[FF] The Djinn

Based on the prompt from u/BodyComplimenterNSFW.


“So, what exactly is it, again?” Cassie cocked her eyebrow in slight confusion as she held the small cube.

“It’s a puzzle box,” the elderly man behind the counter replied. “You move the box in specific ways, until it finally allows you inside. It’s a fun way to store things.” His bifocals straddled the very tip of his nose, threatening to fall off at any moment.

The redhead hefted the item, feeling how unusually heavy it was. “How much?” She had a suspicious look on her face.

“Well, I could let it go for…fifty? I did pick it up at a curio stand a few years back from a quality maker.”

“Hm,” she pondered for a minute, her hazel eyes flicking between it and the store owner. “Forty, and I’ll pay cash.”

The man chuckled. “You’re a tough nut, but I can do that. Deal.”

She paid, thanked him, and started the long walk home. She put the trinket in her coat pocket, and pulled the wool cap down further on her head. It was bitterly cold today, and she wanted to get home as soon as possible.

As she came into the common room of her two bedroom apartment, trying to shuck her shoes off at the door, a voice rattled her back out of her own head.

“Oh, hey.”

Cassie jumped, and let out a small squeak. She quickly took off her round, bookish glasses, and rubbed them on the hem of her shirt, wiping off the condensation that was inhibiting her vision.

“H-hey, Lindsay,” she managed to get out, replacing her glasses. She felt her cheeks get hot as she took in the sight of her roommate. Her long, blonde hair hung wet halfway down her back, clearly just out of the shower. She wore a white, fluffy robe, with the pull cord tied tightly around her thin waist, only further exaggerating her wide, rounded hips. The neckline of the robe was only just barely able to keep her ample cleavage out of sight.

She smiled warmly. “Aw, Cassafrass. Didn’t mean to make you jump. I got off work early today, and I just felt nasty. Had to wash the work stink off.”

Cassie felt her stomach turn in knots at the pet name. She swallowed, and took a deep breath.

*Keep it together, Cass. Keep it together.*

“It’s uh…it’s fine. I just didn’t expect you.” She reached into her pocket, pulled out the box, then set her coat down on the couch arm.

As Lindsay sauntered into the kitchen, Cassie’s eyes couldn’t help but linger on her figure. The robe pinched a bit in back, attempting to accommodate a slightly larger ass than it was probably sized for, given Lindsay’s other dimensions. It stretched and swayed with her generously full cheeks. “So uh, I found something kind of neat today. At that little shop on the corner of 5th and Center.”

“Oh yeah? Find a little treasure in one of your resale stores?” Lindsay answered while she rifled through the fridge.

Cassie held out the little toy, her hand shaking slightly. “It’s some sort of like…geometric puzzle.” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Like you have to move it in the right way to get it to open.”

Lindsay pulled out a plastic crate of blueberries, and turned her attention to the wooden object. “Oh, yeah. My brother had a Japanese Puzzle box he got on his exchange program. I could never figure it out,” she popped open the cover, and ate a berry, “But I’ll bet you can do it.” She smiled.

“Oh, well, uh, I don’t know about that.” Cassie blustered, and pulled her hand back.

“Don’t be modest,” Lindsay’s tone took on an air of no-nonsense. “We talked about this, no more self-doubt. What are you?”

The thin ginger shuffled a little, holding her arm with her other arm. “I’m…capable…”

“Capable and…?”

“Capable and smart.”

Lindsay grinned, and chomped another blueberry. “Damn right. Want some?” She offered the fruit to Cassie.

“Oh, no thank you. I really should get to bed actually…” Cassie awkwardly backed away, “I’ll see you tomorrow…night!” then quickly walked to her room, and shut the door.

Once on the other side, she leaned against it, cursing herself.

*God…shit. Could I have been any more awkward?!* She thumped her head with her closed fist.

She slowly let herself fall to the floor, her back still pressed against her door. She hung her head, resting her arms on her knees.

*Why did it have to be the bathrobe…*

She exhaled. She opened her palm, and examined the box more closely. Sliding her thumb across its surface, she admired how well-made it was. The joints and seams were practically invisible, and every bit of it seemed to be meticulously polished. She applied a bit of pressure to one of the joints, and felt it give.

*Maybe I can open this thing.*

She applied more pressure, and a thin plank that comprised the upper half of one of its sides slid out of place, out to about an inch outside the box’s bounds, then stopped.

*I guess that’s the first step. Who knows how many more there are?*

She reached into her pocket, and checked her phone for the time. 7:16pm. It was still early. She looked back down at the puzzle box and sighed.

*Beats just sitting here thinking about Lindsay.*

She set to work, trying to discover the next step to opening her new distraction up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sv5eot/ff_the_djinn


  1. *Almost there.*

    The object in her hands now more closely resembled a Jenga tower than a cube. Thin, precisely crafted slats of wood sprawled out in every direction. Nearly the only thing that remained fastened was the lid. She’d completely lost track of time, hype fixated as she was.

    *I think…I think if I just push this piece…like this…*


    The lid came off.

    “Hah!” she practically yelled in excitement. “Fuck yeah!”

    “AT LAST!” Another voice spoke.

    Cassie screamed, tossing the box to the floor. “W-what the fuck?!”

    There was silence for a few seconds. “Who said that?!”

    Her breathing came out in short gasps, her heart thumping in her chest.

    Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, dark smoke began to pour out from the box. Cassie shook as she tried to get away from it, her back hitting her door again.

    The smoke swirled and moved, not idly drifting, but with intention and purpose. More and more filled the room, then pulled in on itself, taking a rough shape. A *humanoid* shape.

    She was too scared to move, to think. It was all she could do just to breath and watch.

    Finally, the vapors coalesced, bringing forth a solid creature, which popped into existence, then fell on the floor.

    “Mmmmph,” the being mumbled from what Cassie could only assume was a face planted on her bedroom floor. Taking a moment to examine it from across the room, it looked to be a thin person, roughly five-ish feet tall, with red-tinted skin. They, or it, wore a light fabric in a sort of tunic, dyed a beautiful deep purple. A feathery swirl of snow-white hair topped what she assumed was its head.

    Slowly, the creature got up, then stood.

    “Salutations, Puzzle Solver.”

    It may have looked vaguely person-like, but it was certainly not human. Its face had sharp, vaguely threatening features, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. It looked neither masculine, nor feminine, but instead straddled the line between in a sort of impish parody of gender. Its voice was sultry, confident, soft-spoken and tender, but with a weight of authority and power.

    Cassie swallowed, unable to choke out a reply. She gripped the carpet underneath her.

    The creature blinked, annoyed. “I understand why mine visage might give thee pause, but I implore you to indulge me for a moment.”

    Cassie blinked, terrified.

    It cleared its throat. “I am yet unaware of how long my latest rest doth held me captive, perhaps mine tongue need be…renewed,” and in an instant, it was inches from Cassie’s face. She yelped in surprise.

    “I do beg your pardon for the impropriety, but in order for our inevitable contract to be fulfilled, a slightly uncomfortable task of language acquisition must needs be brought about,” then, without any further warning, it kissed her.

    She felt its lips, somehow radiating an almost painful amount of heat, press against hers, as its unnaturally long tongue probed her mouth, gently feeling within it with unsettling dexterity. Before she could try to push the thing off of her, it disengaged, levitating back to its former position in the center of the room.

    She sat, stunned, while it seemed to be lost in thought. After a moment, its eyes locked with hers. “Now then, how’s this? English certainly has changed in the time since my last appearance.”

    “I…fuck.” It was all Cassie could manage to stammer out.

    “I’m not sure you do,” it smiled smugly, “In all seriousness, I know this is a lot. Take your time, and I’ll answer any questions you might have.”

    Cassie glanced at her phone, then scrambled to it. She picked it up, intending to dial 911. She wasn’t even sure what they’d be able to help her with, but it was the only thing she could think of. She heard fingers snap, then her phone disappeared from her grasp.

    “I really wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’m assuming this is a communication device of some type, yes?” It held her phone with an inquisitive stare.

    Cassie nodded.

    “Listen, I’m not here to cause you trouble. Quite the opposite. But I’m going to need you to trust me. I’ve done this song and dance a thousand times, possibly more, and I’m a patient being, but if you try to show me to other people, it’s only going to end up making you look crazy. Do we understand each other?”

    Despite the panic in her chest, she managed to nod again.

    “Good. Now, can we talk this out like rational entities?”

    Cassie coughed, clearing her throat. “Y-yeah…I…I think so.”

    “Oh, look, it speaks,” there was a sardonic tone that resonated through its strange voice.

    “Okay…you…you said I could ask you questions. What are you?”

    “Finally, the right question to ask!” It gave a deep bow, while bending at the knee slightly, all while still floating a few inches above the ground. “I, am what your kind may refer to as a Djinn!”

    Cassie looked gobsmacked. “A Djinn? Like, what, a genie?”

    It shrugged. “If that’s what your era calls me, then yes. I understand you humans have a sort of lore around us.”

    “Aren’t genies in lamps?”

    It looked slightly annoyed. “That only happened once, and it wasn’t to me. The truth is, we Djinn could be bound or contained in any given vessel of sufficient make and quality, given that the one doing the sealing is properly powerful, of course.” A malevolent smile danced across it face.

    “Hold on. Are you, like, evil? Like are you going to try to hurt me?”

    It waved its hand. “Evil is a strong word. *Bored* is more like it, really. See, there was a time when we roamed free, as beings of elemental energy. The problem you *humans* had with us was all the natural disasters.”

    “So you are evil.”

    It shook its head fervently. “No. We are beings of pure elemental force, some more chaotic than others. It is in our nature to be unpredictable and destructive at times, we never reveled in hurting your kind.”

    “Well then…you must be kind of pissed about being trapped, then, right?”

    It sighed. “There was a time when there was…animosity. Users of great magics long ago found ways to bind us into simple objects. Eventually, a compromise was reached. We would reign ourselves in a bit, and in return, the practice of sealing Djinn would cease. There were, however, some complications.”

    “Complications…?” Cassie’s fear had given way to curiosity.

    It gave a quick nod. “Those of us who had already been sealed were doomed to *stay* sealed, apart from very special circumstances.” It floated over to Cassie. “But enough about all that. I know what question you *really* want to ask.” Its opaque, black eyes opened wide, topping its big, sharp-toothed grin.

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