wet, long sleek legs with a towel draped tightly over her voluptuous body.

She moved the chair out of his bureau and moved it in front of him. Her long legs and feet were now directly in front of him. Screaming at him to touch them but he controlled himself. 

“Just some stupid things,” he told her as to not make her worried.

She took his hand “Mark, I have known you from all my life I know when something is bothering you”

“Do you want me to call your mother?”

“NO!” he suddenly raised his voice. Emma looked at him wide-eyed. “Sorry… I can’t tell you because it’s wrong and embarrassing.”

“Please I won’t judge you. Is it something with sam? Please tell me” she asked

“It is not something I can tell. I can only show it” he told her utterly ashamed.

He stood up. Emma was looking at him with concerning eyes. As he pulled down his shorts, his aunt Emma stood up. “Mark! What are you doing! Pull up your pants immediately ” He hesitated for 1 second but he did not stop. His cock sprang free, standing proudly. 

Emma stared at Mark’s monstrous cock. It was looking angrily back at her. He had never seen a cock that big, it must be more than 10 inches, it would be impossible for her hand to go around the girth. The weirdest thing was the glowing veins, in look otherworldly.

“It happened yesterday I don’t know why” he took a hold of his cock. “it hurts when I don’t you know….”

“When you don’t what!” she told mark whilst staring at the veins of his cock. Would it even fit in her mouth? Stop it! Why am I thinking about this! This is the son of my sister. 

“Ejaculate,” he told her. He didn’t know why but he began stroking his massive cock slowly. Emma kept watching him stroking his cock mesmerizing. As he kept stroking she smelt something. That same smell like yesterday, the sweet magical smell penetrated her nose. She couldn’t think straight. 

Her nipples that were draped under the tight towel began to harden, her pussy started to feel warmer and wet. She opened her legs slightly while she kept staring at him. She saw him struggling to come. She felt a primal need to help him, to serve him. 

She sat back down onto the chair, Mark’s cock right in front of her. Now that she was close she could see the pre cum leaking out of his cock and coating it as a lubricant. The soft red glowing veins hypnotize her with it soft pulse. She took her hand and touched his cock.

It felt rock hard, smoldering hot, and most of all BIG. It took her one hand to cover half of his girth. Mark was shocked when his aunt touch his cock. It felt amazing, her hands look small compared to his cock. She began to stroke his cock up and down and up and down. She took her other hand and used both of them. It was the best feeling in the world. 

Mark looked down and made eye contact with Emma. Both of their eyes filled with lust and desire. Emma continued stroking his cock. Something in the back of her head told her what she was doing was bad and wrong, but it faded slowly away into darkness. Faster and faster.

“Ahhhhh!” She heard Mark make small moans. “AHHH! That feels soo good!!” Emma looked up to see that Mark’s eyes were closed.

 It felt like an eternity. Mark felt a fire building in his balls begging for a release. Faster and Faster. She felt Mark trembling and knew he was about to come. He arched his back and his hands took hold of Emma head as he punched his tip in front of her mouth. 

She opened her mouth so only tip entered. As soon as her soft lips touched his cock his came like a volcano erupting. This feeling wasn’t comparable to masturbation. It was something magical, he felt alive. His nerves felt like they were on fire. Waves of pleasure washed over him as he kept on moaning He kept shooting semen into Emma mouth. 

After he emptied his ball into her mouth, they made eye contact. Both realized what they had done. Emma sat on his chair with semen leaking around her mouth and Mark standing in front of her with his cock inches in front of her face.




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