My Brother’s Wife (Part 7)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](
My father disappeared just as suddenly as he had arrived, but I knew that he’d seen everything.

He saw Dani’s legs wrapped around me, my shorts at my knees, and my ass on full display.

He heard me groan like an animal as I exploded inside of her, all while I was swirling in the strange mixture of pleasure and shame.

It was only a matter of time until somebody caught us, but why the fuck did it have to be him? I suppose it could have been worse—it could have been my mom—but I found myself wishing that Mike had caught us instead. We could have hashed it out right there, falling into a frenzy of flying fists and cursing each other until one of us emerged victoriously. It would have been messy, but at least the conflict would have been direct.

Dani slipped down from my arms as the door slammed shut, already sobbing, her voice full of panic. “Oh my god. Oh my god. What the fuck, Alex? He saw us. What the fuck are we going to do?”

“I don’t know…”

More important was the question of what my dad was going to do. Was he out there spilling our secret to the rest of the family? Had he gone upstairs to rouse Mike and warn him that his brother was fucking his wife in the garage? Or would he keep quiet and torture us with his silence?

Anything but that, please…

I helped Dani get her white beach robe on as she tucked her breasts back into her bikini top, rubbing her shoulders gently only to find her cringe at my touch.

Before I could say anything, the door swung open again. Dani and lurched away from each other like two teenagers who’d just been caught making out. My dad came into the garage and shut the door, sighing to himself but refusing to look at us.

“Dani,” he said, his voice trembling, “why don’t you take a plate of food up to Mike? Alex, let’s take a walk.”

Neither of us protested, and Dani rushed out of the garage, furiously wiping the tears from her eyes.

My parent’s neighborhood was lively with people enjoying their Sunday. Kids occupied entire culdesacs, playing games that only they understood the rules for. Old couples walked along the sidewalks with their smiling labradors, waving at us as we passed. And my father and I floated through it all like ghosts, silent and pale despite the beauty of the afternoon.

When we came to the park on the other side of the neighborhood, my father picked out a bench at random and had a seat. I followed suit, taking the opposite end of the bench.

He let out another hefty, fatherly sigh that made me retreat into myself. *Christ, just fucking say something, please…*

“I remember watching you boys play basketball here every summer,” he finally said, clearing his throat. “When you were teenagers, I would sometimes grab one of the benches on the far side of the field, that way you two wouldn’t know I was watching. I know how it is at that age. Most kids don’t want their parents around all the time.”

“I didn’t know that, Dad,” I said, my voice breaking pathetically.

“You weren’t a bad team out there. But when Mikey’s temper got a hold of him, things would usually fall apart. He got so many fights out there…”

“I got in a few myself,” I said, laughing at the memory of stupid basketball court beefs. They were so dramatic at the time, but now they seemed silly and small.

“You did,” my father replied, finally looking at me. His face was drooped, sapped of its usual gravity-defying lightness, “but you only fought when you had to, Alex. Mike… Mike sought it out. He would fight any son-of-a-bitch just for daring to block his shot. Not you—you’ve always been the level-headed one.”

He paused as a family walked in front of us, and for a moment it felt like we were two spies exchanging information that could sink nations.

“So what the fuck happened to that boy, Alex?” he continued. “What changed that would cause you to do something so God damn stupid?”

He stared at me, waiting for an answer.

“Her, Dad.” I knew he wouldn’t like it, but it was the only answer I had to give. “Dani… I’m in love with her.”

“And you think your brother isn’t? Jesus Christ, did it ever occur to you that his marriage to Dani is the only thing keeping Mike from drinking himself to fucking death?”

So there it is, out in the open, the elephant that’s been in the room and ignored for years.

Rage boiled in me like those days on the basketball court when some asshole had finally pushed me to my limit, and I slid across the bench and snapped back, “It’s always fucking been like this with him. Our family coddles Mike because everyone is afraid to set him off or push him towards another bender, but why the fuck is that our problem? She doesn’t love him anymore, and she never loved him like she loves me now.”

I held his gaze, listening to a ball bounce before sailing through the rusty set of chains on the court. “Should Dani be trapped in her marriage because her husband might kill himself if she leaves?”

“Her husband is your brother, Alex,” he replied, shaking his head as he spoke. “Don’t you care about him at all or anyone else in this family? This road you’ve chosen to walk will not end well… and no matter how self-righteous your rhetoric is, nothing excuses what you and Dani have done. You’ve gone behind all of our backs—you’ve lied to us all.”

We sat in silence for a moment, the sting of his words hanging in the air. He was right, but I’d made my choice.

“We won’t stop, Dad,” I said, staring out at the setting sun. “So, what now?”

My Dad rose with a dramatic grunt, looking down at me and shrugging his shoulders. “That’s for you two to figure out, son. I’ve said my piece, and I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything. Just leave me out of your confession when the time comes.”

He was already walking away, and I didn’t have the strength to follow.

“But then you’ll be lying too,” I called out.

He turned and shrugged, smiling as a bit of his usual joyfulness returned to his face. “You forget that I had top-secret security clearance for thirty years. Sometimes lying is the only path forward.”

With one last stern look, he continued back towards the house. I know what look meant. That the lie was safe with him, but that it would have to end with me.

The bench seemed to suck me into it. No matter how many times I told myself to get up, I couldn’t will my body to move. I couldn’t go back and face the mess that I’d created. An orange tint had veiled the park, and I was reminded of so many summer nights spent playing ball and chasing girls.

“Mind if I join you?”

Dani’s voice was more angelic, more beautiful than that sunset could ever hope to be, returning some of the strength to my body. I wiped my cheeks, suddenly aware that I had been crying. She slid in next to me, close but not close enough to touch.

She’d ditched the beach robe and changed into a pair of tight denim shorts and a loose white tank top. I could still see the black bikini underneath it all, the straps of her bottoms draped over the waist of her shorts. She dangled her legs off the bench, her sandals catching in the grass.

“He’s not going to say anything,” I finally mumbled, letting out a deep sigh. “But we have to, Dani.”

Dani gazed out over the field, and her hand crept into mine. Her touch was gentle and loving, some comfort in the storm. “I know.”

“How’s Mike doing?”

“He’s still sleeping it off,” she said, shrugging at me. “He managed to get some food down, but just barely.”

“How do we tell him? How do we tell everyone that we’ve been lying to them?”

“Not tonight,” Dani sighed. “Let’s not worry about it tonight…”

And we didn’t. Twilight slid its veil over the world as we sat on that bench and pretended that we didn’t have a care in the world. I told her stories about my childhood and teenage years getting into trouble there. The park emptied, everyone retreating to the warmth of their homes, but Dani and I stayed, finding plenty of heat in our embrace.

She lifted her legs onto the bench, sliding down until her head rested in my lap. My fingers traced along the bottom of her shorts, probing underneath them and lingering on her soft thighs.

“You know, I had my first kiss right over there,” I said, gesturing to a group of trees ahead of us. “It was so bad. I had no idea what I was doing.”

Dani nestled her head deeper into my lap, not shying away from my half-hard member rising in my shorts. “Well, you’ve definitely improved.”

“If only it had been you.” I brushed her dark hair back as she rubbed her cheek against me, my hand trembling slightly at the thought of her lips around my cock. “Things would have been so different if you had met me first.”

“It’s a tragedy. I know,” she said, kissing my erection through the thin fabric. “So let’s make up for lost time.”

A chill ran up my spine as Dani’s warm hands found their way under my shorts, her fingers wrapping around my shaft and pulling my cock out into the cool air.

“Dani…” I moaned, scanning around the park, making note of the few people still left. The lights had come on at the basketball courts behind us, and a game of three-on-three was starting up.

She kissed and licked at my tip like it was a melting popsicle, shushing me as she teased. “I need you. I need to taste you, please.”

After everything that had just happened, you would think that we would find the willpower to control ourselves. But there was nothing we could do. It was beyond lust or desire or impulse. We needed each other like we needed our fucking hearts to circulate blood through our bodies. When she touched me, I was alive. Our love was simply invincible.

No matter what the future held for us, I knew that everything would be OK if we were together in the end.

Dani took me in her mouth slowly, moaning as she cherished every bit of me. I had given up on keeping a lookout, instead, I watched her head bob up and down, my eyes desperate to watch every spot on her body at the same time. I pulled her legs in tight, taking her sandals off so I could rub her perfect feet with one hand. My other hand lingered around the back of her neck, occasionally breaching the back of her shirt and clawing at the flesh between her shoulder blades.

“When this over,” I huffed, pulling her hair back so I could watch her mouth take me in. “When we’ve come clean and can finally be together, I want you off of your birth control. I want you swollen and bursting with my children, Dani. I want to have a family with you…”

Her eyes lit up, and my confession made her hungrier for me than ever before. One of her delicate hands shot between my legs, cradling my balls as if to worship the fortunate semen that would one day impregnate. But that load of sperm was destined for another, just as glorious, hole.

Dani moaned delightfully as the force of my orgasm hit the back of her throat. She didn’t back down, forcing her head down until her nose was pressed deep into my crotch. A violent groan escaped my lips. Dani’s hand flew up to cover my mouth, and I licked her salty palm as my muffled cries of pleasure filled my ears.

When she was sure that she’d swallowed every drop of my cum, Dani raised herself, staring into my dazed eyes. “I want that too, Alex,” she whispered, gracing my lips with the softest kiss I’ve ever felt. “I want to feel our child growing inside of me. I want to feel your love born in our baby…”

I laughed, suddenly realizing that I was crying again. In all my life, I never thought that I would ever want children. But Dani made the future so clear to me, and it was nothing short of a loving family surrounding us as we grew old together.

“Lay back down,” I said, guiding her body back into my lap until she was staring up at me.

Her toes curled as I unbuttoned her shorts and slid my hand down until I’d found my way beneath her bikini bottoms.

“Will you still fuck me when I’m pregnant?” She asked, gasping as I gently played with her clit.

“Even harder than before,” I promised, watching her face contort as the waves of pleasure crashed over her. “I can’t wait to feel that beautiful belly when it’s carrying our future.”

Dani moaned up at the skin, her body shivering as I slid two fingers into her. “Nobody has ever talked to me this, Alex.”

“No one has ever loved you like I do,” I proclaimed. I’d never been so sure of anything in my entire life. “No one could ever match my love for you.”

Behind us, the basketball game reached its heated conclusion, a few of the boys arguing about an alleged foul.

The rest of the park was dark and empty, save for a few people walking their dogs.

And on that bench, Dani melted in my lap.

We were like two teenagers caught in a passionate summer love, desperate to stop time and live in the arms of our lovers forever.

***New chapters posted daily…***

***If you’re enjoying this series, please, don’t hesitate to let me know! Your feedback is welcomed and cherished!***



  1. I hope the ending is a good one for these two. Never have i shipped two characters so hard.

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