My boss is a male Porn Star, and I enjoy seeing him fuck IG models [MF]

You know, you don’t aspire to become a personal assistant. You just fall into it, basically to get a job and pay the bills. That’s me. Smart guy in college, couldn’t land a job. Found this gig, met the porn star (let’s call him John) and became really good at being his assistant. I get paid well, benefits, etc… So yeah, that’s me.

The key to the job is being really organized. Like super organized. With the social media, and bookings and shoots and travel, John is really busy. Everybody wants to fuck him, book him or date him. So I basically help manage John’s calendar, social media, all that. There’s a female assistant on the team as well, and she helps with the finances. No funny business between us at all. One of our rules is that at least one of us needs to be in the room with John. Just a safety type of thing, for everybody.

The corporate bookings (think porn company), are actually kind of boring. They got the process down. So from my end, it’s really seamless to coordinate the paperwork, contracts, travel, money, etc.. There’s enough people on set where there’s not really a concern a

bout a safety thing. But on his private dates and stuff, that’s kind where I get off watching him.

So let’s say an Insta girl or model wants to slide into his DMs. Let’s call her Mary. It’s always me chatting (I let them know I’m his asst). If Mary isn’t crazy, and the logistics work out, then I tell John about it. He’ll share his feedback, and if we’re a go, then I set up a date with the Insta model. They may DM, text or call each other, to build some rapport. But I’m handling the actual date stuff and most of the communication.

On date night, I’ll meet Mary and walk her to the hotel room. Go over his ground rules (basic normal stuff). Sometimes John will ask Mary to wear something special. Most of them, I’m picking out what’s she’s wearing. Mary will get herself ready, and boom, John walks into the room. Some small talk (or not), then they’ll start going at it. The assistant(s) are always in the room, and everybody knows about this. But the thing is, it’s really hot to see this Insta model get fucked by John. Like John’s really good at his job. And the fact that I’ve been chatting with the model all the time, like we’re kinda friendly. It’s really fucking hot to see her get dominanted. Sometimes the sex can be really sensual. Sometimes the sex can just be pure raw energy fucking. All of the time, the girl is just broken, just fucked out of existance.

After the fucking, John leaves and sometimes I need to help Mary out. Just get her things or whatever. Most of the time the female assistant helps here. But I’m coordinating the car, walking her down, etc.. Most of the time, Mary’s not really ready to leave, she’s still in shock. So we’ll grab some coffee or a drink or whatever. This is like an exit interview of sorts. We’ll be chatting, and she’ll have this ‘holy fuck’ realization. Then Mary will go on and on, giddy and all. She’ll start asking me questions and chatting about the date. “Do you think he liked it? What are the other girls doing? Is he free tomorrow?” That kind of stuff. Like they’re asking me for insider tips. But yeah, it’s super hot for me to arrange the dates, figure out the logistics, pick her lingerie, watch her get fucked, and have this exit interview thing. Plus having a super hot girl next to me, having a drink is an ego boost itself. Even if she’s only talking to me, because of John.

In this weird way, I’m the gatekeeper. Since I’m the assistant, I’m managing the calendar and logistics. So if the model is being super nice and flirting with me, then she’ll get bumped up earlier. If she’s being a bitch, then I just won’t text her back.

I’ve told John about this weird voyeur cuckold kink of mine. Even though he’s my boss, given the weird circumstances you gotta have open communication. John’s super cool about this though. You do you bro. Just cover my butt and don’t do anything stupid. But yeah, whatever you want man. That sort of thing.

So of course, I’m going to make sure everybody is safe and comfortable. But if a girl is throwing herself at him, and says to me “What do I need to do to make this happen?” Then yeah, I’ll tell her about my kinks and ask her to play along. Most are surprisingly accommodating, and are willing to jump through whatever hoops, just to fuck John. Incredible.

Anyways, that’s my story. Let me know if you have any questions



  1. This would absolutely not be the job for me, but it’s interesting as hell. thanks for sharing

  2. Tell her you gotta let me fuck all your holes and I’ll make it happen for you. 😃

  3. great read just a question for you don’t you want to fuck them yourself after he’s finished with them

  4. Has this impacted your personal sex life, and if so how? For instance, when you’re off the clock, are you only dating Instagram model quality women? Is your voyeur kink a part of what you do on your own time?

    Do the women you date / have sex with know that you see what you see and enjoy it because of your voyeurism? Do they want to know all about it or do they want to know nothing about it?

  5. This was great to read and I’d like to hear more about your experience.

    How does the female assistant feel about working for John?

    How many instagram followers does one of his hookups have on average? What’s the maximum number of followers one has had?

    What did you major in?

    On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being me and 10 being Jason Luv how popular/mainstream is John?

  6. Wait, why do the IG models have sex with him? Just for pleasure, or is it filmed or something? And what’s in it for John, aside from the sex?

  7. not believing any of this, male pornstars have to pay woman to fuck them on camera. now i am gonna believe there are girls clambering to get fucked by some pornstar, when these IG models can fuck any guy they want, nope not buying it.

  8. Please help me understand. I get that wealthy men try to employ Instagram models, but can you explain to me why Instagram models want to fuck a porn star, unless of course they want to become pornstars

  9. There are many Instagram models that make a living off teasing online. It must be so satisfying to see them in this environment.

    Of all them to have visited for John’s services, what is the number of the biggest follower count? I wonder if he’s been visited by anyone I’m familiar with. Like, do girls with millions of followers still do stuff like this, or are they relatively new/obscure models.

  10. That’s fascinating. Are the models paying for these encounters? Is it photographed or anything?

    Or is it really just “Mary wants to fuck John because he’s a pornstar?”

    In my day job, I play a similar gatekeeper role with a pretty famous athlete. It’s weird how folks can react to being told no by someone in that role.

  11. you are a good pimp dude haha There are so many unspoken professions yours is one of them . good you enjoy it . It’s not easy to get a good assistant

  12. Why would an IG model want to date him?

    I mean, just because he’s a porn star? Or is it because he’s rich and offering a lot of money? Or what?

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