[Part 21] Lisa Galaxia – Welcome (no sex, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – For a plot summary and links to previous chapters!

Previously our crew managed to complete an ancient Novian coming of age trial by defeating a giant carnivorous plant in combat. As a reward for passing they were given a set of armor, tools, and a box containing ingots of an unknown metal by the robotic temple guardians. Rachel set to work translating the instructions given to them regarding the unknown metal, and while she wasn’t able to fully understand what was written she did learn the ingots could be smelted down at a facility on the far side of the long-abandoned Novian Capital. Wanting to learn more about this unusual metal Lisa and the others set off to investigate.


“Armor this skimpy has no right being this comfortable,” Lisa remarked as she guided the Rose Rocket skyward. All three women had donned their new Novian armor at Rachel’s suggestion. She hoped it could help ease over any potential problems as they neared the capital. Given that the city’s air defenses had ruined any number of military vessels that strayed too close, nevermind small freighters like the Rose Rocket, it seemed a good idea.

“Right?” Rachel replied from the cockpit doorway, “Their craftsmanship is really impressive, and with this golden embroidery and all the features… just what’s not to love?”

“I’m not really loving that it’s like wearing a tank top and underwear.” Anity remarked from the copilot’s seat as she tuned some controls. “I agree it’s pretty darn comfy though.”

“Clark started acting awfully awkward after seeing us in it didn’t he?” Rachel laughed while admiring her armor yet again.

Anity just rolled her eyes, “Oh he’s been like that ever since we were teens.”

“Speaking of him…” Lisa turned on the comm, “Clark stay close behind us, don’t know what surprises are waiting for us. Especially if the city’s defenses turn on us…”

“I’ll be riding your backside the whole way miss, don’t worry!” Came the response from the Sparrow.

“Uh, copy that.” Lisa replied uncomfortably as she flipped off the comm.

“As I was saying…” Anity replied with a smirk.

The two ships turned and headed toward the abandoned city on the horizon. There was little between them and their destination other than an uninterrupted sea of deep green jungle. As they began to get closer the women could make out smoke rising from the industrial area on the north side of town.

“You think that smoke is from that same commotion we saw yesterday on our way to the temple?” Anity asked as she watched out the window.

“I don’t know,” Lisa replied, “It looks like it’s coming from the same direction though.”

Just then all three of their visors lit up, unknown symbols started scrolling through their vision along with blinking lights.

“Umm… Rachel?” Lisa asked, “What is going on? What are we seeing”

“Oh…wow. Ok, hang on. I’m trying my best. The words are scrolling so fast!” Rachel called back. “It’s some kind of emergency or important message.”

Lisa turned on the comm again, “Clark there’s some kind of message our armor is displaying. I’m slowing down so Rachel has time to read it.”

“Gotya, thanks for the heads up.” Came the reply.

Lisa pushed the throttle forward and the Rose Rocket slowed to a crawl. The abandoned city with its tall white walls and glistening turrets sat just ahead of them. Glowing brightly in the morning sun, as the two vessels coasted slowly towards it.

“An attack… It’s an automated message. I think the industrial area is under attack.” Rachel spoke up, her eyes were furiously racing side to side as she fumbled over the words scrolling down her visor.

“Automatic response… defense… recruit… assist… ask…” Rachel seemed to be pulling out words. “Yikes, I wish I studied harder in grad school.”

“Take your time, we’re not in any danger at the moment.” Lisa reassured her.

Rachel nodded and went quiet as her mind stumbled over word after word, “I think we’re being asked to assist the cities defenses in fending off an attack,” Rachel finally spoke up after a minute.

“What? Why us?” Anity asked.

“Well we’re in this armor and nearby maybe?” Rachel offered, “It looks like it’s an automated message, probably sent to anyone within range?”

“Makes sense,” Lisa said. “Those robots might think we’re military enlistees or something. Can you reply?”

“I can try,” Rachel replied, pushing a couple of the buttons on her armguard, “Do we want to help?”

“I wish we knew more about what was going on,” Lisa lamented.

“Oops, well I think I might have just volunteered us,” A frustrated Rachel replied. “Granted access… city… fly… two ships… north… oh there’s coordinates…”

“Don’t worry about it, you’re doing your best. If it has to do with the smoke in the industrial area we were probably getting involved either way.” Lisa said, “It sounds like we’re safe to fly over town though? Both ships?”

“Yes, it looks like they recognized both ships as friendly.” Rachel spoke up in a distracted voice that sounded like she was reading and talking at the same time. “Oh… and it should show enemies in your visor now!”

A map of the area popped onto Lisa’s visor. “Oh wow,” Lisa said in surprise, “It’s like they know I’m a pilot! I can’t read the words, but everything is colored red or blue. This whole display makes it look like I’m in a starfighter of some kind.”

Anity flipped the comm on, “Hey Clark, power up your weapons, we just got recruited to defend the city.”

“Hold on, what?” A surprised Clark answered, “When? How did this happen?”

“Don’t know,” Anity replied, “But the Novian defenses think we’re on their side.”

“Well that’s better than the alternative I guess. Okay, what am I shooting at then?”

“Don’t know, but we see two red dots on our visors. Lisa is flying that way.”

“I’ll let you know when I do,” Lisa chimed in as she accelerated the Rose Rocket.”

“Ooo boy…” an apprehensive Clark replied.

The two ships hurried forward now. That last bit of ground before the city walls was covered quickly and they were soon sailing over the Novian Capital.

“This is so amazing!” an excited Rachel called from the doorway, “We’re right over the city. You can see homes and alleyways. I’ve never heard of anyone doing this before! Any research vessel was shot down before they could get this close ”

“It is pretty cool,” Lisa admitted. “I’m glad they’re okay with us.”

“The enemy, they’re Black Claw Frigates!” Anity called out. “Two of them by the wall there!”

Lisa could see their unmistakable black crescent shape now too. “What are they doing?” The two ships were circling above a bombed out area. They would dive in fast and shoot a couple of times and then rapidly retreat before dashing in again. There was wreckage of another ship on the ground breaching the wall, with figures highlighted by the visor around it. The ships seemed to be moving in a pattern evading much of the air defense fire.

“It’s like they learned a way to dance around the automated defenses.” Anity observed.

“I think you’re right,” Lisa agreed, “They’re barely taking any fire, and seem to be doing some damage to the city.”

“Bet I can change that,” Rachel replied.

“What makes you say that?” A surprised Anity turned to look back at Rachel.

“Because I can give the bots new orders with this menu…” She replied as she pushed a button on her wristguard. “They are in this logic loop and just defending themselves right now with short range weapons, I’m pretty sure I can make them more aggressive… well I think.”

“Wait a moment, until we’re within firing range.” Lisa suggested. “Let’s surprise them all at once.”

“Okay… okay just say when,” Rachel replied.

Lisa nodded, “Clark, the one on the right. When you see me shoot.”

“Roger miss,”

Lisa watched the two black crescents dance around each other a bit more as she closed rapidly. The ship on the right reached the far end of its loop and swung around, following the same pattern it had been for a while now, making another dash into the city.

“Now Rachel!” Lisa called out as she pulled the trigger. The Rose Rocked shook a little as the lazer Anity had supercharged leapt to life with a brilliant green flash! The beam impacted the frigate’s shields and their ship lurched visibly. Soon more beams appeared off the Rose Rocket’s shoulder as Clark began firing.

The pirate ship continued along its path as fire from the ground batteries seemed to intensify suddenly. Cannons from farther away appeared to join in now, and all focus on the one ship. The pirate vessel shook again and again until the blue glow of their shields faded.

Lisa fired again and there was a loud crash as her beam impacted the pirate vessel just in front of its engines. There was a bright glow of molten metal as smoke began to billow from the pirate vessel.

“We got it!” Anity cheered excitedly. “Look!” The pirate vessel began losing altitude. Explosions erupted from its underside as the city’s batteries tore into it from below. It turned desperately attempting to make a dash for the outer wall. It was losing altitude too fast however and impacted the upper section, crashing to the ground just inside the city.

The other pirate vessel made note of this development and turned tail. Being further away from the city at the time it was able to beat a quick escape while it’s companion fell to incoming fire.

“Wow that new laser of yours is amazing!” Lisa told Anity.

“Should be nearly military quality,” Anity replied with pride. “But their shields were almost certainly low from fighting the city defenses too.”

“That… wait…” Lisa seemed surprised as the controls on the Rose Rocked banked the ship suddenly. “Did I do something?”

“No,” came Rachel’s voice. “I think they’re landing our ship for us.”

“Uhhh.. did you girls lose control of your ship too?” A concerned Clark radioed in.

“Yes, let it be!” Rachel called out, “They’re landing us!”

“You sure this is ok?” Lisa asked, a bit concerned. “How are they doing this?”

“It should be okay,” Rachel replied, “Lots of positive words on my visor now. I recognized ‘thank you’ as well. I don’t know but whatever is happening isn’t bad at least.”

“Well okay, let’s hope so.” Lisa replied.

The Rose Rocket and Sparrow slowly flew under their own control towards a large building surrounded by several air defense turrets. As they neared it a large door opened slowly revealing a haner-like room filled with many unrecognizable machines. The ships were guided slowly to the far corner of the building where they touched down in an open area.

“I think we should leave our ships and go inside.” Rachel commented as they touched down.

“Is that what it says to do?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, I’m almost certain.” Rachel replied. “We’re being ordered to disembark.

“Well, I hope these robots are friendlier than the ones at the temple at least.” Lisa said, remembering their last encounter.

Lisa powered down the Rose Rocket and met the other two near the cargo exit ramp. Clark was already waiting for them at the bottom, and already looking mildly uncomfortable seeing the girls in their skimpy armor again.

“So what now?” Clark asked.

“That doorway there,” Rachel pointed to one behind him.

“What’s in there?” Clark asked.

“Whoever or whatever is thanking us.” Rachel replied with a nervous shrug. “Happy vibes though, let’s all keep happy vibes.”

The four companions made their way to the door. As they walked a variety of robots scurried about. Some seemed to be working on the various machines, others patrolling for danger, while even more raced around following whatever important orders they must have been given.

The door swung open as they approached. Beyond the door was an elegantly decorated room. There were rows of benches and a small stage at the far end with a desk on it. Seated at the desk was a very tall woman with a long face and horns on her head. Her horns curled around like a ram’s, with a rounded point on the end. She wore a beautiful white and gold ballgown and a helmet not unlike the ones the women wore. Her skin was a purplish color by her feet, but seemed to fade to a pale white by her neck. Upon hearing them enter the woman turned to them and smiled.

“Welcome!” she said in a commanding but friendly voice, “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“You… you speak common?” An astonished Rachel replied.

The woman appeared to chuckle slightly, “Yes, I’ve learned your language from trespassers. It lacks a nice rhythmic flow, but is still very beautiful in its own way.”

“Oh thanks… Who are you?” Rachel asked. “We’re you expecting us?”

“Of course, quite right, introductions are in order. I am the gatekeeper for this district. You can call me Ayala” the woman replied. “And you are the first graduates of our military trial in 7,259 years. That’s no small feat. Congratulations.”

“Wait, so it’s been 7,259 years sorry since anyone has beaten that plant?” Lisa asked in surprise.

“Oh yes, not that there’s been many attempts for much of that time, of course.” Ayala explained, “You’ve gotten several of us talking about you.”

“Several? So if you don’t mind me asking, how many Novians are there?” Rachel asked, “We were taught you all disappeared long ago.”

“That’s not entirely inaccurate.” Ayala began to explain, “There’s no one left with pure blood I’m afraid. The only ones who survived the plague were of mixed heritage, and had been forced to live in the undercity because of it; outcasts among those who kept their bloodlines pure. There’s some irony to that. I’m only about ¼ Novian myself, if truth be told.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I never knew.” Rachel quickly apologized.

Ayala chucked, “Such a polite little thing you are. There’s still many of us, though not as many as there once were; Living underground here and protecting the ruins of our glorious past.”

“You protect the heritage of those who oppressed your ancestors?” A dubious Anity asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a bit more complicated than that…” Ayala corrected her in the kind of firm but polite tone that suggests further inquiry would be unwelcome. “Perhaps best not to dwell on the past so much though. Tell me what brings you all to Nova?”

“Those pirates in the black ships who were attacking you just now. They were doing some suspicious research, and we were investigating what they were up to. The trail led is here.” Lisa explained succinctly. “We think they’re trying to recreate weapons and armor from your civilization.”

“Ahh yes those trespassers.” Ayala acknowledged, “They’ve become quite a nuisance as of late. Most groups can be chased away easily, but they’re proving to be the most stubborn we’ve dealt with in several millennia. Glad to hear you’re an enemy of them too.”

“We’ve been fighting them for years,” Clark spoke up, “They invaded my hometown, and took people captive. Took over the place entirely and made many of us work for them in the mines.”

“Hmm,” Ayala fell deep in thought for a minute, seemingly considering what Clark had to say. She nodded to herself a couple of times then broke the silence. “I see, that’s troubling information indeed.”

“We’re doing our best to fight them, but with a corrupt galactic government the only other real option, there’s a lot of sympathy for their cause.” Anity broke in with her three second synopsis of galactic politics.

“Ahh of course,” Ayala nodded, “They steal from the rich and toss a bit of bread to the poor, earning both wealth and allies. If your story is accurate it sounds like our galaxy hasn’t changed much since my ancestors’ time.”

Ayala was interrupted by the clanking and clunking of a procession of robots moving across the floor. They were dragging and carrying the unconscious bodies of a number of pirates with them in a rather unceremonial fashion.

“What is going to happen to them?” Lisa asked as she watched them pass.

“They’ll be put on trial when they awaken, and the leaders most likely executed. Their subordinates will be given an opportunity to redeem themselves.” Ayala spoke as her eyes followed them past. She pulled up the left sleeve of her dress exposing a wrist guard similar to Lisa’s. She pushed a couple of buttons on it and then continued. “Anyway, am I to assume you’re here to use the forge?”

“For those ingots we were given?” Rachel asked.

“Indeed, in ancient times most would come here looking to fashion them into something fitting for their new life. I’m assuming that we would be modifying these spacecraft in your case?” Ayala explained, “Of course only citizens of Novian society are allowed to use the forge, and I’m guessing you were never tattooed?”

“Uh… no” Rachel explained, “I was never able to find anything that explained that, but translation wasn’t always an easy subject for me.”

“Well there wasn’t much written on it at the temple, each ancestral village had their own custom. Those villages are long lost to the jungle now though, so it’s not surprising you wouldn’t know about it.” Ayala smiled and explained. She seemed a bit flattered by Rachel’s attempts at understanding her culture. “Still there has always been a path for citizenship for outsiders. You would simply need to merge your genes with a citizen.”

“We need… wait… what does that mean?” Rachel seemed a bit confused.

“Having a child with a citizen would be the easiest explanation. Either yourself or a member of your family.” said Ayala. “There have traditionally been other methods involving things like gene splicing or amputation, but those aren’t really appropriate in this instance I wouldn’t think.”

“You mean to use the forge we need to get pregnant?” A shocked Anity asked.

“Well not all of you, with a close knit group like yourselves only one of you would need to have a child.” Ayala clarified. “The male might be a good choice if none of you are ready to carry right now.”

“I um… don’t know if it matters, but I never passed the trial miss.” Clark raised his hand and interjected.

“It’s true, he stayed with the ships.” Anity explained.

“Oh I see.” Ayala acknowledged, and then brushed off his concern. “Not to worry, servants will often obtain citizenship alongside their masters. Some of those trespassers that were just carried by will probably earn their citizenship in the same way.”

Anity snorted and covered her face with her hand trying her best to contain her laughter. Clark was a bit less amused, and gave Anity a playful punch in the arm.

“It is a big decision, I’ll leave you a moment to consider your options.” Ayala said as she turned and walked away. She returned to her desk where she pulled up an image of a man with a goat’s head and long straight horns. She began speaking to the image in a long indecipherable series of clicks and whistles.

“Um… so how do we feel about this?” Lisa asked the others.

“We probably need to go through with it.” Rachel explained. “If I know anything about their culture, turning down this opportunity would absolutely offend our host, and I’m not too sure what would happen next.”

“Seriously?” Anity interjected, “They really intend us to go through with a request like that? Just get pregnant with who knows who completely out of nowhere?”

“I mean their society was… or I guess is… different from ours. If it’s still like what I learned in school, this wouldn’t have been as big of a deal to them as it probably seems to us.” Rachel explained.

“Phew ok…” Lisa sighed. “I guess if they’re upgrading my ship it would only be right for me to volunteer then?”

“Well, I know this sounds weird, but I’m actually really interested in doing this.” Rachel said.

“Seriously, you want to have a baby with them?” Anity sounded surprised.

“I mean I’ve always been fascinated by their civilization and culture, ever since I was a child. This isn’t how I planned things, but I kinda like the thought.” Rachel explained with a smile. “That probably sounds weird… it is weird, isn’t it?”

“Just a little,” Anity replied, “but it’s your life, if that’s what you want.”

“What about you, Anity?” Lisa asked.

“Um… well if it wasn’t for you two I’d still be Zachery’s captive, and probably be pregnant with his kid by now. I owe you both a lot. So I guess, if you need me to do it, I will. I’d really rather not though.”

“What about you Clark? You’re always horny ya?!” Rachel asked.

“Hah!” Clark laughed, “I mean you got me there, but this would be a little different. Having a kid isn’t something I planned on right now, but I guess it is less of a burden on me than any of you. So I don’t mind having a fun romp with a lady if it helps you all.”

He thought for a second and then turned back to Lisa. “So, what do you think? Which one of us is becoming a parent today?”


Option A: Lisa

Option B: Rachel

Option C: Anity

Option D: Clark


Hello again everyone 👋

Okay well it’s choosing time! Which of our four main characters should take the big plunge? Let me know in the comments below!

Otherwise hope everyone has a safe and sexy day! 😊

As for the last chapter’s rejected options. They would have started our storyline down a different direction. I won’t spoil much of either of the options with tracking down people viewing the spy camera, since those storyline options will come up again later. They would have involved going to those places and likely confronting the individuals however. On the other hand, choosing to visit Rachel’s old professor would have revealed a lot more about Rachel’s past and her planet.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/svq2si/part_21_lisa_galaxia_welcome_no_sex_scifi_choose


  1. WOW, This one is EASY!!! Option B/Rachel. PLUS, If This One is Picked, We can explore Her past -Through Exposition, Since She will be thinking Of Her Future…..

  2. Call me basic but I want option A, Lisa. She got railed by the tentacles on the ship, impaled for ages by a drugged pirate, it’s only fair that she finally gets to carry through all the way with a random Novian. Captain has to go down (or in this case filled up) with her ship

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