Parent Teacher Conference [MF] – Part 5

Thanks to those who reached out asking about Part 5. Sorry it’s taken so long, things in my personal romantic life have fallen apart. But writing Part 5 was an erotic therapy sessions. Hope you enjoy.


Madison lay in bed thinking about Jay’s comment as he left her classroom. “Miss Reynolds, you really should respond to Jasmine’s text, she’s been waiting to meet you.”

It had been three days, and every time she started writing a text to Jasmine she ended up deleting it. She had texted Jay of course, but received no response. Apparently, the only way to him now was through his wife.

Madison didn’t know why she was so hesitant to reach out to Jasmine.

“I just don’t know what’s going on in her head.” she said to no one.

Madison realized the irony. On one hand, Jasmine seemed to put her life out there for anyone to see. She published vlogs weekly, was active on all social media, and basically announced every thought and event for all of her followers. On the other hand, she seemed so unlike a woman who would be married to a man like Jay.

“He’s not cheating…” Madison held the last word out as if to examine it. “If he’s not cheating, that means they have an open relationship? Or that she knows about me?”

Madison wondered if maybe they had some type of biblical arrangement where Jay got to use other women as his concubine or something.

“I need to talk to someone about this.”

Madison had always been more of an external processor. She wasn’t super chatty, but when big decisions came up in life she always counted on being able to talk to Marc or her family about it.

Madison imagined talking to her mom about this. “Hey Mom. No, I’m good. But I actually need your advice on this married man I let use me as a fuck doll. Oh and I’m his daughter’s teacher. Oh and his wife maybe knows about us. Oh and he has this assistant Kassie…”

Madison grabbed her phone and scrolled through her text messages until she saw one from an unlabeled number. She had not yet saved this one. She opened it and looked at the photo of Kassie’s ass with the gold butt plug.

Madison had been so embarassed by how their last encounter ended, she had never worked up the courage to text her again. When she thought about Kassie, and facing her after having Marc walk in on them, she felt like the nerd in high school who briefly got to hang out with the popular girl. Only to have her ex-boyfriend walk in on them and ruin the fantasy.

But now Madison weighed the discomfort of texting Kassie against the greater discomfort she may feel walking into her encounter with Jasmine unprepared.

She started typing out a text to Kassie.

“Heyy, I’m really sorry I haven’t reached out in months. I hope you’re doing well. I haven’t seen you come by to pick up Sofia anytime. She talks about you sometimes you know, I think she thinks you’re really cool. But anyways, I just kinda wanted to reach out because…”

Madison stopped and looked at the word vomit she had just thrown up. She deleted it all and started again.

“Can we talk? I’m around this weekend, lmk”

Madison hit send. And then spent the next hour robotically checking and rechecking her phone until she passed out with her phone in her hand.

Madison woke up from the sensation of her something buzzing in her hand. She looked over to see a text message notification. Her eyes shot open and she quickly looked at the time on the phone as she unlocked it.

“11:34 PM”

She swiped and let the text message come up.

“I’m headed to The Lyfestyle Lounge. Come out, give them my name at the entrance.”

Madison had never heard of the Lyfestyle Lounge, she googled it and the only result was for a “Night Club” a few towns over near the airport. There was no website, though someone did give it five stars on Google Maps, but nothing written.

It was already almost midnight, and she estimated she had been asleep for at least an hour. She was already washed up and in her pajamas. She could just go to sleep. But the peculiarity of Kassie’s response tugged at her.

Madison jumped out of bed and went to her closet. It had been some time since she went out dancing, and something told her that a night out with Kassie would be something special.

Madison found herself overwhelm at the thought of getting ready to go out so quickly. She pulled out dress after dress but nothing seemed right. She wanted to impress Kassie, but suddenly everything felt too tame. She remembered the first time she saw Kassie. She was wearing a black mini skirt and an oversized blazer.

“With no bra.” She said to herself, remembering how much she got to see of Kassie that day.

Madison reached in the back of her closet. She pulled out a black lace bralette she had gotten on a whim months ago. She bought it hoping to wear it to some fun summer parties, but hadn’t had the opportunity. She paired it with black leather pants that she thought made her look fierce.

Doing her makeup and hair quickly, she ran out the door.

As Madison approached the location Google Maps identified as The Lyfestyle Lounge, she wondered if she had the wrong location. She was driving through an industrial park next to the airport. She almost considered going home until she saw a tiny neon sign above a dimly lit door that said ‘Lyfestyle.’

Madison turned into the parking lot and pulled up next to a surprising number of luxury cars. Getting out of the car she saw that there was a man standing in the shadows by the door.

“Where the fuck am I?” she said as she approached the door.

The man stepped out of the shadows as Madison approached. He was holding a tablet it one hand and a large flashlight in the other.

“This is a member’s only establishment, ma’am.” He said sternly.

Madison paused, unsure of what to say.

“Please return to your car.”

“I’m, I’m a friend of Kassie…”

“Oh, you’re the guest.” The man quickly interrupted as he turned around and walked back toward the door.

Madison followed the man, who got to the door and opened it up for her.

“Enjoy your evening.” He said winking at her.

Beyond the entrance was a dark room which was dimly lit and luxuriously decorated. The decor of the room seemed completely out of place to the industrial park outside. Everything was very ornate and black and gold. The floor was covered in ornate oriental rugs and overhead was a large crystal chandelier. The walls were painted in a glossy black and decorated with vintage gold frames. But instead of having paintings they held all sorts of unusual objects. In one was a gold pair of handcuffs and in another a mask that looked like a prop from Phantom of the Opera.

At the center of the room was a large marble statue of a man. It looked like one of those statues you saw in museums from Roman times, except it was gold instead of white. As her eyes adjusted she realized it was not a statue of just a man, but there were two women kneeling at his feet and they were sucking his dick.

Madison stared at the statue until she was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming shut behind her. She spun around and only then noticed she had walked right past a woman sitting in a little coat check booth. And next to the booth, completely out of place with the decor of the whole room, was a row of small lockers. Like the kind you’d see at a gym or fitness club.

“Hi, you must be the guest.”

“Yeah, I’m a friend of Kassie’s.” Madison replied cheerfully.

“Oh, we don’t use legal names here. So please refrain from using Vixen’s legal name while at the lounge.”

“Vixen?” Madison asked, but the girl seemed to ignore her question.

“Since this is your first time at the Lyfestyle Lounge your membership fee is waived, and you’ll have complimentary use of one of our guest lockers. Please place your phone and any valuables inside the lockers.” The girl motioned to the lockers on the right.

Madison walked over and opened one of the free lockers and placed her phone inside. She looked back over to the girl who had gone back to looking at her phone.

Madison locked the locker and looked around wondering what she was supposed to do now. She began to wonder what this place really was.

“Is there a dance floor?” she asked the girl.

“The main floor is up the stairs.” She said pointing to an opening on the far side of the room, behind the statue. Just take the stair, there will be someone up there to help you.

Madison walked through the opening and found a staircase leading up. The stairwell was lit with red lights and the walls were covered in an ornate victorian wallpaper. At the top the staircase she came to a set of double doors.

As she was about to knock on them the doors opened for her and sound and sensation poured out of them. On the other side of the heavy doors was a room that looked at first like a normal night club or upscale bar. There was loud dance music playing and she could see a crowd of people inside. On the right was a bar that was lit, and there was LED lights around the room pulsing with the music. The walls were mirrored which gave the room a feeling of being larger than it is. At the center of the room was an area which was sunken into the floor and was lower than the rest of the room. There were people sitting and standing throughout the room but there was a crowd in the sunken area. They were sitting on the leather couches that made a circle or they were standing in small clusters together. Madison walked toward the center of the room to see what was at the center of everyone’s attention.

“Is that a bed?” Madison said to herself.

Madison took a step back as it began to dawn on her that this was not a normal night club. On the bed was a voluptuous woman with wavy red hair on her knees. She was wearing a black leather harness. Standing in front of her at the end of the bed was a middle age man with salt and pepper hair. He was wearing a matching harness and the woman was sucking on his dick. And behind her was a petite woman in a fox mask. She was wearing a black strap on dildo and fucking the redheaded woman from behind.

As the room came into focus, she realized that they were not the only people having sex in the room. To her right, by the bar, was a woman leaning with her back against the bar. And to either side of her were two men in black suits. One hand his hand underneath her dress fingering her. The other man was kissing her and squeezing her tits with his hands. To her left, there was a row of couches with men and women in various states of undress all touching each other or touching themselves.

Madison stood there frozen with fear, confusion, and arousal. She would have stood there all night until she felt a hand come to rest on her shoulder and a woman’s voice in her ear.

“Are you new?” the voice shouted in order to be heard over the sound of the music.

Madison turned to see a tall blonde woman standing next to her. She was wearing white jeans and completely topless. She looked like one of the agents from “Selling Sunset.” She had full lips, with bold makeup, large fake breasts and Madison could see that she was very spray tanned even in this light.

“Um yeah, I’m a friend of…” Madison remembered what the girl downstairs had said. “…Vixen.”

“Oh we love Vixen!” The woman exclaimed loudly in her ear. “Honey, this is a friend of Vixen!”

The man in the black suit who was fingering the woman at the bar looked over, pulled his slick fingers out from underneath the woman’s dress and came over. Coming over to the blonde woman licked his fingers of the wet grool.

“You’re a friend of Vixen! Welcome to our little club.”

“Yeah. Umm…do you know where I can find her?” Madison said hesitantly as the man smacked the blonde woman’s ass.

“Dear, she’s right there.” The blonde woman said pointing to the middle of the room. “She’s wearing the Fox mask.”

Madison turned around to look again at the group on the bed. As if sensing their gaze upon her, Vixen removed her mask and looked in their direction. She looked straight at Madison, pulled her black cock out of the redheaded woman and walked over.

As Vixen strode over to Madison, the black dildo swung confidently in front of her.

Madison began to speak but Vixen immediately silenced her with a finger on her mouth.


Vixen took Madison’s hand and lead her through the room. They went past the redhead who was not being fucked by another man from behind. They went down a hallway with rooms and alcoves on either side. Some of the rooms were open while others had a velvet curtain drawn across the entrance. They passed a room filled with people giving each other head. They passed a room where there was a man suspended in the air while a woman spanked him with a comically large wooden paddle. They passed a room where a woman appeared to be peeing on a large overweight man.

Madison followed Vixen until they got to an empty room at the middle of the hallway. The room had a circular bed in the middle of the room and leather chairs on either side. Vixen closed the curtain behind them.

With a little bit of privacy, Madison felt immediately more comfortable.

“Woah, O..M..G… Kassie, this place is so…”

“You will call me Vixen.” Vixen said to her sharply, interrupting Madison. “And you’re a little slut who never called me.”

“Slut?” Madison found herself reeling from the accusation. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

Again Vixen interrupted her. “A slut. A slut that needs to beg Vixen for forgiveness.”

Madison stared silently at Vixen who was looking at her, arms crossed in front of her breasts.

“Beg forgiveness?” Madison asked hesitantly.

Vixen nodded and looked down at the black cock strapped to her crotch.

Madison began to understand what was happening and responded by reaching out and putting a hand on the dildo.

“Mouth.” Vixen commanded.

Madison looked up at Vixen and back down at the black dildo. She slowly knelt down on her knees, and opened her mouth to take in the black dildo. The black dildo was slick. It was still covered in the redhead’s pussy juice. Madison closed her eyes and sucked and licked on the dildo. Feeling the warm silicone that she knew had been warmed in the vagina of another woman. She tasted the salty bitterness of the redhead.

Madison opened her eyes and looked up to see Vixen smiling down at her. She was running her fingers through Madison’s hair and whispering something.

“Good little slut. Suck that cock like a little slut.” Vixen whispered.

Madison sucked Vixen’s dick until all the remnants of the redhead were gone. Nodding her approval, Vixen picked Madison up off her knees and walked her over to the bed. She shoved her so that she fell landing on her back. Madison felt Vixen crawl up on the bed and position herself between her legs.

“What do you want?” Vixen asked.

“What?” Madison asked, quickly followed by a smack on her ass and thigh from Vixen. “Ow!”

“What. Do. You. Want?” Vixen asked, emphasizing each word, especially the last.

Madison took in a breath. She knew what Vixen wanted her to say, she knew what Vixen was about to do. But Madison was unsure. Sucking a dildo was one thing, but did she want Vixen? Did she want another woman?”

“What do…”

“I want you.” Madison blurted out. “I want you to…lick my pussy.”

Madison saw Vixen smile. Vixen positioned herself at the edge of the bed and lowered herself between Madison’s legs.

Madison felt her heart start to race. She could hear her heart beating in her ears and she started to feel a little dizzy. The room seemed unusually cold all of a sudden. She started to wonder if it was too late to change her mind, to leave and go home.

And then she felt a soft warm tongue press against her pussy. Vixen was pressing her face between her legs. She was slowly lapping and teasing her pussy.

Madison focused in on the sensation. It was familiar but also foreign. There was something more smooth about Vixen. Her face was smooth, her tongue was smooth. There was none of the roughness and heaviness of being eaten out by a man. She had never associated being eaten out as something heavy or rough, but suddenly every other time seemed that way.

Madison’s toes curled and she felt her fingers grab the fabric of the bed as Vixen found her way to her clit. She felt her tongue flick beneath the hood her clit and begin sucking on it lightly. Vixen’s hands were simultaneously stroking her body. Her nails were drifting across her skin, sending waves up her body which felt like static electricity.

Madison couldn’t figure out what was going to make her cum. The simple sensation of touch could make her orgasm. But she seemed hyper aware of vixen lightly and gently moving her nails back and forth across her abdomen, across her inner thighs, below her breasts, around her nipples. The world around her seemed to swirl.

In the midst of the whirlpool of sensation, Madison found herself saying “I want to taste you. Please, let me taste your pussy. Let me lick it. I want it. Please!”

Vixen stood up from between Madison’s legs. She undid the buckles of the strap-on and climbed up on the bed. She was wearing red patent leather stilettos, and yet seemed to have no problem on the uneven surface. Vixen strode so he was standing directly over Madison’s mouth.

Madison, still in a daze from her first experience with a woman, reached up with a tentative finger and simply touched Vixen’s pussy. It was wet. She stroked her labia gently which was swollen and puffy with arousal. As Madison pulled her finger away, there was a string of grool that dripped down from Vixen’s pussy. Without even thinking, Madison opened her mouth to let it fall in.

As if on queue, Vixen squatted down and got down on her knees facing Madison’s legs.

“What do you want?” Vixen asked

This time, Madison had no hesitation. “I want to eat your pussy.”

Vixen leaned back and down, and pushed her sopping wet pussy down onto Madison’s open mouth. To her surprise, Vixen tasted nothing like what she had expected. Madison had only ever sucked cock and swallowed semen.

Vixen gyrated her pussy on Madison’s lips, and Madison hungrily sucked and licked. She closed her eyes and savored the smells, tastes, and textures of Vixen’s flesh. It smelled sweet and sour, it tasted salty and metallic, and it felt soft and plush.

Madison was immediately addicted. She sucked and licked, and even stuck her tongue out as far she could go to feel for Vixen’s hole. Her tongue explored every fold and crevice. She licked and slurped and savored all that Vixen was willing to give her. She craned her neck up, straining to push herself up and against Vixen’s pussy.

Madison almost didn’t notice Vixen bend over and begin licking her pussy. But as soon as Vixen’s lips and tongue found her mound, she noticed.

Madison could have spent the whole night licking Vixen’s pussy, but Vixen leaned forward removing pussy from Madison’s mouth. She stood up from the bed and looked down at Madison again.

“What do you want?”

Madison’s mind raced. She wondered what else she could want. This was already more than she could have expected from this evening.

“What do you want?” Vixen repeated

“I want to be watched.” Madison replied. “I want men to watch us while we fuck.”

Vixen smiled and stepped out of the room. Almost as quickly as she left, Vixen returned. Madison was now sitting up on the bed with her legs out in front of her, leaning back on her arms. Vixen opened the curtain and left it open.

Vixen came around the bed and knelt behind Madison. She pulled Madison toward her so that she was resting against her breasts. They were now both on the bed, Vixen kneeling and Madison sitting in front her her with her legs spread in front of her.

“Enter.” Vixen said loudly toward the door.

And one by one men entered the room. Before long there were 8 men surrounding them in various levels of undress. Standing directly in front of here were two men. One man was wearing a mask that covered just his eyes. He was tall and slim with hair that came down to his ears. The slim man was wearing a leather harness and had his dick in his hand. The other man was short and stocky and had a full beard. He was wearing a t-shirt on top but was completely naked from the waist down. His cock was swinging freely in front of him.

Madison felt Vixen reach down in front of her and put a hand down between her legs. Vixen began rubbing her clit. Slowly at first but growing faster and faster.

The men around her all began touching themselves. Madison reached around to pull Vixen closer to her. She pushed her head back in pleasure as Vixen’s fingers rubbed her clit. As Vixen worked her magic with her fingers she moved around Madison so she could reach down more. Vixen was not at her side, rubbing her clit furiously. Vixen was leaning on Madison so that her tits were up against Madison’s face.

Caught up in the ecstasy of the moment, Madison found herself cocking her head back and sucking on Vixen’s nipples as she fingered her. Madison collapsed backwards, unable to support herself anymore because of the sensation between her legs. Vixen followed her down, putting her breasts in Madison’s face.

Madison accepted Vixen’s breasts, sucking and licking whatever was placed at her mouths’ opening. She found herself alternating between breasts, nipples, the flesh of her underboob, her sternum. Madison was desperately licking everything, only really feeling the sensation between her thighs.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum…” Madison started saying this on repeat.

Madison felt the room close in around her. Some of the men had crawled on the bed or come around so that their dicks were right by her head.

“Make me cum, make me fucking cum, please cum, please cum on me.” Madison moaned as she felt an orgasm begin to wash over her

The slim man was the first to ejaculate on her. He was kneeling on the bed to her side. He was rubbing his dick furiously as it he came. It shot out of his dick and splattered across her shoulder, arm, and throat. With the sensation of his semen hitting her, Madison went over the edge.

“Fuckkkkk!!!!!” Madison screamed into Vixen’s chest.

An orgasm washed over her. Her body stretched and contracted, and her legs twisted on Vixen’s hand as she began to orgasm.

As she was coming, she felt and heard the men around her begin to cum as well. One by one the shot their semen on her and Vixen.

Madison twitched and rolled in the bed, pulling Vixen’s hands from between her legs.

One by one, the men left the room. Leaving behind only their semen on Madison and Vixen.

Madison especially was covered in the semen of unknown men. There was cum covering her face, her shoulders and arms, her abdomen, and the bearded man had even cum on her feet. Madison was splayed out with her arms and legs stretched out across the bed. She was both completely exhausted and energized.

Madison felt Vixen come and lay down next to her. Vixen’s body cuddling up against her, the semen on them creating a sticky web between them as their bodies pressed against each other.

Madison turned her head to to Vixen. She was looking at Madison with those eyes. But unlike before, there was no hardness or sharpness to them. Instead there was softness and even a little sadness. Vixen leaned into Madison and planted a kiss on her lips.

A gentle, soft kiss. Not one of lust and eroticism, but a kiss that felt like a first kiss. Madison kissed Vixen back. Their arms crossing and embracing each other. They held each other tight and kissed and cuddled. And slowly, Madison found herself drifting off. Not an ounce of anxiety or stress left in her body.

Madison woke up the next morning at Kassie’s house. Kassie had been drinking quite a lot more at The Lyfestyle Lounge and so Madison drove her home. They woke up late together in bed, both naked and embracing each other. As Kassie’s eyes met hers, Madison wondered if there might be some sort of oddness or awkwardness.

“Hey you.” Kassie whispered. “I’m glad you came out.” Kassie then leaned over and planted a soft kiss on Madison’s nose.

Any worry about awkwardness melted away.

Showering together, Madison considered the virtues of dating women. Kassie’s shower was pristine and had all sorts of interesting products she had been meaning to try. And when she got out of the shower, she was offered a fresh and fluffy towel.

“I could get used to this.” Madison said jokingly to Kassie.

Kassie only responded by smiling at her so genuinely that Madison wondered how she was the same girl that made her suck on a dildo. How Kassie could also be Vixen, a girl who found 8 men to cum on them while fingering her.

“Do you want breakfast?” Kassie asked.

Over breakfast they talked and shared. Madison was surprised at how completely normal Kassie seemed. Two years younger than her, she had started working for Jay out of high school. And to her complete surprise, the two of them had never had sex.

“I know it sounds crazy, but I think Jay would find that to be unprofessional. Jay and Jasmine seem crazy from the outside, but they adhere to their own very strict set of rules.”

Jasmine’s name woke Madison up from the fantasy she was in and all of a sudden she lost her appetite.

“Actually, believe it or not, I came out because I need your help. Jasmine texted me and she wants to meet. I don’t know why, but I’m totally petrified of her. What’s she like? Do you know what she wants?”

Kassie paused and looked down at her half eaten pancake.

“Kas? Jasmine, what does she want from me?”

“All I can say is that she’s not Jasmine Lee in Real Life.”

“What? What does that mean?” Madison asked

Kassie looked up as if searching for words. Looking back at Madison, “I guess I’ll just show you.”

Kassie got up and went to the room and grabbed her iPad. Coming back, she set it on the table in front of them.

“You can’t tell her I showed you this. I’ll lose my job. Seriously, I’ll lose my job.”

Kassie opened up her browser and went to

Madison leaned in, unsure of what was going on.

Kassie searched and pulled up a channel and clicked on a video. It was a video of a woman getting eaten out by another woman while sucking a massive cock. The top of her face was blurred out so you couldn’t tell who it was. But the voice had a familiar quality. And the massive cock was distinctly identifiable.

“Is that…” Madison began




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